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You are,

what you think

The power of thoughts
An information service provided by 90.10.
We overcome the limits
of natural science.
Come with us!

As the first company worldwide, 90.10. AG based in Bern / Switzerland in 2011 developed
a method that can influence any matter at the quantum-physical level in such a way
that it stores quantum energy and then emits it permanently. We call this energy
quantum energy. In the 90.10. procedure, the 90.10.-CUBE is used to create an energy field
that is strong enough to permanently charge matter with this energy.
Through the process of 90.10. quantum entanglement, quantum energy can also be transmitted
in full strength over long distances without loss of time.

Now is theTime
To make a

Dear reader

Do you wish for more success and appre-

ciation at work or creativity in a supposedly
uninspiring time? Do you want to finally find
happiness in a partnership? Would you like
to let go of the past, gain more confidence in
yourself, or grow spiritually? Then try one of
the most powerful methods of mental trai-
ning: affirmations.
In my daily conversations, I am constantly
asked how best to work with affirmations and
the 90.10. quantum technology. To answer
that question, it is important for you to
understand how affirmationen actually work.
As soon as you have a clue about that, you
know one the strongest and most effective
methods of mental training. You can use it to
make your wishes become reality and reach
you goals. And, with the help of the 90.10.
quantum energy, you can amplify the
impressive power of affirmations.
Have fun reading and success trying it out!

Oliver Schacke
CEO and developer of 90.10.

The importance of emotions

Page 9

The conscious VS. 4 About Affirmations

5 Fix doctrines
the subconscious
6 The will of the
Page 5 subconscious
7 Your self and your ego
8 With love into your new
9 The power of emotions
10 Free will
11 Writing down affirmations
12 Formulation affirmations
15 Applying affirmations
17 The Placebo effekt
18 Affirmations and
quantum energy
21 Examples
Page 12

Working with
Page 15

affirmations with
quantum Energy
page 18
Change your

Saying yes
The term is derived from the Latin word „affir-
matio“ and means „affirmation“. So in prin-
ciple, an affirmation is a positive statement.
However, so are statements such as „I like to
eat apple pie“ and „I am a cyclist.“ Two aspects
make the affirmation an instrument in mental
training: the focus on a goal and the repetition.
If you repeat a positive statement regularly
over a long period of time, focusing on the goal
you want to achieve, you give your subcon-
scious mind a new orientation and make the
affirmation a habit of thinking.

Not an invention
of our time
The affirmation is not an invention of our time.
It is ancient, as old as mankind itself. It gai-
ned popularity through Émile Coué, a French
pharmacist and author who lived from 1857 to
1926. He established the affirmation within the
concept of conscious autosuggestion and crea-
ted a general formula for the treatment of his
patients: „Every day, in every way, I‘m getting
better and better.“

You are
who you think
you are
your doctrines
Your thinking and your mind have lose weight. However, the thought try. Have your parents and teachers
been shaped many times. Through of being overweight, which has told you that you‘ll never get into
this shaping process, you became been solidified in your conscience Harvard and should rather apply
the person you are now. Through through many years of thinking, with a community college? That
this shaping process, you believe may make you struggle to shed the may have led to personal doubts
in the things you believe in today. pounds, no matter how hard you regarding your intelligence.
Your parents and teachers, your
friends, but also „enemies“ have
influenced your current thoughts
and belief systems. They did that by
giving their statements and assess-
ments, through expectations and
behavior. However, not only people
but also music, films, travels, and
advertisements have played their
role in influencing you.
Belief systems are closely con-
nected to affirmations. They have
an accelerating effect when they are
positive, while negative ones can be
paralyzing. Perhaps your goal is to

