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Reservoir management can be interpreted

as the judicious use of various main
available to a business man in order to
maximize his benefits (profits) from a
‫هي عمليه هندسيه جيولوجيه و‬:‫االدارة المكمنيه‬
‫اقتصاديه متكامله الدارة المكمن النفطي بما يضمن اكبر‬
‫كميه من االنتاج ب اقل هبوط ضغط ب اقل الخسائر‬
Reservoir life process(well cycle):
A reservoir`s life begin with exploration that leads
to discovery which followed by delineation of the
reservoir, development of the field, production by
primary, secondary and tertiary means, and finally
to abandonment as in the following figure.
Integrated sound reservoir management is the key
to successful operation throughout the reservoir
Objective of reservoir management:
The prime objective of reservoir
management is economic optimization of oil
and gas recovery, which can be obtained by
the following steps:
1-Identify and define all individual
reservoirs in the particular field and their
physical properties.
2-Deduce past and predict future reservoir
3-Minimize drilling of unnecessary wells.
4-Define and modify (if necessary) wellbore
and surface systems.
5-initiate operating controls at the proper
6-Considar all pertinent economic and legal
Thus, the basic purpose of the reservoir
management is to control operations to
obtain the maximum possible economic
recovery from a reservoir based on facts,
information, and knowledge.
An effective programs analyses and acquisition
data require careful planning and well-coordinated
team efforts of interdisciplinary geoscientists and
engineers throughout the life of reservoir.
1-The data collect during the life of reservoir but
before collect it must be asked the following
A-Are the data necessary, and what are going to do
with these data? What decision will be made
based on the results of data collection?
B-What are the benefits of these data, and how do
we devise a plan to obtain the necessary at the
minimum cost?
2-There are kinds of questions should be asked if
we want to ensure the right answer in the process
of reservoir management:
A-What does the answer mean?
B-Does the answer fit all the fact? Why? Or why
C-Are there other interpretations of the data?
D-Were the assumptions reasonable.
E-Are the data reliable.
F-Are additional data necessary?
G-Has there been an adequate geological study?
H-Has the reservoir been adequately defined?
3- If the work team work as one person to arrive to
one goal, the process of reservoir management will
The process of reservoir management
The Aim of the Study:
Study of the vertical and horizontal changes and
distribution of stratigraphic reservoir units.
1-Petrophysical evaluation for reservoir units (MB2
1. MC 1, MC2) in Mishrif formation.
2-Building a 3D geological and Petrophysical models
Calculation of oil in-place for Mishrif formation
using petrel software.
3-Build dynamic model and see the reservoir
behavior with time.
4-Make history matching for reservoir production
and pressure.
5-Make some development planning for the
lecture Two
lecturer Ahmed Radhe
University of Basra
Petroleum Department
‫‪we will make digitizing to the contour map of‬‬
‫‪buzrgan oil field and the purpose of that to make it‬‬
‫‪ready to use in next work for example using it in‬‬
‫‪petrel program.‬‬
‫في الوقت الحالي اليوجد جهاز من اجهزة الجس يعطي النتائج‬
‫الخاصه بتسجيالت الجس بشكل ارقام حيث نحتاج بعض االحيان‬
‫الى تحويل تسجيالت الجس والخرائط الكنتوريه الى صيغه رقميه‬
‫يسهل من ادخالها الى البرامج المختلفه ومن هذة البرامج ‪didger:‬‬
-A contour map is another name for a topographic
map, or a map that shows the elevation of land on a
flat paper surface.
These map include essentials:
1- Date: when the map was made.
2- Orientation: direction (north arrow or compass
3- Grid: lines that cross to form squares. 4- Scale:
map distance.
5- Title: what, where, and when.
6- Author: who made the map?
7- Index: the part of the grid where specific
information can be located.
8- Legend: what the symbols mean.
9- Sources: who provided information for the map?.
-Why might it’s useful?
Ans: Contour maps are a suitable way to visualize
flat and high land also to visualize (anticline, syncline
and domes) in subsurface.
-what is RTKB?
: Is the height of Rotary Table Kelly Bushing
from the sea level. It m must omit from the depth
Contour maps are a convenient way to visualize flat and
steep terrain also to visualize (anticline, syncline and
domes) in subsurface.
A topographic map is a detailed and accurate graphic
representation of cultural and natural features on the
ground. as shown in Fig .

