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Subject Code and Title CCA206 Care of Children and Adolescents

Assessment Case study analysis and developing a care plan

Individual/Group Individual

Length 1800 words (+/- 10%)

Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful

completion of the task below include:
a) Define and apply the key concepts related to the growth and
development of children and adolescents to nursing assessment
and care planning
c) Critically analyse the psychosocial and cultural needs of the child
or adolescent and their significant other and essential support in
relation to acute illness in child and adolescent primary health
d) Explore the complexities of medication management with
children and adolescents and interpret and apply to care
e) Recognise child protection responsibilities and collaborative
processes with a multidisciplinary team.
f) Identify and determine suitable risk assessment tools for use
within children’s health care (as outlined in the National Safety
and Quality Health Services (NSQHS) Standards).

Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST Sunday end of Module 4.2 (Week 8)

Weighting 40 %

Total Marks 100 marks

Assessment Task
In this assessment, you will be required to
• Choose one (1) case study detailing a common clinical presentation in childhood
• Research and write a critical appraisal on your chosen case study.
• The word limit for this assessment is 1800 words (+/- 10%). This is an individual assessment.
• Please refer to the Assessment Instructions for details on how to complete this assessment.


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This assessment provides an opportunity for you to use the theoretical knowledge you have
acquired so far in CCA206 Care of Children and Adolescents. You are encouraged to analyse the
information presented to you in the case study, recommend appropriate courses of action based on
best practices, supported by academic references and peer reviewed literature. When making
recommendations, keep in mind the philosophy of patient and family-centred care. Develop a
nursing care plan for the selected case after your analysis.

To complete this assessment, you must:

• Read the two case studies presented.

• Choose one (1) case study to analyse
• Please ensure you consider the following points as you complete your case study report
1. Define the clinical diagnosis/es.
2. Enumerate the aetiology and risk factors of the clinical diagnosis/ es.
3. Describe the pathophysiology of the clinical diagnosis.
4. Analyse the signs and symptoms of the clinical presentation.
5. Describe and interpret the growth and development of the child in your case study
based on the expected characteristics for their age/ developmental stage
6. Identify the child protection responsibilities of a Registered Nurse in your
7. Based on the child protection responsibilities identified in 6. above, describe and
analyse the multidisciplinary processes for managing any complex safeguarding
issues related to the child in the case study.
8. Identify and explore medication management complexities in your chosen case
study to include the interpretation and application to care planning.
9. Appraise suitable risk assessment tools, and apply one tool to determine the risk
management measures to be integrated into the child’s care plan.
10. Based on your analysis above, develop a nursing care plan for the child chosen for
your case study highlighting FIVE care priorities/problems identified. In your care
plan, include assessment data, nursing diagnosis/ collaborative problems, planning
(goals/expected outcomes), nursing interventions, and evaluation. As you are not
providing care in the real world, to write your evaluation, consider that the child’s
condition is improving after your interventions.

Please also consider the following requirements:

• Write your case study report in the third person.

• Present your own original work using multiple academic references from academic books,
peer reviewed scientific journal articles and other credible sources (government documents,
reports, publications, authentic webpages etc.).


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• Familiarise yourself with the rubric to ensure you are addressing the relevant elements
within your case study.
• Present your academic references on a separate page using APA (7th ed.) guidelines.
• Submit your report as a word document and not in protected view.
• Present your assessment in 12-point font, Arial or Times New Roman, 1.5 line spaced and a
minimum of 2.5cm margins.
• Page numbers should be included in the footer along with student ID number
• Suggested Structure
o A brief succinct introduction should be written to introduce the case study and
intention of the case study analysis (100-150 words).
o A conclusion should be written which sums up any significant findings and concludes the
case study analysis in an engaging way. No new information should be introduced in the
conclusion (100-150 words).
o Use Headings and Subheadings where appropriate to indicate the question is being

15+ references are required for this assessment. Use recent, relevant and reliable resources to
complete this task. These should be peer-reviewed literature, related to the subject matter and not
older than seven years.
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research.
Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.

Submission Instructions
The case study report should be submitted via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in
CCA206 Care of Children and Adolescents Blackboard site. The learning facilitator will provide
feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.

