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Okjechve: 7 find he dencity of ha objecd

D Mass 7k ameunt Cquanh) of anafev
Confaineou a booly c's Cal/ecd rs mats.
Unif of Macs: SI unif of arass ts hog vam

and is donafe by ha Symbo 7ha CS

unit of Cs 9ram a n ts denote 6y he
uut off ana ss

Symbo/9. The a s s body rs neafurea © a

hhe holp of a physica/ lor saan) salante.

3) Aecg kt: 7Ke fore k h skich booly cs a

Ke earK the centre of

atracfe fonworods
ured i r A the
J is meas
t's Calle werghE.

hep of af mass
weight t's tho proolue
Mathematcally he
diue to 9ravty. If s
boody, suck h a h ts ik m a s s
etght of aa

accalavaton due oravik, hen

and g' he

As he weight af
a booy is a éind af forte
t's hat of Hs forc
Horefore, i s cuait
4) Uarfs of
c's neusfm
i) 9n ST sysfem thu unsf of force
and is aenafed sy mbo/ N.
by Phe
hewfon i's the a m ount of force kich,
h r
shan aeftng o n booly of bne ée/o ram

a n a ccelerat on f 1 y2 L i
Produ Ces
) Kelo9 vam fevce tsa 9vavfatr'ana uni
fovca ands enohed by he syabol kaf
Mathematcay, seg,eg h a o he forcao
actng on a 6ody of Mass a o kiogant,
i i s acred tipon by ho acca Co ya dn due to
1 Rgf = 1kg x 9.8n/ =9.8 N

Nofe eco rding to the Sysfem ofnneasure

MCnfs, Lilogra or ce ) was thoon a s
kilo graM AeegK/ (Agt)
et gh (neasureet ee Agf)
tii) Dedueing mass
9, weigh =
0:sAgf hen masS =
mAgf, hen mass=m kg
St'nu larly, if weight

aroppuug he teTM force

a a y . áy
convert oci'g K Cnto a s s .
e cah

5 Measure mea of keg hy: spring ba lanca

used for measuYng
h weioh/ ofa body
9 sfa/es h a
ti') Prineiple of a spring balance:
in a Spre'ng t's
he exfension produce d
proportona/o srebhting forte
olivectly tho elashc
Cee, ei'ght) appted, Provied
i'it of the sprihg s hof exceoqdeA.
áalanta: I; cmsus
ti'y Construeron 0f a
of a heuea steel sprng is uppoy K
of tached fo a mafa/ rtng. 9ts ow e r
end a
ehd is afackod to a pei'nfer vkich is
further connecred o a flat stee/ strip. A
he orser end of the stes/ strp ls atacka
a meta/ hook. 7he a r r a n 9e meh t's hen
enclose a 6rass case
the front suade of he cace,a cu is
Cu u he hni dleo ha case Such ha/ Ke
pothfer t's aHached o e spring eauly skdes
ove e sh. 7ke suis marke 9ram
forco ) or
Á6 9rani forca Rgf), eptnolap
upon he ebshe linuif of
of tha sfes/ sprg9
7he SpTug ba /an te rs genATaly Suspeed

spr i r n
an sfandor hu/ in hard froa
Lu the vertca
7he rug Such hat it s

body is o be aweighadi sapenaled

he hook, AShah h spruget strefekog
fPro The
poiuter n ward.
and he a Ce tho recovqedra
Ho s Calo
Tea ano
weight s
he case.

linader: A qraaduafed
r a d u a t e d (mea surng)
cylinger t's amade rom haro
Cmeaserg) vara o n s
sohafit caa i k s fano
ga ss
Cn tehnpera fure. 9s Sde
r's anarke d
mililires nal)orcc. Ke
vo u nno
of aa

nnilires or ce can be read

tha liguid ü if.
eafly by peuruug
) Corecf way to reag he velure 98 ordeY
to take he cowect read ug e eye skoul ,

plaCed exacfly he same ovg onfa/

Cove as hof
e es
haf ef
ef petnt n
Ao Agure,
mahis cus of ha uguis. n
2s Ka correct p osu hon o he eye