Fig : Explain contour map of oil bearing

mishrif formation divided for 6 main units as shown
topography : study of the shapes and features of the
earth's surface
elevation - height above sea level
contour line - connects places on a map that are all at
the same elevation
contour line interval - the difference in elevation
between neighboring
saddle - A saddle is a dip or low point along the crest of
a ridge. A saddle is not necessarily the lower ground
between two hilltops; it maybe simply a dip or break
along an otherwise level ridge crest
A-To make accurate work we must make calibrate
to the image of contour map before any work.
B-To make accurate work we must digitize all
contour line that’s we need accurately.
C- To make accurate work we must save our work
in Suitable formula to make surfer program read it
to complete our work.
Topographic map can be used for:
1-Define formation structure and depth from sea
2-Estimation reservoir extension and bulk volume
lecture Three
lecturer Ahmed Radhe
University of Basra
Petroleum Department
CPI(computer processing interpretation)
By digitizing (converting the images to digital data) the
CPI images we have get the porosity log with depths
and the water saturation with depth. These data can be
imported into petrel software, by porosity data from
CPI and the values of porosity VS permeability from
core analysis data we can make a correlation to get the
exact value of core permeability in various depths of
the well using the log porosity. After that we can import
the (Porosity log, water saturation, and core
permeability) into Petrel and up scaling these data to
view the whole well map for PHI, SW, and K.
1-The main objective to make this working to get numerical
values of SW and phi with its depth from CPI logs and that to
insert these data in petrel program to make porosity and
saturation distribution of BU field.
2-The error sources in working is the lack of clarity of logs
image and that will make some of results not accurate.
3-The aim of working is to convert the moot data into digital
4-Sometimes we got SW more than 100% and phi in negative
value and that according to bad calibration or to bad digitizing
To get good results you must working accurate calibration to
log and move slowly in many dots where work the digitizing
lecture four
lecturer Ahmed Radhe
University of Basra
Petroleum Department
Final well report(F.W.R): is very important for all processes
:drilling , production , development. Which gives all information
about a well . it is included the following:
1- Purpose of drilling a well such as :production, injection,
2- Location of the well.
3- Total depth of well and depth of each layers with name
4- Types of geological structure.
5- Hole & casing size also setting depth.
7- Types of completion.
8- Types of bits for drilling & its record.
9- Cost.
10- Problems of (drilling, high pressure of layer, casing design,
stuck problem….etc) .
11- Types of log.
Geological well Report(F.G.R): is important too , it gave us a
brief informations on the subsurface formations and its
properties and other useful informations :
1- used to determine the lithology of the formations of the
near by new wells.
2- determine the formations pressures , and type of fluid in
3-determine the bit used for every single formation
4- Types of drilling mud & cementing , also their quantity.
Completion Report is important too , its used to
describe the case of the well after been completed
and be ready for production.
lecture five
lecturer Ahmed Radhe
University of Basra
Petroleum Department
-What is the meaning of (static model and dynamic
Static reservoir modeling: The static model of a reservoir
can be considered the final product of the structural,
stratigraphic and lithological modeling activities. Each of
the above modeling parts can be developed according to
its own workflow, but a deep integration among them is
necessary in order to generate a calibrated static model.
‫ هو ايجاد حجم النفط داخل‬static model ‫اي ان الهدف الرئيسي من ال‬
‫المكمن عند الصغط االولي وذلك الن الضغط المدخل هو الضغط االبتدائي‬
‫يعني اليمكن االنتاج من خالله وان توزيع الخواص بهذه الحاله وخاصه‬
‫تشبع الماء يكون من خالل المعلومات المدخله للبترل من اللوك فيكون كميه‬
. ‫النفط اكثر دقه النها معلومات حقيقه‬
Static model
Static model basically important to calculate the initial oil
in place IOIP and to obtain these results data from FWR
which contain data about well production, location,
completion type, pressure records and well tops and
depth. While FGR is contain a brief information on the
subsurface formations its properties, pressure and
lithology .More over the most valuable data were
obtained from the SCAL( special core analysis) which
contain data about the permeability(K) and porosity(Φ)
and they were important to determine the porosity cutoff,
net reservoir and net pay.
Dynamic reservoir modeling: The objective of reservoir
modeling is to build a numerical model able to simulate
the dynamic behavior of a given hydrocarbon reservoir.
The purposes of the model, once built and calibrated,
are various: estimate system parameters, forecast the
field productivity according to different development
scenarios and learn more about specific phenomena.
‫ هو توقع االنتاجيه بعد‬dynamic model ‫اي ان الهدف الرئيسي من ال‬
‫ وبذللك‬grid ‫انخفاض الضغط داخل المكمن وان الضغط يوزع ع كل‬
‫فان الخواص مثل التشبع ال تدخل ضمن هذا الموديل ع شكل خاصيه بل‬
‫يتم االستناح من خالل معدالت المحاكات وبذلك تكون غير دقيقه لكن‬
. ‫تحاكي االنتاج داخل المكمن‬
Dynamic model
Dynamic data (production data) can be an important
source for information about the reservoir and should be
used to update the geological model With increasingly
complex reserves replacement, the emphasis shifts to
growing recovery efficiency from existing brownfields. At
the same time, the need remains to further optimize
both Greenfield and brownfield operations. The key
challenges impeding this are still widespread segregated
modes of work between different discipline departments
(geophysics, geology, reservoir engineering, and
production engineering).
Basically the work was done by Petral and Eclipse and it
was divided into two parts (static model and dynamic
model) and the difference between them is the static
model haven’t any flow cases no production data are
important, no calculations containing pressure
changes, and another different between the two model
is the rock and fluid properties distribution throw the
model grids .
‫ اكثر دقه او ال ولماذا ؟؟‬dynamic model ‫هل ال‬
dynamic ‫ اكثر دقه وذلك الن الخواص داخل ال‬static model ‫ال ال‬
static ‫ تعتمد ع المعادالت المحاكات المكمنيه ولكن في ال‬model
cpi ‫ ندخل هذه البيانات من خالل اللوك‬model
Static Model
For building static model by using petrel software we
need to well head, well tops, CPI data, net to gross,
WOC and contour map.
The well head and tops we prepared it from field report,
las CPI and contour map of MB21 unit data are results
from digitizing process for CPI logs and map picture in
Didger program, WOC from final well report and net to
gross by IP program.
‫لماذا نعمل ‪ scale up‬؟‬
‫وذلك الن المتغيرات من (مساميه وتشبع وغيرها ) تتغير لذلك نحتاج الى ان‬
‫ناخذ قيمه واحدة ك معدل ‪average‬‬
‫حيث نقارن الخصائص المدخله بالتي عملنا لها ‪ scale up‬وذلك بالضغط‬
‫على ‪setting ….statistica‬‬
‫*قد اليتطابق ال ‪ top‬للطبقه مع ‪ bottom‬وذلك بسبب وجود حواجز مثل‬
‫*دقه الخارطه تعتمد على‪:‬‬
‫‪-1‬دقه المفسر‬
‫‪-2‬المساحه التي تم لها استكشاف‬
‫*نعمل ‪ well section‬بين االبار لمعرفه بدايه ونهايه كل طبقه‬
‫*سوف تكون ‪ MB21‬مرجع لرسم كل ‪units‬‬
‫*تقسيم ‪ grid‬يتعمد على ابعاد الطبقه ‪ x,y,z‬وكلما زاد العدد سوف يزداد‬
‫الحجم الملف حيث تزداد المساحه للمشروع حيث الحسابات الالحقه تتعلق‬
‫بكل ‪ grid‬لجميع الخصائص من مساميه ونفاذيه وتشبع وغيرها‬
.The first step divides the reservoir into volumetric units to
increase distribution efficiency and average values become
more actual.
Scale up:
-We made scale up to water saturation and porosity also we made
correlation between two wells to identified the 6 units in the well
log and the purpose of scale up to find the average value of the
entered property .
-In static model to get accurate results:
A-we must make good digitizing to CPI log and MB21 map.
B-use the best distribution method for distribute the property

