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1. Corporate communication is integral to managerial activities such as planning coordination and counselling.
2. Corporate communication is complex in nature.
3. Corporate communication demand an integrated approach to managing communication.
4. Consistent message help make lasting impact and favorable Impressions of an organisation and its product on the Stakeholder.
5. Corporate communication is tightly connected to straight implementation and strategy formulation.
6. Corporate identity is the visual manifestation of the company reality.
7. Corporate identity is conceived as the totality of a company behavior communication and symbolism.
8. In corporate identity symbolism concern the use of logos house tiles staff outlet and other visual causes.
9. Corporate image is the all kind of impression that the community make about our cooperation.
10. Corporate reputation is the overall Estimation in which an organisation is held by its internal and external stakeholders based on its past action and
probability of feature behavior.
11. Defamation is an all-encompassing term that covers any treatment that hurt someone reputation.
12. If the statement is made in written and published the Defamation Is called Libel.
13. If statement that hurt someone reputation is spoken the statement is Slander.
14. In India defamation can be a civil wrong and a criminal offence.
15. Appropriation of a person names or likeness for commercial or trade purpose without permission is invasion of privacy and maybe violation of a
person right to publicity.
16. Public relations is a deliberate, planned, and sustained effort to establish and maintain mutual understanding between an organization and its publics.
17. Public relations helps in building a good image of the company.
18. Annual reports and stockholder meetings, are the two most important public relations tools for maintaining good stockholder relations.
19. Financial relations involve communicating essentially with company's stockholders.
20. Sponsoring educational and literacy programs, staging open houses and conducting plant tours improve community relations.
21. Press agentry is the oldest form of public relations.
22. Press agentry used propaganda tactics.
23. In public information communication was essentially one-way.
24. In two-way symmetrical programs were granted not toward persuasion but rather toward mutual understanding, compromise, and win-win
situations for organisations and their affected publics and stakeholders.
25. Now public relations is used increasingly for strategic communication.
26. Media acts as a watchdog for society.
27. With deregulation existing industry competitors face turbulence and unpredictability.
28. A company that is “responsibly addressing environmental concerns of key publics and communities” increases the public admiration of the
29. Social media has broken down traditional divisions of stakeholders including employees, customers, shareholders, etc.
30. Media is a commanding force in managing the attitudes of the general public toward organizations.
31. Systems theory provides framework through which to view organizations and their relationships with the environment.
32. If organizations have closed system it may take a crisis for an organization to accept environmental changes.
33. Through systems theory we think of public relations as boundary spanners, straddling the edge of an organization-looking inside and outside of an
34. A situational theory of publics gives us more specific information about public’s communication needs.
35. Social exchange theory uses the economic metaphor of costs and benefits to predict behavior.
36. Media is one of the most powerful tools in reaching the masses, especially when problems arise.
37. Building effective media relations is important for a company as it meets the purpose of disseminating knowledge.
38. Media coverage is considerably more credible than advertising.
39. Media relations foster public understanding about the organization's values and beliefs.
40. Feedback from the public on new services as well as improved services can help an organization improve the quality of its services.
41. Public relations system is a formal source of employee communication.
42. Employee communication is usually arbitrarily and incompletely planned or if planned only in reaction to specific events.
43. A tactic is not a general statement of something that needs to be done, but rather a specific action that someone can take to achieve a particular
44. Managers should find ways to communicate regularly with regularly with employees without making it tedious.
45. The intranets serve as interactive platform where employees can really together and share their views on company programs and activities that
contribute to building trust.
46. Loss of human life is the most severe outcomes of organizational crisis.
47. In a crisis reputational capital is lost.
48. An organization with a more favorable prior reputation will still have a stronger post-crisis reputation because it has more reputational capital to
spend than an organization with an unfavorable or neutral prior reputation.
49. The uncertainty of a crisis produces more stress for stakeholders.
50. The first rule of crisis management is to communicate.
51. Five year plans play an important role in creating strategies for India’s growth going forward.
52. The challenge before financial communication experts is how to promote financial inclusion.
53. Stockholders are a vast untapped resource of potential customers and grassroots support on financial issues.
54. All advertisements which are designed to raise money from the general public are named as financial advertising.
55. A primary way to reach financial analysts is through investment conferences.
56. Blogs offer interactive and dialogical communication.
57. Most community/business leaders or decision makers look to newspapers as the most credible source of information.
58. Broadcast media is any electronic (visual or audio) instrument that is produced and distributed in electronic form such as radio and television for
commercial and social purposes.