he roume of c9uid 35/r

3S However, k is he Cn

tion o hs eye and ho voluhne veag

's 38 Anl or 38 cc

kange of th graduafed
The max/muum ve lume of a 'gcid r i c k
Cau be huea sured a graduated cyiudes
ts Ca/e i rauge, he commdn rag e
cyu'nder u s e ti schoo/
of 9ra duafe
/o0 m
R, 2oo udand
Cabo r a tory are sd u
5oo m2.
He 9raoluated (Areasurcag
Last eounf of luhme
7Ke smallest ckange tu vo

cyinder: ceu rafely A

Haf can

cyinger i's calle7

9 s a/so odefpirsq as

leasf count. 6efoee iso

unne liner
o on e cy
Con secutre
Den suy Mass ofa subsace
Volume o a Subsfeuca

99f 'is ha hen2iy af boody of mass

M andvelume 'V han,

n i s of Denty:

ti The of densaty
SI unit m *or gh3

For e . Ho dehsity of a lunminíum

is 276o n
T'sSfafemant tmplies haf 6 / alumiatuu
a s hass of 27oo A
ti e CGS uauy of densuty t J/c o7 fem
C C3. For e, the dersiy of iron c's 7 62 Cn
This Stafemen Cplies that 1 Ca of t r n
kas a mass of 7 6
af 4'c
densaty of xafer
i'n Si
C5s System and 10 00kg
sysfem is
e 06
Sysfeu a/ reo 7enap

(iv) KrA the vte or fall t fempeYaftu re, he

Velu wafei always increa ses (hr huu
a cerfain rangc of temperafure). 7hus, ifs

dehsiy 64 coes ss hah the va lus Sfa fed

a bove HoseveY, or a/ prachca/ peurpcies
a schoo/ Co ve/, ha denauty of wafer S
taken as lg/cA CGS sysfene and o o o h
tn S Sysfen a voon teunpe yafure.
(V) The
The densty in CGs systenn can be Convevftel
Cn SI Sysfenu by theer nula sfatel Lo/sts
Density te S7 Sysfens = Density u eGs sysfen
x 1000 .
Proceduve 1) 7ake a caan glass stopper
ahd h'e i w i a fine hre a . hhke
o he end of Ke Cotlen threa make oop
) Check he
spring áa/ance for zero errod
ahd YecoYa . e Ke 3ero e r e r be

3 Suspo hd the glass stop r a n he kook

of he sprug 6alanCe

Measure a
nTecoro ifs weigkt ke he
weagh g f or mass 1Og
4) Fenol he u e wer9 h7 of tke 9lass stoppev
Sustracfug the 3ero error ram Ke
o6serve we'ghf
D our ab ou 4o c c of a f e r
5 Wo

easuYug cy inder. Mea sure and record

he Caiha voluuma of nvafer. kaf he

Voluue be Pcc
) Remoye tha glass sfeppa ram the hook
6 Sprng halance. Ship he glass Stopper
ha sprug

e ntly u neasurmg ey linder comfai'n u
9afer. 7k ave of awafer vises up
i he

Measur ug cylinder. Weasure ang recorg

Ke fina/
ha fiha/ volume of wafer. kef
vo ume 6 cc.
7) Calelafe ha vo lume of tho glass steppaY
Chcvease C rolume of
9f (s e9 ua to Ke
9ate he aneasurug cy li'ndev ce,(8-P)ce
Calcalate the odentuty of he 9 lass stoppar
ef 2lass shpper Mass of g
= (ass ppa
Densaty Voluune of gass stoppey
06servaton Nass of ho obyect 66
= 66

Volume 0f wafer i h measurug cyliuder 200 nu)

Ftha vo ume of water uu h n e a s ur ug cy lunger
= 208 hn
.'. Volu me of He y hider -208 - 2oo).u!- 8uu/R B te

Bentby M 8258.25 3/ee

Res al 7ke odensity of glass oper 1s

recautns: 1) Ua a sen i ive spri'ng balanc

)Recovrd tho ze ro erer h e sprg
alau Ce
3) Recor he3e-r0 error i hi sprug salante.
vounuo of wafer Ch hs heasurung cy Qhder
ykeep iug the ne af srght para//el fo
Aeep ug
he loresf poht of he concave he nis cus
)ChcA hat ho uir bubs les are stckup
to h a lass sfopper arhan tannuartea u

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