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Day of the week with date Content: Strengths and/or Additional Thoughts:

Weaknesses i.e.: observed learning style,

CHILD S/E). You may now add some
personal interpretation here.

Student A: 2/7/2022- Monday

ELA: Whole class Heggerty Student A is distracted during
Observation One this time and shows no
- Hard time focusing interest in Heggerty lesson.
Student does do well with
- Hard time removing following along when paying
initial sounds of a word. attention as well as doing
Two observations per For example, in the word hand motions. Student is
day steam, student said eam constantly getting up or
instead of team. making noises during this time
- Kept getting up off of and causing distraction to
carpet other students. Teacher has
- Does hand motions informed me that Student A is
properly. always yelling out and not
following along.

Math: addition using base ten

- Correctly added 10 to the
number 453. Student A seems to have
- Hard time understanding interest in math and got
place value. excited when math began.
- Use base ten blocks as Student A has a hard time
toys instead of tools for understanding place value and
his learning. needs a reminder. Once
- Listened to direction and reminded student A did really
raised hand when well using base ten to add to a
needing help. three-digit number. Student A
also did not use base ten
blocks correctly and kept
playing with them when asked
not to.
Student B: 2/7/2022- Monday
Language arts: whole class Student B paid attention
Heggerty during the whole Heggerty
lesson. Student attempted to
- Paying attention do all hand motions and was
- Participating when asked reminded how to fix them
to give rhyming words when wrong. Student B only
- Did the hand motions got distracted for a moment
wrong. when other student in the
- Got distracted by other class was messing around.
students but only for a Student B also participated in
moment. providing rhyming words for
- Had to be reminded how example teacher gave class
to punch up the vowel. the word wish, student B
- Recognizes vowel type. responded with fish.
Student B during Math did not
Math: addition using base ten do any work independently
blocks without constant support from
me or Mentor. Student B once
- Needs constant support told how many hundreds, tens
during lesson and ones were in a three-digit
- Uses base ten blocks number was able to show how
correctly. to represent the number in
- No understanding of base ten blocks. Student B saw
place value. a number and when asked
- Does not know how how many tens for example in
many ones, tens or the number 236, student said
hundreds are in a three- 1 which did not relate at all.
digit number without
being told.

Student A 2/9/21- Wednesday ELA: writing out sight words and

filling them into sentences.
Observation 2 Student A took the time to
- Took the time to sound sound of each word as they
out each sound of the rewrote the sight words and
words to decode them said each letter as they wrote
- Said each letter as he it as instructed. When it came
wrote them twice to student filling in the blank
- Took a little more of a sentence, student got all
motivation to get started but two of them wrong.
- Filled out sentences but Student seemed to be
did not fill in the right guessing or giving up since he
word into blank line. knew he only had so much
time to complete work.
Math: Measuring with ant rulers

- Had fun finding items to

put into length categories Student A during Math was
(5 ants or lower, 6-9 ants, excited to learn and was
and about 10 ants) enjoying moving around the
- Found accurate room to find the length of
measurements objects. During this time, I
- Got a little loud during walked around observing
activity and had to be student and found that he was
reminded to quiet down. accurately measuring with at
ruler. Student also did get a
little loud during activity and
was reminded a few times to
quiet down or they would loss
a letter towards their incitive.
Student A enjoys doing hands
on activities and seems to do
the best moving around the
room then sitting at desk.
Student B 2/9/21- Wednesday ELA: writing out sight words and
filling them into sentences.

- Cannot accurately sound

out words Student B during ELA was
- Wrote b and d backwards struggling to understand the
- Neatly wrote out each content. After reviewing the
word twice vocab as a whole class student
- Filled in the correct word
still did not accurately read
in the fill in sentence. words. Student seems to do
the best when fill in the blank
sentence is read to her. When
asking student to read
sentence back to me she could
not decode the text without
Math: Measuring with ant rulers consistent support.

