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Child: Day of the Content: Strengths Additional Thoughts:

Week/Date: and/or Weaknesses:

Child 1 Tuesday 1/25 Math – Counting Money – The student works well with
Focus is determining what the concept of money besides
coins are needed to make a the confusion between dimes
given amount of money in and nickels. Towards the end of
US coins. the lesson, the student began to
Student is having a hard identify the coins more
time differentiating between accurately than at the beginning
nickels and dimes. of the lesson. During the LA
lesson, the student was
LA – Vocabulary Words – completely unfocused, having
Whole class is working to constantly ask for sentences
together to complete and words to be read over
sentences using the week’s again. Even after sentences and
vocabulary words. words are repeated, the student
Student repeatedly asks still does not answer the
teacher to repeat himself question.
while working on handout.

Thursday 1/27 Math – Counting Money – The student is showing signs of

Focus is on word problems improvement as far as counting
involving money. money today during the lesson.
Students asks for word The student struggles to read
problems to be read aloud. the word problems but once the
teacher reads them aloud, they
LA – Phonics – Whole class are able to accurately display
is participating in Heggerty the addition equation and the
lesson, involving rhyming correct sum. During the
words. Heggerty lesson, while the rest
Student withdrawn, not of the class was answering the
answering the rhyming questions aloud, the student
questions with the whole laid their head on the desk even
class. after being encouraged to
participate. The student seems
to show the most struggle
during whole class instruction.
I think this student could really
benefit from having more one-
on-one instruction, possibly a

Monday 1/31 Math – Subtracting Money The new concept of making

– Focus is on making change was introduced and the
change. student was unable to make
Student verbally expresses sense of this concept. The
confusion about subtraction. problem here is that the student
Student continues to add doesn’t understand the idea of
when question is asking to subtraction in the first place so
subtract. trying to introduce it while
learning about money makes it
LA – Reading – Reading more confusing. The student
the Scholastic Weekly needs more explicit subtraction
Reader instruction. During the LA
Student loudly making independent reading, the
comments about the student was not paying
pictures in the article while attention to what they were
peers are trying to read. supposed to be reading and was
instead talking about the
pictures the entire time. To me,
this indicates that the student
may be struggling to read and
uses the pictures to try to
understand what the reading is
about (visual learner?).

Tuesday 2/8 Math – Telling Time – Now that the students have
Focus is on accurately moved on from money to time,
reading analog clocks. the student appears even more
Student is engaged in engaged and confident in their
lesson, volunteering to abilities. I think the student
answer several times. struggles with math that
involves number and operations
LA – Phonics – Fundations and that is why they are
Exam working better with the concept
Student looking around the of time. The student seemed
room throughout exam. spaced out during the
Asking teacher to repeat Fundations exam which is a
questions. phonics exam given to the
whole class. The teacher is
reading the questions aloud for
the students, as they do not
have the questions in front of
them and the student asks the
teacher to repeat the same
questions multiple times. I
think the student is not getting
enough time in between
questions to think since they
are working at a slower pace
than their peers.
Tuesday 2/15 Math – Telling Time Though the teacher explicitly
Focus is on accurately reviewed how to accurately
drawing hands on an analog count the minutes on a clock,
clock when given a time. starting with 1 rather than 12,
The student inaccurately but the student still
places the minute hand occasionally is making this
sometimes. Student still mistake. This is causing the
counts the 12 on the clock student to always place the
as five minutes instead of minute hand five minutes
starting on the 1 earlier than the given time. I
occasionally. think the student would benefit
from filling out a clock chart,
LA – Phonics – Fundations labeling each of 5-minute
Focus is on the different increments to keep at their desk
ways to create the long e and refer to while working
sound and writing words through the worksheets and
with the different vowel other activities to become more
blends. familiar with the way the
Student able to identify the minute hand works. It seems
different long e blends and like beyond this concept, the
only uses the wrong blend student has mastered the
in a word two times concept of time. The student
throughout the lesson. works through the long e sound
well and is able to write most
of the given words correctly.
The had some confusion with
the -ey blend but otherwise did
well and appeared comfortable
with the words given.

