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Administration of Police Organization

Police - one of the pillars of the criminal justice system that has the specific responsibility of maintaining law and
order and combating crime within the society.
         - comes from Latin "politia"-civil administration which itself derives from the ancient Greek police "city"

Administration - an organizational process concerned with the implementation of objectives and plans and
internal operating efficiency.

Organization - a group of persons working together for a common goal or objectives.

Police Organization - a group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the
achievement of goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of peace and order, protection of life and
property, enforcement of the laws and the prevention of crimes.

Enforcement - means to compel obedience to a law, regulation or command.

Law Enforcement Agency - pertains to an organization responsible for enforcing the laws.

Objectives - refer to the purpose by which the organization was created. Refer to the goals of the organization.

Supervision - means the act of watching over the work or tasks of the members of the organization to ensure that
desired results are achieved.

Management - the process of directing and facilitating the work of people organized in formal groups in order to
achieve objectives. Judicious or wise use of resources (manpower, material, money, equipment,
supplies and time).

Hierarchy - represents the formal relationship among superiors and subordinates in any given organization. Serves
as the framework for the flow of authority downward and obedience upward, through the department.

Authority - the right to command and control the behavior of employees in lower positions within an
organizational hierarchy. Must be viewed in terms of prescribed roles rather than of individuals.
A particular position within the organization. Carries the same regardless of who occupies that position.

Management/Administrative Functions
1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Directing 
4. Controlling
5. Staffing
6. Reporting
7. Budgeting

Principles of efficient Management

* Division of work - work specialization can increase 

   efficiency with the same amount of effort.

* Authority and Responsibility- authority includes the 

   right to command and the power to require 
   obedience. One cannot have authority without

* Discipline - necessary for an organization to function 

   effectively, however, the state of the disciplinary
   process depends upon the quality of its leaders.

* Unity of Command - subordinate should receive 

   orders from one superior only.

* Scalar Chain - the hierarchy of authority is the order

   of ranks from the highest to the lowest levels of the 
   organization. Shows the vertical hierarchy of the
   organization which defines an unbroken chain of 
   units from top to bottom describing explicitly the
   flow of authority.

Organizational Units in the Police Organization

1. Functional Units
   Bureau - the largest organic functional unit within a
    large department; comprised of several divisions.

    Division - a primary subdivision of a bureau.

    Section - functional unit within a division that is

    necessary for specialization.

    Unit - functional group within a section or the

    smallest functional group within an organization.

2. Territorial Units 

    Post - a fixed point or location to which an officer is 

    assigned for duty.

    Route - a length of streets designated for patrol

    purpose, also called line beat.

    Beat - an area designed for patrol purposes 

    whether foot or motorized.

    Sector - an area containing two or more beat, 

    route or post.

    District - a geographical subdivision of a city for

    patrol purposes, usually with its own station.
    Area - a section or territorial division of a large city
    each comprised of designated districts.



POLITEIA – Greek word which means government of the city

POLITIA – Roman word which means condition of the state or government

POLICE – French word which was later adopted by the English language

    - policemen are regarded as servants of the community, who rely 
    for the efficiency of their functions upon the express needs of 
    the people.
    - policemen are civil servants whose key duty is the
    preservation of public peace and security.
    - policemen are regarded as state or servants of the
    higher authorities
    - the people have no share or have little participation
    with the duties nor connection with the police


    - police service gives the impression of being merely a
    suppressive machinery
    - this philosophy advocates that the measurement of
    police competence is the increasing number of arrests,
    throwing offenders in detention facilities rather than
    trying to prevent them from committing crimes
    - regards police as the first line of defense of the
    criminal justice system, an organ of crime prevention
    - police efficiency is measured by the decreasing number
    of crimes
    - broadens police activities to cater to social services
    and has for its mission the welfare of the individual
    as well as that of the community in general.


    - the family of the offended individual was expected to
    assume responsibility for justice
    - the family of the victim was allowed to exact
    - ancient rulers had elite unit to protect them
    - created the MEDJAYS, a form of police force whose
    duties include guarding of the tombs and apprehending
    - introduced the use of dogs as guards and protectors.
    - created the first organized police force called
    VIGILES OF ROME, or VIGILES URBANI (watchmen of the
    city), which had the primary task of firefighting and
    - the Vigiles acted as night watch, apprehending
   thieves, keeping an eye out for burglars and hunting
   down runaway slaves, and were on occasion used to
   maintain order in the streets
    - the Vigiles dealt primarily with petty crimes and
    looked for disturbances of the peace while they
    patrolled the streets
    - created a special unit called Praetorian Guards, a
    special force of guards used by Roman Emperors as the
    Emperors' personal guards
    - as personal guards of the Emperor, their primary duty
    was to protect the Emperor from assassination and
    other forms of attack against the Emperor.
    - required all males aged 12 and above to join a group
    of nine to form a Tything
    - members of the tything are called a Tythingmen
    - a Constable served as a leader of ten tythings
    - the primary task of the things was to protect their
    village from thieves and animals
    - tythings were later organized into Shires
    - a shire was headed by a leader called Shire Reeve,
    which is the origin of the word “sheriff”
    - their duty was to apprehend offenders
    - a parish official charged with controlling crimes
    - appointed to serve for one year
    - duties included organizing watchmen to guard the  
    - during trouble, the watchman would raise a “Hue and
    Cry”, a call to arms where the rest of the parish
    would stop what they were doing and come to the aid   
    of the constable.


