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Media analysis

James Chaarani · CBC News · Posted: Nov 09, 2021 5:00 AM ET | Last Updated:

November 9.

Important phrases

When I get to the part where I'm a single mom with four kids it just ends." (We

consider that here there is discrimination on the part of those who rent the houses by not

giving them the opportunity for being a single mother.)

He says people have asked more explicit questions during her search.( In this case,

Everton could feel oppression and discomfort due to the very personal questions they asked

him, questions with which Everton did not agree.) She said that does matter to anyone.

I got out of a domestic violent situation three years ago.(Here is a great oppression

that Everton had those years of domestic violence. maybe blows, bad words, humiliations.

but it could also be discrimination because of her gender, because she is a woman.)

Everton being Indigenous when looking for a home, but she says she feels that a

stigma exists regarding Indigenous people too. (oppression by herself thinking that they

could discriminate against her for being indigenous.)

Web explained that Indigenous people can come up against various forms of

discrimination from racial prejudice to stereotypes.(This is one of the most common

discriminations, due to the difference of races, and that these races do not comply with the

supposed stereotypes).
News title: Single mom of 4 describes rejection by london, Ont., landlords asking for

material status.

Author: James Choarani.

Date:  Nov 09, 2021

This news appears accompanied by 3 images where you can see the victim and her


The news is directed to an indigenous woman, single and mother of 4 children who

is looking for an apartment to live in London, but the people who rent the apartments when

realizing that she is a single mother do not give her the opportunity. They also ask her very

intimate questions about her life. This woman left 3 years ago of domestic violence and

although no one talks about her race, she believes that there is a stigma with respect to

indigenous peoples.

The purpose and intention of this news is to show the different cases of

discrimination that a person can suffer, in addition to providing information on how to

report if there is a possible aggression on the part of people.

The author of this news used a very respectful and not discriminatory terms,

however thw news or what is related in the news has a lot of discrimination and opression.

Who? Indigenous woman, single mother and her 4 children.

What? She is looking for an apartment to live with her children.

How? through the marketplace on facebook and interviews with the owners of the


Why? She still does not have a place to live, because she is single and has 4


Movie Analysis

Auggie, since childhood, receives home schooling from his mother since his family

is afraid that he will suffer rejection for being different. He has a special and unusual face

because he has suffered from two genetic disorders. His mother thinks that it is time for his

son to join the normal educational system (school) so that he knows and behaves with

children. Before school starts, Auggie and his mother go to the school to talk to the

principal who shows kindness and appreciation for him. After this, three children arrive to

give Auggie a tour of the school: Jack, Julian and Charlotte. The principal thinks this is a

great opportunity for Auggie to share with them before classes begin. At first he is the

victim of the strange and prejudiced looks from the whole school, but Auggie manages to

overcome all this.

Next you will see the exact time where he presents himself with privilege,

discrimination and oppression.

2:05: Auggie enters the school for fifth grade. In this school she was the only one who did

not care about his physical appearance.

We consider it a privilege because the principal gave Auggie the opportunity to integrate

with the other students regardless of his physical appearance and the problems this could


6:10: Julian with a sarcastic laugh asks Auggie if he eats special food to which he bows his
head and says no.

We consider this comment to be elusive to oppression since it is offensive, but it does not

return to an alert.

6:20: Julian makes a hurtful comment to Auggie saying that science for him could be

difficult since he had never attended school. Jack, who from the beginning shows empathy

towards him, defends him.

We consider this comment as oppression since what the oppressor seeks is to make him

feel bad, but on the contrary, the oppressed feels proud that his mother has educated him

very well.

6:49: Julian, without missing any opportunity to make him feel bad, takes advantage of the

fact that he sees several markers and erasers and tells him and indicates what a draft is.

Julian goes on the defensive, but to justify himself he says that how will he know what he

knows if he has not said anything. Jack encourages Auggie to speak.

With this action we say that it is oppression since it is not offensive, but it does so with

that intention.

7:22: Julian continues to be rude and asks Auggie what had happened to his face and if he

had had a crash, so his teammates Charlotte and Jack defend him.