59. New media is regarded as an interactive media that is produced and distributed via the Web or Internet.
60. Skype can be better used for web conferencing.
61. VNR is usually distributed by satellite.
62. Media kit is a page of on company’s website that contains resources and information for reporters and publishers.
63. Webcasting is a form of broadcasting production that incorporates streaming video and audio on the Internet.
64. Website is the ‘face’ of the company.
65. Corporations often use satellite media tours to promote their products or services using a well-known performer or other “name” figure as a
66. Image blogs are concerned with how the public or specific communities part of the larger public but external to the company perceive the
67. Blog hub is a semi-professional blog of the company.
68. Executive blog in particular are highly focused in their communicative intent.
69. RSS are widely considered a prominent metric to determine the popularity of a blog.
70. Blogs are excellent monitoring and environmental scanning tools.

• Choose the correct alternative

1. The phase corporate communication and company departments dealing with it first emerged at the beginning of the 20th century
2. A prominent feature is corporate communication is that it is complex in nature
3. The corporate communication is tightly connected to strategy implementation and strategy formulation
4. Which of the following term is closely linked to corporate philosophy, the company’s business mission and values as well as corporate personality,
the district corporate culture reflecting this philosophy, and corporate image corporate identity
5. Corporate identity is conceived as the totality of a company’s behaviour, communication and symbolism
6. Which of the following term can be explained as all kinds of impressions that the community makes about a corporation corporate image
7. Which of the following term is the overall estimation in which an organization is held by its internal and external stakeholders based on its past
actions and probability of its future behavior corporate reputation
8. Corporate reputation is not an image building exercise
9. Decisions at higher levels of the organisational system almost invariably include an ethical component
10. Errors of omission in the analysis of an ethical dilemma result from a lack of training rather than a lack of ethical intention. This may result in lack of
credibility for corporate communicator
11. Which of the following organisations has developed ethical standards essential for the professional communicator Public Relations Society of
12. In India, defamation is both a living wrong and a criminal offence
13. Copyright protects original work until 70 years after the creator’s death
14. Public relations is mutual understanding
15. When there are objectives, results can be measured against them, making PR a tangible activity
16. PR management function does not encompasses exaggerating objectives
17. In order to improve community relations, PR would support social and educational programs
18. Financial relations involve communicating with company’s stockholders
19. Public relations synonymous with promotions and publicity press agentry
20. Which of the following stressed more on mutual understanding, compromise, and creating win-win situations for organizations and their affected
publics and stakeholders two-way symmetrical
21. PRSI stands for Public Relations Society of India
22. Which of the following is not an example of socio-cultural trend rise in the price of petrol
23. Which of the following is not an example of political and legal force interest in health and fitness
24. A key advantage to the diversity of information available online is that it allows identification of emerging issues
25. Which of the following theories provides a framework through which to view organizations and their relationships with the environment systems
26. Which of the following theories give us more specific information about public’s communication needs situational theory
27. Which of the following theories asserts that people factor in the consequences of their behavior before acting social exchange theory
28. Which of the following theories is useful for explaining how we reach important decisions diffusion theory
29. The first step in building effective media relations is researching the angle
30. Which of the following does not come under media relations generating funds
31. The organization should not look upon reporters as allies
32. One very important reason for having media relations is that it betters the reputation of the company
33. Which of the following is not an informal source of internal communications workplace blogs and newsletter
34. The first step in organizing employee communication is taking a close look at the organization and its structure
35. One way to improve management employee communications is that managers should find ways to solicit feedback from the employees
36. Which of the following is not the benefit of employee communications rise in number of investors
37. Which of the following is not usually impacted by crisis unfavorable reputation
38. Decision makers make more mistake in tackling crisis issues because they become cognitively more rigid
39. Which of the following should not be done in handling crisis trying to stop journalists from writing a story
40. The first rule of crisis management is to communicate
41. The scope of responsibilities and functions of a financial communication expert does not include planning with executive management
42. Which of the following is an audience for financial communication individual stockholders
43. A good annual report will not have complex and difficult graphics
44. Which of the following is often published by brokerage firms market newsletter
45. Which of the following is not usually used today telegram
46. Which of the following comes under traditional media television
47. Which of the following of a feature of new media customized and individually tailored
48. New media mixes include blogs
49. An example of pull-media is RSS
50. Which of the following is not true about VNR costlier than commercials
51. Which of the following is a form of broadcasting production that incorporates streaming video and audio on the internet to deliver a live press
conference or event webcasting
52. Which of the following is the advantage of Electronic Meeting Systems better group dynamics as it encourages egalitarian participation
53. Which of the following is not a function of website promoting closed corporate sites allowing only the stakeholders
54. Which of the following is the Newswire of the digital revolution blogging
55. Which of the following is not a feature of product blog exclusively the product
