UFI in Progress April 2022

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The Official Newsletter for Uganda Farmers, Inc. April 2022

Water Flows in Kasese and 5k Announcement (9/24)

Save the date for our 5k!
Saturday, September 24th, 2022, marks the day of our annual 5k fundraiser
at Walnut Beach in Milford. We had a beautiful day and a wonderful turnout
last year and look forward to another robust event filled with music, trophies,
prizes, and fellowship. More details will follow.
Want to be a sponsor? Check out the form on page 6!


In This Issue
à The Gift of Life (Water) Flows in
Kasese… Pg. 2

à Kasese Info and New Projects…

Pg. 3

à Babies Home in Jinja and HDI…

Pg. 4

à Thank You and In Memoriam…


Water Flowing in Kasese, Uganda
Thanks to our faithful
and generous donors,
our point man, Father
Emmanuel, and Draco
Ltd., our drilling partner,
the water project in
Kasese, Uganda has
been successfully com-
pleted. The Bishop of
Kasese, the Rt. Rev.
Francis Kibira Aquir-
anus, presided over the
Dec. 23rd, 2021 inauguration ceremony
accompanied by hundreds of happy
villagers and schoolchildren.

The project serves over 6,000 people with its

six taps, including a school with 278 students
and a support staff of 52. As one of the staff
members said: “The water is actually salvation
for the people of this area. So many communi-
ties lack clean water. The need is enormous.
You can’t imagine the joy and appreciation of
the people served by this water project.”
Thanks to all involved! Your efforts and contri-
butions are a blessing to so many.
Kasese, a town in the Western Region of Uganda, Kasese, Uganda
has a population of 101,000. It originally grew around
the copper mine at Kilembe, which was active from 1950 to 1982. In the succeeding years the area
hasn’t seen substantial economic growth, until the reopening of the mine in 2015, which has brought
jobs back to the city but a new set of problems including water shortages.

Kasese is close to Lake George and Queen Elizabeth National Park which is a native habitat of
many species of hippos, crocodiles, and elephants. Kasese is relatively arid for Uganda and the re-
gion, but was still devastated by the floods of Spring 2020. It is located 214 miles from the capitol,
Kampala, making it around a 6 hour journey or longer. The Ugandan Government is working on con-
necting Kasese to the Democratic Republic of the Congo and improving infrastructure to major cit-
ies, but progress has been slow due to regional conflict and the economic effects of COVID.

New Projects
There is never an end to the need that exists in
rural East Africa, but thanks to your support we
can help to alleviate some of it. We are aware of
five rural primary schools where children suffer
from typhoid and influenza from contaminated wa-
ter. Our future projects would provide each school
with two 10,000-liter water tanks to harvest rain-
water as well as a hand pump borehole for each
community. The distance for water fetching would
be drastically reduced, but more importantly, the
access to pure clean water would greatly improve
the quality of life. More to follow as we receive
cost quotes from our drilling partners.

Babies Home To Get New Kitchen
Thanks to a very sizeable donation from John Piantedosi of Lynn, Massachusetts, the
St.Philomena Babies Home in Jinja, Uganda, will be receiving a new kitchen, complete
with a modern stove, pots and pans, and a new chimney. The old kitchen was in such
poor condition that no cooking could be done when it rained. John was made aware of
this need by Fr. Godfrey Musabe whose homeland is Uganda. It was Fr. Godfrey who in-
troduced us to the needs of the Babies Home ten years ago. Since then, we have provid-
ed a borehole with a handpump, and have collected lots of clothes and shoes from
our donors for the children.

Water and
In The West, water is abundant, and most of us take it for
granted. It’s something we don’t think about; just flipping a
tap in our homes and clean water dispenses for about
$.0015USD per gallon.
In Uganda, life is not so simple. In many of the villages
we’ve served, it might take a Ugandan family two hours to
get water of varying and inconsistent quality. That time and
money accrues, which could have been used going to
school, building, or taking care of family instead. By work-
ing with these communities to provide a local, clean source
of water and infrastructure, these villages have more time
to take care of their other needs, alleviate the risk of drink-
ing contaminated water, and increase their Human Devel-
opment Index.
Uganda’s HDI rose from 0.320 in 1990 to 0.544 in 2019,
which still places it in the UN’s “undeveloped nation” classi-
fication. In comparison, the US is 0.926. This makes Ugan-
da rank 159 out of the 189 countries assessed.