    a. BOWSTREET RUNNERS - a group of men 
        organized to arrest offenders.
      - organized by Henry Fielding, a magistrate in   
        London,in 1749 in London, England.
      - the name was adopted from the name of the street 
        where the office of Henry Fielding was located.
      - when Henry Fielding retired as magistrate, he was
        replaced by his blind brother, John Fielding
      - the law that created the first modern police force in
        London England, called the Metropolitan Police   
      - this law was passed through the initiative of Sir
        Robert Peel, a member of the Parliament
      - the headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Service 
        is the Scotland Yard, now known as the New   
        Scotland Yard
SIR ROBERT PEEL - recognized as the Father Of Modern Policing System.


     - created in 1845 in New York, USA
     - recognized as the first modern style police    
       department in the US.
     - the largest police force in the world
     - modeled after the Metropolitan Police Service of
     - the oldest police department in the US
     - the first night watch was established in Boston in
     - formally founded in May, 1854.

AUGUST VOLLMER - recognized as the Father of Modern Law Enforcement for his contributions in the
development of the field of criminal justice in the US
- author of the book, Police Administration, which
served as the basic guide in the administration of the
police organization in the US
- was the first police chief of Berkeley, California.

Important Personalities in the Evolution of Philippine Policing

Brig.Gen. Rafael Crame - the first Filipino Chief of the Philippine Constabulary in 1917.

Col. Antonio Torres - the first Filipino Chief of Police of the Manila Police Department in 1935.

Col. Lambert Javalera -  the first chief of police of the Manila Police Department after the Philippine
Independence from the United States of America in 1946

Dir.Gen. Cesar Nazareno - the first chief of the Philippine National Police.


1998 and RA 9708


    - formerly Department of Local Government (DLG)
    - reorganized under RA 6975

ORGANIZATION: - consist of:

a) the Department proper
b) existing bureaus and offices of the DLG
c) local government units (LGU)
    1) provincial governors
    2) city and municipal mayors
d) the National Police Commission
e) the Philippine Public Safety College
f) Philippine National Police
g) Bureau of Fire Protection
h) Bureau of Jail Management and Penology
  - the PPSC, PNP, BFP and BJMP were created under RA
  - headed by the Secretary to be appointed by the
    President and who shall serve at the pleasure of the
  - the Secretary shall be assisted by two (2)
    Undersecretaries and three (3) Assistant Secretaries
      a) Undersecretary for Local Government
      b) Undersecretary for Peace and Order
  - No retired or resigned military officer or police
    official may be appointed as Secretary within one
   (1) year from date of retirement or resignation
  - the Secretary is also the ex officio chairman of the
    National Police Commission
1. Assist the President in the exercise of general
    supervision over local governments;
2. Advise the President in the promulgation of policies,
    rules, regulations and other issuances on the general
    supervision over local governments and on public     
    order and safety;
3. Establish and prescribe rules, regulations and other
    issuance's implementing laws on public order and
    safety, the general supervision over local  
    governments and the promotion of local autonomy
    and community empowerment and monitor compliance 
4. Provide assistance towards legislation regarding local
    governments, law enforcement and public safety;
    Establish and prescribe plans, policies, programs and
    projects to promote peace and order, ensure public
    safety and further strengthen the administrative,
    technical and fiscal capabilities of local government
    offices and personnel;
5. Formulate plans, policies and programs which will meet
    local emergencies arising from natural and man-made
    disasters; Establish a system of coordination and
    cooperation among the citizenry, local executives and
    the Department, to ensure effective and efficient
    delivery of basic services to the public;
6. Organize, train and equip primarily for the
    performance of police functions, a police force that
    is national in scope and civilian in character.


- under RA 6975, the Armed Forces of the Philippines
(AFP) was in charge with external security while the
DILG was in charge with internal security
- under RA 8551, the Armed Forces of the Philippines
is now in charge with both internal and external
security with the PNP as support through information
gathering and performance of ordinary police
- an agency attached to the DILG for policy
- shall exercise administrative control and
   operational supervision over the PNP.


