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My Favorite Subject

The days of my youth were brimming with curiosity. As a result, I have always possessed a great interest in physics and mathematics. I recall when my

father would teach me arithmetic before I was ever enrolled in elementary school. I excelled at math and science. As I grew and matured, I continued to excel, and my

interest in mathematics and physics grew deeper. My love for these subjects has given me insight into how relevant and pivotal math and physics are in the world. The

logical thinking, problem-solving skills, abstract thinking, and creativity developed and learned in these fields open an array of future careers. In addition, having a

conceptual understanding of these subjects can help you to understand the world around you.

One thing that I cultivated in studying physics and mathematics is logical reasoning. Logical thinking helps with problem-solving and critical thinking.

These are all skills that are necessary for developing our future careers. This ability has led to my success in other subjects, such as chemistry and language arts. It

allows me to make reasonable conclusions and to dismiss any superfluous claims. Furthermore, it will enable me to generate creative ideas when addressing a new


Another thing I learned from the subject was how many inventions were created by physicists. I remember being 13 years old, watching The Flash on TV,

and I was completely obsessed. Then I stumbled across a YouTube video, it was by a channel called “Because Science.” The entire channel is about explaining

superheroes’ powers using science and real-world limitations. From there I began discovering other channels, such as “VSauce” and “Numberphile.” I began to

discover people as well, including Neil DeGrasse Tyson and Michio Kaku. I came across an interview with Michio Kaku, where he explained the inventions in

everyday use made using physics. Of course, engineering is an integral part of society. Physics provides a fundamental knowledge for technological advances and plays

a key role in the function of society.

Furthermore, I was illuminated by how prevalent these two subjects are. Physics and mathematics are heavily intertwined and are ever present. In my

everyday life, I am awestruck by the beauty of the universe. I see the sun rise, and I think about the fundamental forces of the universe in play that cause that to happen.

I see jets, and marvel at the feat of engineering. I see the moon and the stars. I think about their creation, how they came into existence, the fundamental forces keeping

them together. When I see technology, such as computers, or phones, even a light bulb, I constantly think of the process it took to make such items, the physics, the

math that went into creating these pieces of technology. I am truly fascinated with the inner workings of all the things we see.
My interests in these subjects, my inquiries, and my curiosity have led me to my dream career. I would like to make practical use of my strengths, while

also being able to satisfy my curiosity. That is why I am interested in engineering, and in particular Aerospace Engineering. My goals and ambitions are to obtain a

career where I can make use of these subjects that I love, physics and mathematics. The most practical use of these two subjects is engineering. Therefore, I am

pursuing a path in higher education, to learn, to help the world in technological advancement.

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