1- Good permeability(less than 10 md)

2- Good average porosity (13.3 – 17.6)
3- Contain most of oil and high amount reservoir that make.
. For the water saturation (Sw) calculations, the depth of the OWC
or GWC, or more particularly the related free water level (FWL),
is a required input for any Sw calculations using capillary
pressure, Pc, data. These depths need to be defined in every
wellbore, to the extent that they occur.
Water oil contact:-

Water oil contact:

-the water oil contact that found from FWR and this values
determined in well section and comparing with water saturation in
CPI log and we find it right.
-It is important to know the depth of water oil contact to
avoid mistakes in perforation processes
lecture six
lecturer Ahmed Radhe
University of Basra
Petroleum Department
Cutoff :
( In petroleum engineering) are limiting points at which
the processing of flowing of fluid is stopped.
Every layer has cutoffs for (Petro physical properties=
porosity, permeability and saturation).
Porosity cutoff is simply defined as less porosity of rock
that the fluid can move in it. Cut off is very useful for:
Their purpose is to eliminate those rock volumes that
don’t contribute significantly to the reservoir evaluation
Gross thickness, net sand, net reservoir, net pay, and net
to gross ratio
is defined as the interval from the
top to the bottom of the reservoir including all non-
reservoir rock such as shales, anhydrites, salts etc.
: refers to the portion of the reservoir
which excludes the non-reservoir rock.
: is that fraction of the gross sand that is
porous and permeable and contains hydrocarbons and
water (the summation of that interval which the sand
content is greater than or equal to limiting value) and is
subject porosity cutoff.
: compress this sand intervals that do have
useful reservoir Properties.
: is that component of the net sand which
contains only hydrocarbons (compress those net res.
Interval that contain significant of hydrocarbon
“producible hydrocarbon”) and is subject to a water
saturation cutoff. This is an important factor in
hydrocarbon volumetric calculation of reservoir, the
net/gross value in Mishrif formation ranges from .
‫‪:Cut off is very useful for‬‬
‫‪Their porpoise is to eliminate those rock volumes that don’t‬‬
‫‪.contribute significantly to the reservoir evaluation product‬‬
‫فائدة حد القطع (‪: ) cutoff‬‬
‫لعزل او لفصل الطبقات المنتجه عن الطبقات غير المنتجه مثل ‪shale,caprock‬‬