Convince your
Statements of belief are located in your sub-
conscious from which 80 percent of your
decisions are made. Only roughly 20 percent of
our actions are based on conscious decisions.
However, your subconscious is not only stron-
ger, but also smarter than your conscious. You
consciously work towards a better-paid position
that allows you to live life free of financial wor-
ry. You make every effort, invest extra time, and
do without various things that would give you
pleasure and do you good. Nevertheless, your
subconscious sabotages your plan. It knows you
all too well. It does not only see your existential
fears and the risks but also your inner battles
when deciding to purchase new things. „Nope.
No way,“ it will say. „You’re not even close to
having enough money in your pockets!“
Your subconscious must accept your plan
for a financially carefree life. Therefore, it must
know: „Your income is constantly improving.“
It would be fantastic if your conscience could
convince your subconscious in the blink of an
eye. But in reality, this takes a while. A negative
thought may have settled inside you over the
course of months or years. You can‘t get rid of it
that quickly. For that reason, patience and repe-
tition of your positive belief or affirmation are
necessary. So, an affirmation is unsuitable for a
problem that needs to be solved quickly.
Once the positive thought has settled or the
affirmation has reached your subconscious
mind, your subconscious will react to your
wishes. It will be driven and show you possibili-
ties, as well as unnoticed intermediate goals by
opening up different information channels to
your conscience.

Your Self and your Ego

„If you can dream it, you can do Your subconscious thoughts awareness and certainty of who you
it.“ This quote from Walt Disney determine who you are. They de- really are. The illusory self merely
describes very well the power that termine which self you live. There makes you believe that. It is your
resides in every human being. are in fact two. To distinguish them, „lower self “ that can never take you
Every person can dream and think we call them the „true self “ and to your goals. It will drive you with
- so you too have the ability to the „illusionary self “ or the „ego“. doubt and selfishness, misguide and
change your reality and shape it ac- The true self is the original source confuse you, force you to return
cording to your wishes and dreams. of your being, which contains your and start over. If you don‘t stop it,
You only need to recognize, accept, actual desires and determinations. it will do this all your life, always
and claim this ability. Because of It is your „higher self “ which is making you play a role instead of
dogmas, patterns, and habits, this is free and limitless and gives you living a full life.
often easier said than done.

Like many people today, you may be guided by your ego and live in the shadow of your true self. You are divi-
ded. On one side are your thoughts and desires, which are shaped by habit and the illusion of limitation,
and on the other is your reality. You are not one.

Believe yourself with love into your reality

Like many people today, you may changes that will bring you into a After a while, you will feel
be guided by your ego and live in role play or even into a dependency, warmth in your chest. Many medi-
the shadow of your true self. You which can be of financial, emotio- tators perceive this warmth, love, as
are divided. On one side are your nal, or other nature. golden light spreading out. There,
thoughts and desires, which are So the secret of successful affir- in the chest, behind the breastbo-
shaped by habit and the illusion of mation is based in love. Think with ne, is the thymus gland. The Latin
limitation, and on the other is your love, speak with love, and act with word „thymus“ comes from the
reality. You are not one. love. Your ego will probably try Greek word „thymos“ and means
To become one, you must unite to distract you. You will feel this, „vitality“. It is said that the thymus
your thoughts and desires with especially if you internalize your gland controls life energy and has
reality. This first requires the accep- affirmation during a meditation. a connection to the heart. It is also
tance of the fact that every thought If your thoughts wander, your ego said to provide emotional freedom,
instantaneously materializes and is at work. Deny it your attention open mind, and serenity. Spiritual
begins to fill a form. The more and calm your mind by focusing on people consider it as a bridge bet-
thoughts you have on the subject, your breathing. ween body and mind.
the fuller the form becomes. You
can and should use this fact consci-
ously when working with affirma-
tions. With everything, your desire
should come from your heart, that
is, from your true self. Of course,
your ego also has a lot of wishes.
However, as mentioned above, with
these wishes you will only achieve
I AM - The higher Self
The second you have a thought, you are that thought - everything. It is the generator of Oneness. It is the
this is called the I AM presence. Your thought does not supreme command from which every creative action
materialize in the near or distant future, but immedia- flows from thought and feeling into reality.
tely. The fact that the thinking person does not also For this reason, I AM affirmations are powerful
feel the change immediately does not at all mean that like no other.
it is not happening. From the heart of the higher self,
the true self, the thought flows as a stream of energy
through the dimensions of the body into the chest to
the thymus gland.
The I AM is of enormous importance. The I stands
for the male, paternal nature, for the mind, for the
driving fire, for the desire. The AM is the female, ma-
ternal nature, the feeling, the protecting earth, the love.
Both sides describe the principle of duality, which is
law in the small as in the big. It applies to protons, neu-
trons, and electrons in an atom as it does to the planets
in their orbits. The I AM connects everything with

