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Introduction to Public

Administration System
Tomy V. Bawulang, Ph.D
Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta
Today’s Learning Agenda

Get Started Then,

01 Understanding the basic 03 Historical timeline and the
Concept of PAS Paradigm

Learn More Class Administration

02 Understanding the Philosophical 04 Group Formation and
Foundation of PAS Project Explanation
Review of Last Week session

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Ujian akhir semester 40%; Ujian harian dan tugas-tugas 30%

28/03/2022 #learningwithDrTB 3
Key to Success
A = Sangat Istimewa (4)
A- = Istimewa (3,7)
04 B = Lebih dari Baik (3,3)

03 03 B = Baik
B- = Cukup Baik (2,7)
C+ = Lebih dari Cukup (2,3)
02 Score 02 C = Cukup (2,0)
01 D= Kurang
Class Culture and Ethical Conduct


Succesful students show positive attitude - Take Part in all process of learning.
toward learning. They have ”Growth Mindset” - Take initiatives and responsible for his/her
not ”Fix Mindset” own learning
- Prmote collaborative learning culture

Keen on producing “knowledge product” as Always keen to create and present their
results of their learning. learning process in creative ways including the
use of Social Media and IT.
Challenge yourself to push beyond boundary of
your own! Innovative and propose new thinking and
understanding in the sphere of PA
What Will You Learn


Public Administration
Basic Concept

4/3/2022 7
System: What is it?

sistem/sis·tem/ /sistém/ n 1
perangkat unsur yang secara
teratur saling berkaitan
sehingga membentuk suatu
totalitas (Sumber:

Date #learningwithDrTB 8
Administration : What is it?
administration (n.)
mid-14c., "act of giving or dispensing;" late 14c.,
"management (of a business, property, etc.), act of
administering," from Latin administrationem
(nominative administratio) "aid, help, cooperation;
direction, management," noun of action from past-
participle stem of administrare "to help, assist;
manage, control, guide, superintend; rule, direct,"
from ad "to" (see ad-) + ministrare "to serve, attend,
wait upon," from minister "inferior, servant, priest's
assistant" (see minister (n.).


Date #learningwithDrTB 9
Administration : What is it?
The simple meaning of the term is quite direct: it refers on the one hand to the adrninistration or
management of matters which have principally to da with the society, polity; and its subparts which are
not essentially private, familial, commercial, or individualistic, and on the other hand to the disciplined
study of such matters. In this simplest meaning, public administration has to do with managing the
realm of governmental and other public activities. This simple definition conveys the essence of public
administration and probably cover the vast majority of activities and concern of contemporary public
administration (Marini, 2000. p.3).

“not all public administration occurs in, and through governmental organizations” (Marini, 2000.

Date #learningwithDrTB 10
Public : What is it?

1. Public (adjective -People)

- relating to or involving people in
general, rather than being limited to a
particular group of people:

2. Public (adjective -GOVERNMENT)

provided by the government from taxes to
be available to everyone

3. Public (Noun)
All ordinary people

(Cambridge Dictionary)

Date #learningwithDrTB 11
Public Administration System:
What is it?
“Public administration is public:
it is the administration of
governmental affairs” (Kettl,
“the management of men and
materials in the accomplishment
of the purpose of the state… The
objective of public administration
is the most efficient utilization of
the resources at the disposal of
officials and employees.” (White

Date #learningwithDrTB 12
Public Administration System:
What is it?
the formation and implementation of public policy. It is an amalgamation of management-based strategies
such as planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and controlling. It incorporates behaviorally based
practices adopted from fields such as psychology and sociology. All of those strategies and practices are
utilized within a democratic framework of accountability. The formation and implementation of policy, while
formally controlled by government managers, has since been expanded to include the nonprofit and
for-profit communities.”(Holzer & Schwester, 2015, p.32)

“public administration should be understood as the activities of public authorities and their
representatives aimed at achieving the goals and objectives determined by the political leadership of the
country, such activities being carried out through legal regulation and including certain functions for policy
implementation and follow-up, as well as for the provision of any necessary services for the population”
(Sardayan, 2021, p.6)

Date #learningwithDrTB 13
Public Administration System:
What is it?