‫من مواصفات الطبقه المنتجه او الصخور المكمنيه تكون فيها المساميه اكبر من مساميه‬
‫حد القطع‪cutoff porosity‬‬
‫وكذلك من مواصفات الطبقه المنتجه تكون فيها النفاذيه اكبر من نفاذيه ‪cutoff‬‬
‫وكذلك بالنسبه للتشبع يكون فيها تشبع الماء اقل من تشبع حد القطع ‪water‬‬
‫‪saturation cutoff‬‬
‫حيث ان تشبع الماء لحد القطع ‪:‬‬
‫‪Sw cutoff=1-Sor‬‬
‫حيث ان ‪ Sor‬يعتبر عند هذا التشبع النفط غير قابل للحركه ولذلك قيمه حد القطع للماء‬
‫مساويه ل واحد ناقصا هذة القيمه حيث يبدا النفط بالحركه عندما تكون قيمه تشبع‬
‫الماء اكبر من ‪Sor‬‬
‫موضوع مهم جدا يجب حسابه وهو السمك الكلي والسمك الصافي ونسبه السمك‬
‫الصافي الى السمك الكلي هذة الحسابات تتطلب حساب قيم حدود القطع للمساميه‬
‫وتشبع الماء‬
‫‪:‬السمك الكلي‪:‬وهو سمك الطبقه المكمنيه وسمك طبقه شيل ‪shale‬‬
‫اي مساويا لسمك الطبقه المكمنيه وغير المكمنيه‬
‫‪:‬السمك الصافي ‪:‬وهو سمك الطبقه المنتجه فقط اي الطبقه المكمنيه‬
‫الحاويه على هايدروكاربون‬
‫اليجاد السمك الصافي يجب ايجاد حدود القطع للمساميه والتشبع ‪cutoff porosity‬‬
‫‪and cutoff saturation‬‬
‫ولذلك نحتاج ‪ core analysis report‬حيث في هذا التقرير نكون ملف اكسل يتكون‬
‫من عمق ومساميه اللباب ونفاذيه اللباب‬
‫)‪Depth(m‬‬ ‫‪porosity of the core‬‬ ‫‪permeability of the‬‬
Cut off is depend on :
1- Permeability cutoff.
2- Number of available samples (Core samples in analysis
Core analysis report include:
1. Depth.
2. Porosity (horizontal, vertical).
3. Permeability (H, V).
4. Density (H, V).
‫توجد طريقتين اليجاد قيمه ‪: cutoff porosity‬‬
‫‪:‬وهي الطريقه االسهل حيث يتم ايجاد قيمه ‪porosity cutoff‬‬
‫للمكمن كله اي نعتبر طبقه المشرف جميعها طبقه واحدة ونلغي التقسمات اي نوجد‬
‫قيمه واحد لل حد القطع للمساميه لكل بئر وهذة الطريقه غير دقيقه لكنها تعطي‬
‫نتائج مقاربه نوعا ما‬
‫‪:‬وهي طريقه اصعب من الطريقه االولى حيث نوجد مساميه حد القطع‬
‫لكل يونت وهذة الطريقه طويله نوعا ما لكنها دقيقه‬
‫الطريقه االولى‪:‬حيث في هذة الطريقه يتم اعتبار المكمن جميعه ك يونت واحدة حيث‬
‫يتم اخذ بيانات الللباب من مساميه ونفاذيه كما في الجدول ويتم رسمهم على شكل‬
‫حيث تكون في المحور ‪ y‬النفاذيه مقاسمه بالملي دارسي وعلى المحور ‪ x‬المساميه‬
‫قيمه كسريه حيث يتم الدخول من النفاذيه بعدة قيم النه نفاذيه القطع غير معروفه‬
‫ولهذا سوف ناخذ ثالث قيم للنفاذيه مثال ‪ 1…0.1…0.01‬ومن خاللهم يتم ايجاد‬
‫مساميه القطع ‪cutoff porosity‬‬
‫كما في الشكل التالي حيث تم اخذ ‪ cutoff permeability =0.1‬وتم ايجاد‬
‫‪cutoff porosity =0.02‬‬
‫كما تم اخذ ‪ cutoff permeability =1‬وتم ايجاد ‪cutoff porosity=0.09‬‬
phie cuttoff for bu-1

y = 0.0494e0.3248x
R² = 0.5443





0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24

‫وبنفس الطريقه لبقيه االبار التي يوجد لها لباب ‪core‬‬
‫حيث يتم ايجاد قيمه ‪ cutoff porosity‬لكل بئروبذلك يمكن ايجاد ‪ net pay‬عن‬
‫طريق برنامج ‪ip‬‬
‫الطريقه الثانيه‪:‬وهي طريقه مطوله حيث يتم ايجاد قيمه حد القطع للمساميه لكل يونت‬
‫‪unit MA‬‬



