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1 Introduction

1.1 Background of the Study

A man is a being or a creature that is higher than any
other animals. A man is considered as a being that is like
God. It was written in the book of Genesis 1:26-27, “God
said, “And now we will make human beings; they will be like
us and resemble us. They will have power over the fish, the
birds and all animals, domestic and wild, large and small.
“So God created human beings, making them to be like him. He
created them male and female.” Thus man is made like God and
there is something that is common to every man which is
called the Human Nature.
In 1997, Babor defined human nature as “anything
exclusively human which man intrinsically possesses at his
birth. Thus, if human nature means those things which man
possesses exclusively as human, then Human Nature can be
characterized as universal and static. Hence Human Nature is
one and immutable. It is one because it is absolutely present
to all those who are born humans.”
In China, there are two philosophers that have different
views on the Human Nature. According to Xunzi “The nature of
man is evil; whatever is good in him is the result of
acquired training. Men are born with the love of gain; if
this natural tendency is followed they are contentious and
greedy, utterly lacking in courtesy and consideration for
others” but for Mencius “Man’s nature is naturally good just
as water naturally flows downward but through an action you
can make it splash and change its nature. Man can be made to
do evil, for his nature can be treated in the same way.” The
view of Mencius’s Human Nature has an error because Human

Nature is static or unchanging. Thus shows that Xunzi’s
perspective of Human nature being Evil and the only good done
is because of training is more accepted.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

This argumentative study gave an answer to the question
“Does Man need Training to be able to do good and avoid evil
in accordance to the Perspective of Human Nature of Xunzi?”
Related to this main question, the following sub questions
were answered; a) what is Human Nature according to Xunzi? B)
What makes man Evil? c) What is needed to prevent the evil
actions of man caused by their nature?

1.3 Objectives
In this study, the researcher used the argument of the
Chinese Philosopher Xunzi to proof the importance of training
(such as Discipline and Education) for a person to be able to
do good and avoid evil. The goal of the study is also to
provide an explicit answer about the argument of the nature
of man.
This study is conducted because there are lots of
ongoing debates on how to discipline a person and this study
will be able to give a solution to the ongoing debates. This
study will also provide a helping hand to the guardians and
law-makers on how to truly discipline a person.

1.4 Scope and Limitation

This study only covered the argument of Xunzi and the
importance of Training to control the evil nature of man.
This study is limited only to the philosophical argument of
Xunzi about Human Nature being Evil.

1.5 Significance of the Study
The goal of this study is to understand the true nature
of Man. This study would also help to give certain examples
on how to train (such as education and discipline) a person
to always do good and avoid evil actions.
This study can benefit the parents, their children, Law
Makers and also the current society to be able to understand
the need of discipline and education as training to lessen
the evil actions of man in the society.

1.6 Review of Related Literature

FIGURE 1 Concept Map
Themes: Concept of Evil
The concept of Evil is thought a lot by many people in the
past and even in the present but many are still finding what the
true meaning of Evil really is. In 2007, Oduwole defined Evil as
“anything that is considered painful, injurious, calamitous
hurtful or morally bad. It is anything that impedes or disrupts
one’s goal, happiness, well-being, or achievement in life. It is
considered wicked, a vice or misfortune, or an absence of good”.
While for Alford (2014) “it is pleasure in inflicting pain and
destruction upon innocent life for its own sake, because the
ability to do so itself brings gratification” also for Kramer
(2014), “evil is patently unsatisfactory, for it assesses moral
obtuseness favorably”. Formasa (2013) gave a broader explanation
of Evil saying that “Evil not just a very wrong act but one that
also involves the presence of other relevant factors, such as
malicious motivation”. Quite similar to Steeves (2008)
definition of evil saying that it “is that it is at once
internal and external to man.”
On 2018, Kamal defined Evil as “neither universal nor
objective. It is subjective and immanent to individuals.
Thinking about evil as something in the world, outside the human
mind, is rather not possible. It is a subjective value, which is
neither a being nor a non-being.” Discipline and Education