Monday 2/21 Math – Three-Digit Because the concept of the

Numbers hundreds place is new, it makes
Focus is on understanding sense that the understanding the
place value (there are 20 hundreds place is confusing to
tens in 200). the student, however, the
Student inaccurately student was still struggling to
answers questions on white understand that there are 100
board related to place value, ones in 1 hundred. A strategy
i.e. “200 = 200 hundreds”. that I think would assist the
student with this confusion is
LA – Rooted in Reading – the use of an HTO chart when
Students are reading a trying to map out how many
passage and answering ones, tens, and hundreds are in
questions about Abraham a three-digit number. The
Lincoln and President’s student noticeably struggles
Day. with reading and therefore just
Student looking around the does not pay attention when
room during the reading of working on reading and writing
the passage, commenting activities and assessments. The
loudly on the pictures in the student is unable to follow
passage while peers are along when their classmates are
reading. reading and becomes distracted
by the pictures, resulting in
them making comments about
the pictures instead of trying to
comprehend the passage.

Tuesday 3/1 Math – Three Digit It isn’t surprising to me that the

Numbers word form of three-digit
Students are reviewing the numbers frustrates the student
different ways to show a because the student already
three-digit number (word struggles with reading, writing,
form, expanded form, and spelling. The student shows
standard form). comfort and understanding
When given a number to put when working with standard
into word form, the student form and expanded form, just
becomes frustrated and not word form. I think that the
begins talking to peers student gets embarrassed about
around them instead of being able to work through the
completing the work. other problems accurately and
that is why they just began
turning around and distracting
LA – Vocabulary their classmates. Moving onto
The students are writing vocabulary, the student will
sentences using their participate in the pajrt of the
vocabulary words. lesson where the students read
Student refuses to write the words aloud and use them
sentences and puts their in sentences, but it comes time
head down. for the students to write the
words and sentences
themselves, the student puts
their head down and refuses to
complete the work. Even when
the aide tries to assist them,
they seem to be frustrated by
the fact that they can’t
complete the work without

Child 2 Tuesday 1/25 Math – Counting Money – Student is struggling to sit still
Focus is on adding the value and pay attention to the math
of multiple coins. lesson today. Student continues
Student copying answers off to get up out of seat and when
peers’ white boards, getting they do answer a question, they
up out of seat and walking are not doing the work, only
around room. copying off peers. It appears
that the student understands
LA – Writing Sentences – coins and each of their value
Focus is on using given R- but does not understand adding
controlled vowel words in a multiple coins together. When
sentence. teacher works through a
Student struggling to problem with the student, they
physically write sentences. seem to understand. During the
sentence writing, the student
did not fill out their handout,
however, volunteered answers
for some of the words and was
able to verbally produce
meaningful sentences. Choice
on how to present knowledge
would benefit this student, as
they seem to struggle only with
the writing aspect of this

Thursday 1/27 Math – Counting Money – The student is struggling to

Focus is on counting from a understand the concept of
given cent amount to a “target numbers” and adding
whole dollar using target larger coins to the given
numbers 25, 50, 75. amount rather than just pennies.
Student counting by 1’s to For example, starting with
get to dollar amount instead $0.63, what coins are required
of using target numbers. to get to $1.00? The student is
counting 64, 65, 66… and so
LA – Phonics – Whole class on rather than adding 1 dime
participating in Heggerty and 2 pennies to get to the
lesson involving “target number” 75. Then from
pronouncing specific the target number, you know
syllables in a word and then you need to add a quarter.
putting the word together. Student is struggling to
Student actively engaged in understand that. I think it may
movements and sounding just need to be explained with
out words. manipulatives. Student seems
to enjoy the Heggerty lessons
which teach students different
phonemic awareness tools.
Some of the lessons involve
movement, which is really
engaging this student. The
student is not only doing the
motions but is also answering
the questions and saying the
given words aloud with the rest
of the class. The student
definitely seems to benefit from
the incorporation of movement.