"We envision the National Police Commission as a
highly dynamic, committed and responsive administering and
controlling body, actively and effectively facilitating the
evolvement of a highly professional, competent,
disciplined, credible and trustworthy PNP"


"To administer and control the Philippine National
Police with the end in view of maintaining a highly
professional, competent, disciplined, credible and
trustworthy PNP”


A. Exercise administrative control and operational
    supervision over the Philippine National Police (PNP)   
    which shall mean the power to:
  1. Develop policies and promulgate a police manual
      prescribing rules and regulations for efficient
      organization, administration, and operation, including
      criteria for manpower allocation distribution and
      deployment, recruitment, selection, promotion, and
      retirement of personnel and the conduct of qualifying
      entrance and promotional examinations for   
      uniformed members;
  2. Examine and audit, and thereafter establish  
      standards for such purposes on a continuing basis, 
      the performance, activities, and facilities of all police
      agencies throughout the country;
  3. Establish a system of uniform crime reporting;
  4. Conduct annual self-report surveys and compile
      statistical data for accurate assessment of the crime
      situation and the proper evaluation of the efficiency  
      and effectiveness of all police units in the country;
  5. Approve or modify plans and programs on education  
      and training, logistical requirements, communications, 
      records, information systems, crime laboratory, crime
      prevention and crime reporting;
  6. Affirm, reverse or modify, through the National
      Appellate Board, personnel administrative actions  
      involving the demotion or dismissal from the service
      imposed upon members of the Philippine National  
      Police by the Chief of the Philippine National Police;
  7. Exercise appellate jurisdiction through the Regional
      Appellate Boards, over administrative cases against
      policemen and over decisions on claims for police     
  8. Prescribe minimum standards for arms, equipment,  
      and uniforms and, after consultation with the  
      Philippine Heraldry Commission, for insignia of ranks,
      awards, medals of honor;
  9. Issue subpoena and subpoena duces tecum in  
      matters pertaining to the discharge of its own 
      powers and duties, and designate who among its  
      personnel can issue processes and administer oaths
      in connection therewith;
  10. Inspect and assess the compliance of the PNP on  
        the established criteria for manpower allocation,
        distribution and deployment and their impact on the 
        community and the crime situation, and thereafter
        formulate appropriate guidelines for maximization of
        resources and effective utilization of the PNP  

  11. Monitor the performance of the local chief 

        executives as deputies of the Commission; and
  12. Monitor and investigate police anomalies and

B. Advise the President on all matters involving police

     functions and administration;

C. Render to the President and to Congress an annual  

     report of its activities and accomplishments during the
     thirty (30) days after the end of the calendar year,  
     which shall include an appraisal of the conditions
     obtaining in the organization and administration of  
     police agencies in the municipalities, cities and  
     provinces throughout the country, and  
     recommendations for appropriate remedial    

D. Recommend to the President, through the Secretary,

    within sixty (60) days before the commencement of 
    each calendar year, a crime prevention program; and

E. Perform such other functions necessary to carry out   

    the provisions of R.A. 6975, as amended, other  
    existing laws and Presidential issuance's, and as the  
    President may direct.

1. One chairperson
2. Four regular commissioners
3. The Chief PNP as ex officio member
    * shall serve a term of office of six (6) years
        without reappointment or extension
    * three of the four regular commissioners shall come
       from civilian sector and not former members of the
       police or military
    * the fourth regular commissioner shall come from the
       law enforcement sector either active or retired
    * at least one (1) of the four regular commissioners
       shall be a woman
    * from among the three regular commissioners from  
       the civilian sector, the Vice Chairperson shall be
    * the Vice Chairperson shall act as the Executive
       Officer of the Commission
    * refer to the organizational structure of the

Important dates in the history of modern Philippine Policing

 1901 - ACT no. 175 of the Philippine Commission established the Philippine constabulary on august 8,
 1905 - The Philippine constabulary school was established at the sta. Lucia barracks in Intramuros
on February 17, 1905.
 1908 - The Philippine constabulary school was transferred to Baguio City.
 1916 - The Philippine constabulary school was renamed academy for officers of the Philippine
 1917 - On December 17, 1917, Brigadier General Rafael Crame from Rizal Province, became the first
Filipino chief of the Philippine constabulary.
 1926 - The academy for officers of the Philippine constabulary was renamed Philippine Constabulary
 1936 - the Philippine Constabulary Academy became the present day Philippine Military Academy.
 1938 - The Philippine Constabulary became the existing and organized national police force of the country
pursuant to commonwealth act no. 343 dated June 23, 1938 and EO no. 389 dated December 23, 1950. Thi
decree integrated local police forces into the Philippines constabulary operational and organizational set up
 1966 - congress enacted RA no. 4864, the police act of 1966. This law also created the Police Commission
 1972 - The POLCOM was reorganized as the National Police Commission.
 1975 - PD 765 was enacted. This law is called the Police Integration Law of 1975. The Integrated National
Police was established with the Philippine Constabulary as nucleus under the Department of national
Defense. The NAPOLCOM, originally under the office of the President was transferred to the Ministry of
National defense.
 1985 - The National Police Commission was returned to the office of the President pursuant to E.O 1040.
 1989 - Executive order 379 placed the integrated national Police directly under the command, supervision
and control of the President. This order vested the NAPOLCOM with the powers of administrative control
and supervision over the Integrated National Police.
 1990 - RA 6975 was passed on December 13, 1990 establishing the Philippine National Police under a
reorganized Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG). A new National Police Commission
was created under the DILG.
 1998 - Congress passed into law RA no. 8551 on February 25, 1998, otherwise known as the Philippine
National Police reform and reorganization act of 1998. This act strengthened and expanded
NAPOLCOM, authority over the PNP to include administration of police entrance examination and
conduct pre-charge investigation against police anomalies and irregularities and summary dismissal of
erring police members.



