Lab Manual: Electric Circuit Analysis I EEE-121

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LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Electric Circuit Analysis I EEE-121

Lab Manual

Name Malik Muhammad Hanzala

Registration Number FA20-BCE-039

Class BCE-1A

Instructor’s Name Dr. Babar Mansoor

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Lab 05: Voltmeter and Ammeter Design Using

A) Voltmeter Design Using Galvanometer
B) Ammeter Design Using Galvanometer
C) Determine The Internal Resistance of a Voltage Source

Pre Lab

A galvanometer is a sensitive device which can measure very small currents accurately. A
galvanometer itself may not be very useful for measuring currents in most of the circuits where
current is usually in milli amperes. However by slight alterations a galvanometer can be
converted into a voltmeter or an ammeter with a reasonably larger range. It is basically a current
measuring device but by knowing its internal resistance and using ohm’s law we can use it to
measure voltage across a circuit element. However such a usage of galvanometer has two serious
limitations. First, since the internal resistance of a galvanometer is usually small it would
seriously affect the voltage reading across the element for which it is used. Second, as
galvanometers can measure only small amounts of current (300 micro amperes) so the range of
voltage which they can measure is very small as well. We can overcome both these limitations
very easily. By connecting a very large resistance in series with the galvanometer we can make
its total resistance significantly large. This would increase the range of measurable voltage and
would decrease the loading effect of the galvanometer as well.

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer


The selected galvanometer can measure
currents from 0-300 micro amperes. The
internal resistance of different galvanometers is
different but it ranges from 130-150 ohms. We
can measure it by using DMM. We will convert
our galvanometer into a voltmeter with a range
of -5 to 5 volts. It should give maximum
deflection when a voltage of 5V is applied
across its terminals. We know that it would give
maximum deflection only if the current through
it is maximum, i.e. 300 microamperes.
Figure 1: Voltmeter design using galvanometer
If v = 5V then i = 300µA. Suppose the internal resistance Rm of the galvanometer is 140Ω then
KVL around the closed loop would give the following equation:

v = +iRiRm (5.1)
R = −(v iRm)i
−(5 (300 )(140) ) (300 )
R =16.5k
The design of the voltmeter as explained in the theory section has two constraints:

1) The actual value of the internal resistance (Rm) of the galvanometer is unknown.
2) If found the actual value of internal resistance (Rm) still, it would be really fortuitous if the
calculated value of the resistance R is actually present in the laboratory.

So to overcome these two constraints a circuit as shown in figure 5.1 is build. A variable
resistance (1 MΩ) has to be attached in series with the galvanometer. The value of the variable
resistance is slowly varied until maximum deflection of the galvanometer is achieved, thus our
voltmeter design is complete and calibrated for -5 to +5 volt measurement.

Measurement of the internal resistance of Galvanometer:

To calculate the actual value of the internal resistance of the galvanometer:

1) Measure the voltage across the sensitive galvanometer (vg) in the circuit shown in figure 5.1
using DMM, and record the value in Table 5.1.

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

2) Measure the current flowing through the galvanometer (ig) in the circuit shown in figure 5.1,
and record the value in Table 5.1.
3) Write down in the calculated and measured value of the internal resistance Rm.
4) Determine the calculated value of R using eq. (5.2). Use DMM to measure the value of series
resistance R and make a note in Table 5.1.
Vg(V) Ig(A) Rm Rm R meas. R calc.(Ω)
meas.(Ω) calc.(Ω) (Ω)

0.0304 V 286 µA 105 Ω 100 Ω 17.73 KΩ 17.4 KΩ

Table 5.1Data collection to measure the internal resistance of galvanometer


The selected galvanometer can measure currents from 0-300 micro amperes. The internal
resistance of different galvanometers is different but it ranges from 130-150 ohms. Suppose we
wish to convert the galvanometer into an ammeter with a range of 0 to 10 milli amperes.
Galvanometer should give maximum deflection when a current of 10mA flow through it. We
know that the galvanometer would give maximum deflection only if the current through it is
maximum, i.e. 300 micro amperes.