Monday 1/31 Math – Making Change The student’s ability to count

with US Coins in word coins and make change seems
problems. to have improved with
Student able to answer most additional help, especially with
problems correctly with the word problems which I
help from TA. think the student struggles to
read, making them unable to
answer the problems. Once the
LA – Reading – Working in TA had read the word problems
Wonders textbook, reading aloud and worked through the
a nonfiction passage as a first couple problems with the
class. student, the student seemed to
Student following along in “catch on” more. Student does
book while peers read; well in LA because he is
accurately answers one of interested in the topic of the
the comprehension passage, Chinese New Year.
questions. The teacher pauses in between
paragraphs to ask
comprehension questions and
the student seemed eager to
answer most of them, even
getting called on to answer one
of them, and answering
accurately. Again, the student
is benefitting from the material
being read aloud to them rather
than being required to read it

Tuesday 2/8 Math – Telling Time – The student continuously

Focus is on reading analog answers the clock questions as
clocks. if the hands are reversed.
Student having trouble Additionally, it seems that the
differentiating between the student is count the “12” on the
minute and hour hands. clock as 5 minutes past the time
instead of 0 minutes. This
LA – Focus is on concept seemed to confuse
identifying sentences other students as well and
written in 1st person and 3rd therefore I think is just an idea
person. that needs reviewed. I also
Student able to answer think this student could benefit
questions accurately after from a clock manipulative to
having sentences read help explain the difference
aloud. between how the hour and
minute hands move. In LA, the
student was able to accurately
identify which sentences were
written in 1st person and which
sentences were written in 3rd
person but only after the
statements were read aloud to
them 1-2 times.

Tuesday 2/15 Math – Telling Time It was surprising to me that the

The class is showing given student was withdrawn during
times on clock this lesson because in the
manipulatives. previous lessons, the student
The student is very excelled with the concept of
withdrawn and quiet, not telling time once they were able
participating in the understand the difference
between the minute and hour
LA – Phonics – Whole class hands. It seems that the student
is watching Heggerty on the is having a bad day because
Smart Board, using hand they are not interacting with
signals to work through peers or participating in the
various words using lesson like they usually do.
substitution and deletion. This attitude is also reflected
Student is having trouble then in the Heggerty lesson
staying on task and when the student remains
continues to turn around withdrawn and distracted,
and distract their peers turning around and talking to
throughout the video. peers. It is hard to tell if this
failure to participate is because
of his own frustration with the
material or if this can also just
be contributed to the student
having a bad day. These are
sensually activities that student
will at least partially participate

Monday 2/21 Math – Three-Digit The student is easily frustrated

Numbers and distracted when it comes to
Students are showing three- breaking numbers down and
digit numbers using base this has been evident is
ten blocks. previous lessons. The student
The student is drawing does not understand place value
pictures on their white very well, as it appears that the
board instead of using the student is an entire grade level
base ten blocks to answer behind when it comes to math
questions. which I think is what causing
the constant frustration. This
LA – Spelling Test frustration can also be reflected
Spelling test is being given in the student’s behavior during
to whole class. the spelling test. It seems that
After the teacher says each the student needs way more
word aloud, the student asks time in between words on the
him to repeat it several spelling test because they are
times even after moving on taking so much time trying to
to the next word. sound the words out.

Tuesday 3/1 Math – Three-Digit The student has struggled

Numbers several times in the past when
Focus is on adding two it comes to addition of numbers
three-digit numbers. with more than one digit. The
Student consistently adds student always wants to do the
two three-digit numbers math left to right, starting in the
beginning in the hundreds hundreds place. It seems that
place rather than the ones unless the classroom aide is
place, resulting in explicitly going over each
inaccurate answers. problem with the student, step
by step, telling them to add the
LA – Spelling ones, then the tens, then the
Students are practicing hundreds, the student is unable
writing their weekly to do it. Additionally, in second
spelling words. grade, the students are
Student struggles to write supposed to already know how
words correctly, i.e. the to regroup but because the
word is school and the student is working an entire
student spells it “scoo”. grade level behind, this concept
also appears to be very
confusing to them. This can
also be said for the student’s
inability to spell and accurately
sound out words. Though the
students do weekly Heggerty
and Fundations to support their
phonics skills, the student
seems unable to apply those
skills because they are still
trying to sound out words

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