- Hard time socializing with

- Did not want to Student B during math had a
contribute to partnered hard time socializing with
work partner and kept trying to
- Enjoyed measuring things work on her own or simply just
- Accurately measured copy what partner was doing.
items, lining up edge of After noticing this I helped
object at the 0 mark. group and she seemed to put
her input into work more than
before. It is safe to say student
likes doing independent work.
Once student warmed up to
having a partner, she was
excited to go around the room
and measure objects such as
crayons, door handles and
Student A 2/14/2022- Monday
ELA: writing about reading
Observation 3 Student A was writing about
- Very messy handwriting/ reading and retelling the story
hard to read of Zomo The Rabbit by Gerald
- Good volume of writing McDermott. Student A wrote
- Good punctuation the whole time allotted to
- Forgot to capitalize begin students and wrote a great
of sentences. volume of writing. One thing
- Little to none spelling that stood out to me is how
errors or sight words messy the student writes and
even mis holds the pencil.
When sharing writing Student,
A could not even read his own
writing. But one thing I noticed
right away is how well the
student used punctuation

Math: measuring the length of During math student A was

an ant tunnel/nest l in the excited to see how long the
hallway ant tunnel they were reading
about ways in correlation to
- Listened to directions the hallway. Student also
- Excited to learn made an accurate guess to
- Understood correlation how long it was. Student also
of length of meter stick stayed quiet and made sure to
to hallway stay out of the way of other
- Stayed out of the way of people in the hallway.
other people in the

Student B 2/14/2022- Monday

Student B during writing about
ELA: reading gave a great oral
- Retold the story retelling of the story. This
amazingly allowed me to know student
- Paid attention to has comprehension skills.
directions Student was not able to write
- Hard time writing what any word independently.
wants to be said Scribing was done for student
- Got distracted easily and she rewrote it. Student
also got distracted and kept
writing on desk or paper when
mentor walked away.
Student B during math stayed
nice and quiet for other
Math: measuring the length of classrooms. One thing student
an ant tunnel/nest l in the B did not understand is that
hallway the ant tunnel is 15 meters,
because she was not paying
- Guessed inaccurately attention and was distracted
guessed even smaller by others in the hallways.
than one meter Since she was not paying
- Stayed quiet attention, she guessed less
- Did not pay attention than a meter for the length.

Student A ELA; phonics book reading and

2/16/2022- Wednesday underlining

Observation 4 - Followed along reading Student A while reading

- Accurately underlined passage in phonics book read
words that contain aw all of the page to himself and
spelling principle took the time to slow down
- Read aloud to self and sound out words not
- Slowed down and known. Student A also coral
sounded out words read with the rest of the
classroom and made sure to
have all aw words underlined.
Math: number corner

- Identified the shape on Student A during number

today’s date. corner did talk a lot over
- Was talking a lot while Mentor but did understand
sitting at carpet that the shape represented on
- Pointed out other the date was a rectangular
rectangular prisms in the prism. Student A also pointed
classroom. out other rectangular prisms
in the classroom such as a box
on top of the shelf.
Student B 2/16/2022- Wednesday
ELA: phonics book reading and
underlining Student B struggled to read to
- Did not try to read to self herself even with support.
- Underlined words that Instead of searching for words
did not contain aw. that contain the aw principle,
- Followed along with the student B guessed by
class when reading randomly underlining words.
Student B did follow along
with the class during coral
Math: Number corner reading but did not read
- Agreed that the shape aloud.
was a rectangular prism
- Stayed quiet and listened
to mentor Student B agreed that the
- Found another object in picture shown on today’s date
the classroom that is a was a rectangular prism.
rectangular prism Student B also found another
rectangular prism in the
classroom (the book boxes).
Student also stayed focused
during lesson and did not talk
unless told to do so.
Student A 2/18/2022- Friday
Observation 5 ELA: trickster story/ writing
about reading

- Listened to book Student A during the reading

- Talked out a few times of Raven by Gerald
during reading McDermott listened to book
- Understood the lesson of and stayed focused. Student A
the book did have a few moments
- Got excited about events where he did yell out, but it
in story was about the book. During
- Wrote complete writing student A wrote
sentences complete sentences with
- wrote a solid paragraph punctuation and capitalized
words at the beginning of the
sentence. Student A also
Math: 3D shapes wrote over a paragraph during
his time.
- identified 3D shapes in
the classroom
- identified sides of shapes Student A during partnered
- got a little loud when work to identify 3D shapes in
walking around room the classroom did really well.
- worked with partner well Student made sure to
participate in work and share
ideas with partner. Student A
was also able to sort 3D
shapes by how many sides and
vertices it has into categories.
Student B 2/18/2022- Friday ELA: trickster story/ writing
about reading Student B during the reading
- identified the setting of of Raven correctly identified
the story the setting of the story but
- kept getting distracted by was paying very little attention
shoes while story was to the story. During
being read independent time student did
- only wrote two not want to work and every
sentences during time mentor or I walked away
independent work time she would stop doing work.
- Did not write complete student ended up only
sentences completing two sentences
- Could not retell the story during time because she could
to me. not retell the story.

