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American Civil War-Team 2

Timeline- (The American Civil War was a civil war in the United States between the
Union (states that remained loyal to the Federal Union or the North) and the
Confederacy ( states that voted to secede, or the South) . It started in April 12 (1861)
and ends in April 9 ( 1865) which took over 4 years.
 Location- ( The  Civil War was fought in thousands of different places. For instance,
United States, Southern, Western, Northeast United States, Confederate States of
America and Atlantic Ocean. But The majority of the fighting took place in the states of
Virginia and Tennessee.) 

-The Characters (chloe)

Abraham Lincoln, Robert E. Lee, (more coming soon)
-How did it begin? (chloe)
As the nation developed the North and the South developed along two very different lines and two very different
cultural identities emerged. Northern cities began rapidly industrializing while the Southern climate allowed for large
plantations of labor-intensive crops. As a result, one half of the country didn't rely on slaves while the other half had
become economically dependent on them.

 In 1819, there were 11 slave free states and 11 slave states, a perfect balance.

In 1854, the Republican party was formed, and Abraham Lincoln emerged as a leading figure.

 For 4 million individuals living in America, this wasn't about political intrigue or party alignment. It was about the basic
human right to be free. Men, women and children were stolen from their homelands and brought to the American
continent where for generations they were considered to be property, forced to live in poverty and work from sunrise
to sunset. Families were separated and parents could often only watch as their children were auctioned off, never to
be seen again. Thousands of slaves took the risk of running away and abolitionists in the North helped many escape
by the underground railroad. As bounty hunters entered the North to chase them down. Leading figures within the
abolitionist movement included many significant free black men and women.

Abraham Lincoln knew that slavery was a moral evil and he regularly spoke out against it in powerful speeches that
helped him rise through the ranks of the new Republican Party. He most famously declared in 1858 that one day,
slavery in America would end. However, even Lincoln was cautious in his opposition. He didn't want to outlaw it
entirely but simply prevent its expansion.

 In October, 1859 one abolitionist decided he tried to single-handedly take down slavery by force. He was John
Brown. He planned to seize arms from an armory in the town of Harper's ferry, free the slaves there and continue
South inciting a major slave uprising along the way, a noble cause, a bad plan, and terrible execution. Brown's van
took the armory and some hostages but quickly surrounded by one Robert E. Lee. Brown was captured, and a couple
of months later, he was executed for treason. Northerners sympathized with Brown, but Southerners thought many
other Northerners like John Brown will do this action one day. They are coming!

Northerners like Lincoln had made some of the powerful speeches at that time. And it’s likely that Lincoln would
become the president for the South. When the final result came out, Lincoln had won the election. The South was
very terrified that if Lincoln would take away their slaves. So Lincoln, himself, tried to calm their fear. He repeatedly
said he won’t take away their slaves. Then the slave States ceased from the union one by one. And the confederate
states of America was founded. 
When things were going bad already, it became worse. Confederate troops fired on Fort Sumter in South Carolina’s
Charleston Harbor. Traditionally, this event has been used to mark the beginning of the Civil War. 

 -What happened? (chloe)

The war started, Union states had more army than the Confederate states had. And the
weapons are way better than Confederate states owned. It’s obvious that Union states
were going to win easily but what made the war take 4 years? The answer is Robert E.
Lee. The general of Confederates states. He commanded the Army of Northern Virginia,
the most successful of the Southern armies during the American Civil War. Lee became
a symbol of the American South. People even think that he could read people’s minds.
The strategy that he used in the wars was unpredictable. In his entire history of war
between North and South, he only lost one battle.
After several wars, the North had occupied many states from the South. The only thing
that was blocking the way of North success was general Lee. However, in the last one
battle that Lee lost, many of the soldiers had fallen. He wanted to prevent unnecessary
destruction to the South. Lee thought it’s time to end the war, and he surrendered. The
general was pardoned by President Lincoln. He was unable to return to his estate in
Arlington. However, Lee and his family instead moved to Lexington, Virginia, where he
became the president of Washington College.

-The consequences of this event (hermon)

 How did it end?  ( Wadi)

After four bloody years of conflict, the civil war  effectively ended on April 9, 1865
when Confederate General lee surrendered  his troops to Union General Grant at the Battle of
(Appomattox Court House) in Virginia. It was after Confederate General Lee had
abandoned Petersburg and Richmond.
 By the end of the war, much of the South's infrastructure was destroyed, especially
railroads , The Confederacy collapsed,  the states that were in rebellion were
readmitted to the United States, the institution of slavery was abolished  and four
million enslaved black people were freed. Then, The war-torn nation entered the
Reconstruction era in a successful attempt to rebuild the country and grant civil rights to
freed slaves. Sadly, President Lincoln was assassinated in theater byLee's surrender. That remains
the deadliest military conflict in American history.

(It will be a lot easier to read/write with small topics)

Reflection (main part)

Your opinions (all)
-How did this event change the world now?
Wadi- ( In my view, the Civil War paved the way for Americans to live, learn and
move about in ways.  With these doors of opportunity open, the United States
experienced rapid economic growth.)
Chloe- The slaves were abolished. America was no longer separated. If CSA won the
war, it would have gained its independence, and the institution of slavery would have
continued for a time. However, the CSA would have faced intense diplomatic pressure
to limit or abolish it. The CSA’s Constitution, while enshrining slavery, also banned
the international slave trade. So even the South halfheartedly recognized that slavery
was on its way out, just as it eventually ended in other slave-holding countries like
Brazil. My guess is that slavery would end no later than 1900.

-Is the world better or worse now because of this?

Wadi -( Ofc much much better for example , Slavery was ended bc of this Civil
War.  Keeping such a form of government alive, and this nation together so the
world gets better then before.)

Chloe- It does have a lot of positive impact on the world. But 

-How did you feel when you read the story? 

Wadi- ( I felt elated for the slaves and black people who got the freedom but on
the other hand, I  really felt sad for the soldiers and people who gave their life
during this war. )

-What did you learn from the story?

Wadi-  ( What I learn form the story is The longer a war goes on, the more savage
and merciless it becomes, and the more likely  to have consequences. )

Due dates
Due date for the researches- 27.2.2022 (Sunday)
Due date for powerpoint slides- 1.3.2022 (Tuesday)
Practice- 2.3.2022(Wednesday)

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