56. Which of the following is a major function of image blog corporate social responsibility
57. Corporate blog is not a suitable channel for voicing Political and controversial issues

• True or false
1. Corporate communication is a sub-discipline of mass communication false
2. Corporate communication is a management function true
3. Corporate communication is not so helpful for organisation with a wide geographical range where demography, culture, ethnicity etc. are at a large
variance false
4. Employee relations is not a part of corporate communication false
5. Messages in various media can complement one another, leading to a greater communication impact than any one single message can achieve true
6. In corporate identity, behavior denotes the way that firms convey personalities through actions as well as through non-verbal behavior true
7. Vision and Mission statements do not influence corporate image false
8. The only function of a positive corporate image creation is to attract the customer false
9. Being seen to be different from competitors, is not the right way to manage corporate identity false
10. Corporate image is about emotions true
11. Intrusion is an invasion of privacy true
12. An employee has to compulsorily waive right to privacy false
13. Copyright cover “raw facts” and general ideas false
14. Infringement of copyright occurs whenever somebody exercises one of the copyright owner’s right without permission true
15. If an employee grants the permission to use private information only recent materials can be used true
16. Public Relations is a management function true
17. Public Relations is not a tangible activity false
18. Public Relations spin everything false
19. Public Relations deals only with the external environment false
20. Organization’s environmental programs are also a part of Public Relations true
21. Press agentry is synonymous with promotions and publicity true
22. In press agentry, intent was to inform rather than to press for promotion and publicity false
23. In press agentry, the public relations practitioners did not conduct much research about their publics beyond “counting the house” true
24. In two-way symmetrical, public: relations practitioners employed social science research methods to increase the persuasiveness of messages false
25. Firms: doing business across national boundaries and in different cultures find public relations more imperative than at home true
26. In a business; environment, social-cultural forces never interact with economic forces false
27. The current worldwide trend is toward deregulation and privatization of industries true
28. PR practitioners must use only one medium of information to build relationships with participants false
29. A key advantage to the diversity of information available online and the speed of access and delivery is that it allows identification of emerging issues
30. Regulation policies protect industries from competition true
31. Organizations with open systems use public relations people top bring back information on how productive their relationships are with clients,
customers, and other stakeholders true
32. Organizations are part of a greater environment made up of many systems true
33. Systems theory helps explain why some groups are active on a single issue, others are active on many issues, and others are uniformly apathetic
34. Diffusion theory asserts that people factor is the consequences of their behavior before acting false
35. Diffusion theory is another way to look at how people process and accept information true
36. The organization should publicly speak with one voice true
37. For effective media relations, the organization should control the media’s agenda or their assessment of what is newsworthy false
38. In a complex situation, it is better to say “No comments” false
39. The person closest to the situation should be the designated spokesperson true
40. Media relation increase public or audience awareness of the image, status and reputation of the organization true
41. Internal communicators are still treated as “poor relations” of the communications world true
42. Regular meetings, of the senior management with employee groups, ensure that employees have access to the management true
43. Communication does not affect employee motivation and dedication to the company false
44. The lesser the sense of trust, commitment and agreement, lesser the employees will resort to the grapevine false
45. Most of the communication occur only over formal channels false
46. Crisis does not have any effect on company’s reputation true
47. In periods of high stress, decision makers make more errors and suffer from impaired intellectual functioning false
48. During a crisis no information about it should be posted on the company’s website false
49. In crisis, media should always be kept out false
50. A mass notification system can be utilized for reaching employees and other key stakeholders during a crisis true
51. Globalization is intensifying the competition between countries true
52. In order to attract, inform and involve the stakeholders, the company can hold annual meetings true
53. In order to attract investment, it is OK of financial communication experts exaggerate a little false
54. By law, quoted companies are obliged to announce trading results in the press true
55. Encouraging savers to move funds to capital market investments is the overriding key to generating more finance true
56. Only digital PR is needed in today’s marketing environment false
57. Traditional media is unidirectional true
58. What differentiates RSS from e-mail is basically the feature that allows users not to control incoming information streams false
59. New media are enabling content delivery on demand by consumers true
60. With Voice over Internet Protocol VoIP, voice conferences have become less expensive true
61. Producing and distributing VNR is cheaper than producing a commercial true
62. A press kit is strictly for reporters or publications false
63. A press kit is prepared by the journalists false
64. An intranet uses a network transmission protocol/internet for open opinion and debate with stakeholders false
65. Corporate site is not the right platform for open opinion and debate with stakeholders false
66. Product blog has extreme time and space limitations via a vis traditional advertising false
67. Image blogs do not necessarily filter out all external criticism false
68. Executives approach public-facing blogs with more reluctance than internal ones true
69. One should never bring in one’s personality in the blog and should try to be as disconnected as possible false
70. Blogs should not be perceived as a way to control a reputation but rather, a way to influence the reputation true

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