“the practice and study of the professional

formulation and influence of public policy and the
implementation of such policy on a regular and
organized basis on behalf of the public interest of a
society, its civic: subparts, and it’s citizenry”
(Malini, 2000, p.5)

Date #learningwithDrTB 14
• The concept of administration refers to the systematic process of running an
organization based on certain functions intended to prepare plans, define policies and
procedures, set goals and tasks and enforce rules and regulations.

• In its turn, management means directing people and their work to achieve a common
goal using the resources of the relevant organization by means of creating an
environment in which the manager and his or her subordinates can work together
toward a common goal-- as defined by Luther Gulick’s (1937/2004) formulation of
PODSCORB— Planning, Organizing, Directing, Staffing, Coordinating, Recruiting,
and Budgeting

• Finally, governance refers to the running of a social system (family, formal or informal
organization, region or nation) through the processes of interaction and decision-
making among the actors involved in collective problem solving that eventually leads
to the creation, reinforcement or reproduction of social norms and institutions.

Therefore, the very contents of the notion “administration/management/ governance”

depend upon the specific form of its operation, the roles of participants in the process
and the set of its actors’ functions and powers.

Date #learningwithDrTB 15
History, Philosophy, and Paradigm
0f Public Administration

Date #learningwithDrTB 16
How Did it Start?

Common Purposes

Public administration has existed virtually since

human beings first cooperated an behalf of their
society for common purposes

Date #learningwithDrTB 17
Historical and Paradigm Shift Timeline
Paradigm1 : The Politics/Administration Dichotomy
(1900-1926) “Wilsonian separation movement”
Woodrow Wilson (1856-1924)
"The Study of Administration" in the
Political Science Quarterly in 1887) Frank J. Goodnow : "two distinct
functions of government... Politics,
for the systematic and self-conscious has to do with policies or expressions
development of the field of public of the state will.. while administration
administration. has to do with the execution of these
Baron de Grimm (1723-1807) Georg W. F policies.“
In the 500s B.C (During Zhou Hegel (1770-1831), and (e.g. Separation of Legislative and
Dynasty) China made the Executive)
John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) “Public
transition from the
bureaucracy and its possible relationship to Leonard D. White: Wrote the first text
aristocratic principle of book dedicated in toto to the field
manning its military forces representative government”
entitled Introduction to the study of
(mainly the cavalry) to the .
Frank J. Goodnow public administration (1926)
formation of a large infantry (1859-1939) and a definitive four-volume history of
recruited from the poorer Book: Politics and American administration: The
strata of its population, that Administration Federalists (1948), The Jeffersonians
change resulted in the need (1951), The Jacksonians (1954), and
Max Weber The Republican Era, 1869–1901 (1958).
to mobilize more resources
through the collection of (1864-1920)
taxes, that, it its turn, In the late 1800s, Max Weber (a German
required a bureaucratic staff sociologist) disliked management of
based on the principle of an organisations on a “personal” family-like basis
employee’s maximum Leonard D.White
and the fact that employees were loyal to
efficiency rather than his (1891-1958)
individual supervisors rather than to the
belonging to a given family. organisation. He Introduced The
emphasis of Paradigm 1 was on locus- where public administrations
“Bureaucracy” should be (e.g. contrary to Public Policy).
Making decision= Politics/policy making
Executing decision/policy = Administration
Historical and Paradigm Shift Timeline
Paradigm2 : The Principles of f Administration, 1927-1937


7 Principles of Administration
POSDCORB: Planning,
Organising, Staffing, Directing,
POSDCoRB Coordinating, Reporting and
Luther Gulick Lyndall Urwick Budgeting (Gullick and Urwick, 1937)
William Frank
Willoughby (1867-1960) (1892-1993) (1891-1983)