Your Emotions
Affirmations take time. For some people it takes only a
week or a month to realize or become aware that they
are already on the way to their goal, others have to be
patient for a year or longer. The duration depends not
only on the scope of the project, but also on the time
in which the affirmation manifests itself as a habit of
thought. Positive feelings accelerate this process.
Especially positive is the feeling of anticipation. If
you really want something, you should automatically
experience this feeling. When you say or think your
affirmation, imagine that you are already living the
change. Watch it like a movie in front of your inner
eye. The longer you watch, the more realistic everyt-
hing appears to be. The clearer you have your goal in
mind and the more intensely you look forward to it,
the more effective the affirmation will be.
Equally strong is the emotion of desire. Overwhel-
ming desire. If you feel it in connection with your wish and let your current life pass you by as if it were
or goal, your eyes open for all the opportunities that worthless, these two emotions may not be for you. In
life offers you to achieve what you want. Many success- this case try a third one: gratitude. Think about your
ful athletes have climbed the podium not only because past achievements, good times, family and friends
they performed better than their competitors, but also who are at your side. The feeling of abundance is
because they simply had a greater desire to win. more suitable to accompany an affirmation than the
Both anticipation and desire enable you to make feeling of lacking something. If you accept that your
optimal use of your hidden and dormant potential. surroundings offer the best conditions for achieving
Provided that you really experience the emotion. If, your goals and that you‘re already on the right path,
on the other hand, you tend to be bent on your goal you will be more relaxed and successful.

for something
you really

Not without free will

Sometimes you want things without An affirmation concerning man of your dreams to be at your
actually wanting them. Some peop- another person doesn‘t work either side. If you‘re not the woman of
le want to quit smoking because it‘s if the person has no idea it or even his dreams or if he intends to stay
unhealthy, but actually, they cannot disagrees with it. You can fervently with his wife because of the chil-
imagine that evening after a long and with all your desire wish for the dren, your wish will never become
day without a cigarette. Someone a reality.
else wants to lose weight but just Caution is also advised with
can‘t stop thinking of the delicious wishes that would manipulate
tarts in the bakery around the cor- certain actions of people or situa-
ner, which already make his mouth tions. Affirmations formulated for
watery. A third one wants to break this purpose tend to have negative
free from an unhealthy partnership effects. They circulate and circulate,
but is too afraid to be alone. find no target and finally return to
With such wishes, no affirmation the sender like a boomerang. Ho-
will be fruitful, because they do not wever, they have usually intensified
correspond to the personal con- by then. So, who wants to roll off
viction. Those wishes are bound to an unpopular task to a colleague,
actions that should reasonably be could have an additional but three
taken, but they‘re no honest perso- times more annoying task thrust
nal needs. upon him by this colleague.

Affirmations should be written down

It’s a psychological effect: Whatever only the emotional right part of is activated as well, which is re-
you write down will stick in your the brain is active when imagining sponsible for analysis, facts, and
brain more quickly. Black (or blue, something. By writing something structures. Other scientific findings
red, or green) ink on white paper. down, the rational left hemisphere contradict these statements. Accor-
Written down by you personally. ding to those findings, the brain is
For that reason, students should separated into an upper, active and
not only practice vocabulary words developing part and a lower, passive
orally but also write them down and perceiving part. This study also
when learning. That’s why you states that writing and thinking fall
didn’t need the cheat sheet during into different parts of the brain.
the exam. And for that exact same By writing an affirmation down
reason, it’s no big deal if you forget the following also happens: You’ve
the shopping list at home when got thousands of thoughts throug-
going grocery shopping. hout the entire day. When writing
Your conscience accepts the down a certain thought it is so-
written word as a fact and transmits mewhat prioritized. Your conscien-
it to the subconscious. There, it will ce takes notice of the written note
not always be immediately accepted and transmits it to the subconsci-
as a fact (it won’t when there is a ous. Your subconscious then states:
negative belief contrasting it). But It‘s written. It‘s a fact. It‘s important.
in time, and with many transmissi- From then on, your subconscious
ons, it will be accepted. keeps getting signals when you
Various studies confirm that repeat your affirmation. These are
people who not only specify their especially strong when you read
goals mentally but also write them them again. These signals stimu-
down are more successful. Accor- late your subconscious to work on
ding to some scientific findings, reaching that goal.