In childhood Education and Discipline is needed to control
the bad and evil behaviors of a child. Taylor & Lee (2016) in
their study stated that “Spanking improves child behavior;
spanking is more effective than other forms of discipline”. Not

only in corporal punishments can the discipline be given,
Based in Lai (2006) “The child is taught to replicate “good”
behaviors, this being reinforced in his daily behaviors and
interactions from Role Models”. Thus discipline is done to gain
good behaviors but discipline is not only needed Education also
is needed for children know what is good and bad. According to
Lott (2012), “our knowledge of human action and character
depends upon a practical understanding” thus one also needs
education to understand what good and bad is.
Discipline and Education is not only given in children but
is also for everyone. Williams (2010) in his study about the
training methods and climate of IET tend to reinforce rules-
based moral judgment in which the methods are tended to restrict
the development of principle-based or post conventional moral
thinking of the Soldiers. Human Nature according to Xunzi

Xunzi is a Chinese Philosopher that claimed that the nature
of man is evil and the only good in him is acquired through
training. In 2011, Hu & Guo interpreted it as “Desires for
living are the main cause of human evil. If human beings do not
control their desires, evil will follow.”

1.6.2 Synthesis:
Based on the articles and studies collected, the concepts
of evil in different studies are known, for Oduwole (2007),
“Evil is anything that is considered painful, injurious,
calamitous hurtful or morally bad”. Most of the concepts of Evil
are connected to the view of Xunzi on Human Nature being Evil
mostly from Formasa (2015).

The collected articles and studies also gave information on
how to prevent the evil actions caused by the nature of man
through the ways of spanking, education and other kinds of
disciplines or trainings.

1.6.3 Research Gap

Among the studies collected they did not mention the kind
of evil they are explaining if it is moral evil or physical
evil. In addition to that nothing was also mentioned about how
important discipline is to be able to prevent the evil actions
of man caused by their nature and if training is needed for a
person to be able to do good.

1.7.1 Theoretical Framework

Figure 2: Theory of Original Evilness of Man
The goal of the study is to prove that the Nature of Man is
not good but rather it is Evil and to be able to know how to
prevent Man from doing Evil.
Theory of Original Evilness as defined by Xunzi is that
“man’s basic nature is slothful, avaricious and animal, and that
everything that is good or valuable is the product of human
effort” (Wu, 1986, p. 47). The theory will be able to help the
study for it tells the things that make man evil and also it can
give ideas on how prevent the Evil actions of man caused by
their nature.

1.8 Research Method

The study centered on the qualitative type of research
method in particular the “Textual Analysis” to seek the answer
to the questions to support the argument of Xunzi against Mengzi
and also to explain the importance of discipline and education
to prevent the evil actions of man caused by their nature.

Textual analysis was the method used in describing the

content, structure, and functions of the articles, books and
other written text connected on the philosophy of Xunzi and the
research question.

1.9 Research Design:

The study used argumentative and philosophical design. This
research design guarantees that the data gathered addresses the
research problem effectively and it can provide relevant ideas
for the study about the nature of Man.

2. What is Human Nature according to Xunzi?

2.1 The Identity of Xunzi

Xunzi represents the realistic wing of Confucianism.

In spite of him being a first-rate scholar, he is not famous in
the west thus that means he is not given a Latinized name unlike
Mencius and Confucius. Xunzi’s personal name is Kuang but his
more respective name is Xun Qing.

Just like Mencius, Xunzi was an advocate and interpreter of

the teachings of Confucius. Xunzi lived in a generation after
Mencius, Xunzi lived through the final, brutal wars which ended
with the state of Qin (feelings) absorbing and unifying all the
Chinese feudal states. Xunzi was a widely traveled scholar,
teacher, and official who was considered as a Realist.

2.2 Difference between Human Nature and Acquired Human Character

according to Xunzi

Mencius is the philosopher that has contrasting argument of

Human Nature to the argument of Xunzi. The understanding of
Mencius’s argument is that the Nature of Man is just like water
current it is not different if it goes eastward or westward
because it still naturally goes downward but one can splash the
water to cause it to go upward. In that explanation, Mencius
meant that Human Nature is possible to be trampled thus it means
that Mencius did not understand the true meaning of Human Nature
because Human Nature is static and immutable.

Xunzi stated that Mencius did not understood the difference
of original nature and acquired character. Xunzi wrote that
Man’s nature is what he endowed in birth by heaven; it is not
possible to be learned or worked for. It was because of the sage
that there is Li (form and principle) and justice. Men learn Li
(form and principle) and justice through the way of studying and
applying them into their characters by effort. Characters and
behaviors which are not gained by study and effort but innate in
man are considered as his nature.