‫‪0‬‬ ‫‪5‬‬ ‫‪10‬‬ ‫‪15‬‬ ‫‪20‬‬ ‫‪25‬‬

Fig(b) MB11 Fig (d) MB21
100 10000

10 100
0.1 1
0.01 0.01
0 5 10 15 20 0 10 20
phi phi

Fig (c) MB12 MC1



0.1 0.01
0 5 10 15 0 10 20
phi phi
Fig (e) MC2



0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18

Table (1) Phi cut off of BU1 Table(2) net pay and gross thickness of BU1
Unit Phi cut off Units Net pay(m) Gross thickness(m)
MA 0.02 MA 9 17
MB11 0.01 MB11 35 37
MB12 0.075 MB12 4 8
MB21 0.07 MB21 75 77
MC1 0.065 MC1 21 61
MC2 0.04 MC2 43 46
Q/ How do you determine porosity cutoff?
Explain briefly?
1- Get data (Ø and K) for every well and put in excel
sheet then determine interval of (mb21, mc1, mc2,
MA, MB11, MB12).
2- Plot between (Ø and K) just horizontal values putt
the k values on y-axis with logarithmic scale as the
following figure.
3- Take best fit line and by (0.01 md) of permeability (k)
read porosity cutoff.
Water saturation cut off:-
We assume =0.5 because we don’t have the routine
core analysis but if we have it so will make this steps to
find Sw cut off:
1- Get data (Kro, Krw,Sw) of each well from report and
put them in excel sheet.
2- Plot between (Krw and Kro vs. Sw) of all wells then
takes average (Krw, Kro and Sw).
3- Determine Sw cutoff from intercept between Kro
and Sw.
**The value of water saturation cut off assume=0.5
Q/Why do we make correlations? What are types of
correlation? What is useful of each one?
Because of differences between the log data and core data,
we make correlations
- Between (porosity core& porosity log) to find (Ø predict).
- Between (horizontal permeability &porosity core) to find (K
-Between (depth vs. Ølog and Øcore) for checking shifting
depth between (core data and log data) this calculation is
benefit for enhanced oil recovery.
As following steps:
1- Draw between Ø core and depth from core analysis.
2- Draw between Ø log and depth from CPI data.
3- Draw between (Ø log) and (Ø core) and take best fit line
(trindline) displaying its equation on chart.
4- Draw between (Ø core) and (k core) and take best fit line
(trindline) displaying its equation on chart.
5- Check for shifting depth by using transparence paper on
step 1and 2.
6- Determine the (Ø predict) from the correlation between Ø
log and Ø core as shown in figure.
7- Determine the (K predict) from the correlation between (Ø
core) and (k core) as shown in figure.
‫نتبع نفس العملية السابقة اليجاد ‪Kpredict‬والتي سوف نعتمد‬
‫عليها في الحسابات القادمة ايضا ‪..‬‬
Q/What does mean by (SCAL)?
(Special Core Analysis Lab.) it is a report contains some properties
such as (Pc, Kro, Krw, Sw) and figures (Kro, Krw vs. Sw), (Sw vs. Pc).

Q/ What does FWL mean?

The Free water level (FWL) in a reservoir is the level at which the oil-
water capillary pressure vanishes (Pc=0). It is the oil water interface
that would exist at equilibrium in an observation borehole, free of
capillary effects, if it were to be drilled in the porous medium and
filled with oil and water.
Q/ What does WOC mean? How do you determine it?
The Oil-water contact (WOC) is the level at which the hydrocarbon
saturation starts to increase from some minimum saturation. In a
water-wet rock, that minimum saturation is essentially zero. We can
determine from:
Q/ why is the plotting between (Depths vs. Sw) scatter?
Because the distribution of Sw along the depths depends on:
1- Pc. 2- σ. 3- K. 4- Ø.
Q/ why should we find (J-function)?
To correct the plotting between (Depths vs. Sw) since Sw is
influence by (Pc, σ, K, Ø).
Q/ What is useful of plotting (Pc vs. Sw)?
To determine (Swc, Sor, WOC, FWL).
Q/ What is useful of plotting (Kr vs. Sw)?
To determine (Swc, Sor, Wettability).
lecture seven
lecturer Ahmed Radhe
University of Basra
Petroleum Department
2.9 OIIP
Oil in place is the total hydrocarbon content of an oil reservoir and is
often abbreviated STOOIP, which stands for Stock Tank Original Oil In
Place, or STOIIP for Stock Tank Oil Initially In Place, referring to the oil
in place before the commencement of production. In this case, stock
tank barrels refer to the volume of oil after production, at surface
pressure and temperature (as opposed to reservoir conditions).
The important values that must be calculated before calculating OOIP
are Hnet, Swavg and ɸavg and these values estimate from CPI.
OOIP(oil originally in place) calculation can be done by several ways:
1-OOIP by volumetric method: (Not used in our calculations)
2-OOIP by material balance: (Not used in our calculations)
3-OOIP by Petrel software

The volumetric calculation
The volumetric method was applied to compute the
hydrocarbon initially in place (HIIP). It was calculated for
each unit of the reservoir by using the equation below:

OIIP: Original oil in place, sm3.
VB: bulk volume, m3.
∅: Porosity, fraction.
Swi: Initial water saturation expressed as a fraction of the pore
Boi: formation volume factor, under initial conditions, (Boi=1.2
Volume calculation process will accurately calculate the various
volumes (bulk, pore and fluid) in a 3D grid. During the process of
modeling of the reservoir, several 3D grids may create with different
treatments of the faults and horizons. Within those grids, there may
be several versions of a property model and contacts and there may
be several representations of the fluids within the model.

