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In Partial Fulfillment of Requirements

In Practical Research II

Name of Teacher na pagpapasahan

Name of Researcher


In the last few decades, interactive electronic media has grown from virtual
nonexistence to one of the primary means of entertainment for students. In more
recent years, the Internet has completely changed the landscape of electronic media
from something common and static into something with the potential to be interactive
and social. The addiction towards the games make them the most common
recreational programs for students. This addiction can also make most of them to
not notice the time passing while progressing further into the game, they immerse in
the game so much that they totally separate from their surrounding and even forget
to eat. Children of today spend most of their time on computer games (Zamani,
Chasmi & Hedayati, 2009). Video games are frowned upon by many people as
wasting times and can damage the brain. Barlett, Anderson and Swing (2009)
mention that the evidence is too weak to casually claims whether video gaming
negatively affects students’ academic achievement (as cited in Drummond & Sauer,
2014). This show that video games can also bring many benefits to students in their
performance. Playing video games can affect students’ performance in academic
achievement, physical and psychological health and social behavior in positive and
negative ways.

Firstly, playing video game can negatively affect students’ academic performance
due to poor time management skill. Academic achievement may be negatively
related to the time spent playing video games. Studies have shown that students
with high category usage of video games report lower GPA’s than students reporting
a low category usage of video games (Weaver, Kim, Metzer and Szendrey, 2013).
Students with high category usage of video game spend a lot of their time playing
video games, often to play late hours which caused them to lose sleep. Losing sleep
can have large effects on their academic life. Grades rely on the quality of work that
is done, and time management skills influences the quality of performance. Gerdes
and Mallinckrodt (1994) state that time management skills is importance when it
comes to academic success (as cited in Weaver, Kim, Metzer and Szendrey, 2013).
Time management skill is really important because time is always limited. Losing
sleep because of video games shows that these students are not managing their
time appropriately to ensure that they get enough sleep. When students lose sleep,
they will have trouble to focus in class. This will affect students’ grade because they
could not catch up the important points taught by the lecturer that will help them in
their examination. Meanwhile, Weaver, Kim, Metzer and Szendrey (2013) observe
that the fact that high usage video game players actually need more study time to
comprehend their schoolwork. They are investing a lot of time playing computer
games, and they might feel as though they have to make up for the lost time, so they
attempt to repay by studying more. The results suggest that the impact of video-
gaming on academic performance is too small to be considered problematic
(Drummond & Sauer, 2014). Hasting, Karas, Winsler, Way, Madigan and Tyler
(2009) mention that educational games were associated with fewer attention issues
and gently associated with a higher school GPA. This show that video gaming do not
give a large negative impact to the students’ academic performance but the students
must manage their time well to get good GPA results. Grades rely on upon the
quality of work that is done and time management influence the quality of

Secondly, students’ performance can be affected by physical and psychological

health due to playing video games. Most of the bad effects of video games are from
the violence they contain. Students who play more violent video games are more
likely to have increased aggressive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, and
decreased prosaically helping. Anderson, Berkowitz and colleagues (2003) note that
even studies that report relationships between media violence and aggression with
low or medium statistical correlations are essential and should not be discounted
because much of the population is exposed to some media violence and the totaled
effect across the population could be significant (as cited in Hasting, Karas, Winsler,
Way, Madigan and Tyler (2009). Results show that violence and aggression in
students who play video games was higher than those who do not play (Zamani,
Chasmi & Hedayati, 2009). Playing online games can make students to pick up bad
language and behavior from other people, and may make themselves vulnerable to
online dangers. Zamani, Chasmi and Hedayati (2009) state that playing video
games can increases players' heart beat to a level more than their body requested.
This will make students to have high heart beat and pulse because too much
excitement and stress. Playing an excessive amount of video games causes
physical damage and increases depression in students. However playing video
games also can bring positive effect because all negative effects of these games are
basically related to the games and their nature. If the video games are based on
education and contain no violence, it will result positively towards students. Vessey
and Lee,(2000) mention that it is important for parents to be aware of what their
children are watching or playing and the results from it (as cited in Hasting, Karas,
Winsler, Way, Madigan and Tyler (2009) . The use of computer-based video games
can encourage students’ cognitive learning process (Chuang & Chen, 2009). When
playing video games, every second of the game gives the students brain a real
workout. Playing action video games prepares the brain to make quick decisions. A
lot of games also consists of strategy, calculation and judgment. These will help
students to think faster, analyze better and making a good decision. These show
that video games give negative and positive effect to mental and physical health of
students depending on the games content.

Lastly, playing video games affect students’ performance in terms of social behavior.
Social participation is seen as an important condition for students to gather
knowledge and develop social skills while interacting with other people. Many
researchers find that students who play video games are low social participant
because they always stay at home. They would also spend less time in other
activities such as doing homework, reading, sports, and interacting with the family
and friends. Those adolescents who were mostly playing at home, had less social
skill (Zamani, Chasmi & Hedayati, 2009). Ahmadi (1998) mentions that social
participation of students who were playing computer games was low (as cited in
Zamani, Chasmi & Hedayati, 2009). This can also cause the students to become
obsessed due to lack of activity and always stay at home. Low social participation
will make students hard to interact with other people. Video games can also confuse
them between reality and fantasy. However, video games can also increase
students’ self-confidence and self-esteem as they masters games. In many games,
the levels of difficulty are adjustable. As a beginner, they begin at the easy level and
by constantly practicing and slowly building skills, they become confident in handling
harder challenges. Since the cost of failure is lower, they do not fear making
mistakes. They will take more risks and explores more. Students’ can implement this
attitude in real life. Games that involve multiple players encourage the students to
work cooperatively to achieve their goals. They also learn to listen to the ideas of
others, formulate plans with other people, and distribute tasks based on skills. This
encourage friendships among different people. Hasting, Karas, Winsler, Way,
Madigan and Taylor (2009) mentions that video games can motivate, challenge,
increase curiosity and control, and promote fantasy in children. These prove that
effect of students playing video games toward social behavior depends on the
students’ participation. This is because all the skills that they learn from playing
video games can be used to communicate and cooperate with other people.

In conclusion, playing video games can affect students’ performance in positive and
negative ways. Time management is one of the factors that affect students in
academic performance. Most of the students have trouble in managing time to
decide between playing video game and study. Students must also get enough
sleep to stay focused in class. These factors will make students to get low GPA in
their examination result. Educational learning in video games can also improve
students’ academic performance. Due to playing video games, students are
motivated to study harder due to the time lost. Video games can also affect students’
mental and physical health. Most of students are affect by violent content in the
video games. The students will have more aggressive thoughts, feelings, and
behaviors, and decrease prosaically helping. This violent content may lead the
students to vandalism cases. Playing video games also increases in students’
anxiety and depression because when playing video games students will experience
an increase in their heart beat to a level more than their body request. However,
students can improve their skill in critical thinking. For example when students play
first person shooter games, students have to effectively judge what data should be
stored in his memory and what can be discarded considering the task at hand.
Students can also improve their mathematics skills because most games involves
quantitative analysis like managing resources to win the game. Social participation
also affect students that are in high usage category in playing video game. These
show that playing video games can affect students’ performance in academic
achievement, physical and psychological health and social behavior in positive and
negative ways depends on the content of the video games and students’ decision.

1. How did these undergraduate students become addicted to online games? 

2. What are the effects of online games to the academic performance of students?
3. What are the advantages & disadvantages of online games?

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