- functions that carry out the major purposes of the
organization, delivering the services and dealing
directly with the public
- the backbone of the police department
- examples of the line functions of the police are
patrolling, traffic duties, and crime investigation.

- functions that are designed to support the line
functions and assist in the performance of the line
- examples of the staff functions of the police are
planning, research, budgeting and legal advice

- functions involving the logistical operations of the
- examples are training, communication, maintenance,
records management, supplies and equipment management


- those that perform primary or line functions
- examples are patrol, traffic, investigation and vice
- those that perform the administrative functions
  examples are personnel, finance, planning and   
- those that perform auxiliary functions
- examples are communication, records    
  management, supplies.

- the systematic arrangement of the relationship of   the members, positions, departments and
  functions or work of the organization
- it is comprised of functions, relationships,
  responsibilities and authorities of individuals within
  the organization


- the oldest and simplest kind; also called military
- defined by its clear chain of command from the   
   highest to the lowest and vice versa
- depicts the line functions of the organization
- orders or commands must come from the higher l  
   level of authority before it can be carried out
- involves few departments

- structure according to functions and specialized units
- depicts staff functions of the organization
- responsibilities are divided among authorities who  
  are all accountable to the authority above.
- a combination of the line and functional kind
- combines the flow of information from the line
  structure with the staff departments that service,
  advise, and support them
- generally more formal in nature and has many



- the supreme source of government for any   
  particular organization
- the right to exercise, to decide and to command   
  by virtue of rank and position
- an organization exists because it serves a    
- provides for the organization’s objectives
- provides the various actions, hence, policies,
  procedures, rules and regulations of the org.  
  Are based on the statement of doctrines
- comprising behavioral regulations


- dictates that there should only be ONE MAN commanding
the unit to ensure uniformity in the execution of

- the maximum number of subordinates that a superior can effectively supervise

Factors affecting the span of control:

a) Leadership qualities of the supervisors
b) Nature of the job and work conditions
c) Complexity of task
d) Education and skill of the employees

- conferring of an amount of authority by a superior
   position to a lower-level position.

- the relationship between superiors and    
- serves as the framework for the flow of authority
  downward and obedience upward through the 

  HIERARCHY - represents the formal relationship

 among superiors and subordinates in any given

- the assignment of particular personnel to particular tasks


- the designation of certain activities or tasks as      
  ones that must be performed in a highly.
  technological, scientific or precise manner
- areas of police specialization include undercover
  works, crime scene operations, legal advising,
  computer work, SWAT operations and others


- the designation of particular persons as having
  expertise in a specific area of work
- signifies the adaptation of an individual to the
  requirements through extensive training

- the arrangement of officers from top to bottom     
   on the basis of rank or position and authority.

- dictates that immediate commanders shall be
   responsible for the effective supervision and    


The institution of police in the Philippines formally

started during the Spanish period. The establishment of
the police force was not entirely intended for crime
prevention, nor peacekeeping. Rather, it was created as an
extension of the colonial military establishment.

Ancient Roots

The forerunner of the contemporary police system was the practice of barangay chieftains to select 
able-bodied young men to protect their barangay during the night and were not required working in the fields
during daytime. Among the duties of those selected were to protect the properties of the people in the barangay and
protect their crops and livestock from wild animals.

Spanish Period

Carabineros de Seguridad Publica – organized in 1712 for the purpose of carrying the
regulations of the Department of State; this was armed and considered as the mounted police; years after, this
kind of police organization discharged the duties of a port, harbor and river police.

Guardrilleros/Cuardillo – this was a body of rural police by the Royal Decree of 18 January 1836, this
decree provided that 5% of the able-bodied male inhabitants of each province were to be enlisted in this police
organization for three years
Guardia Civil – this was created by a Royal Decree issued by the Crown on 12 February 1852
to partially relieve the Spanish Peninsular troops of
their work in policing towns,it consisted of a body
of Filipino policemen organized originally in each
of the provincial capitals of the central provinces
of Luzon under the Alcalde Mayor

American Period

The Americans established the United States Philippine

Commission headed by General Howard Taft as its first
governor-general. On January 9, 1901, the Metropolitan
Police Force of Manila was organized pursuant to Act No 70of the Taft Commission. This has become the basis fo
celebration of the anniversary of the Manila’s Finest every January 9th.

ACT NO 175 – entitled “An Act Providing for the

Organization and Government of an Insular Constabulary”,enacted on July 18, 1901.

Henry T. Allen - Captain of the 6th US cavalry, a graduate of West Point class 1882. Father of the Philippine
Constabulary. The first chief of the Philippine Constabulary in 1901.

ACT NO 183 - created the Manila Police Department, enacted on July 31, 1901.

CAPT GEORGE CURRY - the first chief of police

 of the Manila Police Department in 1901.

Act No 255 – the act that renamed the Insular Constabulary into Philippine Constabulary,
 enacted on October 3, 1901

Executive Order 389 – ordered that the Philippine Constabulary be one of the four services
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines, enacted on
December 23, 1940.

