Word Problem Worksheet & Solutions For Rosyth Paper 2 P5 Mathematics SA2 2021

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P5 Maths SA2 2021 Word Problems – Rosyth

Word Problem Worksheet

& Solutions
For Rosyth Paper 2
P5 Mathematics SA2 2021

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P5 Maths SA2 2021 Word Problems – Rosyth

Show your working clearly in the space provided for each question and write your answers in
the spaces provided.

6. Difference in amount both had at first = 450 – 265 = $185

Ratio in the end → 7u : 3u
Difference in amount in the end = 7u – 3u = 4u
4u = 185
u = 185 ÷ 4 = 46.25
7u = 7 x 46.25 = $323.75
Cost of tennis racket = 450 – 323.75 = $126.25

Ans: $126.25

7. Area of shaded triangle = ½ x 10 x (10+3) = 65 cm2

Area of 2 squares = 10 x 10 + 3 x 3 = 109 cm2
Unshaded area = 109 – 65 = 44 cm2

Ans: 44 cm2

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P5 Maths SA2 2021 Word Problems – Rosyth

8. ∠BDC = 90 ÷ 2 = 45° (BCD is isosceles triangle)

∠ADE = 180 – 45 – 78 = 57°
∠DAE = 90 – 57 = 33°

Ans: 33°

9. 3
of remaining money → $66
→ 66 x 3 = $198
→ $198
→ 198 ÷ 9 → 22
→ 22 x 10 → $220 = Amount Tim had at first

Ans: $220

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P5 Maths SA2 2021 Word Problems – Rosyth

10!. Difference between the 2 perimeters = length of (6-2) = 4 sides

Length of 4 sides = 72 – 38 = 34 cm
Length of 1 side = 34 ÷ 4 = 8.5 cm
Area of 1 square = 8.5 x 8.5 = 72.25 cm2

Ans: 72.25 cm2

11. Let volume of Container A in the end = u

Volume of Container B in the end = 4u
Total = u + 4u = 5u = 10.25 ℓ
u = 10.25 ÷ 5 = 2.05 ℓ
Volume of Container B in the end = 4u = 4 x 2.05 = 8.2 ℓ
Volume of Container B at first = 8.2 – 2.75 = 5.45 ℓ

Ans: 5.45 ℓ

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P5 Maths SA2 2021 Word Problems – Rosyth

12. a)

Cost of printing 40 invitation cards = $90


Xavier printed 60 invitation cards

Cost per card after the 80th = 200−80
= $2

Ans: a) $90

b) 60

c) $2

13. a)
Excess amount paid on blouse = $52.30
Cost of skirt = (189.10 – 52.30) ÷ 2 = $68.40
Cost of blouse = 68.40 + 52.30 = $120.70
Undiscounted price of blouse & skirt = 189.10 + 38.40 = $227.50
Percent of discount = 38.40 ÷ 227.50 x 100 = 16.879 ≈ 16.9%

Ans: a) $120.70
b) 16.9%

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P5 Maths SA2 2021 Word Problems – Rosyth

14. Let length of each roll = u

Number of pieces from first roll = 40
Number of pieces from first roll = 60
𝑢 7𝑢
Number of suns = 40 x 7 = 40
𝑢 3𝑢
Number of stars = 60 x 9 = 20
7𝑢 3𝑢
Difference = 40 - 20
= 126

7u – 6u = 126 x 40 (x40)
u = 5040 cm = length of 1 roll of ribbon

Ans: 5040 cm

15. a)
Total number = 360 + 480 + 240 + 500 = 1580
Average = 1580 ÷ 4 = 395
Average on Saturday & Sunday = 395 + 85 = 480
Possible Saturday number = 485
Possible Sunday number = 475

Ans: a) 395

b) 485, 475

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P5 Maths SA2 2021 Word Problems – Rosyth

16!. Excess candles in 21 small boxes = 21 x 100 = 2100

Let n = number of the rest of small boxes = number of rest of big boxes
Number of candles in small boxes = number of candles in big boxes
100n + 2100 = 240n
240n – 100n = 2100
140n = 2100
n = 2100 ÷ 140 = 15
Total number of candles = 2 x 240n = 2 x 240 x 15 = 7200

Ans: 7200

17. Let cost of 1 ruler = u

Cost of 1 pen = 2u
Cost of 12 pens = 12 x 2u = 24u
Cost of 12 pens & 8 rulers = 24u + 8u = 32u
→ 32u
→ 32u ÷ 2 → 16u
→ 16u x 3 → 48u → remaining money

¼ of remaining money = ¼ x 48u = 12u

Number of pens she can buy with 12u = 12u ÷ 2u = 6
Total number of pens bought = 12 + 6 = 18
Ans: 18

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