Write down
your new present

How to formulate affirmations properly

You‘re certainly curious to find out
how to record your life‘s wishes and
goals as an affirmation. There are
a number of rules for this. Before I find positive words
come to these, another important • Write down statements using the example of „I am successful“.
point: You need to know your wis- • Avoid negations. The brain or subconscious mind knows no nega-
hes and goals. If you don‘t clearly tions. A well-known example is the „Don‘t think about the Eiffel
know them, if you only vaguely Tower“. As soon as you‘re told this, you, of course, think of the
want something (like wanting to Eiffel Tower and see it in front of your inner eye.
feel better), you cannot formulate • Avoid negative images like „I am paying off my debts“ and use a
an effective affirmation. You need positive expression instead, e.g. „I AM financially worry-free“.
to know how you feel and what is
required for feeling better. When
using clear words, you can build the
anticipation for the goal you want ,, ,,
to achieve and the life you imagine. Start with i Am
The 90.10.-CUBE can help you
clarify your goals and wishes. Just • In doing so, you make your affirmation an identity statement that
hold your left hand into its ener- is in accordance with the ruling principle of duality and underli-
gy field for a while and let your nes your connection with everything.
thoughts drift. Both the power cap- • With „I AM“ you start a personality affirmation whose realization
sule 90.10.-ZERO POINT ENER- begins immediately. For example, with „I AM lovable,“ the cer-
GY and the 90.10-CARD can be tainty of this begins to develop immediately.
used as an alternative to the cube.
Take either one of them into your
left hand, as this is the receiving

Use the present tense
• The subconscious mind knows no past and future.
• Formulate your wishes and goals as if they correspond to reality.

I am
Be as specific as possible happy.
• Avoid vague statements like „I feel better“. For example, with a
health problem, go to the exact area that is causing you problems
and formulate an affirmation like, „I AM health and life in my
digestive tract.“

avoid the subjunctive

• With formulations that use possibilities, you give your subconsci-
I am ous a choice. Your goal may become a reality, or it may not.
• The following exemplary subjunctive forms should be avoided:

t h e l iv in g would, had, were, could.

• Instead of „I would like to be slim“ say „I AM slim“.


Avoid auxiliary verbs

• If you write down, e.g., „I want to be happy“
the subconscious mind recognizes the goal in
„wanting“, not in „being“ happy. Instead, say „I
am happy“.

put down your own word

• Your affirmation must be unique and fit you
• Do not use slogans you‘ve heard from others,
or which have been suggested to you. Your
subconscious will recognize them as being
determined by others. Therefore, they are less

Focus an affirmation on one topic or area
I am • Put only one wish or goal in an affirmation, especially if no con-
nection can be made between wishes or goals.

worthy of • Okay is: „I AM successful, self-confident, and enjoy respect“, be-

cause this affirmation refers to the job.
• Unsuitable is: „I AM successful in my job, have a harmonic part-
love. nership, and don‘t smoke anymore.“ The subconscious mind
would have no focus here and would take care of the various mat-
ters only a little at a time.

stay realistic
• When using a sentence like „I‘m rich like Bill Gates“, your sub-
conscious will counter with „No, you‘re not“. You won‘t even get a
dime out of it. Better approach optimizing your finances in small
steps, starting with an affirmation like „I AM enjoying my finan-
cial situation.“

o y a n d
I am e .
keep your options open
i t u d
• With some affirmations, you can add the words „or something grat
better“. This way you prevent your affirmation from blocking
achieving something that exceeds your wish or goal.

