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1.Which of these statements is true?
A. Illicit drugs enhance your creativity
B. Illicit drugs will remove your fears and make life more pleasant
C. A drug may give you a temporary “high,” but when it wears off the crash is lower
than before
D. It takes years to become dependent on drugs
E. None of the above
2.What is meant by “tolerance” to a drug?
A. A person has continual cravings for the drug
B. Giving people the choice to take any drugs they wish
C. More and more of the drug is needed to produce the same high
D. The urge to try new types of drugs
E. Taking drugs without eating.
3. Drug abuse involves
A. Not taking your prescribed drugs regularly
B. The use of drugs for recreational and nonmedical purposes
C. Giving drugs to young children
D.Having drugs in your possession
E. Taking drugs without eating.
4. Smoking marijuana regularly can be especially harmful to teens. Why?
A. It can lower your IQ.
B. It can affect your ability to drive safely.
C. It can make you less motivated to do well in school.
D. It compromises decision-making and the ability to recognize danger
E. All of the above
5. Which of these is a symptom of alcohol overdose?
A. Irregular breathing
B. Confusion
C. Vomiting
D. Difficulty remaining conscious
E. All of the above.
6. What is the most commonly used illicit drug among youths in Nigeria?
A. Marijuana
B. Heroin
C. Cocaine
D. Methamphetamine
7. Some people take anabolic steroids to enhance their athletic performance. Instead,
they might get this:
A. Healthy Kidney, heart, and liver
B. For boys: shrunken testicles. For girls: growth of facial hair
C. Very happy mood all the time
D. Smoother, nicer skin
E. Increase in height
8. STD's can be passed from person to person through
A. Coughing
B. Shaking hands
C. Eating contaminated food
D.Sexual contact
E. All of the above
9. If left untreated, all STD's
A. will become asymptomatic
B. lead to infections by HIV/AIDS
C. can lead to serious health problems
D. will eventually cure themselves
E. can be removed by white blood cells
10. Which is not a high-risk behaviour?
A. Abstaining from sexual activity
B. Engaging in unprotected sexual activity
C. Engaging in sexual activity with multiple partners
D. Using alcohol
E. Taking illicit drugs
11. During the course of HIV/AIDS, the infected person
A. should not hug anyone or shake hands
B. should not eat with others
C. gets stronger
D.becomes vulnerable to opportunistic illnesses
E. needs less and less medication
12. It is difficult for antibodies to fight AIDS because
A. HIV is very strong
B. HIV destroys white blood cells
C HIV is protected once it enters the body
D HIV mutates rapidly
E. HIV weakens antibodies
13. The full meaning of HIV is
A Human Immuno-Deficiency Virus
B Human Immunity Virus
C Human Inversion Virus
D. Human Induced deficiency Virus
E Human Induced Virus
14 What is one reason STD's often go untreated?
A. STD's may show no symptoms
B. Most STD's are not serious
C. Most STD's disappear on their own
D. There is no treatment or cure for most STD's
E. STD’s cannot affect one’s health
15. Which behaviour is most likely to prevent the risk of STD's?
A. Having protected sexual activity
B. Using refusal skills when pressured to engage in sexual activity
C Being sexually active with only one person
D Being sexually active only with asymptomatic partners
E Avoiding frequent sexual activity

1a. What is the full meaning of STI / STD? 2 mks
b. State three major ways by which someone can contact HIV 6 mks
c. Mention two other STD’s that you know. 2 mks

2.a. What are drugs? 1mks

b. What is drug abuse? 2 mks
c. Mention three drugs prohibited by the Government 3 mks
d. Mention four negative effects of drug abuse on the human body. 4 mks

3a. Mention two ways by which s person cannot contact HIV/AIDS 2mks
b. What is teenage pregnancy? 1mk
c. State two causes of teenage pregnancy 2mks
d. State two effects of teenage pregnancy 2mks
e. Mention three consequences of abortion in teenagers. 3mks

4a. Define the following terms:

i.Ovulation ii Conception 2mks
b. State two advantages of Post-natal care 2mks
c. State four advantages of breastfeeding 4mks
d. List two factors that promote growth and development 2mks





1. C
2. C
3. B
4. E
5. E
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. B
13. A
14. A
15. B

1a. STI / STD – Sexually Transmitted Infections/ Diseases 2 Marks
b. Three major ways by which someone can contact HIV
 Through unprotected sexual intercourse
 Sharing unsterilized sharp objects, needles .d syringes, etc
 Through breast milk
 Through placenta from mother to unborn baby, etc 6 Marks
c. Two other STD’s = Gonorrhoea, Syphilis, etc 2 Marks
2a. Drugs= chemical substances that affect the action of the body 1 Mark
b. Drug abuse = taking drugs without a doctor’s prescription. 2 Marks
c. Cocaine, Heroin, Methamphetamine, Indian hemp, etc 3 Marks
d. Four negative effects of drug abuse
-- addiction, psychosis, hallucination, depression, violence, lowered IQ, etc 4 Marks

3.a Two ways by which s person cannot contact HIV/AIDS 2 Marks

Mosquito bites/ sharing toilets , hugging, eating with the same plate, etc
b. Teenage pregnancy---an unintended pregnancy during adolescence 1 Mark
c. Two causes of teenage pregnancy-
Peer pressure to engage in sexual activities, Ignorance, sexual abuse, etc 2 Marks
d. Two effects of teenage pregnancy-
----- medical complications, emotional crisis, delayed education, etc 2 Marks
e. Three consequences of abortion on teenagers.
----psychological problems, infections, infertility, damage to uterus, death, etc 3 Marks

4.a Define the following terms:

Ovulation---- release of mature eggs from the ovary into the oviduct 1 Mark
Conception, - the fertilization of an egg by a sperm to form a zygote
at the beginning of pregnancy 1 Mark
b. Two advantages each of
Post-natal care---- To ensure that the mother recovers from the strains of childbirth
To prevent maternal and neonatal death
To teach the mother how to care for the child., etc 2 Marks
c. Four advantages of breast feeding
----Breast milk contains antibodies needed by the baby
------Breast milk contains sufficient nutrients and water for the baby
---- It is cheap and readily available
---- Less risk of infection for the baby, etc 4 Marks
d. Two factors that promote growth and development-
--balanced diet/ heredity/ hormones/ exercise, etc 2Marks

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