1000Ω R1

R 5.6Ω G


Figure 2: Ammeter design using galvanometer

If i = 10mA then ig = 300µA and is = 9.7mA (is is the current flowing through the shunt resistance
Rs). Suppose the internal resistance Rg of the galvanometer is 140Ω then according to Current
Divider Rule, current through shunt resistance is:
is = (Rg / (Rg + Rs))i

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Rs = Rg (i i/ s )− Rg
Rs = (140)(10/9.7)−140
R = 4.33
The design of the ammeter as explained in the theory section has two constraints: First, actual
value of the internal resistance (Rg) of the galvanometer is unknown. Second, if found the actual
value of internal resistance (Rg) still it would be really fortuitous if the calculated value of the
resistance Rs is actually present in the laboratory. So we would make a circuit as shown in figure
5.4. A variable resistance R of 1kΩ has to be attachedin parallel with the galvanometer. The
value of the variable resistance is slowly varied until maximum deflection of the galvanometer is
achieved, thus our ammeter design is complete and calibrated for 0 to 10 mA measurement. You
can verify that the designed ammeter can measure current up to 10 mA by finding the total
current flowing through 10V source using the DMM.
Part C: Determine the Internal Resistance of a Voltage Source

Any linear electric or electronic circuit or device which generates a voltage may be represented
as an ideal voltage source in series with some impedance. This impedance is termed the internal
resistance of the source. The internal resistance of a source cannot be measured using a
conventional ohmmeter, since it requires a current to be observed. However, it can be calculated
from current and voltage data measured from a test circuit containing the source and a load
resistance. Since both the internal and load resistance (Rv and Rl) are in series with the ideal
voltage source, Kirchhoff’s laws and Ohm’s law give

vl =(Rv + R il ) l (5.5)

This equation can be solved for internal resistance:

Rv = − l Rl (5.6)

Where vl is the voltage and il is the current associated with the load resistance Rl.

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

In Lab

➢ To convert a sensitive galvanometer into a voltmeter (measurement range: -5 volts to +5 volts)
➢ To convert a sensitive galvanometer into a ammeter (measurement range: 0 to 10 milliamperes)
➢ To verify that voltages and currents measured by designed voltmeter and ammeter are
comparable to that measured by Digital Multimeter
➢ To determine the internal resistance of voltage source

Equipment Required
Galvanometer, Variable resistor / potentiometer, Resistors, DMM, breadboard, DC power supply,
and connecting wires.

Knowledge Level
➢ Before working on this lab, students should have good understanding of how the devices
ammeter, voltmeter and galvanometer work.
➢ Students should be able to theoretically solve the circuit shown in circuit diagrams.
Task (1): Testing the designed voltmeter
Task 1. Remove the 5V supply from the designed voltmeter unit.

Task 2. Make a circuit of series resistors, shown in Figure 5.2, on the breadboard.

Task 3. Using the designed voltmeter, measure the voltage across each resistance and record the
value in Table 5.2. Make sure that you correctly measure the voltage across each resistance.
To measure the voltage across R1 (1kΩ), attach the designed voltmeter as shown in Figure 5.3.

Task 4. The designed voltmeter would provide voltage in terms of divisions shown by the
deflection of galvanometer needle. Map these divisions into voltage values. Voltage across
other resistances can be measured in a similar manner.

Task 5. Use DMM to verify that the voltage values measured by designed voltmeter and DMM are

Task 6. Record the difference in both the voltage values in table 5.2.

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer



500Ω R2

500Ω R3

Figure 3: Test circuit to validate the voltmeter design



1000 Ω

500 Ω R2

500 Ω R3

Figure 4: Measuring voltage across the resistor R1

Task 7. Comment on the results.

Measurement Table 1:
Value of V measured by the V measured by the %
resistance (Ω) designed Voltmeter (V) DMM (V) difference

R1 =1KΩ 1.6V 2.2V 2.7%

R2 =560Ω 1.2V 1.3V 7.9%

R3 =560Ω 1.1V 1.2V 8.3%

Table 5.2

Task (2): Testing the designed ammeter:

Task 1. Remove the 10V supply and the R1 (1kΩ) resistance from the designed ammeter unit.

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Task 2. Make a circuit of parallel resistors, shown in Figure 5.5, on the breadboard.

