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Darwin Designer to Optimize a Pipe Network

Material Diameter Hazen Unit Cost

(in.) Williams C ($/ft.)

Aluminum 20 130 60.10

Aluminum 24 130 77.00

Aluminum 30 130 105.50

Aluminum 0 130 0.00

d. Create a second design costs table. (You can duplicate the table you just
created and delete the row for 0 diameter.) This table is the same as the first
one except it does not have a pipe diameter of 0 and is used for new pipes.
New pipes must have a minimum diameter because their existence is a
requirement, unlike the parallel pipes.

Material Diameter Hazen Unit Cost

(in.) Williams C ($/ft.)

Aluminum 6 130 12.80

Aluminum 8 130 17.80

Aluminum 10 130 22.50

Aluminum 12 130 29.20

Aluminum 14 130 36.20

Aluminum 16 130 43.60

Aluminum 18 130 51.50

Aluminum 20 130 60.10

Aluminum 24 130 77.00

Aluminum 30 130 105.50

11. Create a single rehabilitation option groups table containing three actions: Clean,
Relining, and Do Nothing. A do-nothing action is necessary so Darwin Designer
can consider not rehabilitating some pipes. Each of these actions must reference
three functions, one for each column in the table.

104 Bentley WaterGEMS Quick Start Lessons

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