Post-American Period

RA 4864 – otherwise known as the Police Professionalization Act of 1966, enacted on September 8, 1966; created
the Police Commission
(POLCOM) as a supervisory agency to oversee the
training and professionalization of the local
police forces under the Office of the President; later POLCOM was renamed into National Police 
Commission (NAPOLCOM).

Martial Law Period

PD 765 – otherwise known as the Integration Act of 1975,enacted on August 8, 1975;

established the Integrated National Police (INP) 
composed of the Philippine Constabulary (PC)
as the nucleus and the integrated local police forces 
as components, under the Ministry of National
- transferred the NAPOLCOM from the Office of the
President to the Ministry of National Defense

Post Martial Law Regime

Executive Order No 1012 – transferred to the city and municipal government the operational
supervision and direction over all INP units assigned within their locality; issued on July 10, 1985

Executive Order No 1040 – transferred the administrative control and supervision of the INP
from the Ministry of National Defense to the National Police Commission

RA 6975 – otherwise known as the Department of the Interior and Local Government Act of 1990, 
enacted on December 13,1990; reorganized the
DILG and established the Philippine National Police,
Bureau of Fire Protection, Bureau of Jail
Management and Penology and the Philippine Public Safety College.

RA 8551 – otherwise known as the Philippine National Police Reform and Reorganization Act 
of 1998, enacted on February 25, 1998; this law 
amended certain provisions of RA 6975.

RA 9708 - law amending the provisions of RA 6975 and RA 8551 on the minimum educational
qualification for appointment to the PNP and
adjusting the promotion system; approved on 12 August 2009.
- An Act extending for five (5) years the reglementary  period for complying with the minimum educational
qualification for appointment to the PNP and adjusting the promotion system thereof,amending for the purpose
pertinent provisions of RA 6975 and RA 8551 and for other purposes.

Administration of Police Organization Review Questions 1

1.A primary subdivision of a bureau with a department wide 

   responsibility  for providing a specific specialized functions.
2.A subdivision of a squad
3.A subdivision of a unit.
4.A subdivision of a section.
5.The primary geographic subdivision of a precinct.
     C. Section
6.The primary subdivision of a sector.
     C. Unit
7.One of several tours of duty.
     C. Shift
8.Fixed geographic location usually assigned to an individual officer
9.The primary geographic subdivision of the patrol operation bureau.
10.It means planning the work of the department and of the 
     personnel in an orderly manner.

Memorize the following: 

1.Organize - it means planning the work of the department and 

   of the personnel in an orderly manner.

2.Oversee - It means that the supervisor ensures that the work

   that has been organized and delegated is satisfactorily

3.Delegate - It means giving someone else the responsibility

   and authority to do something.

4.Precinct - the primary geographic subdivision of the patrol

   operation bureau.

5.Post - Fixed geographic location usually assigned to an

   individual officer.

6.Shift - one of several tours of duty.

7.Beat - the primary subdivision of a sector.

8.Sector - the primary geographic subdivision of a precinct.

9.Unit - subdivision of a section.

10.Squad - a subdivision of a unit.

11.Detail - a subdivision of a squad.

12.Section - a primary subdivision of a bureau with a department

    wide responsibility for providing a specific specialized functions.
Answers: Administration of Police Organization
1.   A
2.   D
3.   C
4.   B
5.   B
6.   B
7.   C
8.   A
9.   B
10. D
Administration Of Police Organization Review Questions 2

1. A nationwide, cooperative statistical effort of law enforcement 

   agencies voluntarily reporting data on crimes brought to
   their attention.
      A. National Crime Reporting            
      B. Uniform Crime Reporting 
      C. National Statistic Report
      D. National Police Crime Report
2. It posts the location of murders, rapes, robberies, carnapping and other major crimes of the locality.
      A. Crime hot spots                              
      B. Crime incident location 
      C. Crime spot map
      D. Crime mapping
3. It posts the motor vehicle and pedestrian accident which occur in the area.
      A. Traffic spot map                 
      B. Traffic crime map    
      C. Traffic statistic report
      D.  Traffic incidence report
4. Useful to indicate the traffic accidents and crime location.
      A.Traffic map                                        
      B. Traffic and crime map
      C. Crime map
      D. Spot map
5. Each time any file is issued, a record should be made on a color charge-out which is often called a “Substitution
Card” or an “Out Card” which takes the place of a file that has been removed from the cabinet.
      A. Borrower's card                              
      B. Document card
      C. Borrower's slip
      D. Charged out card
6. A file showing the history of each police officer, both prior and to joining the force, is indispensable. 
      A. Personal records                             
      B.  Policy, order, memoranda file 
      C. Assignment record 
      D. Correspondence file
7. This consist of set or records of communications classified, arranged   and filed alphabetically by the subject to
which they pertain.
      A. Personal record                               
      B. Policy, order, memoranda file  
      C. Assignment record
      D. Correspondence file
8. This consist of photographic records of known criminals and describe the procedure how criminals commit
      A. Modus operandi file                 
      B. Operation file    
      C. Method of operation file
      D. Criminal file
9. A notation put into a file to indicate that a record is not stored in that file but in some other location specified
therein. It tells the filer or searcher where to find the needed material.
      A. Reference                                      
      B. Cross reference  
      C. File notation
      D. Cross location
10.Making an identifying mark on the item to be stored to indicate what classifications it is to be filed .
      A. Identifying                                     
      B. Classifying   
      C. Coding   
      D. Differentiating