Task 3. Using the designed ammeter, measure the current through each resistance. Remember
that designed ammeter is to be connected in series with the resistance as DMM is connected
when used as ammeter. To measure the current through R1 (1kΩ), attach the designed
ammeter as shown in Figure 5.6. Current through other resistances can be measured in a
similar manner. Record the values in Table 5.3.

Task 4. Use DMM to verify the current values.

100 Ω

10 V 1000 Ω R 1 2200 Ω R 2 2200 Ω R3

Figure 5: Test circuit to validate the ammeter design

1000Ω R1

10V 2200Ω R 2 2200Ω

R 5.6Ω G


Figure 6: Measuring current through the resistor R1

Task 5. Comment on the results.

Measurement Table 2:

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Value of Current measured by Current measured %

resistance (Ω) the designed ammeter by the DMM (mA) difference

R1 =1KΩ 6.6mA 6.88mA 3.19%

R2 =2.2KΩ 3mA 3.13mA 3.93%

R3 =2.2KΩ 3mA 3.12mA 3.84%

Table 5.3

Task (3): Measuring internal resistance of voltage source

Task 1. Construct on breadboard the circuit shown in Figure 6.1. Leave nodes ‘a’ and ‘b’ open to
connect different values of resistance Rx between them.

Task 2. Use DMM to measure the voltage and current for each value of the Rx resistance and record
the data in Table 5.4.

Task 3. Plot the values of current against voltage. Make sure that the values of current are
measured in Amperes, not milli amperes. The graph should be approximately a straight line
(linear). Find out the slope of the graph. Take absolute value of the slope, if negative, and
subtract 100 from it (this is the value of resistance attached in series with the voltage source).
Take again the absolute value of the answer, if negative. This is the value of the internal
resistance Rv of voltage source in ohms.

Task 4. Support your answer by showing the calculations.



Rx 1kΩ


COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Figure 7: Test circuit to find the internal resistance of a voltage source

Measurement Table 3:
Value of the test Measured value of the Measured value of the
resistance Rx (Ω) current through Rx, ix (A) voltage across Rx vx (V)

0 (short circuit) 0.1A 0V

100Ω 0.028A 2.8V

220Ω 0.019A 3.5V

470Ω 0.00957A 4.5V

1kΩ 0.0049A 4.93V

3.3kΩ 0.00159A 5.26V

4.7kΩ 0.00113A 5.31V

10kΩ 0.00053A 5.38V

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

33kΩ 0.00019A 5.43V

10MΩ 0.0000057A 5.7V

∞ (open circuit) 0A 6V

Table 5.3

Post Lab
1. What do you mean by short and open circuit? What are the values of voltages and currents
in open and short circuits?
Short circuit:
A short circuit is a circuit element with resistance approaching zero.
Open Circuit:
An open circuit is a circuit element with resistance approaching infinity.
Values of voltages and currents in open and short circuits:
An element with R=0 is called a short circuit. For a short circuit,
v = iR =0
showing that the voltage is zero but the current could be anything. In practice, a short circuit is
usually a connecting wire assumed to be a perfect conductor.
Similarly, an element with R= ∞ is known as an open circuit. For an open circuit,

indicating that the current is zero though the voltage could

be anything.

Since Galvanometer is a very

sensitive instrument therefore it
COMSATS University Islamabad
LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

measure heavy currents. In order to

convert a Galvanometer into an
Ammeter, a
very low resistance known as
"shunt" resistance is connected
in parallel to
Galvanometer. Value of shunt
is so adjusted that most of
the current passes
through the shunt. In this way a
Galvanometer is converted into
Ammeter and can
measure heavy currents without
fully deflected

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Since Galvanometer is a very

sensitive instrument therefore it
measure heavy currents. In order to
convert a Galvanometer into an
Ammeter, a
very low resistance known as
"shunt" resistance is connected
in parallel to
Galvanometer. Value of shunt
is so adjusted that most of
the current passes
through the shunt. In this way a
Galvanometer is converted into
Ammeter and can