Academic Integrity
All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately
referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need
to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure
and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.

Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.

Special Consideration
To apply for special consideration for a modification to an assessment or exam due to unexpected or
extenuating circumstances, please consult the Assessment Policy for Higher Education Coursework
and ELICOS and, if applicable to your circumstance, submit a completed Application for Assessment
Special Consideration Form to your Learning Facilitator.


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Case Studies

Case Study (Option 1)

Patient Name: Amar

Patient age: 5 months

Mrs. Sooma, attends the Emergency Department (ED) with her 5-month-old son Amar.
She is concerned that her son has had a cough, runny nose and congestion for three days, and is
gradually getting worse. Overnight, he coughed very forcefully until he vomited, and this morning,
his mother noticed he was breathing faster, feels like he has a fever and is taking in less formula.

He has not had a wet nappy in four hours. His 4-year-old sister has a cold and attends a local
day care centre. Mrs. Sooma has four children under six years of age, which she brings up alone after
her husband died recently in car accident. You are Amar’s admitting nurse.

Amar was born at 32 weeks gestation measuring 38.1cm and weighing 1421 grams.

He remained in hospital until six weeks of age. Since discharge, he has been weighed/measured
regularly and you perform an admission weight/length and plot Amar’s growth on the World Health
Organisation (WHO) growth charts. His mother is concerned that he is not growing well as he is
much smaller than children of a similar age.

Age Corrected Age Weight (kg) Length (cm)

3 months 1 month 3.0 50.9
5 months 3 months 4.5 55.9

When you are weighting Amar, you notice that he has several small bruises on his left lateral upper
arm, which are on the bicep and tricep region. Further observation notes a non-blanching petechiae
on his neck, jaw line and upper chest.

Mrs. Sooma openly explains that her 4-year-old toddler has begun to bite with her temper tantrums.
Mrs. Sooma recounts events relating to the bruise/bite mark and becomes quite emotional, she sheds
some tears. She explains Amar’s 4-year-old sister had bitten him on the left arm which she thinks looks
more like a bruise now almost a week later. She explained how she noticed the ‘little pinpoint spots’
on his chest this morning when she bathed him. You clearly document and report to the senior nurse
on duty and the attending Doctor regarding your findings whilst weighing Amar.

Further physical examination shows Amar’s vital signs as:

• Temperature: 38.4°C
• Heart rate:150 beats per minute
• Respiratory rate: 60 breaths per minute
• Blood pressure:90/50 mmHg.
• Oxygen saturation: 91% on room air.

He appears alert and smiles sometimes but is clearly tachypnoeic and has a moist cough. You note
moderate subcostal and intercostal retractions, with mild nose flaring.


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On auscultation of his chest, there are widespread crackles audible throughout both lung fields, which
have a “wet” quality. There is equal air entry bilaterally with a faint lower bibasal wheeze evident on
expiration only.

The admitting Doctor reviews Amar and documents a clinical diagnosis of moderate viral bronchiolitis.
He informs Amar’s mother that he will need admission to hospital.

The plan of care includes:

• Intravenous fluids
• Intravenous antibiotics
• Insertion of an IV cannula
• Oral liquid paracetamol
• Monitor Vital signs every 30 minutes
• Continuous Sp02 monitoring
• Nebulised Salbutamol 4 hourly
• Review by a doctor in four hours unless further deterioration is noted by nursing staff.

You are aware of the hospital guideline for the management of Bronchiolitis and note that a Paediatric
Medical review and consultation is expected, to identify whether bronchiolitis is moderate or severe.

Case Study (Option 2)

Patient name: Lucy

Patient age: 6 years

Mrs Hawkins attends the Emergency Department (ED), with her 6-year-old daughter Lucy.

She is concerned that Lucy has developed a rash, her cough is worsening, and her fever continues
despite treatment from her General Practitioner (GP). Mrs Hawkins first brought her daughter to see
the GP three days beforehand, when she developed a fever for 48hrs, had a troublesome cough, itchy
watery eyes, and a runny nose and complained of a sore ear.

The GP diagnosed conjunctivitis with otitis media and prescribed oral antibiotics. Since then, Lucy has
deteriorated, and earlier today she developed a facial rash that proceeded to spread to her torso.