You can feel the right affirmation

You can feel whether an affirmation
is exactly yours by feeling into it.
Earlier in this guide, we talked ab-
out love and the feeling of warmth
in the chest that arises when you
think about your wish.
Feel your affirmation during a me-
ditation and wait if the warmth sets
in and the light spreads within you.
Alternatively, you can stand in front
of a mirror, look at yourself, and say
the affirmation you have chosen. If
this triggers a positive feeling inside
you, if it stirs or touches you in a
good way, you have chosen and for-
mulated your affirmation correctly.

Put your affirmations into practise
three times a day
You‘ve already learned that you waves vibrate in frequencies of at once, like a mantra). Still others
must write your affirmation down relaxation. You‘re awake but calm consider a fifteen-minute repeti-
and repeat it regularly. By drafting and passive. The bridge between tion effective. Fixing on a specific
it, your subconscious treats your your consciousness and your number or time, however, may be
wish or goal as a priority among subconscious is very stable at this ineffective. On the one hand, this
your countless daily thoughts. By point, and your subconscious is creates a feeling of duty, on the
repeating it, your subconscious is especially receptive to the suggesti- other hand, you should be comple-
reminded of this priority again and ons of your consciousness. For the tely focused on the affirmation and
again and steers in a new direction. second repetition, a daytime of rest not count the repetition or stare at
Finally, your affirmation becomes in which you can relax and the clock while repeating it.
reality, your new truth. maybe indulge in a daydream is There‘s also no general recom-
As repetitions and regularity are ideal. Finally, say your affirmation mendation for the duration of this
so important in this process, you‘re when you go to bed. Your brain is process. You should use your affir-
probably asking yourself: How then once again the alpha state, just mation for as long as necessary. If
often should I repeat my affirma- like when you‘re daydreaming. you notice positive changes in your
tion throughout the day? But there is no limit. Say your af- life, continue nevertheless. Repeat
Do this at least three times a day. firmation whenever you feel like it, your affirmation until you‘re satis-
First, when you wake up. At this but also especially when a negative fied with the result of the changes.
point your brain is in the so-called belief takes seed and you experien- Then the affirmation has finally
alpha state, meaning that the brain ce doubt. reached your subconscious mind.
Some trainers recommend repea-
ting the affirmation at least 50 times
a day. Others suggest the favor-
ite number, life or name number
(numerology) for the number of
repetitions (also recommended all

Is it mandatory
to say the
out loud?
Speaking out loud is probably the be transformed into so-called „Si- tion site“ in their life. If you want
most effective way for using this lent Subliminals“ and then played to use more than one affirmation,
mental technique. If it’s inconve- in the inaudible frequency range. make a list of the things you want
nient because you‘re currently in This way, the conscious mind is to change and put them in order,
a meeting and would irritate the bypassed and the affirmation goes starting with what is most im-
other participants with a seemingly straight to the subconscious. The portant to you. Then work on the
unrelated „I am successful“, you can big advantage with this method is priority goal for about four to six
also say your affirmation in your that you can hear your affirmation weeks. You are unlikely to reach
mind, which means to intensively the entire day, even at work. your goal by this time, but you can
think of it. If you feel it, everything nevertheless take a break and tackle
is fine. the second most important matter
Since you wrote your affirmation
down, reading it works as well. You
For several on your list. In due course, return
to your first affirmation.
can also write it down repeatedly.
Additionally, you can make a voice
wishes or goals Experience has shown that this
change will help you progress more
recording and play it every now and Have a better job, quit smoking, quickly than the simultaneous repe-
then to hear your own voice repea- find a happy partnership – few tition of multiple, unrelated affir-
ting the affirmation. This audio can people have only one „construc- mations.

The story of Faith
that can move mountains
In principle, one could say that everything is (only) imagination.
You imagine to be something, and if you imagine it intensely enough,
your imagination becomes reality.

It‘s comparable to the placebo effect. In the medical field, this is often mentioned with a derogatory
undertone. But isn‘t it terrific and astonishing that a health problem can be resolved without the use of
pharmaceuticals. It‘s remarkable, that self-healing power of our body, solely controlled by our thoughts,
by our positive convictions anchored in the subconscious mind.