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

measure heavy currents without

fully deflected
Since Galvanometer is a very
sensitive instrument therefore it
measure heavy currents. In order to
convert a Galvanometer into an
Ammeter, a
very low resistance known as
"shunt" resistance is connected
in parallel to
Galvanometer. Value of shunt
is so adjusted that most of
the current passes

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

through the shunt. In this way a

Galvanometer is converted into
Ammeter and can
measure heavy currents without
fully deflected
Since Galvanometer is a very
sensitive instrument therefore it
measure heavy currents. In order to
convert a Galvanometer into an
Ammeter, a
very low resistance known as
"shunt" resistance is connected
in parallel to

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Galvanometer. Value of shunt

is so adjusted that most of
the current passes
through the shunt. In this way a
Galvanometer is converted into
Ammeter and can
measure heavy currents without
fully deflected
Since Galvanometer is a very
sensitive instrument therefore it
measure heavy currents. In order to
convert a Galvanometer into an
Ammeter, a

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

very low resistance known as

"shunt" resistance is connected
in parallel to
Galvanometer. Value of shunt
is so adjusted that most of
the current passes
through the shunt. In this way a
Galvanometer is converted into
Ammeter and can
measure heavy currents without
fully deflected
Since Galvanometer is a very
sensitive instrument therefore it

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

measure heavy currents. In order to

convert a Galvanometer into an
Ammeter, a
very low resistance known as
"shunt" resistance is connected
in parallel to
Galvanometer. Value of shunt
is so adjusted that most of
the current passes
through the shunt. In this way a
Galvanometer is converted into
Ammeter and can
measure heavy currents without
fully deflected

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Since Galvanometer is a very

sensitive instrument therefore it
measure heavy currents. In order to
convert a Galvanometer into an
Ammeter, a
very low resistance known as
"shunt" resistance is connected
in parallel to
Galvanometer. Value of shunt
is so adjusted that most of
the current passes
through the shunt. In this way a
Galvanometer is converted into
Ammeter and can

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

measure heavy currents without

fully deflected
2. Why high resistance is a desirable attribute of voltmeter?
Voltmeter is supposed to have infinite/very high resistance to avoid loading effect. If the resistance
of voltmeter is low, it will start acting as a load itself and draws current from source. Since the
voltmeter is connected in parallel to the load, the current drawn by the actual load also changes. As
V= IR, when current changes through load, voltage also changes. When voltmeter has very high
resistance, it draws very low value of current from the source and the load current is pretty much
the same as it was without the voltmeter. Hence voltage across the load is approximately same and
we get the correct voltage reading.
3. What is the basic motivation behind converting galvanometer into ammeter?
Since Galvanometer is a very sensitive instrument therefore it cannot measure heavy currents.
In order to convert a Galvanometer into an Ammeter, a very low resistance known as "shunt"
resistance is connected in parallel to Galvanometer. Value of shunt is so adjusted that
most of the current passes through the shunt. In this way a Galvanometer is converted into
Ammeter and can measure heavy currents without fully deflected

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Critical Analysis / Conclusion

In the above experiment, we designed a voltmeter using galvanometer. We

compared the measurements of the Voltmeter and Readings taken from Digital
Multi-Meter. First of all, we find the calculated resistance and measured resistance,
we noticed that readings of both are almost same.

Afterwards, we measured the values of the voltage across the terminals using the
voltmeter and Digital Multi-meter. These readings also gave the difference in there
measured values, so we analyzed the design of voltmeter using the galvanometer
and noticed that there will be a slit difference in the values of DMM and the
Voltmeter, this is due to some random error.

In the same way we designed an ammeter using galvanometer. We find Rs at first

and then the internal resistance of the voltage source. Afterward we set up a circuit
for testing and then we measured the values of current by ammeter and DMM, we
analyzed that the values are almost same.

At last we analyzed the increase in the value of voltage with the increase in
resistance which were given to us, by these two values we deduced the values of
current which are inversely proportional to the values of voltage and resistance.

Lab Assessment

Pre-Lab /5

Performance /5

Results /5 /25

Viva /5

Critical Analysis /5

COMSATS University Islamabad

LAB # 5-Voltmeter and ammeter Design Using Galvanometer

Instructor Signature and Comments

COMSATS University Islamabad

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