Volume Calculation Method
Each side of the cell is triangulated and the cells are split exactly where
they are cut by contacts or boundary polygons. Because of the geometry
of the 3D grid used in Petrel, faults form an integral part of the grid. Cell
boundaries always form the faults in the 3D grid, and volumes are
therefore always reported exactly along segment boundaries.
The basic formulas used for volume calculations are:

GIIP = HCPV gas/Bg + (HCPV oil/Bo) * GOR oil

Recoverable Gas = GIIP * RF gas
Note: Bulk, Net and Pore volume will only report the volume above the
oil/water contact!
*Reserve calculation parameters are:
Hydrocarbon Saturation (%) and Recovery factor (%)
Gross Rock Volume, Formation Volume Factor, Porosity (%), Net
to gross (%), Hydrocarbon saturations (%).
*The drive mechanisms in Buzurgan field are:
Water drive and solution gas drive.
Q/ Why is the volumetric method not accurate?
Because of these reasons:
1. The values of cutoffs (Ø, K, Sw) are not accurate.
2. The values of (Ø weighted average, Sw weighted average,
total Hnet) are not accurate.
3. It assumed that the reservoir as one block.
Words meaning letters:
OOIP(IOIP): original oil inplace
OFVF: oil formation volume factor
CPI: computer processed interpretations
PVT: pressure volume temperature
CCE: constant composition experiments
DLE: differential liberation expansion
SCAL: special core analysis laboratory measurements
RTKB: rotary table Kelly pushing
GL: ground level
MSL: meter sea level
GOL: gas oil ratio
IMEX: implicit and explicit simulation
FWR: Final well report
QC: quality check.
‫فائدة ‪ model‬هي عمل ‪ grid‬وذلم اما ب استخدام ‪ fault‬او ‪make simple grid‬‬
‫فائدة ‪ horizon‬هو نعريف للطبقات الجل عمل ‪layering‬‬
‫‪ layering‬تقسيم الطبقات الى عدة طبقات ثانويه وحسب توزيع الخواص الجل زيادة‬
‫الدقه في الحسابات‬
‫‪ scale up well property‬هو تحويل ‪ log‬الى ‪ property‬عموديه‬
‫‪ up scaling‬فائدته تقليل عدد ‪…. grids‬‬
‫‪Fine to corse‬‬
‫‪ : petrophysical modeling‬تحول الخصائص العموديه الى خصائص افقيه على‬
‫كل طبقه‬
‫الجل السرعه في العمل نقوم بزيادة ‪ increment‬يعني تكبير حجم ‪ grids‬ونقلل عددة‬
‫وبالعكس الجل الدقه في العمل نقلل ال ‪ increment‬فيقلل حجم ‪ grid‬ويزداد عددها‬
‫لكي نستغل وقت اطول وذاكرة اعلى‬

‫لخاصيه المساميه والتشبع (‪ )phie,sw‬نستخدم‬
‫‪average weighted‬‬
‫ال ‪ K‬نستخدم ‪Harmonic weighted‬‬
‫بقيه الخواص نستخدم ‪Arithmetic mean‬‬
‫‪phie‬تؤثر على حجم المسامات ‪pore volume‬‬
‫‪ sw‬تؤثر على ‪HCPV‬‬

CPI (computer process interpretation) is a way to estimate (petro
physical properties: SW, Ø and Hnet) so as to estimate the initial
oil in place (OOIP) in the Mushrif structural in Buzurgan field. As
following steps:
1. At first determine the thickness of hydrocarbon (Hnet):
hnet = interval * n
2. The porosity and saturation cut-off should be ignored.
3. The arithmetic average porosity is estimated for every well

