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Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object

What is an object?
An object in grammar is a part of a sentence, and often part of the
predicate. It refers to someone or something involved in the subject's
"performance" of the verb. It is what the verb is being done to. As an
example, the following sentence is given:

Subject Verb Object

Leila wrote the poem
Alice caught the baseball.

"Leila" is the subject, the doer or performer,

"wrote" is a verb that refers to the action,
"the poem" is the object involved in the action.
Subject=Alice Verb=caught Object=baseball

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object
Use the following words as an object in a sentence.

1. Computer
2. Song
3. Project
4. Traffic
5. Restaurant
6. Buying some clothes
7. Some ice cream
8. a fantastic beach
9. An enjoyable vacation
10. hot weather

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object

A direct object answers the question of who(m) or what.


David repaired his car .

→ his car is the direct object of the verb repaired.
( What did David repair?)

He invited Mary to the party

→ Mary is the direct object of the verb invited.
(Whom did he invite?)

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object

Nouns as Direct Objects

Vanessa rode her bike. (Vanessa rode what? She rode her bike.
Bike is the direct object in the sentence.)

I returned the books to the library. (I returned what? I returned

books. Books is the direct object in the sentence.)

What are the Direct Objects of the following sentences.

1. Pilot flew the plane across the Atlantic Ocean.
2. Carmen rocked her baby to sleep.

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object

Pronouns as Direct Objects

I took her with me to the store.
(I took whom? I took her. Her is the direct object in the

Shaun called us from camp.

(Shaun called whom? He called us. Us is the direct object in
the sentence.)

What are the Direct Objects of the following sentences.

Kathy invited them to the birthday party.

Ryan brought me along

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object

Compound Direct Objects

Dylan took his backpack and lunch out to the car.
(Dylan took what? He took his backpack and lunch.
Backpack and lunch are the direct objects in the sentence.)

The coach carried the bats and balls to the field.

(The coach carried what? The coach carried bats and balls.
Bats and balls are the direct objects in the sentence.)

What are the Direct Objects of the following sentences.

walked him and me to the park

Mom drove my brother and me to the movies.

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object
Pick out the direct object in the following sentences.

1. John wrote Louisa a haiku. 11. Chelsea painted a bird and a flower for her
art project.
2. Mom cooked the peas for 12. In the story, James built a fire.
supper. 13. The policeman chased the crook down the
3. The skateboard hit the street.
ground. 14. Watch out! That rock is going to hit the
4. Mimi brought us a surprise. 15. After Jenna's party, she invited them to the
5. The flea saw the flaw first. house.
16. A long time ago, settlers left home by
6. The poem creates an image
for me. 17. Our programmer is testing his new software.
7. Teresa ate breakfast on the 18. They can't read what you've written.
run. 19. This exercise involves clicking on the
8. If you go now, Dad will take
20. Jim failed English last
you to the beach. semester.
9. I left my algebra book in my
10. Shari painted many pictures
in art class.

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object

An indirect object answers the question "to whom?", "for whom?", "for
An indirect object is the recipient of the direct object, or an
otherwise affected participant in the event. There must be a direct object for
an indirect object to be placed in a sentence. In other words an indirect
object cannot exist without a direct object.

They sent him a postcard.
-him is the indirect object of the verb sent.
-(To whom did they send a postcard?)

He bought his son a bike.

- his son is the indirect object of the verb bought.
(For whom did he buy a bike?)

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object

Nouns as Indirect Objects

I lent Melinda my dress to wear to the party.

(To whom did I lend my dress? I lent Melinda my dress.
Melinda is the indirect object in the sentence.)

Jasmine left the server a tip.

(For whom did Jasmine leave a tip? Jasmine left the server a
tip. Server is the indirect object in the sentence.)

What are the Indirect Objects of the following sentences.

I’m knitting my mother a scarf for her birthday.

I gave my cat a can of food.

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object

Pronouns as Indirect Objects

Lana told me a secret.
(To whom did Lana tell a secret? Lana told me a secret. Me is
the indirect object in the sentence.)

Clay sent him a wedding invitation.

(To whom did Clay send a wedding invitation? Clay sent him a
wedding invitation. Him is the indirect object in the sentence.)

What are the Indirect Objects of the following sentences.

My grandmother gave us piano lessons.

The man sent her a bouquet of flowers.

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object

Compound Indirect Objects

Steve bought Kyle and me some sandwiches.
(For whom did Steve buy some sandwiches? Steve bought Kyle and
me some sandwiches. Kyle and me are the indirect objects in the

The coach gave Tanya and Krista medals for their great
performance at the playoffs.
(To whom did the coach give medals? The coach gave Tanya and
Krista medals. Tanya and Krista are the indirect objects in the

What are the Indirect Objects of the following sentences.

The manager offered Jared and Claire a job at the company.

The agent handed David and Luis their plane tickets

Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object
Identify the indirect object in the following sentences.

1. Max asked Sally a question. 12. The taxi driver charged us twenty dollars.
2. The boy sent the girl flowers. 13. I wished my friends a happy new year
and headed back into the house.
3. Mrs. Webb serves her family a 14. After washing the dishes, I told the
hearty breakfast. children a bedtime story about otters and
4. A woman in the balcony asked the eagles.
man a question. 15. Pam often lends her brother money, but
5. The teacher sent Alice a note. he never pays her back.
6. The prophet told the audience the 16. Mikey handed me a note from his mother
future. explaining his absence the day before.
17. The young man built his family a house
7. He offered me money.
in an isolated hollow near White Bluff.
8. The audience offered the cast 18. Lynn bought her uncle a Western-style
thunderous applause. gray felt hat at the Franklin Sporting
9. He sent his girlfriend flowers. Goods store.
10. The grocer sold mother some 19. Kate passed him the canteen, and he
lettuce. took a big drink of the cold water.
11. Give Marie the prize. 20. Last fall our church group sent the
missionaries mops and pails and building
Lesson 2 – Direct and Indirect Object

Instructions: Find the verb, direct object, and indirect object in

the following sentences.

1. Has your boss sent you a notice about the next convention?

2. John read his tiny nephew an exciting story.

3. Our father built the family a redwood picnic table.

4. The doctor sent me a bill for his services.

5. We gave my mother a book for her birthday.

The End


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