Thank You
The First Baptist Church Missionary Ministry of Milford
organized a “stay at home” tea under the creative direc-
tion of Dawn Moody and Carolyn Brangman to raise
funds for Water For Africa. Our sincere thanks go out to
this wonderful organization which has been a valued and
steadfast supporter throughout the years.

In Memoriam
We recently mourned the
passing of two of our long time
supporters, Isabelle Mannix
and Eugene Williams. We are
grateful for their support, and
our condolences go out to their
families who honored their
memories by having contribu-
tions made to Uganda Farm-
ers Inc. in lieu of flowers. If you
wish to honor the memory of a
loved one, a contribution to
Uganda Farmers Inc. would
provide the gift of life: water.

Thank you for continuing to support our life-saving projects
Despite the economic effects of the Coronavirus, Uganda Farmers Inc. is still making progress in East Africa due to
our amazing, generous donors such as you. However, these life-saving programs are in desperate need for imme-
diate financial support and we would greatly appreciate a tax deductible donation. We accept online payments
through Paypal on our website www.ugandafarmersinc.org or you can mail a check to:
Uganda Farmers, Inc.
c/o Holler & Marecki, LLC
31 Cherry St., Suite 109
Milford, CT 06460

How to Help Contact Us
Uganda Farmers, Inc. is always in need of helping hands. We thrive Uganda Farmers, Inc.
C/o Holler & Marecki, LLC
on donations and are run by unpaid volunteers, so every little bit
31 Cherry Street, Suite 109
goes a long way. Milford, Connecticut 06460

E-mail us:
Donations janeh@hollerandholler.com
If you would like to donate to our causes, you may do so by either
Visit us on the web at
going onto our website at www.ugandafarmersinc.org and clicking
the “Click here to Donate” button or by mailing a check with the
enclosed donation form to the address at right. Follow us on Facebook at

We are always in need of volunteers to assist with upcoming events,
spreading awareness of upcoming projects, and lending fundraising
ideas and resources. If you are interested in volunteering in any
aspect or have fundraising ideas you would like to share with us,
please contact Jane Holler by e-mail at

Help Uganda Farmers, Inc. Go Green

We are making an attempt to “go green” by sending news and event
invitations electronically, but we need your e-mail address to do so!
If you are interested in receiving news on our progress and
reminders for upcoming fundraising events, please provide your
name and e-mail address on the enclosed form and mail, fax, or e-
mail to us. You may also e-mail us at our general mailbox at
janeh@hollerandholler.com. to let us know you would like to be
added to our mailing list. You can be taken off of our mailing list at
anytime. Uganda Farmers Inc. does not share donor/mailing list info
with anyone.
Did you know?
Projects completed by Uganda Farmers Inc.
2007- Micro Finance Project. Helped dozens of
women establish businesses
Running for Water for Africa 5K Committee Members 2008 – Kyarosouzi Water Project
2009 – Goat project in Kyarosoui
2010 – Goat project, Kyembogo
Bill Bevan Cindy Bevan 2011 - Ruhunga Water Project
2012 - Rwesigiire Water Project
Shelly Gibson Hilda Wilson 2013 – Ihunga Water Project
2014 – Nganiko Water Project
2015 - Nganiko Water Project expansion to cov-
Donald Thomas Veronica Thomas er medical clinic
2016 - Nganiko Water Project expansion
Jane Holler Dan Marecki 2017 - Kichwamba
2018 – Fort Portal & Iganga Babies Home
2019 – Musoma, Tanzania & Bwindi, UG
June Lewis Ray Carissimi
2020 – Kambi ya Simba, Tanzania
Expansion of Ruhunga project
8 2022– Kasese Water Project
Milford, Connecticut 06460
STAMP 31 Cherry Street, Suite 109
PLACE Uganda Farmers, Inc.
Bringing Water to Our Brothers & Sisters in Africa
The Official Newsletter for Uganda Farmers, Inc. April 2022

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