4. The arithmetic average water saturation is estimated for every


Where n: number of cells (depth items).
lecture nine
lecturer Ahmed Radhe
University of Basra
Petroleum Department
The steps for PVT model:
*we used PVTP program to made matching for PVT
data of 5 wells in black oil model.
*At first we prepared the PVT data of 5 wells in excel
*After that we made matching by PVTP program
and plot the matching data.
*Finally we made compering between the origin and
calculated data from PVTP software by plot.
Oil Formation Volume Factor (Bo)
Oil formation volume factor is defined as the ratio of the volume of oil at
reservoir (in-situ) conditions to that at stock tank (surface)
conditions. This factor, is used to convert the flow rate of oil (at stock
tank conditions) to reservoir conditions. It is defined as:
Below the bubble point pressure, the oil formation volume factor
increases with pressure. This is because more gas goes into
solution as the pressure is increased causing the oil to
swell. Above the bubble point pressure, the oil formation volume
factor decreases as the pressure is increased, because there is no
more gas available to go into solution and the oil is compressed.
The value of the oil formation volume factor is generally between
1 and 2 Rbbl / stbbl (R m3 / st m3). It is readily obtained from
laboratory PVT measurements or may be calculated from
correlations such as Vasquez and Beggs.
is the inverse of the formation volume factor for oil, and
represents the difference between the volume of oil in
the reservoir and its volume when produced to the
surface (standard pressure and temperature. The value
of shrinkage is generally between 0.5 and 1. The change
in volume is due to solution gas coming out of the oil as
the pressure decreases.
Oil Compressibility
The compressibility of any fluid is defined as the relative
change in fluid volume per unit change in pressure. This
is usually expressed as volume change per unit pressure.
Solution Gas-Oil Ratio
The solution gas-oil ratio is the amount of gas dissolved in the oil at
any pressure. It increases approximately linearly with pressure and is
a function of the oil and gas composition. A heavy oil contains less
dissolved gas than a light oil. In general, the solution gas-oil ratio
varies from 0 (dead oil) to approximately 2000 scf/bbl (very light
oil). The solution gas-oil ratio increases with pressure until the bubble
point pressure is reached, after which it is a constant, and the oil is
said to be undersaturated. The solution gas-oil ratio is a significant
component of the PVT correlations. It has a very significant influence
on the oil formation volume factor, the oil viscosity, and the oil
Bubble Point Pressure
The bubble point pressure is defined as the pressure at
which the first bubble of gas comes out of solution. At this
point, we can say the oil is saturated - it cannot hold
anymore gas. Above this pressure the oil is
undersaturated, and the oil acts as a single-phase liquid.
At and below this pressure the oil is saturated, and any
lowering of the pressure causes gas to be liberated
resulting in two-phase flow.
Oil Viscosity
Oil viscosity is a measure of the resistance to flow exerted
by the oil, and is given in units of centipoises (cP). Higher
values indicate greater resistance to flow. For oil, the
viscosity decreases with increasing temperature and
pressure (up to the bubble point). Above the bubble
point pressure, oil viscosity increases minimally with
increasing pressure as shown below. It is a very strong
function of reservoir temperature, oil gravity, and
solution gas-oil ratio.
What we mean by the fluid properties?
From where we can get it?
Q/What does mean by (SCAL)?
(Special Core Analysis Lab.) it is a report
contains some properties such as (Pc,
Kro, Krw, Sw) and figures (Kro, Krw vs.
Sw), (Sw vs. Pc).
Q/ What does Swc mean? How can you determine it?
The connate or irreducible water saturation (Swc): is the
water saturation level below which the water becomes
immovable. We can determine from the plotting between
(Kro, Krw vs. Sw) at intercept of (Krw and Sw).

Chart Title 0.7


1.4 0.5


0.6 0.2

0 0
y=kro y=krw
0 20 40 60 80 100
-- Or from (Pc vs. Sw) plot as follow figure:
Q/ What does Pc mean? When get the pc data?
Capillary pressure is the pressure difference existing
across the interface separating two immiscible fluids. It is
usually calculated as:

We can get data from (SCAL) Special Core Analysis.

The benefits of geologic model are:
1. To build a shape or structure for reservoir
2. To know and determine the location of
fault and fracture
3. To calculate initial oil in place by
volumetric method it means by using
porosity, saturation, map of the field to
calculate area of reservoir.
4. This model is the base for numerical
Heterogeneity: is changing properties
from location to location in reservoir like
Numerical model based on:
1. Production rates : gas , oil , water
2. Pressure of reservoir
3. PVT (pressure/volume/temperature) properties.
4. Formation volume factors (FVFs), densities, viscosity, etc.
5. Locations of wells in field
The benefits of this model are:
1. To represent the real conditions of reservoir
2. Determine initial oil in place by simulation method
3. Predicting the future of pressure and production rate
4. Determine which method is better to use from EOR like
water injection
5. Use for economic calculations
6. Also to find risks
Reservoir simulation is the art of designing an artificial
system (model) close to a real system (reservoir).it like any
method that petroleum engineers use to calculate what we
need like pressure or initial oil in place as we used material
balance. In simulation we change things in reservoir to
equations then we solve these equations by computer as
show in this figure:

So the process is:

Objectives of Simulation
Objectives include determination of

❖ Original oil in place

❖ Gas storage
❖ Single well study
❖ Economical parameter
❖ Optimization of petroleum system
❖ Fluid movement in reservoir

In developing each flow, the basic data required include income

generated, expenses, and capital investments over the planning
Income generating parameters are the oil and gas production that are
essential output of the simulator. These are available in a pre-well
basis by lease or by reservoir total.
Steps of Simulation

