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TEST-2A, MAR 2021-22

Wave optics

Time Allowed: 60 min MM-15

1. State Huygen’s principal of secondary wavlets. Using this derive snell’s law of refraction of light. (3)

2. Define diffraction of light and write its necessary condition. (2)

3. In the phenomenon of diffraction of light at single slit explain the formation of central maxima,
secondary maxima and minima and hence obtain necessary expressions for their positions.
Also draw variation of intensity with angle in diffraction pattern. (3)

4. In the phenomenon of diffraction of light at single slit show that the liner width of central
maximum is double the liner width of secondary maximum. (2)

5. Write any four differences between interference and diffraction of light. (2)

6. What is a sustained interference pattern? Write any four conditions for obtaining sustained
interference pattern of light. (3)


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