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10th Semester

Information Technology Law

Part C
1. Unsolicited emails are a menace. They should have a provision to unsubscribe them
or they may not be sent unless asked for. Many countries have enacted laws against
unsolicited mail known as Anti spam laws. Is the information technology act takes
care of such a problem? Discuss.
2. 'Dow Jones & Company incorporated' is the publisher of Wall street Journal. It also
publishes a magazine known as Barrons. This magazine is also put online on servers
maintained at New Jersey, USA. It carried an article 'Unholy Gains", which was
alleged to be defamatory to joseph Gutnick resident of Victoria, Australia. He filed a
suit for damages in Victoria. Preliminary objection was raised as to the
maintainability of the case in an Australian Court. Decide in the light of jurisdictional
issues and law.
3. A customer contacted with a car park machine representing the owner and he fed
his money into it and received a claim ticket for the purpose of parking of his car. Is
there a valid contract in this transaction? Explain how the essentials of a valid
contract are present in this transaction.
4. A bank employee inserts a program, into a bank's server, that deducts a small
amount of money, to say Rs.2/- a month, from the account of every customer. No
account holder probably notice this unauthorized debit, but the bank employee will
make a sizable amount of money every month. Discuss how the information
technology act handles such financial crimes.
5. Messages which are offensive to a particular religion, community, ethnic group or
political party are posted in a blog or a social networking site. Such messages might
have the effect of either inciting hatred in the minds of the people or communal
clashes between 2 groups. Is it an offence under the information technology act
2000? Examine.
6. A computer scientist accepts online payments and allows paying customers to view
or download pornographic pictures and videos from his website. Is it an offence
punishable under the information technology act,2000? Discuss the nature of
offence and the punishment for it.
7. In an Engineering college, private version of software is used in the computer lab. Is
there any violation of the Information technology act and the copyright act?
8. The original homepage of a website belonging to a Government department is
substituted with another page by a computer miscreant. Disturbing images and
offensive phrases are displayed in the process. It affected the image of the
Government department. Are there adequate provisions under the information
technology act for counteracting this kind of problem? Examine.
9. Mr.'X' fraudulently acquires the sensitive information such as passwords and credit
card details and misrepresents himself and uses the parameters for his personal
purpose. What is the offence committed by Mr.X.
10. MR.X, a French national, sitting in paris hacked the computer system of M/S.Y
corporation India situated in Hyderabad. Whether Mr.X, a foreign national, can be
tried in India for the offence of hacking under the information technology act, 2000.
Discuss the legal position.
11. Mr.X, a research scholar,is pursuing his research after Ph.D. in law in Hyderabad.
For the purpose of his research he circumvents (unlocks) the technological
measures (locks) of an online database maker who deals with various E-Journals
online by 'Pay for use' method. Whether Mr.X is liable for committing any offence.

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