You take scales into Lucy’s treatment room, undress her to take a weight and height:

• Weight: 15kg
• Height: 115cm

On first impressions, you are very concerned that Lucy looks extremely underweight, as you can see
the bones in her rib cage. Her skin is smudged with dirt and her clothes stained and smelly. She also
has a visible red rash on her face which has progressed to her back. She is quiet and somewhat
unresponsive with inconsistencies between her responses and her mother’s.

You observe that Mrs Hawkins does not comfort Lucy when she becomes upset and appears to be
rough and impatient when instructing her to re-dress.

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Lucy was born by vaginal delivery at 39.4 weeks. Her birth weight was 3.4 kg. She has no medical or
surgical history, or previous hospitalisations. She does not take any medication, other than the oral
antibiotics prescribed the GP. She has no known drug allergies. Lucy has no siblings and her Father is
reported to be healthy.

Mrs Hawkins has Type 1 diabetes. No other diseases noted paternally or maternally. Mrs Hawkins
explains to you that her daughter has not had any of the recommended immunisations as she (the
Mother) has refused consent. Lucy is also home schooled.

Meanwhile, you become increasingly concerned that Lucy appears to be deteriorating clinically
(changes to her vital signs) and you escalate your reporting to an immediate assessment and
treatment by the Paediatrician in the Emergency Department.

On physical examination:
• Temperature: 39.6°C
• Heart rate: 130 beats per minute
• Respiratory rate: 52 breaths per minute
• No blood pressure was recordable.
• Oxygen saturation: 90% on room air

You commence supplemental oxygen via nasal prongs at 2L/min. Lucy has bilateral conjunctivitis, a
normal oral pharynx, decreased breath sounds with fine crepitation throughout, moderate subcostal
retractions and a generalised erythematous macular-papular rash to her face, trunk and upper

The Paediatrician is working on a clinical diagnosis of measles with moderate to severe pneumonia.
She informs Lucy’s mother that admission is required and recommends close monitoring in an
isolation room.

The plan of care includes:

• Oxygen to maintain saturations >92% with continuous Sp02 monitoring
• Continuous cardiac monitoring via a 3 lead ECG
• Regular reassessment for possible further respiratory support.
• Urgent chest x-ray
• Nose & throat swabs
• IV cannula
• IVT Normal saline 1000ml over 12 hours
• Oral liquid paracetamol
• Blood cultures
• Full blood count
• Electrolytes
• C-reactive protein
• Measles serology


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Assessment Rubric

Pass Credit Distinction High Distinction
(Yet to achieve
Assessment Attributes (Functional) (Proficient) (Advanced) (Exceptional)
minimum standard)
50-64% 65-74% 75-84% 85-100%
Limited understanding and/or Demonstrates a functional Demonstrates a proficient Demonstrates an advanced Demonstrates an exceptional
Understanding and application of theoretical understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the understanding of the
application of theoretical underpinnings and key theoretical underpinnings and theoretical underpinnings and theoretical underpinnings and theoretical underpinnings and
underpinnings and key concepts: key concepts by: key concepts by: key concepts by: key concepts by:
concepts • Failing to identify or • Identifying the key • Identifying the key • Identifying and providing a • Identifying and providing
describe any pathophysiological pathophysiological detailed description of all an extensive description of
pathophysiological processes of the clinical processes of the clinical pathophysiological all pathophysiological
• The definition, etiology processes of the clinical diagnosis, and providing a diagnosis, and providing a processes of the clinical processes of the clinical
and pathophysiology of diagnosis; or limited description and description of them to a diagnosis to a cellular diagnosis to a cellular level
the clinical diagnosis, and • Failing to identify the any cursory analysis of them; cellular level; and level, and an analysis, supported by analysis and
the signs and symptoms signs and symptoms of the • Identifying the key signs • Identifying the key signs which is linked to at least interpretation of evidence
of the clinical clinical presentation. and symptoms of the and symptoms of the two appropriate resources from three or more
presentation, for your clinical presentation, and clinical presentation and that provide relevant relevant sources; and
chosen case study • Failure to describe or providing a limited provides a description that correlation; and • Identifying and providing
interpret growth pattern; description and cursory links them to the • Identifying and providing a an extensive description
• Growth and development or analysis of them; and pathophysiology and detailed description of the and analysis of
of the child and their • Failure to identify any • Providing a limited includes some analysis signs and symptoms of the pathophysiological basis of
application to chosen important concepts to description and from one or two sources clinical presentation, and signs and symptoms,
case study discuss with the child and interpretation of growth with little correlation. an analysis that links them supported by analysis and
family. pattern. Above average understanding to the pathophysiology, interpretation of evidence
Demonstrates functional of key concepts related to and includes at least two from three or more
Percentage for this criterion = application by growth and development appropriate resources that relevant sources.
35% • Identifying some demonstrated by: provide relevant Exceptional understanding of
important concepts to •Providing a detailed correlation. key concepts related to
discuss with the child and description and interpretation Advanced understanding of growth and development
their family without of growth pattern; and key concepts related to demonstrated by:
referencing any relevant •Identifies the important growth and development •Identifying and providing an
sources. concepts and provides some demonstrated by: extensive description and
analysis of the concepts to •Providing a detailed interpretation of growth
discuss with the child and description and interpretation pattern; and
of growth pattern; and