Xunzi gave an example of Man’s Original Nature, The eye of

a Man is capable of seeing while the ear is capable of hearing,
and those abilities are not apart from the eye and ear nor the
ability to hear and see are possible to be learned thus it is
considered as a nature. Through his explanations he meant that
the Human Nature is inborn not nurtured or artificial and is
simple and plain without adornment or polish.

2.3 Human Nature is Evil

Xunzi in his writings, he argued that the Original Nature

of Man is Evil and the good is the effect of his acquired
training and Education. For Xunzi, Men are born with the love of
gain and if that natural tendency is fixated it will result for
a man to become contentious and greedy, and also they will have
a lack of courtesy and consideration on the people around them.

In the state of Human Nature being Evil, Xunzi gave a

solution on how the prevent the evil actions caused by it; he
wrote that, “Human nature being evil must be acted upon by

teachers and laws to be made upright, and must have li
(propriety/proper conduct) and justice added to it before men
can be orderly. Without teachers and laws, men are selfish,
malicious and unrighteous. Lacking li (propriety/proper conduct)
and justice they are unruly, rebellious and disorderly.” On the
time when Xunzi had his argument of Human Nature the Sage-Kings
had instituted li (propriety/proper conduct) and justice and
published laws and regulations to force and control men’s
natural tendencies to make them righteous.

That argument of Xunzi about Human Nature is a lot

different from the argument of Mencius. The argument of Mencius
about Human Nature states that the nature of man is good but it
can be altered to be able to do evil. In addition to that
Mencius said that every men are born with four incipient
beginnings or “buds” of human heartedness (ren), righteousness
(yi), respect for propriety (li) and the knowing capacity to
know what good and what is bad (zhi). To further explain that he
said that those four “buds” bloom through different
circumstances. In the “bud” Human heartedness (ren) when a man
had a feeling of commiseration it will be the beginning of
blooming of the bud of Human heartedness. In the “bud” of
righteousness (yi) when a man started to feel shame and dislike
it will be the start of blooming of the bud of righteousness. In
the “bud” of respect of propriety (li) when a man started having
the sense of modesty and yielding its bud of respect for
propriety will bloom. And when a man started to have the sense
of right and wrong his bud of (zhi) will bloom. That argument of
Mencius about the human nature is not supported a lot by history
especially because of the Christian doctrine about “Original
Sin” lots of people disagreed and also it was argued by Xunzi

because he knows that the argument of Mencius is not in
accordance to the concept of the nature of man (Wu, 1986).

Xunzi, to be able to justify that Mencius’s argument is

wrong he offered several arguments. He defined that Human nature
is something that is naturally inborn and a man and one does
need to learn to be able to receive it. His second argument was
that if people are naturally good then there is no reason
anymore to have laws and social norms. The reason why sages
created laws and social norms was because there are people who
are not acting accordingly to it. The last argument that Xunzi
gave is that man desire good but those things that man desire
are things that they don’t have possession for a man who desire
is more likely to have envy. The arguments that Xunzi gave
enlightened that man is not really naturally good and his
perspective is right.

In Xunzi’s argument on Human Nature, the evil he is

identifying is moral evil because he wrote in one of his essays:

Human nature today is such that people are

born with a love of profit. Following this
nature will cause its aggressiveness and
greedy tendencies to grow and courtesy and
deference to disappear.

Humans are born with feelings of envy and
hatred. Indulging these feelings causes
violence and crime to develop and loyalty
and trustworthiness to perish. Humans are
born possessing the desires of the ears and
eyes (which are fond of sounds and colors).
Indulging these desires causes dissolute
and wanton behavior to result, and ritual
and moral principles, precepts of good
form, and regulated order (wen li) to

This being the case, when each person

follows his inborn nature and indulges his
natural inclinations [qing], aggressiveness
and greed are certain to develop. This is
accompanied by violation of social class
distinctions and throws the natural order
into anarchy, resulting in cruel tyranny

The idea of Evil that Xunzi gave coincides with the Concept of
Moral Evil. Oduwole (2007, 3) identified moral evil as those
result from Human Choice or volition. They comprise defects in
moral character such as malice, hatred, greed, greed, jealousy,
selfishness, cruelty intemperance, and so on, which tend to
cause suffering to other”.

