Highway Code

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Highway code

 Pedestrians
o If no pavement – stay on right hand side
o If large group – keep to left
o Pedestrians cant be on motorways or slip roads
 Crossings
o Always cross between studs or over zebra markings
o Don’t cross at side of crossinf or on zig zag lines
o Pelican crossigns
 Controlled by pedestrian
 Steady green figure - check traffic stop and cross
 If flashing – should not start to cross
o Puffin
 No flashing green phase
 Figures are above the button
o Toucan
 Both cyclist and pedestrians
o Equestrian
o Staggered pelican or puffin
 When not in line and are 2 separate crossings
o Authorised person
 Police
 Traffic warden
 School crossing patrol
 Always cross in front of them

Powered vehicles
 Mobility scooter
o 1 class – manual wheelchair
o 2 classes powered wheelchairs and mobility scooters
o Manual wheelchairs an class 2 vehicle – speed limit 4mph/ 6kmph
o Class 3 – speed limit 8mph/ 12kmph – can be used on ROAD also
o If on pavement cant travel faster than 4mph
where spped limit exceeds 50mph/ 80kmph
o If used on dual carriageways – MUST have flashing amber beacon
 Horse drawn vehicles
o Need to have 2 red rear reflectors
o At night = white light at front and red to the rear
 Horse riders
o Children under 14 – helmet
o Clothing
 Boots or shoes with hard soles and heels
 Ligt coloured/ florescent clothing in day
 Reflective clothing at night
 Horse has reflective bands
 Light with white to front and red to rear on riders right arm/ leg/
riding boot
o No horse on pavement or foothpath or cycle track
o Avoid roundabouts
 If used keep to left and watch for vehicles
 Dogs
o In vehicle ensure sutibaly restrained

 Clothing
o Helmet
o Fluorescent clothing
o Reflective clothing in dark
 At night – white front and red rear light lit
 Red rear reflector MUST
 Flashing light permitted but recommended steady front lamp
 Cycle lanes
o Marked by white line (which may be broken) along carriageway
 DON’T ride more than 2 abreast

 Must wear helmet
 Advisable to wear eye protection
 No more than 1 pillion passenger
 Licence
o Cbt course – up to 125cc with power not exceeding 11kW
o Exceeding 125cc – need to be over age limit
 Accompanied
 Safety cloting
 Red L plates fitted
 Fit to drive
o Don’t begin if tires
o Avoid long journey b/w midnight and 6am
o 15min break every 2 hrs
o If tired stop in safe place – not emergency or hard soulder of motoryway
o Vision
 Read number plate – 20m distance
o Slow don and stop if necessary - dazzled by bright light
 Don’t drink and drive
o 50miligrams/100ml blood
o 22micrograms/100ml breath
 Before setting off
o Valid license and insurance
o Vehical legal and roadworthy
o Ensure
 Planned route and sufficient time for breaks
 Enigh fuel
 Vehicle towing and loading
o Must secure load and must not stick out dangerously
o If vehicle is narrower – towing mirrors must be used
o Trailer must be fitted with secondary coupling device – safety chian
 During towing
o Reduce speed limit
o Stopping distance may increase
o MUST NOT drive in right hand lane on motorway with 3 or more lanes
o If trailer starts to swerve ease off accelerator and reduce speed gently – don’t
break harshly
 Under 3 - correct child restraint
 Above 3 and uo to 1.35m in height or 12th birthday – correct child restraint
 Above 12 or 1.35m adult seatbelt
 14 above seatbelt
 Rear facing baby seat MUST NOT be fitted into a deat with an atve frontal airbag

 Valid driving license
 Must inform DVLA if change name or address
o Pass MOT test 3 yrs from date of reg and every yr after
o Must have MOT unless driving to a pre-arrnage test appt or to a garage for
repairs required for test
o If not worthy will invalidate your insurance
 Insurance
o Cover for your injury or damage to 3rd party
 Registration certificate
 Vehicle Excise Duty
o Paid in all motor vehicles used or kept on public roafs
 SORN – statutory off-road notification
o Notifying DVLA vehicle is not being used on road – so it is untaxed
 What to produced
o License , insurance certificate MOT
General rules
 Police (blue), Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency Officers (amber) , Traffic officers
 Traffic signs
o Warning – triangle
o Orders – circle
o Direction signs – green rectangle
o Info signs – white vertical
 Flashing headlight
o To let road users know u are there
o Not a signal inviting u to proceed
 Horn only used when moving
o Never horn when stationary or driving in built up atra b/w 11:30 and 7
 Light
o Ensure all sidelight and rear reg olate light lit b/w sunset and sunrise
o Headlight used at night unless well lit
 Usually built up areas speed limit 30mph
o Use dipped heahlight or dim dip at night in built up areas and dull daytime
o Headlights dipped when overtaking until level with other vehicle than change
to mian beam if necessary
o Hazard warning lights
 If stationatu to warn that it is temp obstructuing traffic
 Braking
o Normally – early and lightly then more firmly as u begin to stop then eass off
just before comes to rest to avoid jerky stop
o Emergency – brake immediately
 If harshly = locked wheels – loose control
o Skid
 If occurs – remove cause by releasing the brake pedal fully or easing
off accelerator and turn the steer in direction of skid
 If vehicle has anti-lock braes – follow advice
 In case of emergency apply foot brake firmly do not release until
vehicle slowed to desired speed, the ABS should ensure that steering
control will be retained
o Water
 If driven through deep water – brakes less effective
 Test first by pushing gently- if not effective gently apply light pressure
while driving slowly
o Coasting
 Vehicle travelling in neutral or with clutch pressed down
 Reduces driver control
 Parking
o Don’t leave vehicle unattended with engine runnin
o If stationary apply parking brake and switch off engine
 Reduce emissions and noise pollution
 Speed limit
o Built up areas 30mph
o Single carriageway – 60
o Dual and motorway – 70
 Reduced speed when
o Hazards
o Sharing road with ped, cyclist and horses
o Weather
o Night
 Stopping distance
o 2 second gap b/w u and vehivle
 Double the gap if wet
 And even more on icy roads
Road markings
- Road studs
o White – lanes or middle of road
o Red – left edge of raod
o Amber – central reservation of a dual carriageway or motrway
o Green – edge of main carriageway at lay-bys or slip roads
o Green/yellow – temp adjustment to lane layout
Slow moving traffic
- Reduce distance between u and vehicle ahead to maintian traffic flow

- Large vehicles – drop back to see ahead and so they can see u in theiur mrrior
- Don’t overtake if
o – if crossind double white line with solid nearest u
Wet weather
- Stopping idstance doubles
- Drive at slow speed in high gear as possible
- Accelerate and break gently

- Don’t patk facing against traffic flow
- Switch off engine and lights
o Appy handbrake
o Don’t hit anyone
- Don’t stop or park on
o Carriageway
o Emergency area
o Hard shoulder
o Opposite or within 10m of junc
o Low kerb
- St night
o Must not park on a road facing against direction of traffic flow
o Parking lights used on road grater than 30mphh
- Hill
o Park close to kerb and apply handbrake firmly
o Select forward gear and turn sttering wheel away ftom kerb if uphill
o Reverse gear and wheel towards kerb when downhill



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