In 1927 F. W. Willoughby’s Mooney and Reiley (1939) set out a

book, Principles of Public number of common principles which
Administration, was published relate to all types of organisations:
as the second fully fledged text
in the field. Thus the focus of (1) the principle of co-ordination – the need
the field its essential for people to act together with unity of
expertise in the form of James. D. Mooney Alan Campbell Reiley action
administrative principles- (1884-1957) (1869-1947) (2) the exercise of authority and the need
waxed, while no one thought for discipline; (3) the scalar principle –
too seriously about its locus the hier-archy of organisation,
(3) the grading of duties and the process of
It was believed that public delegation;
administrators would be (4) the functional principle – specialisation
effective if they learned and and the distinction between different
applied scientific principles of The main reason for the interest in administration, at least in the USA, was that following the kinds of duties.
administration catastrophic years of the Great Depression in the 1930s, the functions of the government had
so rapidly
multiplied that there were not enough skilled government personnel to fill the welfare
departments newly created under the New Deal. Therefore schools of administration were
established quickly to train as many men and women as possible, in the techniques of
Historical and Paradigm Shift Timeline (Continued)

PARADIGM 2 continues: The Paradigm 2 continues: The Reaction to the Challenge,1947-1950

Challenge,1 938-1950
Lynton K. Caldwell (1913-2006)
"intellectualized understanding“ of the executive
branch, rather than "knowledgeable action" on the
part of public administrators. In 1952 an article
appeared in the American
Political Science Review advocating the "continuing
dominion of political science over public
Robert, A. Dahl Herbert A. Simon administration.,"
Dwight Waldo
(1915-2014) (1916-2001)
David Easton (1917-2014)
Main points: it was increasingly evident that political
1. The objection that politics and science was held in low esteem by scholars in
administration could never be
separated in any remotely sensible .
other fields In 1953 David Easton
fashion. confronted this lack of status directly in
2. The principles of administration were his influential book, The Political System.
logically inconsistent.
3. There could be no such thing as a
"principle" of administration (Robert
A. Dahl &Simon, Waldo, 1946, 1947) 1. "pure science of administration" and "prescribing for public policy" would be mutually
reenforcing component.
By mid-century, the two defining 2. Since science was perceived as being "value-free," it followed that a "science of administration logically
pillars of public administration- would ban public administrationists from what many of them perceived as their richest sources of
the politics/administration " inquiry: normative political theory, the concept of the public interest, and the entire spectrum of human
dichotomy and the principles of values.
administration- had been toppled 3. In sum, then, public administrationists faced the worrisome prospect of retooling only to become a
and abandoned by creative technically oriented "pure science" that might lose touch with political and social realities in an effort to
intellects in the field. cultivate an engineering mentality for public administration.
Historical and Paradigm Timeline

Paradigm3 : Public Administration as Political Science, 1950-1970

Dwight Waldo
(1913-2000) Reestablishing the linkages between public administration and political science. But the
consequences of this exercise was to "define away" the field, at least in terms of its
Waldo wrote in 1968 that, analytical focus, its essential "expertise.“ Thus, writings on public administration in the
1950s spoke of the field as an "emphasis,“ an "area of interest," or even as a
"The truth is that the "synonym" of political science.17 Public administration, as an identifiable field of
attitude of political scientists study, began a long, downhill spiral.
... is at best one of
In 1962, public administration was not included as a subfield of political science in the
indifference and is often one report of the Committee on Political Science as a Discipline of the American Political
of undisguised contempt or Science Association. In 1964 a major survey of political scientists indicated that the
hostility” Public Administration Review was slipping in prestige among political scientists
relative to other journals, and signalled a decline of faculty interest in public
administration generally.

In 1967, public administration disappeared as an organizing category in the

program of the annual meeting of the American Political Science
Historical and Paradigm Timeline

Paradigm 4 : Public Administration as Administrative Science, 1956-1970

Partly because of the "undisguised contempt" being displayed in a number of political

science departments, some public administrationists began searching for an
alternative. Although Paradigm 4 occurred roughly concurrently with Paradigm 3 in
time and never has received the broadly based favor that political science has
garnered from public administrationists as a paradigm.