To be able to explain more the perspective of Xunzi the

researcher had used the explanation of the Western Philosopher
counter-part of Xunzi who is Thomas Hobbes. The perspective of
Hobbes about the Human Nature is also evil just like Xunzi. He
explained that people in the state of nature are seen to be like

infants that did not undergo any kind of education or training
thus physical psychological egoism would be true of them because
they only rely on their instincts. In addition to that Hobbes
admitted that infants were born with neither a moral sense nor
has a concern for any people who are around them but he also
stated that through right education and right training one could
make them to change from very bad to very good and very selfish
to unselfish (Sorrel, 1996, 166-167). The perspective of Human
Nature of Thomas Hobbes and Xunzi is as clear as crystal the

The argument of Xunzi mainly tackles about the Human Nature

being Evil. Man In state of nature relies on their instincts and
those instincts are called as desires. Man also desires those
things that they don’t have possession of. And the remedy for a
person to be able to do the good is through education and

3. What makes man Evil?

3.1 Statement of Xunzi

According to Xunzi, Man is evil by nature and they are
naturally evil because man in state of nature has desire, and
moral unawareness.

3.2 Definitions of Evil

Everyone has different perspectives on the concept of the
evil of Man. In 2007, Oduwole defined evil as “anything that is
considered painful, injurious, calamitous, a hurtful or morally
bad. It is anything that impedes or disrupts one’s goal,
happiness, well-being or achievement in life. It is considered
as wicked, a vice or misfortune or an absence of good”. Evil is
not good but for Alford (2014),“Evil is pleasure in inflicting
pain and destruction upon innocent life for its own sake,
because the ability to do so itself brings gratification, rooted
in the power to play God (or in this case Satan) by desecrating
innocence and destroying goodness”. Another interpretation of it
is given by Archer (2016) he stated that “evil acts are wrong
acts that are pleasurable for their doers, while supererogatory
acts are right acts that are painful to perform”.

In the Enneads, Plotinus writes, “Perhaps Evil is merely an

impediment to the Soul like something affecting the eye and so
hindering sight” (Plotinus, 1952: 1, 8, p. 67).Perhaps Plotinus
means that Evil is different from the perspectives of man.

3.3 Types of Evil

Evil is classified into many types such as moral, demonic
and many more. Alvin Platinga (1973, 218) identifies moral evil

as those which result from human choice or volition. They
comprise defects in moral character such as malice, hatred,
greed, jealousy, selfishness, cruelty, intemperance and so on
which tend to cause suffering to others. Platinga defined
Physical evil as pains and discomforts that arise from diseases,
natural disasters beyond human control, and events that have to
do with nature or natural laws. Intellectual Evils are mental
weaknesses such as stupidity, irrationality, poor judgment, and
defects in various organs of perception or in the brain that can
cause insanity. Psychological Evils are caused by unhappy events
in life such as loneliness, frustration, fear, anxiety, failures
in love affairs and death of loved ones.

For Svendsen (2010) gave much more types of evil. Demonic

evil is evil for its own sake, performed for the express purpose
of harming others, or for the enjoyment of the experience of
watching others suffer. Instrumental evil is the evil that is
done with a hidden purpose. Idealistic evil is evil that is done
for a greater cause and last is the Stupid evil is the evil done
out of stupidity.

Among all the types of evil, it is clear that Moral Evil is

the evil that Xunzi is focusing on because the center of his
argument tackles more about envy, greed and desire.

3.4 Desire
Desire can be classified as a verb or a noun. As a verb it
means to wish or long for, express a wish to obtain, which came
from the Old French word desirrer which means wish, desire, long
for, and from Latin word “desiderare” "long for, wish for;
demand, expect, in the original sense it means "await what the

stars will bring," from the phrase “de sidere” which means from
the stars. As a noun desire means "a craving or yearning; an
emotion directed toward attainment or possession of an object;
sensual appetite, physical desire, lust; Desire came from the
Old French word“desir”, from desirer meaning "that which is
longed for". Desire in its etymology is a beautiful word but
just like a trap it is beautiful but contains a bad effect.

