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Plasma Physics

by Saqib Sharif

Department of Physics (KUST)

Fig.1: A Silicon wafer produced at Intel manufacturing Lab
Department of Physics (KUST)
Semiconductor integrated circuit devices

– Personal computers
– Mobile telephones
– Hand-held multimedia players
– Home entertainment systems
– GPS navigation devices
– High-speed internet access

Department of Physics (KUST)
One third of all steps in integrated circuit
manufacture are based on plasma.

But what about our basic problems ???

Energy, The Basic Need

Department of Physics (KUST) 4

Department of Physics (KUST)
Plasma: as a source of Energy

Sun, The Nature own source of Energy

Sun  Plasma

Plasma  Energy

Department of Physics (KUST)
Department of Physics (KUST)
Applications: many more..

Tissue treatment, Surgery..

Bacterial inactivation
Cancer Treatment
Cloth dyeing

Department of Physics (KUST)
Now: What is Plasma… ?

Department of Physics (KUST)
Ancient Greek Philosophy

Department of Physics (KUST)
Plasma ?
• Heating a Solid  Liquid
• Heating a Liquid  Gas
• Heating a Gas  Dissociates its molecular bonds
• Further heating  Leads to ionization (a loss
of electrons), turning it into a plasma:
– Quasi- Neutrality
– Collective Behaviour

Department of Physics (KUST)

Sun Plasma
Solar Wind Plasma
Stars Plasma
Inter stellar space Plasma
95% to 99% of our universe is Plasma
Nature own source of Energy
Department of Physics (KUST)
Course code: PHY481 (3-0-3)
Course Title:
• Plasma Physics
Recommended Texts:
• F. F. Chen, Introduction to plasma Physics, 2nd ed. (Plenum).
• N. A. Krall and A.W.Trivelpiece, Principles of Plasma Physics, 1973 (McGraw Hill).

Course Description:
• Introduction: Occurrence of plasma in nature, Definition of plasma, concept of temperature,
Debye shielding, plasma parameters, Criteria for plasma, application of plasma physics
• Single particle motion: Introduction, Uniform E and B fields, Non-uniform B field, Non-
uniform E field, Time-varying E field, Time-varying B field, Guiding center drifts, Adiabatic
• Plasma as Fluids: Introduction, Relation of plasma physics with ordinary electromagnetics,
The fluid equation of motion, Fluid drift perpendicular to B, Fluid drift parallel to B, The
plasma approximation
• Waves in Plasmas: Representation of waves, Group velocity, Plasma oscillation, Electron
plasma wave, sound wave, Ion waves, validity of the plasma approximation, Comparison of
ion and electron waves, Electrostatic electron oscillation perpendicular to B, Electrostatic ion
wave perpendicular to B, The lower hybrid frequency, electromagnetic wave with Bo = 0,
Experimental application, Electromagnetic waves perpendicular to Bo, Cutoffs and
resonance, Electromagnetic waves parallel to Bo, Experimental consequences,
Hydromagnetic waves, Magnetostatic waves, Summary of elementary plasma waves, Fusion,
Fusion schemes

Department of Physics (KUST)
Knowledge To Refresh..

• Basic Vector algebra

• Product AxB, scalar product A.B and
combinations of both.
• Basic integral and differential operations
• Basic knowledge about partial differential
equation etc..

Department of Physics (KUST)
• Any Question ??


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