Hee Redesign Denardis

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Higher Ed Experts

Iterative Web Redesign 101

Nick DeNardis
Assoc. Dir. Web Communications
Wayne State University

First, let me introduced myself…

• Associate Director of Web Communications

Wayne State University

• Host of EDU Checkup


• Curator of EDU Snippits


• Writer for .eduGuru


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Wayne State University

• Loca ted in Detroit, MI
• La rge public research
i nstitution
• ~32,000 s tudents
• Central Marketing & Communications
• Not fully funded
• No presidential mandate
• Redesigned over 400 websites

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After this webinar, you will…

Learn how to avoid full redesigns
What it takes to implement iterative design

Create effective feedback loops

Implement and communicate micro
changes to your site

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College of Education faculty list

Goal: Increase faculty findability

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Current Page

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Proposed Page

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Why are we talking about this?

• When is it appropriate to do a full redesign?

• Redesigns are a pain

– Unnecessary amount of time and resources

– Don’t include the end user till late in the game

– Prompted by the wrong people for the wrong reason

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Why are we talking about this?

• Changes are not tied to goals

• User goals don’t change at a different rate

• Making changes without a committee

• The user will control the direction of the website

• Allows writers, designer and developers to hone

their craft

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At your institution
• Identify the user goals

• Us e/watch your site from that user

• Identify one or more pain points

– Reduce confusion
– Get to a goal quicker
– Delight the visitor

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Reasons for redesigning

• Us ers goals not being met

• Bri ng the site into a central identity

• Institution or department has new

goa ls/initiatives

• Reaction to a change in the marketplace

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Reasons not to redesign

• It's just that time

• Aes thetics getting old

• New dean, director, or reporting structure

• Cha nge in CMS, i nfrastructure

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A happy medium

Redesign with the intent of small changes every

four weeks

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Micro Redesign

Ta king small deliberate steps to reach a larger
goa l (which may be not 100% apparent at the

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Example micro goals

• Reduce redundancy

• Cl earer calls to action

• Reduce path length

• Remove a silo

• Integrate external information

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Example micro changes

• Grouping content

• Vi s ual style tweaks

• Combining CSS/JS/Image files

• Menu item label changes

• Mi crocopy changes

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Spot the pain point

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Supporting micro changes

It a ll starts with effective feedback loops

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Feedback loops

• Interacting with the actual users

• Ca n be subjective

• Sol ution may not be perfect for everyone

• Needs to be documented

• Thi nk of the scientific method

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Split testing

• Google Website Optimizer

– A/B Testing
– Multivariate Testing

• In person testing
– Focus Groups
– One on One Testing

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Google Website Optimizer

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Users always know best?

True / False

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Users always know best?

True / False!

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Wa yne State Stories

Goal: Increase story click-throughs

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Requires Mouse Over

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Current CTR

A measly 0.009 %
of ~820,000 vi sitors per month
= l ess than 100 click-throughs

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• Drop the drawer down then up

• Remove categories

• Remove branding i mages

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Option #1

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• Pros
– Story displayed without the visitor clicking
– Auto rotate if visitor is on page too long

• Cons
– Takes up additional height
– Weird spacing in the menu
– Hard to find images that wide

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Option #2

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• Pros
– Stories are front and center
– Only some additional height needed
– Easier to find images to fit
– Auto rotate if visitor is on page too long

• Cons
– Less space for story headlines

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Implemented #2

New CTR: 0.8 %

Now ~6,500 click-throughs per month

6400 % i mprovement

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Lessons learned

• Completely subjective
• Jus t expanded on initial design
• Not a fraid to put something out there
• We didn’t change the goals of the piece

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It’s just the web

• Fi nd a problem & fix it

• Cha nges won’t make you famous

• Document & communicate everything

• Don’t do anything without real users

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Now, how to do it at your institution?

• Identify a small problem

• Figure out a way to track it

• Propose changes

• Talk about it with some end users

• Implement the most appropriate one

• Review the results

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What we learned

• Redesign isn’t a set it and forget it

• Standing up for your end user isn’t easy

• Create feedback loops

• Test, refine and repeat

• Build trust with communication

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Got a question?
• We have until the top of the hour to
answer your questions
• After the webinar, you can email them to
Karine at karine@higheredexperts.com
and she will forward them to the speaker.

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• http://www.flickr.com/photos/lobraumeister/3719898954/
• http://www.flickr.com/photos/rowmuse/309535784/

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• Thanks for taking part in this HEE webinar!


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