Remember the ff: Administration of Police Organization

1. Uniform Crime Reporting - A nationwide, cooperative statistical effort of law enforcement

agencies voluntarily reporting data on crimes brought to their attention.
2. Crime spot map - It post the location of murders, rapes, robberies, carnapping and other major crimes of the

3. Traffic spot map - It post the motor vehicle and pedestrian accident which occur in the area.

4. Spot map - Useful to indicate the traffic accidents and crime location.

5. Charged out card - Each time any file is issued, a record should be made on a color charge-out which is often
called a Substitution Card or an Out Card which takes the place of a file that has been removed from the cabinet.

6. Personal records - A file showing the history of each police officer, both prior and subsequent to joining the
force, is indispensable.

7. Correspondence file - This consist of set or records of communications classified, arranged and filed
alphabetically by the subject to which they pertain.

8. Modus operandi file - This consist of photographic records of known criminals and describe the procedure how
criminals commit crime.

9. Cross reference - A notation put into a file to indicate that a record is not stored in that file but in some other
location specified therein.It tells the filer or searcher where to find the needed material.

10.Coding - Making an identifying mark on the item to be stored to indicate what classifications it is to be filed .
11. The accredited professional organization for criminologists in the Philippines is the PCAP
- Professional Criminologist Association of the Philippines.
12. The Professional Criminologists Association of the Philippines  (PCAP) was accredited by PRC on March 25,
1990 as the professional organization for criminologists in the country.
13. The Board of Examiners for Criminology was created on July 1, 1972, pursuant to Republic Act No. 6506
entitled “An Act Creating the Board of Examiners for Criminologists in the Philippines and For Other Purposes.”

14. The first Board, constituted in 1987, was composed of 

      1. Dr. Sixto O. de Leon as Chairman  
      2. Atty. Virgilio B. Andres as member
      3. Jaime S. Navarro as member

15.Republic Act No. 6506 - An Act Creating the Board of Examiners for Criminologists in the Philippines and for
Other Purposes.

16. Lourdes W. Aniceto - the present chairman of the board of criminology.

17. Ernesto V. Cabrera - the present member of the board of  criminology.

1.   B
2.   C
3.   A
4.   D
5.   D
6.   A
7.   D
8.   A
9.   B
10.  C
Administration of Police Organization Review Questions 3
1. There are how many staff directorate in the Philippine National Police?
     A. 8
     B. 10
     C. 12
     D. 14

2. The second highest ranking officer in the PNP.

     A. Deputy Director General for Operation
     B. Chief of the Directorial Staff
     C. NCR Director
     D. None of the Above

3. What is the rank of the PNP Chief of the Directorial Staff?

     A. 3 Star General
     B. 2 Star General
     C. 1 Star General
     D. None of the Above

4. This theory of Police service is followed by the PNP.

     A. Continental Theory
     B. Home Rule Theory
     C. Modern Rule Theory
     D. None of the Above

5. Under this theory of police service, policemen are considered

    servants of the community.
     A. Continental Theory
     B. Home Rule Theory
     C. Modern Rule Theory
     D. None of the Above

6. Under this theory of police service, policemen are considered

    servants of the higher authority and people have little share
    or no share of all their duties nor any direct connection 
    with them.
     A. Continental Theory
     B. Home Rule Theory
     C. Modern Rule Theory
     D. None of the Above

7. This concept of police service says that punishment is the

    sole instrument of crime control, throwing more people to jail
    rather than keeping them out of jail.
     A. Old Concept
     B. Modern Concept
     C. Community Concept
     D. None of the Above

8. This concept of police service says that the yardstick of 

    efficiency of police is the absence of crime.
     A. Old Concept
     B. Modern Concept
     C. Community Concept
     D. None of the Above

9. This type of organizational structure divides authority between

    several specialists.
     A. Line Organization
     B. Functional Organization
     C. Line Staff Organization
     D. None of the Above

10.It is the simplest type of organizational structure, Channels of

    authority and responsibility extends in a direct line from top
    to bottom within the structure.
     A. Line Organization
     B. Functional Organization
     C. Line staff Organization
     D. None of the Above


1.   B
2.   D
3.   A
4.   B
5.   B
6.   A
7.   A
8.   B
9.   B
10. A
Administration of Police Organization Reviewer 4
1. This type of organizational structure is found in almost
   all police organization today.
     A. Line Organization
     B. Functional Organization
     C. Line Staff Organization
     D. None of the Above

2. An organization is effective if it enables the individual

   to contribute to the organizations objective.
     A. Principle of Unity of Objective
     B. Principle of Organizational efficiency
     C. Scalar Principle
     D. Unity of Command