The placebo effect has been demonstrated in numerous studies. In one study, one group was given
sugar pills as sleeping pills, another group was handed the same pills as stimulants. The majority of the
respective group reacted either with fatigue or fell asleep or, in the opposite, were cheerful and showed
a faster heartbeat and pulse. This only occurred because the probands believed in it, they did not even
question that taking the medication they were given had the then occurring effect.

Amplify your affirmation

Quantum energy can amplify an affirmation so that the subconscious accepts and stores it faster
and easier as truth. This is possible with every 90.10. product, even with the 90.10-CARD,
which has the lowest energy output.

using the With the power capsule, you can

also make a quantum frequency foil
After that, insert the foil into the
power capsule. If you‘ve got several
90.10.-card with your affirmation‘s frequency.
To do this, wrap a piece of alu-
affirmations, you can save each of
them on a frequency foil. Do not
To amplify your affirmation with minum foil around the tip of the apply the foils at the same time,
the 90.10-CARD, proceed as fol- power capsule. This gives the foil a but rather begin with your most
lows: Write down your affirmation particular shape, in which you put important one. After you‘ve used
on a piece of paper that is smaller four of the titanium spheres, so that the affirmations alternatively, you
than the card. Place the piece of pa- they lie side by side on the bottom can use the power capsule stamp
per with the writing facing up, i.e. of the foil. Put the fifth sphere in to summarize and condense them
towards you, on the plus side of the the middle between the four sphe- on a foil with the following process:
card and attach it with tape. Then, res. Then you press the aluminum Put the new foil at the bottom, on
carry the card with you as usual, foil together at the top and seal it top of it the foils with your affirma-
ideally in your shirt or trouser around the spheres. Now, you have tions and the stamp on the very top.
pocket, i.e. close to your body. a small stamp.
Make sure that the plus side is fa- The frequency of the affirma-
cing your body. tion is then saved on a second foil
(a piece of 8 x 8 cm is ideal). You
fold this foil until it fits under your
using the 90.10.- stamp without showing. Fold the
note on which you have written
PowercapsulE your affirmation to approximately
the same size and place it on the
This process works similarly with folded foil. Then, put the stamp
the much more energetic 90.10- on top. Within 15 to 30 minutes,
POWERCAPSULE: Write down the stamp copies your affirmation
your affirmation on a piece of into the foil below. It also absorbs a
paper, roll the note and place it little energy, but that’s only brief, as
into the capsule, so that it’s pressed the titanium spheres of the power
against the container by the sphe- capsule cannot, unlike the cube,
res. The writing should face the store the energy permanently into
capsule container, not the spheres. matter.

using the 90.10.-cube
If you own a cube, you can combine Instead of your name, you can order, but only in the energy field of
your affirmation with your name. also use a photograph of yourself the cube. The burning time for this
To do this, not only write down or connect the name or the photo- process is three hours. Instead of a
your affirmation on a piece of paper graph of another person with an af- card, you can also use aluminum
but also your full name. Put the firmation, provided that the person foils to produce quantum frequency
note in the cube and leave it there agrees with it. foils for your power capsule.
for as long as you wish. If your affir-
mation and your name are in the
cube, the affirmation also operates
when you‘re traveling, i.e. when
Using the forever
you‘re not close to the cube.
By adding your name, the prin-
freedom pack
ciple of quantum entanglement or If you‘re the owner of the Forever
a specific form of it takes effect. Freedom Pack, you can amplify
The affirmation is transported into the 90.10.-CARD or another item
your field, which surrounds you you made in the cube in the Next
like a sphere of light. This quantum Generation Cube. This enhances
entanglement does not occur in the quantum entanglement effect
the physical, but the spiritual and/ even more.
or conscious realm. In the physical The cube also allows you to per- With a regular cube or a Next
realm, the quanta rotate at a dis- manently inform an object with Generation Cube you can transfer
tance without any lagging of time, your affirmation, e.g. a 90.10-Card. your affirmation from e.g. the card
all the while being faster than the In our shop you can find blanks. or foil permanently into other mat-
speed of light. The same applies to For this purpose, place the note ter, for example into clothes which
the activity of the consciousness. In with the affirmation (and possibly you wear directly on your body.
theory, you could use it to mentally your name) and the card anywhere Shoes are ideal for this, as there are
transport yourself (faster than the in the cube. They don‘t have to be a lot of meridian reflex points on
speed of light) to the moon. on top of each other in a certain the feet.

