Crime and The Law

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en Crime and the law

c.. 1. VERBS
o Complete the sentences below with a word or expression from the box.

make fake ăn trộm kết án bắt giữ trấn lột có chủ ý phá hoại
falsified smuggled sentenced burgled tried convicted arrested mugged break vandalized
làm giả buôn lậu stole robbed trafficking charged buộc tội
buôn lậu

Richard Mann has been committing crimes (crcrime I criminal)since he was a boy.

1. When he was only 15 he vandalized telephone boxes and public toilets.

2. As he grew older, he mugged old ladies in the street and stole their money.
3. In his early twenties, he burgled private houses.
4. He also robbed banks, post offices and jewellery shops.
5. On one occasion, he burgled almost £20,000 from a post office.
6. In his late twenties, he smuggled cigarettes and alcohol from one country to another.
7. During his only legitimate (-legitimate, def a) job in an office, he falsified the accounts and pocketed
(-pocket, def 2) thousands of pounds.
8. He then started traficking drugs.
9. The police finally arrested him last year.
10. They charged him with almost thirty crimes.
11. He was tried at a Crown Court. (-Crown Court).
12. He was convicted of all his crimes.
13. He was sentencedto 15 years in prison.
14. He won't break the law again for a long time.

Criminals and their crimes. Use your dictionary to look up the names of the crimes committed by the following
criminals. You will usually find the answer directly above or below the main dictionary entry. The first one has
been done as an example.

Criminal Crime
a burglar burglary
a robber robbery
a shoplifter shoplifting
a vandal vandalism
a rapist rapine
a hooligan hooliganism
a murderer murder
a hijacker hijacking
a forger forgery
a spy spying
a pirate piracy
a terrorist terrorism

36 ~, Peter Collin Publishmg, 1999

Based on the English Dictionary for Students, ISBN' 1·90 i 659-06-2
The law. Use your dictionary to find the differences between the following sets of words.
1. a judge and a jury
2. a prison and a remand centre
5. to acquit and to sentence
6..corporal punishment and capital _.
3. a solicitor and a barrister punishment
4. a witness and a defendant 7. innocent and guilty tn
5. to arrest and to charge


Complete the following story using a word or expression from the box.

behind bars nick boys in blue doing time got away with nicking
spi II the beans hardened cops as thick as thieves leg it red handed

Brian and Bert had always been as 1. thick as thieves

, sharing each other's secrets and doing everything together. They
turned to a life of crime in their teens, and by the time they were in their early twenties, they were already
2. hardened criminals. They burgled houses and stole cars and always 3. got away with it, discovering that they
actually enjoyed the excitement of avoiding the 4. boys in blue : However, their luck didn't last and one day the
5. cops caught them handedwhile they were 7. nicking a car. They tried to 8. leg it ,but didn't get
too far. The police interviewed them and told them to 9. spill the '. beans
I'm glad to say that Ronnie and Reggie are
now 10.behind barsin Wandsworth 11. Nick , and expect to be 12.doing time for at least two years.

© Peter Collin Publishing, 1999 37

Based on the English Dictionary for Students, ISBN 1-901659-06-2

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