• Problem definition
• Data review
• Data acquisition
• Selection of approach
• Reservoir description and model design
• Programming support
• History Matching
• Prediction
• Editing and analysis
• Reporting
Sources of permeability data
Sources of porosity data
• Logging data (sonic or acoustic log)
• Laboratory measurement
• Published correlation
What are reservoir simulation Steps?
1. Basic Reservoir Engineering & Data processing
- Rock properties and SCAL
- PVT properties
- Well test analysis
- Material balance, production data analysis
- Vertical Flow Performance analysis
- Production and completion data preparation
2. Building the Simulation Model.
3. History Matching the Simulation Model.
4. Forecast
Q/ What is reservoir simulation? What suitable
mode type for buzurgan oil field in terms of fluid
type, dimension and porosity model?
Reservoir simulation is an area of reservoir
engineering in which computer models are used
to predict the flow of fluids (typically, oil, water,
and gas) through porous media.
Fluid model type is black oil.
Dimension model is S.I (international system).
Porosity model is single.
-What are the main driving forces of Buzurgan field?
The main driving forces for production in Buzurgan field are water
drive and formation expansion.
Q/ On what Production matching depends?
1. Capillary pressure (Pc).
2. WOC.
3. Perforation interval.
Q/On what pressure matching depends?
1. Aquifer properties.
2. Permeability (K).
3. Compressibility (C).
4. Production.
‫هل ال ‪ dynamic model‬اكثر دقه او ال ولماذا ؟؟‬
‫ال ال ‪ static model‬اكثر دقه وذلك الن الخواص داخل ال ‪dynamic‬‬
‫‪ model‬تعتمد ع المعادالت المحكات الكمنيه ولكن في ال ‪static model‬‬
‫ندخل هذه البيانات من خالل اللوك ‪cpi‬‬
‫ما الهدف من عمل ماجنك لل ‪oil production‬؟‬
‫وذللك لكي نعرف هل الموديل (داخل البترل ) يشبه المكمن الحقيقي ويمكن‬
‫االعتماد عليه للتوقع االنتاج في المستقبل حيث يتم وضع خطه مثال اذا ازداد‬
‫الماء عن نسبه ‪ %50‬سوف نغلق البئر فمن خالل الموديل نعرف اي سنه‬
‫سوف يصل الى هذه النسبه وهكذا ‪....‬‬
What are the conditions that should be considered
in dividing a reservoir into a block for simulation?
1-we must ensure that the size of the block does
not exceed the block beside it more than twice.
2-we should not put the OWC in the center of the
3-we must ensure the direction (I,J)
what is the effect of the following on calculated
OOIP :Cr,Pc,Depth of OWC
the developing plan means the max profit scenario
for economical.
1. introduction
History Matching
What it is?
Process of modifying the existing model data until a reasonable
comparison is made with the observed data is called history

➢ To make any sensible predictions with the simulator because
the same mechanisms operative in the history period of the
reservoir still be operative in the future prediction period.
➢ Simulator must adequately describe the geometrical
configuration, rock properties, fluid properties and flow
➢ Data used in the simulator must be modified until simulator
History Matching
Determine reservoir description which will
minimize the difference between the observed
parameters and predicted parameters.
• “History matching is the process of modifying
the model input data until a reasonable
comparison is made with historical data.”
• History matching is the process of making
reasonable changes to model input parameters
to better match historical data and to improve
the predictive capability of the model.”
History Matching

Two fundamental Controllable Processes
in History Matching

• Quantity of fluid in the system at any time and

its distribution within the reservoir.
• Movement of fluid within the system under
existing potential gradient.

• The ultimate goal of any modeling effort is forecasting.
The modeling involved in reservoir simulation is no
• It is therefore imperative to ensure that a model has the
necessary predictive capability before using it as a
forecasting tool.
• As we have learned, we ensure predictive capability by
formulating an accurate representation of the
reservoir, properly solving the resulting equations,
and proving the validity of the model through
history matching.
• Once we have taken these steps, the simulator is ready
for its primary purpose of forecasting.


Advantages of history matching is a side from giving
a good match and providing a model for future
predictions history matching process provides some
other benefits .the other benefits of history
matching includes :-
1-model calibration ,which helps to improve and
validate reservoir description .
2- prediction of future performances with higher
degree of confidence
3-enhancing the understanding of the reservoir .
4-detecting operational issues during the process of
reservoir management .
if we don’t have a good matching this may be because the
permeability od the relative permeability curves data. what
Production matching depends on is
1. Capillary pressure (Pc).
2. WOC.
3. Perforation interval.
what pressure matching depends on is:
1. Aquifer properties.
2. Permeability (K).
3. Compressibility (C).
4. Production.
Below bubble point, as pressure decreases:
a. OFVF/ decrease
b. Oil density/ increase
c. Oil viscosity/ increase
d. Compressibility/ decrease
e. Solution-gas oil ratio/ decrease
f. Liberated-gas oil ratio/ increase
Above bubble point, as pressure
g. OFVF/increase
h. Oil density/ decrease
i. Oil viscosity/ decrease
j. Compressibility/ increase
k. Solution-gas oil ratio/ constant
l. Liberated-gas oil ratio/ constant
‫مهم جدا‬Applications of relative permeability data:
1- to model a particular process, for example,
fractional flow,
2- fluid distributions, recovery and predictions
3- Determination of the free water surface; i.e.,
the level of zero capillary pressure or the level
below which fluid production is100% water.
4- Determination of residual fluid saturations or
cut off water saturation.
Words meaning letters:
1- OOIP(IOIP): original oil inplace
2-OFVF: oil formation volume factor
3-CPI: computer processed interpretations
4-PVT: pressure volume temperature
5-CCE: constant composition experiments
6-DLE: differential liberation expansion
7-SCAL: special core analysis laboratory measurements
8-RTKB: rotary table Kelly pushing
9-GL: ground level
10-MSL: meter sea level
11- GOR: gas oil ratio
12-IMEX: implicit and explicit simulation
13-FWR: Final well report
14-QC: quality check.

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