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Campus Visit Reflection

Name of campus: Southwestern College

In-person OR virtual tour: In-person
Date visited: 3/25/2022
1. Describe the campus. What was your overall impression, or feeling, about this campus?
Overall, the campus was a lot bigger than I thought with an abundance of students. For
example, I walked and saw a much bigger campus than what you see from the front. In
addition, there were a ton of students everywhere. Finally, the buildings and the
landscape looked very beautiful.
2. Can you imagine yourself attending this campus, or one like it? Why or why not?
I can imagine myself attending this campus because I want to go to college. In addition,
It sounds exciting. Furthermore, It is affordable and close.
3. What did you like best about this campus? Explain.
One aspect about this campus that I liked best was the whole open landscape. I liked this
because it looked nice.
4. What did you like least about this campus? Explain.
One aspect about this campus that I liked least was it has no transfer units. I disliked this
because there are no classes that transfer.
5. What would you like to know more about? Explain.
After my visit, there are a few things I would still like to know more about. For example,
I would like to know more about how much it would all cost annually. In addition, I
would like to know more about what other classes they offer.
6. How will your visit affect your future plans? Will you apply to this campus (or one like
it)? Why or why not?
After everything that I have learned from my campus visit, I plan to apply to this campus.
I have made this decision because it is close to where I live. In addition, It is affordable.
Finally, I like the school.

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