Math: 3D shapes Student B during math did

great working with her
- Worked well with partner partner. While there were
- Did not identify shapes many times, she did not
correctly identify the correct shape she
- Relied on partner too allowed her partner to explain
much when filling out why and was willing to learn.
sheet Did not write everything she
- Willing to learn new did into her paper and noticed
things at one-point partner did it for
Student A 2/21/2022- Monday
ELA: Would you rather have a
Observation 6 dog or a cat as a pet Student A during this reading
of dog vs cats and followed
- Followed along with along with reading of
passages passages. Student A also
- Talked over classmates followed directions. At one-
- Did not raise hand point student did start talking
- Got excited to learn more over other students and did
about cats not raise his hand to speak
- Providing reasoning to and had to be reminded to
why he rather have a dog raise his hand. Gave reasoning
as a pet. to why he would rather have a
dog than a cat.
Math: Money word problem of
the day
- Understands that 25 Student A during math did get
cents plus 75 cents equal the word problem of the day
a dollar correct and also knew that not
- Read the word problem every part of the word
and was able to know problem was relevant to the
that not every answer. Student A showed his
component matters work by doing a number line.
- Showed his work by Student A also really enjoyed
doing number line math this day and followed all
- Worked quietly directions.
Student B 2/21/2022- Monday
ELA: Would you rather have a
dog or a cat as a pet Student B during this time paid
- Gave reasoning to why attention to Mentor but did
she would rather have a not participate in any
cat discussion. Student B once
- Listened to mentor when asked to give reasoning to why
she was reading she would rather have a cat
- Did not participate in than a dog only participated
discussion because she was told to do so.

Math: Money word problem of

the day
- Does not understand that Student B did not understand
a dollar is 100 cents the word problem of the day
- Showed her work using since this is a newer idea for
base ten blocks these students. She seemed to
- Was off on the right be really stressed out that
answer by 10 cents there was extra information
- miscounted her base ten the word problem that did not
block model matter. Once shown with
graphics and explained
student started to understand
what she needed to do more.
Student drew her base ten
model beautifully but did not
count correctly causing her to
get the wrong answer to the
Student A 2/23/2022- Wednesday
ELA: Would you rather have a
Observation 7 dog or a cat as a pet Student A finished writing in
reasoning and evidence from
- Completed rest of the dog article into his graphic
graphic organizer. organizer. Once Mentor
- Gave good reasonings checked his work, he got a
without copying word for piece of paper and started to
word from the text. work on his writing process.
- Started writing process. Mentor asked student to
- Had to restart because restart his work because she
handwriting was too could not read it. Student did
sloppy. get frustrated after this and
- Used graphic organizer as started to slowly give up
guide. working.

Math: problem of the day

- Was distracted Student A during math did not
- Did not fill on response do any work. Student also
- Showed no work refused to try to figure it out
- Asked mentor for help at and did not ask for help until
the end of the allotted the very end of independent
time time.

Student B 2/23/2022- Wednesday ELA: Would you rather have a

dog or a cat as a pet
- Started graphic organizer Student B during ELA worked
- Gave good reasoning and one on one with mentor to get
pulled evidence from the caught up from missing the
text. day before. Student focused
- Excited to learn more hard and completed whole
about cats. graphic organizer. Student
- Worked one on one with showed excited to learn new
mentor. things and too even fill in her
- Stayed focused graphic organizer.

Math: problem of the day

- Got the right answer
- Showed her work During Math student B got the
- Asked questions correct answer. Student made
- Used number line on sure to show work and
desk to check work focused during the whole
- Got to pull from the time. This is hard for this
candy box student since she is easily
distracted. Student also got to
choose from the candy box for
her hard work and getting the
right answer.

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