We think that this question is oppression but with indications of being discrimination since

it does not have discretion or kindness to ask a question of this type.

11:30: Auggie, he enters the school for the first time and everyone there looks at him,

murmurs among themselves and walks away from him.

With the actions of everyone in the school, we think that it is already discrimination since

he receives an unpleasant treatment for his physical condition.

16:30: None of his companions sit near or around him

This act is discriminatory since they think that due to his physical appearance he can do

something to them or catch a disease.

16:34: In sports, they play burnout where his teammates throw the ball at him for hitting it.

This act is also discriminatory, worse than that is acting with violence and enjoying doing


7:35: Auggie cries in front of his mother for being discriminated against by his classmates.

21:27: Via, Auggie's sister feels lonely and forgotten by her parents since they pay more

attention to Auggie, but she is understanding and does not feel resentment towards her

brother, on the contrary, she feels happy since he is happy next to His parents.

We believe that what Via is going through is a time of oppression since many things

happen to her, but in order not to worry her parents, she keeps her feelings within herself.

Also because her parents pay or give the most attention to Auggie no matter what Via

thinks or feels.

44:43: One of his classmates sees how Auggie is angry with Jack for hearing him speak ill

of him with Julian and other classmates and makes a comment that Jack moved away from

him because he was caught by the plague for having touched him.

This comment is totally discriminatory because they do not take the opportunity to

approach him and meet him but they judge him or they simply act in a rude way.

56:57: Julian refers to Auggie as a monster and Jack hits him.

When referred to as "monster" it is a word that refers to the improper abnormality of the

natural order and the appearance is fearsome. This word is discriminatory because

1:11:28: Julian hands Auggie a drawing illustrating Freddy Kruger and indicating that he is

like that.

This discriminatory act makes a rude comparison.

1:18:37: On the excursion, 3 boys approached Auggie and Jack, they are surprised and

scared by Auggie's physical appearance; one of them tells him that he had never seen

something so ugly in his life and many more discriminatory and offensive comments.

1:25:32: Auggie is given a medal for being remarkable and exemplary.

We believe that Auggie by winning the medal is having a privilege and reiterating that we

are all equal and the great strength that he has is love.

Auggie tries to fit in between his classmates, but some of them despise him and

sideline because they consider him different. A history of bullying and discrimination.

"Auggie cannot change the way he looks, but we can change the way we see him" These

were the words that the principal of Auggie's school said to Julian and his parents and it is a

reflection that every human being You should bear in mind that no one should judge or

discriminate against anyone because of their physical appearance, their religion, their social

class, if they are ill or have a disability. Acceptance, improvement, and strength are the

values that characterize Auggie.

Who?: Auggie, a ten-year-old boy with a malformation on his face.

What?: Entering school for the first time.

Why?: He has never been to school for fear of how others will treat him.

A general conclusion about what happens in the film is that for these cases where the

person suffers from some type of disease or as in the case of Auggie who, due to his

physical appearance, is set apart and despised by the people around him, the

problem is Most of all, the children do not think about how Augie may be feeling

with the comments he makes, for example Julian makes comments with the

intention of offending, discriminating and oppressing his partner.

But there are other aspects that must be taken into account, for example a child with doubt

or intrigue can ask a child who suffers from something that how does he have that

or why is it so, We can say that the child asks it with no intention of offending He

asks for his innocence to which the person with some disease, disability, etc. You

may feel offended, attacked or discriminated against, so in these cases it is better to

remain silent and wait for the person to decide to communicate and express what


People can feel very uncomfortable because, as Auggie was mentioned, they always put

their eyes on him because for many he was a stranger, they even gave him

nicknames that would make any child feel bad as weird, monster, phenomenon,

among many others. Discriminating against a person has always been seen in the

world, I consider that they are things that should be put aside because they oppress

people, separate them from society, repress them from a good and quiet life, as well

as generate discomfort in it. Something that is really sad is that the unnecessary

comments that people tell them affect and generate a lack of opportunities in
individuals since they in quotation marks would like to be "Normal" so that should

be left aside and that justice and justice always remain. equality.

Chbosky, S. (14 de 11 de 2017). Facebook. Obtenido de

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