3. Organization is effective if it is structured in such a way

   to aid the accomplishment of the organization's objective
   with a minimum cost.
     A. Principle of Unity of Objective
     B. Principle of Organizational efficiency
     C. Scalar Principle
     D. Unity of Command

4. The vertical hierarchy of an organization which defines an

   unbroken chain of units from top to bottom describing
   explicitly the flow of authority.
     A. Principle of Unity of Objective
     B. Principle of Organizational efficiency
     C. Scalar Principle
     D. Unity of Command

5. A subordinate should only follow the command of one superior.

     A. Unity of command
     B. Span of control
     C. Delegation of authority
     D. Principle of balance

6. The control of superior should not be more than what he

   can effectively direct.
     A. Unity of command
     B. Span of control
     C. Delegation of authority
     D. Principle of balance

7. The assignment of authority and responsibility to another person.

     A. Unity of command
     B. Span of control
     C. Delegation of authority
     D. Principle of balance

8. Refers to the division of work according to type, place, time

   and specialization.
     A. Functional Principle
     B. Line and Staff principle
     C. Principle of balance 
     D. Principle of delegation result

9. To ensure the effectiveness of the structure in meeting 

   the organization's objective.
     A. Functional Principle
     B. Line and Staff principle
     C. Principle of balance 
     D. Principle of delegation result expected

10.That which implies the system of varied functions, arrange 

   into a workable pattern.
     A. Functional Principle
     B. Line and Staff principle
     C. Principle of balance 
     D. Principle of delegation result expected



1.   C
2.   A
3.   B
4.   C
5.   A
6.   B
7.   C
8.   A
9.   C
10. B
Administration of Police Organization Review Questions 5
1. The authority delegated should be adequate to ensure
   the ability to accomplish expected result.
     A. Functional Principle
     B. Line and Staff principle
     C. Principle of balance 
     D. Principle of delegation result expected

2. The responsibility of the subordinates to their superior

   for performance is absolute and superior cannot escape
   responsibility for the organization on activities 
   performed by their subordinates.
     A. Principle of Absolute Responsibility
     B. Principle of balance
     C. Principle of Parity and Responsibility
     D. Principle of delegation

3. The responsibility for actions cannot be greater than that

   implied by the authority delegated nor should it be less.
     A. Principle of Absolute Responsibility
     B. Principle of balance
     C. Principle of Parity and Responsibility
     D. Principle of delegation
4. This law organized the Manila Police department.
     A. Act 183
     B. R.A. 8551
     C. E.O. 1012
     D. E.O. 1040

5. Transferred the operational supervision and direction

   over all INP units to the city and municipal government.
     A. Act 183
     B. R.A. 8551
     C. E.O. 1012
     D. E.O. 1040

6. Transferred the administrative control and supervision of

   the INP from Ministry of National Defense to the office
   of the Napolcom.
     A. Act 183
     B. R.A. 8551
     C. E.O. 1012
     D. E.O. 1040

7. The Transfer of the administrative control and supervision of

   the INP from Ministry of National Defense to the office
   of the Napolcom took effect on.
     A. July 10, 1985
     B. July 10, 1986
     C. July 10, 1987
     D. July 10, 1988

8. The Manila Police Department was organized on.

     A. July 31, 1900
     B. July 31, 1901
     C. July 31, 1902
     D. July 31, 1903

9. Granted to those who possesses the mandatory 

   promotional requirement.
     A. Regular Promotion
     B. Special Promotion
     C. A and B
     D. None of the Above

10.Extended to PNP members who acted conspicuously 

   beyond and above the call of duty.
     A. Regular Promotion
     B. Special Promotion
     C. A and B
     D. None of the Above

1.   D
2.   A
3.   C  
4.   A
5.   C
6.   D
7.   A
8.   B
9.   A
10. B
Administration of Police Organization Review Questions 6
1. A PNP officer before eligible for promotion to the 
   rank of Senior Superintendent must first obtained 
   what mandatory training requirement?
     A. General Staff Course
     B. Officer Senior Executive Course
     C. Officer Advance Course
     D. Officer Basic Course

2. A PNP officer before eligible for promotion to the 

   rank of Superintendent must first secure what
   mandatory training requirement?
     A. General Staff Course
     B. Officer Senior Executive Course
     C. Officer Advance Course
     D. Officer Basic Course

3. A PNP officer before eligible for promotion to the

   rank of Chief Inspector must first secure what 
   mandatory training requirement.
     A. General Staff Course
     B. Officer Senior Executive Course
     C. Officer Advance Course
     D. Officer Basic Course

4. A PNP officer before eligible for promotion to the

   rank of Senior Inspector must first secure what
   mandatory training requirement.
     A. General Staff Course
     B. Officer Senior Executive Course
     C. Officer Advance Course
     D. Officer Basic Course

5. Before an officer is appointed to the rank of PNP

   Inspector, He/She must finish what mandatory training 
     A. General Staff Course
     B. Officer Senior Executive Course
     C. Officer Candidate Course
     D. Officer Basic Course