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their family with reference to •An in-depth analysis of all •Providing an in-depth
at least one relevant source. the important concepts to correlation and interpretation
discuss with the child and of core concepts including
their family, to include, some general health and
reference to relevant health development, feeding
promotion activities and practices, social history,
evidence from two or more relevant health promotion
relevant sources. activities and future
monitoring, with supporting
evidence from three or more
relevant sources.
Recognition of the child Limited recognition and Basic recognition and Sufficient recognition and Above average recognition Advanced recognition and
protection responsibilities description demonstrated description demonstrated description by: and description by: description demonstrated
of a Registered Nurse in by: by: • Identifying all key • Identifying all of the key by:
own region/state and • Failing to recognise the • Identifying some of the regional/state child regional/state child • Identifying all of the
describe the regional/state child key regional/state child protection protection potential regional/state
multidisciplinary processes protection protection responsibilities of a responsibilities of a child protection
for handling complex responsibilities of a responsibilities of a Registered Nurse with Registered Nurse with responsibilities of a
safeguarding issues for Registered Nurse as Registered Nurse but basic application to case some detailed Registered Nurse with
chosen case study applied to the case with limited application study; and application to case considerable
study; and to case study; and • Providing a clear, logical study; and application to case
• Failing to identify or • Providing a basic description of the • Providing a detailed study; and
Percentage for this describe description of the multidisciplinary description of the • Providing an in-depth
criterion = 15% multidisciplinary multidisciplinary processes for managing multidisciplinary description with some
processes for managing processes for managing complex safeguarding processes for managing analysis of the
complex safeguarding complex safeguarding issues related to chosen complex safeguarding multidisciplinary
issues related to chosen issues related to chosen case study with issues related to chosen processes for managing
case study. case study without reference to at least case study with complex safeguarding
sufficient evidence to one relevant source. evidence from two or issues related to chosen
support the approach. more relevant sources. case study with
evidence three or more
sources used to validate
Medication management Limited clinical reasoning Basic clinical reasoning Above average clinical Advanced clinical Exceptional clinical
and care planning demonstrated by: demonstrated by: reasoning demonstrated reasoning demonstrated reasoning demonstrated
by: by: by:

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Apply sound clinical • Failing to identify any • Recognising the key • Identifying and partially • Critical analysis of the • Critical evaluation of
reasoning to identify and concerns/complexities concern/complexity appraising the key key concerns/ the complexities related
explore medication related to medication related to medication concerns/complexities complexities related to to medication
management complexities management; or management; and related to medication medication
management; and
in your chosen case study, • Identifying some • Formulating a basic plan management; and management; and
to include interpretation concerns, but failing to for how this concern • Formulating a logical • Formulating a detailed • Formulating a holistic
and application to care incorporate these into could be addressed and plan for how these plan for how these family centred care plan
planning from a nursing patient care planning. incorporated into concerns could be concerns could be addressing the
perspective. patient care planning, addressed, identifying addressed, the nursing concerns, outlining the
which includes nursing interventions interventions that could nursing interventions to
reference to an that could be applied be applied and be applied and
Percentage for this evidence-based and integrated into care integrated into care
criterion = 15% integrated into care
guideline only. planning, which planning, which
includes reference to an includes reference to an planning, including an
evidence- based evidence- based evidence-based
guideline and one other guideline and two or guideline, and three or
relevant source. more relevant sources. more relevant sources.