Multiple Amplification
Your affirmation is already fortified by quantum energy and quantum entanglement.
Additional reinforcement comes from knowing you are carrying or wearing the treated item.
If you put the power capsule in your pocket, you think „I‘m carrying the power capsule with my
‚I‘m happy‘-affirmation.“ If you slip on your treated shoes, you think: „Today I’m wearing shoes
which are embossed with the ‚I am successful‘-affirmation.“ Your consciousness informs
your subconscious - and this will not oppose the information,
because wearing the capsule or shoes is a fact.

Also here applies:

Free will can not be influenced
Some users are wondering whether the free will can be partly controlled by quantum energy,
e.g. if you know smoking harms your body but still don‘t have the will to quit.
But: The 90.10. quantum energy is absolutely neutral. It, therefore, has no manipulative
properties - only manipulation can influence the free will. Quantum energy can only strengthen
your desire and free will and thus make the path you chose easier
to walk or shorten the time needed to reach your destined goal.

Examples for different fields of life
Below you will find ideas and inspiration for the formulation of your own, individual affirmations. We ourselves
have been inspired by the mythologist Peter Mt. Shasta and his book „I AM Affirmations And the Secret of their
Successful Application“. So, we have adapted some of his suggestions to present them here.

Affirmations for health

I AM my perfect health, now fully revealed.
I AM filled with the desire to eat and drink only what maintains my health.
I AM resurrection and life of all my cells/my heart/kidneys.
I AM the presence that brings to me the best of all doctors or healers who will help me to heal.
I AM invincible health and protected from anything less than perfect.

Affirmations for success

I AM the presence that guides me on my path and in all my actions.
I AM filled with the desire to go to places where I am meant to go, and I go there in complete peace.
I AM the courageous and successful action that opens all doors and dissolves all adversities in my path.
I AM the perfect insight into the plan intended for me and I give my full contribution.
I AM the living light that dissolves everything that could contradict my inner guidance and that puts
me here and instantly on the right path.

Affirmations for a relationship

I AM the presence that connects me only with people who are good for me.
I AM love, wisdom, and empathy in our relationship.
I AM the living light that lets me be a compassionate and loving person, at all times and in all
I AM loving action and compassion at all times, because I AM aware,
that my partner is a part of me.
I AM the presence that shows me if this relationship is meant to be.

Affirmations raising kids

I AM the ideal mother/father.
I AM the enlightening presence that reveals to me all knowledge of my child‘s needs.
I AM love, wisdom, understanding, compassion, and protection for my child, in every moment.
I AM serenity and peace towards my upbringing by my parents.

Affirmations for protection

I AM invincibly protected.
I AM the invincible and complete protection over my house and property.
I AM the presence that guides me through this day and commands perfect peace, love, and harmony.
I AM and take/have complete control here.
I AM my invincible pillar of light that completely surrounds me, now and forever.

Affirmations for wealth
I AM the limitless wealth of creation, which is now brought forth for all people on earth.
I AM the living light, which lets me regulate my finances to my best.
I AM blessed with abundance for my work.
I AM the knowledge that shows me how to generate cash flow, and I act accordingly.
I AM the presence that instantly brings forth the circumstances, goods, and resources that I need.

Affirmations for the spiritual development

I AM the living light.
I AM one with all.
I AM faith, hope, compassion, wisdom, and understanding, now fully manifested in my life
and my world.
I AM the sole and everywhere working presence.
I AM who I AM who I AM.

Affirmations for increasing creativity

I AM inspired to bring forth whatever is for the good of my loved ones.
I AM creativity in action.
I AM inspired to create the perfect art, right now in this moment.
I AM the presence that shows me my purpose and I act accordingly in a perfect way.

With this, we have reached the end of the affirmation guide. We hope that the information on the
subject was interesting and helpful for you and wish you a lot of fun and success in applying it.

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Blumenbergstrasse 16
3013 Bern

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