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Mock Interview Reflection

Directions: Review the Mock Interview Critique Form completed by your teacher. Use the
results to reflect on your experience by answering the questions below.
1. What steps did you take to prepare for the mock interview?
In order to prepare for the mock interview, I did a couple practice interviews. In addition,
I picked out a nice outfit to wear. Finally, I wrote a resume.
2. How did you feel while you were being interviewed?
While I was being interviewed, I felt very nervous and my palms were sweaty.
3. Reflect on your actual responses. Did you feel your responses were adequate or could
you have done better? Explain.
I feel my responses were adequate. They were adequate because I spoke clearly and
kept stuttering to a minimum.
4. What questions do you feel you answered well? Explain.
The questions I answered well include “How would you handle yourself in a stressful
situation at work?. For example, I would stay calm and collected. In addition, they asked
me “Can you tell us about yourself?”. I listed all my hobbies and told them a few
personal facts about me.
5. What questions do you feel you could have answered better? How would you have
answered them differently?
The questions I could have answered better include “Why do you want this job?” and
“Have you ever been fired from a job?”. For example, I want this job because I have been
told that they treat their employees well here. In addition, no, I have never been fired
from any job.
6. What areas did your teacher mark as strengths?
My teacher marked the following areas as strengths: good posture and good attitude.
These were strengths because good posture and attitude show structure in someone's
7. What areas did your teacher mark as needing improvement? In what ways do you plan
to improve your performance in these areas?
My teacher marked the following areas as needing improvement, lacking eye contact
and using filler words. These areas need improvement because they're not good habits
to keep. I plan to improve my performance in these areas by looking people in the eye
when talking to them. In addition, I plan to work on my speech.

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