Risk assessment and care Limited clinical reasoning Basic clinical reasoning Above average clinical Advanced clinical Exceptional clinical
planning skills demonstrated by: skills demonstrated by: reasoning skills reasoning skills reasoning skills
Apply sound clinical • Failing to fully consider • Identifying at least two demonstrated by: demonstrated by: demonstrated by:
reasoning skills needed to the patient situation important risk • Identifying and partially • Critical analysis of all • Critical evaluation of
perform an appropriate and not identifying any assessment tools, appraising the key risk important risk the risk assessment
risk assessment for chosen risk assessment tools providing rationale for assessment tools as assessment tools as tools used in children’s
case study, to include relevant to the case your choice; and they relate to the case they relate to the case health care using
identifying and appraising study; or • Basic application of one study; and study, with reference to criteria governed by
suitable risk assessment • Identifying a list of risk risk assessment tool • Appropriately applies appropriate NSQHS NSQHS standards; and
tools, applying one tool, assessment tools but and integration of one risk assessment standards; and • Formulating a holistic
and determining risk failing to apply them information into patient tool and the evidence • Appropriately applies family centred care
management measures to appropriately to patient care planning, but obtained is used to one or more risk plan, which integrates
be integrated into patient case and/or care without sufficient formulate a focused assessment tools and the evidence from risk
care plan. planning. evidence to support the care plan, with formulates a detailed assessments and
approach. appraisal that includes care plan that determines detailed risk
reference to evidence appropriately integrates management measures
evidence from one or to be integrated into

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Percentage for this from one or more more relevant sources care planning, including
criterion = 25% relevant sources. for each tool identified. the evidence from three
or more relevant

Academic Skills Required APA referencing Required APA referencing Required APA referencing Required APA referencing Required APA referencing
style not followed for most style not followed for some style followed for most style followed for all style followed for all
Demonstration of correct references provided. references provided. references provided. references provided. references provided.
citation and referencing
Demonstration of Inconsistent use of good Fewer than seven Seven to ten appropriate Ten to fifteen appropriate Fifteen or more
appropriate grammar, quality, credible and appropriate resources used resources used to support resources used to support appropriate resources used
language and structure relevant resources to to support and develop and develop understanding and develop understanding to support and develop
support and develop understanding that are of that are of good quality, that are of good quality, understanding that are of
understanding. good quality, credible and credible and relevant. credible and relevant. good quality, credible and
Percentage for this Insufficient paraphrasing relevant. Paraphrases well Great demonstration of relevant.
criterion = 10% present throughout report. Sufficient paraphrasing throughout case study. paraphrasing skills Exceptional paraphrasing
Inconsistent use of correct present throughout report. Consistent use of correct throughout case study. present throughout case
grammar, spelling, Basic use of correct grammar, spelling, Advanced use of correct study.
language and structure; grammar, spelling, language and structure; grammar, spelling, Exceptional use of correct
writing difficult to follow language and structure; writing easy to follow with language and structure; grammar, spelling,
with frequent mistakes. writing difficult to follow some mistakes. writing easy to follow with language and structure;
with some mistakes. minimal mistakes. writing easy to follow with
very few mistakes

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The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Define and apply the key concepts related to the growth and development of children and adolescents to nursing assessment and care planning
Critically analyse the psychosocial and cultural needs of the child or adolescent and their significant other and essential support in relation to
SLO c)
acute illness in child and adolescent primary health care.
SLO d) Explore the complexities of medication management with children and adolescents and interpret and apply to care planning.
SLO e) Recognise child protection responsibilities and collaborative processes with a multidisciplinary team.
Identify and determine suitable risk assessment tools for use within children’s health care (as outlined in the National Safety and Quality Health
SLO f)
Services (NSQHS) Standards).

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