6. Before a PNP enlisted personnel is appointed to the

   rank of SPO3 to SPO4, what mandatory training requirement
   must he/she undertake?
     A. Senior Leadership Course
     B. Basic Leadership Course
     C. Public Safety Basic Course
     D. None of the Above
7. Before a PNP enlisted personnel is appointed to the
   rank of PO2 to PO3, what mandatory training requirement
   must he/she undertakes?
     A. Senior Leadership Course
     B. Basic Leadership Course
     C. Public Safety Basic Course
     D. None of the Above

8. Highest award in the PNP.

     A. Medalya ng Kasanayan
     B. Medalya ng Kabayanihan
     C. Medalya ng Katapangan
     D. Medalya ng Kagitingan

9. PNP's mandatory retirement age.

     A. 55
     B. 56
     C. 60
     D. 65

10. Optional retirement requires the approval of the

     A. DILG Secretary
     B. Napolcom
     C. Chief of the PNP
     D. President of the Philippines


1.   A
2.   B
3.   C
4.   D
5.   C
6.   A
7.   C
8.   D
9.   B
10. B

Mandatory Promotional Requirement
1. Educational Attainment
2. Time in Grade
3. Eligibility
4. Mandatory Training Requirement
5. Performance Evaluation Rating
6. Awards and Commendations Received
7. Clearances

Mandatory Training Requirement
1. Senior Superintendent - GSC (General Staff Course, MNSA, 
   or MPSA (Master in Public Safety Administration)
2. Superintendent - OSEC (Officer Senior Executive Course)
3. Chief Inspector - Officer Advance Course
4. Senior Inspector - Officer Basic Course
5. Inspector - Officer Candidate Course
6. SPO3 to SPO4 - Senior Leadership Course
7. SPO1 to SPO2 - Basic leadership Course
8. PO2  to  PO3 - Public safety Basic Course

Performance Evaluation Rating - made by supervisor twice

a year. January to June, July to December
5 - Outstanding
4 - Very Satisfactory
3 - Satisfactory
2 - Fair
1 - Poor 

Administration of Police Organization Definition of Terms

Area - a section or territorial division of a large city each composed of designated districts.

Beat - an area designated for patrol purposes whether on foot or motorized.

Bureau - largest organic unit within a large department.

Commanding Officer- an officer who is in command of the department, a bureau, a division, an area, or a district

Department Rules - rules established by department directors\superiors to control the conduct of the members of
the police force.

District - a geographical subdivision of a city for patrol purposes usually with its own station.

Division - a primary subdivision of a bureau.

Duty Manual - describes the procedures and defines the duties of officers assigned to specified post or position.

Formal Organization - is defined as those organizations that are formally established for explicit purpose of
achieving certain goals.

Functional Organization - The functional responsibility of each functional manager is limited to the particular
activity over which he has control, regardless of who performs the function.

Henry Allen - a captain, first chief of the constabulary.

Informal Organization - are those sharing the basic characteristic of all organizations arising through the social
interactions of individuals or through family grouping.

Leave of Absence- period, which an officer is excused from active duty by any valid reason, approved by higher

Length of Service- the period of time that has elapsed since the oath of office was administered.Previous
active services may be included or added.

Line Organization -  is the simplest and the oldest types of organization where responsibility extends in a direct
line from top to bottom within the structures and authority is definite and absolute.

line and staff organization is a combination of the line and functional types.
Off Duty - the nature of which the police officer is free from specific routine duty.

On Duty - the period when an officer is actively engaged in the performance of his duty.

Order – an instruction given by a ranking officer to a subordinate.

Organization - It is a form of human association for the attainment of goal or objective.

patrol officer - is the backbone of the police department.

PD 765 - created the PC-INP.

Police - is a branch of the criminal justice system that has the specific responsibility of maintaining law and order
and combating crime within the society.

Police organization - is a group of trained personnel in the field of public safety administration engaged in the
achievement of goals and objectives that promotes the maintenance of crimes.

Post - a fixed point or location to which an officer is assigned for duty, such as a designated desk or office or an
intersection or cross walk from traffic duty.It is a spot location for general guard duty.

Ranking Officer- the officer who has the senior rank in a team or group.

RA 4864 - established Napolcom. Known as police act of 1966.

Rafael Crame - first Filipino chief of the constabulary.

Report - usually a written communication unless otherwise specifies to be verbal reports; verbalreports should be
confirmed by written communication.

Route - (line beat) a length of street designated for patrol purposes. 

Section - functional units within a division.

Sector - an area containing two or more beat, route, or post.

Sick leave - period which an officer is excused from active duty by reason of illness or injury.

Special Duty - the police service, its nature, which requires that theofficer be excused from the performance of his
active regular duty.

Superior Officer- one having supervisory responsibilities, either temporarily or permanently, over officers of

lower rank.

Suspension - a consequence of an act which temporarily deprives an officer from the privilege of performing his
duties as result of violating directives or other department regulations.

Sworn Officers - all personnel of the police department who have taken oath and who possess the power to arrest.

Unit - functional group within a section; or the smallest functional group within an organization.

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