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With approximately 135 million obese individuals, India is the second most obese country,
following china. Almost 400 people commit suicide on a daily basis in India, with approximately
one kid (under the age of 14) taking his or her life every hour. The numbers have been rapidly
increasing over the last 5 decades. The mental and emotional dieses as stress, anxiety,
depression and physical non communicable dieses as diabetes, blood pressure and heart dieses
have shown the similar and alarming statistics.

This certainly means that we are doing something fundamentally wrong. We have failed to
handle the life it was meant to be handled. Though we cannot reduce the stresses the kids, or,
in-fact every individual for that matter is subjected to in today’s world, we should at least equip
ourselves to deal with them.

It is high time we go back to our roots, make ourselves aware about our own ancient wisdom
and educate others about it. We could bring down the number of people suffering from
obesity, other non-communicable diseases, mental issues in just one generation if right habits
are imparted to kids from the very beginning. This could only happen if we ourselves are aware
about our culture and values.


These thesis project, would address the epidemic of obesity (physical illness) and depression
(mental illness). It would address the fact that how the very way of living; our lifestyle is costing
us our lives!

The primary aim of this particular thesis project is to make individuals aware about our
forgotten ancient knowledge. At exploring and studying the connections and links between
architecture and spirituality, the space and the soul.


The word spirituality derives from word sprit. The soul has the potential to attain the altered
states of consciousness. The process of cleansing the mind from all wrong habits, impressions,
education is the spiritual practice.
The term meditation refers to a broad variety of practices that includes techniques designed to
promote relaxation, build internal energy or life force and develop compassion, love, patience,
generosity and forgiveness. A particularly ambitious form of meditation aims at effortlessly
sustained single-pointed concentration meant to enable its practitioner to enjoy an
indestructible sense of well-being while engaging in any life activity.

Spirituality and architecture:

Spirituality and architecture are interlinked where different layers lead to creation of holistic
environment. The tactile and sensory nature of architecture enables man to integrate a built
environment physically, psychologically and visually. These qualities of architecture can be
expressed as a space which evokes and invokes spiritual responses in people.

Spiritual Architecture:

Spiritual architecture refers to any place that facilitates this awareness. It is an act of
highlighting or bringing forth, the self, not by rejecting the matter, but by manifesting it in
matter at various levels.

The designation of a place as spiritual comes from the human need to establish a connection
with inner truth.

Architecture together with other arts, has been one of the most powerful means to pursue and
realize this quest and give it a physical-symbolic expression: how to create an identity and a
place for our being from within the vast, shapeless and infinite extent of time and space, how to
affirm our presences and gain a foothold, in the universe.




The center facilitates the practice of yoga and meditation. The primary aim of this
center would to make the people aware about this vast ancient wisdom, not just
through teaching, but practicing and experiencing it on a daily basis. It would primarily
teach the yogic way of living, focus on meditation and yoga as a means to pursue
spirituality. Here short term wellness programs and courses would be offered. This
center would serve as a center for mental wellness and holistic wellbeing.
Users and primary program:

Anyone, who wishes to learn yoga and meditation, will be welcomed in the center. The
other users of the center will be, teachers and the supporting staff.
The primary program would be spiritually designed learning spaces, prayer and
meditation halls, the living facility for students.
The secondary program would include eating spaces, music and dance halls, gathering
spaces, administration area etc.

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