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Edward Michael Westerman

29 Mountain Orchard Path, Signal Mountain, TN 37377

(423-504-5137) **
Information Technology Executive with over 30 years experience aligning technolo
gy with business organizations. Special strengths in technology, organizational
management, systems development, and strategic planning. Additional strengths
in data management, component architecture, and web-enabled technology. Experie
nced in creating and implementing integrated systems environments, which technol
ogically enable businesses to operate from a competitive position.
WESTERMAN & ASSOCIATES, Chief Executive Officer
Major engagements for this technology management consulting firm included:
U.S. Xpress Enterprises, Chief Information Officer
Restructured MIS department into full information technology organization with s
trategic technology plan, formal management processes, and enhanced technical in
frastructure including high availability disaster recovery. Guided organization
successfully through Sarbanes Oxley compliance. Implemented service-oriented a
rchitecture and business process reengineering.
Sun Trust Banks, Chief Technology Officer
Managed staff of 1500 with budget of $380 MM. Responsible for systems developme
nt, computer operations, network services and information systems security.
* Re-engineered technology management processes to significantly elevate organiz
ation's efficiency and control.
* Reorganized information systems security to meet regulatory and audit complian
* Stabilized production environment, redesigned processing architecture and cons
olidated three data centers into two.
* Salvaged and refocused major projects - completed 90 projects on schedule and
within budget.
* Successfully completed 1.5MM hour/40,000 program change systems integration pr
oject resulting in the consolidation of 28 banks into a single banking unit.
* Developed strategic technology plans in alignment with corporate strategy.
* Updated and enhanced technical infrastructure eliminating single points of fai
Old Kent Mortgage, Chief Information Officer
Conducted Information Technology assessment, developed strategy and re-engineere
d organization.


Chief Information Officer and Executive Vice President
Managed staff of 1,000 with budget of $200 MM for nation's largest mortgage bank
ing subsidiary of the seventh largest U.S. banking group. Responsible for all s
ystems development, client services, risk management, LAN/WAN/Internet/Intranet/
Extranet/Telephony networks, and computer operations facilities including 15,000
PC's, 2000 UNIX and NT servers, multiple mid-range and mainframe platforms oper
ating in centralized, distributed, and network computing environments.
* Served on six-member operating committee directing company strategy, policy an
d operations.
* Restructured from a site-oriented siloed organization to a geographically tran
sparent functional organization across multiple sites.
* Recruited new one and two-down management while growing organization from 300
to 1,000 employees. Successfully integrated the two largest IT organizations an
d technology environments in the mortgage industry.
* Led IT from an unacceptable audit status to an organized technology risk manag
ement group that implemented high quality security and disaster recovery process
es. This team also led the business continuation planning effort for the corpor
* Initiated a client services function to ensure alignment and partnership with
the business.
* Established a high urgency technical services infrastructure group and product
ion platform environment capable of responding to dramatic business cycle change
* Created and implemented strategic systems and architecture planning. Sponsore
d the formation of a strategic planning function in the business.
* Implemented a systems development methodology and a program management process
instituting project prioritization across the company.
* Introduced financial controls and budgetary procedures into an IT organizatio
n where none had existed before.
* Successfully managed Y2K and legacy systems integration joint projects resulti
ng in a 50% reduction in internal systems and attendant support.
* Developed a data warehouse in support of corporate customer-centric strategy.
Executive Vice President, Global Systems & Technology, Diners Club International
& Global Consumer Bank
Responsible for strategic planning, profit and loss performance and ongoing mana
gement of multinational systems development groups and computer facilities. Dir
ected a staff of 400 and managed a $100 MM budget.
* Transitioned organization from six different platforms and six applications sy
stems into an integrated global network with central processing facilities in No
rth America and Europe.
* Reduced development budget from $30 to $20 MM and computer operations costs fr
om $40MM to $20MM yielding a net 63% in savings to the corporation.
* Downsized IT systems development and operations staff from 400 to 200 while co
ntinuing to drive forward consolidation and meeting all scheduling milestones.
* Negotiated outsourcing contracts for IT operations to third party processors a
nd internal affiliate resources to achieve targeted cost reduction.
* Provided technology for the introduction of 12 new product offerings that have
generated $100 MM in revenues to the corporation and over $10 MM in net profits
* Provided strategy and technology to transition European Business Operations fr
om $3 MM loss to $10 MM profit. Increased profitability of Canadian operations
by more than $8 MM
* Led the effort to evolve the organization to new development methodologies.


Corporate Vice President-Strategic Business Systems, 1986-1989
Member of executive management team which developed strategic plan to reposition
corporate business direction of the IT organization. Translated plan into func
tional systems design through fourth generation development tools language gener
ators, and facilitated initial worldwide implementation of this $200 MM project.
Directed a 200-person project team with matrix management responsibilities for
personnel throughout the US, Europe and Latin America.
Division Vice President-Systems & Data Processing, 1980-1986
Led a large-scale development program to integrate the systems and operations of
one domestic and four international operating centers that had operated autonom
ously and lacked strategic management direction. Managed a staff of 500 and a b
udget of $50 million.
MBA, General Management and BA, Political Science-The University of Tennessee

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