As a paradigm, administrative science provides a focus but not a locus. It offers

Public administration
techniques that require expertise and specialization, but in what institutional setting
that expertise should be applied is undefined (shifting to organisational and should, and perhaps must,
management theory) find a new paradigm that
encourages both a focus
Dilemma: As a paradigm, administrative science cannot comprehend the supravalue
of the public interest. and a locus for the field.
Without a sense of the public interest, administrative science can be used for any
purpose, no matter how antithetical to democratic values that purpose may be. The
concept of determining and implementing the public interest constitutes a defining
pillar of public administration and a locus of the field that receives little if any
attention within the context of administrative science, just as the focus of organization
theory/management science garners scant support in political science.
Historical and Paradigm Timeline

Paradigm 5 : Public Administration As Public Administration, 1970- Present)

The traditional and rigid distinction of the field between the

"public sphere" and the "private sphere" appears to be
waning as public administration’s new and flexibly defined Institutionalizing Paradigm 5 : Toward Curricular
locus waxes. Autonomy
Public administrationists have been increasingly concerned With a paradigmatic focus of organization theory and management
with the inextricably related areas of policy science, political science, and a paradigmatic locus of the public interest as it relates to
economy, the public policy making process and its analysis, public affairs, public administration at last is intellectually prepared for the
and the measurement of policy outputs building of an institutionally autonomous educational curriculum that can develop
the epistemological uniqueness of the field.

The institutional trend in public administration appears to be heading in the

direction of establishing separate schools of public affairs and separated
It is time for public administration to Departments of public administration. The MPA and DPA degrees are gaining in
student popularity, and those academic journals concerned with public policy,
come into its own. Substantial public affairs, and the public bureaucracy are flourishing and proliferating. A
progress has been in this direction major sign of public administration's growing independence is the dramatic
growth of institutes of government, public administration, and urban affairs, and
intellectually various kinds of public policy centers in universities
Historical and Paradigm Timeline


The roles of the profit, nonprofit, and public

sectors are metamorphosing in heretofore almost PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION,
unimaginable ways. Most particularly, these HAPPY AT LAST
sectoral changes profoundly alter how we govern.
Globalization, the Internet, and social media, Public administration now straddles two paradigms.
among other forces, are pressuring American One asserts its independence as a stand-alone, self-
governments to relinquish, by design or default, aware field of study and practice. The other asserts its
their traditional responsibilities to citizens, other paramount purpose—creating and implementing social
governments, and other sectors. change for social good
Historical and Paradigm Timeline


Group Project

Compare the Periodical Landmark outlined by Basheka in the article “The Paradigms of Public
Administration re-examined” and compare with Henry’s outlined of the Paradigms.

Group 1: Indigenous System of Administration

Group 2: Period 1: The Politics–Administration Dichotomy (1887-1926)
Group 3: Period Two: Principles of Public Administration (1927-1937)
Group 4: Period Three: Era of Challenge (1938-1947)
Group 5: Period Four: Identity Crisis (1948-1970)
Group 6: Period Five: From Public Administration to Public Management (1970-1990)
Group 7: Period Six: From Public Management to Governance (From the late 1990s to 2008)
Group 8: Period Seven: From Governance to Global Crisis (2008-2010) and Period Eight: From
Governance to New Public Governance (2010 to date)
Thank You!

Date Your Footer Here 26

More Explanation
Supplementary details of the presentation

Date #learningwithDr.TB 27
Weberian Bureaucracy’s
• A well-defined hierarchy. All positions within a bureaucracy are structured in a way that
permits the higher positions to supervise and control the lower positions. This clear chain of
command facilitates control and order throughout the organisation.

• Division of labour and specialisation. All responsibilities in an organisation are specialised so

that each employee has the necessary expertise to do a particular task.

• Rules and regulations. Standard operating procedures govern all organisational activities to
provide certainty and facilitate coordination.

• Impersonal relationships between managers and employees. Managers should maintain an

impersonal relationship with employees so that favouritism and personal prejudice do not
influence decisions.

• Competence. Competence, not “who you know”, should be the basis for all decisions made in
hiring, job assignments, and promotions in order to foster ability and merit as the primary
characteristics of a bureaucratic organisation.

• Records. A bureaucracy needs to maintain complete files regarding all its activities.

(Basheka, 2019)

Date Your Footer Here 28

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