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QC members may use various techniques in the problem-solving process.

effective techniques generally are:-

(a) Brainstorming;
(b) Cause and Effect Analysis;
(c) Check sheets;
(d) Pareto Analysis;

(a) Brainstorming

Brainstorming can be defined as the methodology used to encourage every

individual in the Circle to express freely their opinions or give ideas in an open

Brainstorming can be used to list down all the problem faced by an organization,
their causes and the potential effects if a certain suggestion is implemented..

To ensure the success of the brainstorming process, it is important for the Circle to
flow the following rules:

(i) The subject for brainstorming should be clear and accurate. For example,
members may brainstorm to identify the causes and reasons why a certain task
cannot be completed on schedule..
(ii) Each member will give only opinion/idea at each turn regardless of the number
of ideas he/she may have..
(iii) A tension-free atmosphere must be maintained to encourage free expression of
(iv) Every idea expressed should be written on the black/white board, flip chart or
noted down by a secretary..
(v) At the end of the brainstorming session, all the ideas expressed should be
evaluated one by one and short listed..
(vi) Voting is used to list the ideas according to priority. The prioritization is
based on number of votes received for each idea..

(b) Cause and Effect Analysis

The Cause and Effect Analysis is also known as the Fish-Bone Analysis. This
technique is used to analyze problems with the identification of causes of a
problem through brainstorming. This technique is easy to use as it summarizes,
arranges and explains all the causes of a problem which has been identified in the
form of a diagram. It also allows for the identification of many possible causes of
a problem. There are five steps in the construction of a Cause and Effect

Step 1: Identify a Problem

The first step is to identify the problem and to state the problem accurately. For
example the problem identified is `Reports Cannot be Printed Within The Time
Period Specified'. Start the Cause and Effect Diagram with an arrow pointing from
left to right towards the problem:-

CAUSE--------> Reports Cannot be Printed Within The
Time Period Specified

Step 2: Determine the Main Causes

A problem is caused by various factors. These factors can be categories

according to the resources of production such as man, machine, material and
method like:-


Material Man
\ \
\ \
-------------------------> Reports cannot be printed
/ / On Time
/ /
Machine Method

Step 3: Determine the Sub-Causes under the Main Causes

Through a process of brainstorming, the sub-causes of the problem are identified

and entered below the appropriate main causes. Where possible, the sub-causes
are further broken down into more detailed sub-sub-causes


Material Man
\ \---------------Attitude
\ \ |
\ \ going on emergency leave too often
--------------------------------> Reports cannot be Printed on time
/ /
/ /
/ /
Machine Method

For instance, the sub-cause to the main "Man" is "attitude" and "Going on
emergency leave too often" is the sub-sub-cause. this is because a negative
attitude results in an officer going on emergency leave too often. When all the
sub-causes and the sub-sub causes have been identified, the Cause and Effect
Diagram will appear as:-

Material Man
\ \
\----Shortage \---- Lack of manpower
\ of printing \---- No detailed checking
\ supplies \---------------Attitude

c) Check Sheets:-

Check Sheets are an effective means of gathering data in a helpful and meaningful

Kaoru Ishikawa is often credited with "democratizing statistics." This relates to his
desire to spread quality control ideas throughout the workplace. His tools make it
easier to comprehend raw data, making quality improvements simpler. Check
Sheets are a perfect example of this. Although they can vary a good deal
depending on the type of data being collected, the purpose of the check sheet is
always the same.

"The Check Sheet is used to facilitate the collection and analysis of data. 'Garbage
in, Garbage out' is an old cliché, but it is true. Therefore, the purpose for which
data is being collected must be clear. Data reflects facts, but only if they are
properly collected. The number of defects and where they are found can be
recorded and analyzed for causes" (Soin 297).
d) Pareto Analysis:-

Pareto analysis provides the mechanism to control and direct effort by fact, not by
emotion. It helps to clearly establish top priorities and to identify both profitable
and unprofitable targets. Pareto analysis is useful to:

Prioritize problems, goals, and objectives

Identify root causes
Select and define key quality improvement programs
Select key customer relations and service programs
Select key employee relations improvement programs
Select and define key performance improvement programs
Address the Vital Few and the Trivial Many causes of nonconformance
Maximize research and product development time
Verify operating procedures and manufacturing processes
Product or services sales and distribution
Allocate physical, financial and human resources
* A Pareto chart is used for: Focusing on critical issues by ranking them in terms
of importance and frequency (example: Which course causes the most difficulty
for students? Which problem with Product X is most significant to the customers?)
Prioritizing problems or causes to efficiently initiate problem solving (example:
Which discipline problems should be tackled first? or, what is the most frequent
complaint by parents regarding the school? Solution of what production problem
will improve quality most?) Analyzing problems or causes by different groupings
of data (e.g., by program, by teacher, by school building; by machine, by team)
Analyzing the before and after impact of changes made in a process (example:
What is the most common complaint of parents before and after the new principal
was hired?; has the initiation of a quality improvement program reduced the
number of defectives?)

Quality management is not a one time effort but a continual long term endeavor
which has to be recognized, reinforced and rewarded by continuous monitoring the
ongoing data collection, evaluation, feedback and improvement programmes. The
top management should have to create an atmosphere where the management and
the workers cooperate with each other for smooth functioning of the organization.

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