Andler (1991) stated that desire is classified into two

modes, one is the desire in which are the same to all human
beings because they are inherent in human nature thus they are
classified as natural desires. The other mode of desire is the
desire that individuals acquire from the way I which they are
nurtured or as a result of a circumstances that came upon them
in the course of their lives. In a simpler way the first mode of
desire is the “needs” while the other mode is considered as the
Xunzi told that it is instinctive desires when a man is
hungry he desires for food, when a man is cold he desire will
desire for something to warm him up, when a man works he will
desire for rest those instinctive desires that Xunzi described
is considered as the “needs” but what makes the instinctive
desire is when the concept of egoism and the concept of self-
preservation is added. Xunzi also stated “One is born with the
desires of the ears and eyes and with a fondness for beautiful
sights and sounds, and, by indulging these; one is led into
licentiousness and chaos, so that the sense of ritual,
rightness, refinement, and principle with which one was born is
lost. Hence, following human nature and indulging human emotions
will inevitably lead to contention and strife, causing one to

rebel against one’s proper duty, reduce principle to chaos, and
revert to violence.”

Man desires for the things they need and they usually do
things that will benefit themselves. Man in the state of nature
is only doing what their desire is asking them to do for they
don’t know if they are doing what is right or wrong. And what
also causes desire to do it is when the first mode of desire
(need) is already out man would kill for each other just to get
what they need.

The main reason why man seeks their desire is just to get
one thing and that is pleasure. One of the very root causes of
evil is also the wrong desire. Andler (1991, 37-38) identified
the three causes of wrong desire. First wrong desire is
something that is really good but it is just a good partially
yet desired inordinately as if it’s the only. The second is the
goods but is only a means, also those who desire it is thinks it
is the ultimate end. And the last is the things that may look
actually good when desired but is only an apparent good that is
noxious but not innocuous. Those wrong desires are the things
that man thought a “need” but it is only a “want” and the
example of those are money, fame and power.

3.5 Moral Unawareness

Moral is defined as concerned with the principles of what
are the right and wrong behaviors. While Moral Awareness is the
ability to distinguish what is right and what is wrong.

Xunzi’s argument about Human Nature was that there are laws
and social norms because men do evil. Men in the state of nature

does not know what is right and what is wrong because the
knowledge to know what is right and what is wrong is gain
through education. Hobbes also stated that if we will look at
man in the state of nature we should assume them to be like
infants that did not undergo any kind of education or training
and he also admitted that infants were born with no moral sense
and concern for others than themselves. Thus these things truly
show that Human Nature is Evil because of Moral Unawareness.

Chapter 4: What is needed to prevent the evil actions of man
caused by their nature?

4.1 Statement of Xunzi

Xunzi stated that man’s original instinct dictation leads
to contention, rapacity and disorder which will be the cause for
humanity to revert into a state of violence because of that
reason it is essential for men to be transformed by teachers and
laws, and guided by li (proper conduct/ propriety). When guided
right only then man will be courteous and cooperative.

4.2 Law and Discipline

Men are naturally evil and will do everything that they

want to do that is why the sage-king established laws and social
norms to be able to give discipline to men, Xunzi said.

Laws are the system of rules that are created and enforced
through social or governmental institutions to regulate
behavior. Xunzi told that men are naturally evil they will only
follow their instinctive desires and will do everything just to
be able to satisfy to their own desires and obtain pleasure that
is why there are laws so that men will not do things that is not
good because they know that they will be punished if they will
break the law.

The other way on how to be able to prevent the evil actions

of man is through discipline. Discipline is the action that is
regulated in accordance with a particular system of governance.
Discipline is applied to regulate the behaviors of man. It can
be a set of expectations that are required by any governing

entity including the self, groups, classes, fields, industries,
or societies. Thus it means that discipline is always in accord
to law and morals.

Discipline can take in many forms such as the Corporal

Punishment. Meru (2010) in her case study in Kenya she learned
that “The teachers were of the opinion that the use of corporal
punishment was the most effective way of disciplining pupils and
they argued that since corporal punishment inflicts pain, pupils
avoided breaking school rules and displaying bad behavior to
avoid the punishment. In addition, the teachers maintained that
the pain of caning made pupils associate wrongdoing with painful
results therefore they avoided breaking school rules and being
mischievous”. Thus shows that in Kenya Corporal Punishment is
the best way to discipline the pupils in school to prevent them
from doing bad things but in the study of Meru (2010) she also
learned that when corporal punishment is removed the children
tend to always break the rules.

In the study of Lai (2006) “The child is taught to

replicate “good” behaviors, this being reinforced in his daily
behaviors and interactions from Role Models”. In her study the
best way for a teacher or a parent to discipline a child is to
discipline their own first because the children are prone on
copying their models. Thus it also means that one cannot teach
someone that they don’t know.

Iftar (2005) in her study on how the Turkish mothers

discipline their child she learned “verbal praise appeared as
the favorite primary technique for strengthening children’s
positive behaviors because it was mentioned by 37 mothers (74%)

as a primary technique. On the other hand, verbal praise was
never mentioned as a secondary technique. One can claim that the
participants of this study always utilize verbal praise as the
first alternative. This finding is not surprising because verbal
praise is one of the most convenient reinforcer types to
deliver”. In Turkey their way of discipline is through Verbal
Praise probably because a child loves to do things that they
will be rewarded and also one of man’s desires is the
appreciation of others.

In 2016, Taylor and Lee in their study concluded that

learned that spanking as a form of corporal punishment for a
child is a good thing to do for it made many children’s behavior
to be good.

It clearly shows that discipline and law is really needed

to prevent the evil actions of man caused by their nature
because without those two man will only rely on their
instinctive desire.

4.3 Moral Education

Xunzi stated that man in the state of nature doesn’t have

any knowledge of what is right and what is good because moral
awareness is not natural to man; it was learned through proper

This argument of Xunzi is relevant to the argument of

Aristotle. Aristotle wrote that “virtue comes about, not by a
process of nature but by habituation. Thus virtues are learned
and not natural.”

One of the causes of the evil of man in their nature is
because they are unaware of what is right and what is wrong,
that is why there is a need for moral education especially the
children for they do not have any knowledge of what is right and
what is wrong.

Moral Education is one of the responsibilities of the

parents to their child. Oladipo in 2019 stated that, “Parents
provide the most constant and visible models of behaviors
associated with character development, they also help by
identifying other models of the character traits they want their
children to develop and by raising appropriate character-related
issues in discussions of daily events. Parents also assist by
exposure to examples of behaviors that negate their own views of
positive values and virtues. The approach used by parents has
the greatest impact on how the child and parents yields a more
productive environment to receive information pertaining to the
moral issues. The yielding to moral teaching is based primarily
on the reactionary process of the care given through the level
of affect presented by the adult. This in turn brings the moral
and social message to the child in a more concrete fashion. As
with anything in the developmental life span, too much or not
enough of something can create adverse or opposite effects which
may not be the intervention of the caregiver. Therefore, the
level of moral development within the adult contributes to the
internalization of the moral concept.” Moral Education does not
happen only at home but also at school for teachers also teach
morals on children to help children become morally aware of

This shows that moral education is really needed for a
person to avoid bad behaviors and distinguish what is good and
what is bad just like what Xunzi stated.

5: Conclusion

This argumentative and philosophical study focuses on

applying the philosophical argument of Xunzi about Human Nature
on the Importance of Training for the man to prevent the evil
actions of them caused by their nature. Man should be assumed as
infants without education and training to be able to identify
their Human Nature. Man in their state of nature is evil because
of desire and moral unawareness. Instinctive desire is the
common reason why man does evil actions because he still doesn’t
know what is good and what is bad and that is the moral
unawareness. Man in the state of nature will naturally desire
things that they do not have for they seek pleasure.

For the man to be able to prevent evil actions caused by

their nature they need three things which are the Law,
Discipline and Moral Education and this three are fundamental to
be able to control the evil actions of man. Law is needed;
Discipline is done in many ways for man to do good and avoid
evil and Moral education is needed for a man to be able to
distinguish the good from the evil.

This study provided a good sample proof of the Theory of

the Original Evilness of Human Nature for it is proven that man
by nature is evil but through training they learned to do good.
This study also proved that discipline really makes people to be
able to do good just like what Taylor & Lee (2016) stated in
their study about corporal punishment.

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