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Group Name:

- Ailin Cyrena (1912021085)

- Luh Siantari (1912021117)
- Ciri Arta Guni (1912021152)
Topic 9


1. Teaching Listening Using Song
In teaching young learners, songs are one of the best alternatives that can be used in
learning English. According to Ratminingsih et al (2021), by using songs, it is certainly a good
breakthrough for students to improve listening skills, speaking skills, pronunciation, language
learning culture, and increase students' motivation to learn English. Then Ratminingsih et al
(2021) also stated that In teaching English by singing, the teacher must really think carefully
about the activities that will be carried out before listening to the song, while listening to, and
after listening to the song, so that the purpose of using the song will be conveyed properly.
Teaching English by using songs can be used in listening learning, this is because songs are the
media used to be heard. By using songs, teaching listening will be easier for teachers and
students will like it more because it is accompanied by fun music. Examples of listening learning
using songs are as follows.
Topic : shapes
Learning steps:
1. The teacher prepares a video containing a song about shapes (Pinkfong, 2016) and also some shapes on the
children's table such as square, rectangle, triangle, circle, diamond, etc.
2. The teacher conveys the title of the song and trains the pronunciation of several shapes to
be sung such as square, rectangle, triangle, circle, diamond, etc.
3. Students watch a video song about shapes
4. Students and teacher sing a song about shapes
5. Students again listen and sing songs, but this time students have to lift the shapes on the
table according to the song lyrics when the teacher stops the song. For example, the
teacher stops the song on the lyrics "rectangle", then the students have to lift rectangle
6. Teacher and students discuss answers

2. Teaching Listening Using Game

Teaching young learners requires a more intensive approach so that young learners do not
feel bored and also enjoy learning. Learning at that age is the age where children really like
games and challenges. Therefore learning using play techniques will be very fun for children's
Many things can be done in learning by playing games, one of which is by learning by
listening. Teaching listening can also be accompanied by playing games in the following ways:
Game name: Shout, Spell and Show it!
Topic: Animal
Learning steps:
1. The teacher prepares the things needed in the game, such as a headset with music,
then photos and also an answer sheet.
2. The teacher introduces the name of animal by showing the pictures that have been
3. The teacher arranges the chairs until the class is empty
4. The teacher explains the rules of the game
5. Students divide into 3-4 students in one group
6. Each student is lined up but not too close.
7. The first student is the student who will be whispered by the teacher about what
the name of animal to shout to his friend, in this case for example the teacher
whispers the animal "Tiger".
8. The second student uses a headset and when the first student taps on the second
student's back, the second student must open his headset and the first student
shout out the name of animal that has been whispered by the teacher, namely
9. The second student must write what he shouted with the correct spelling. Then the
second student has to tap the third student's back and shout out the spelling of the
animal that has been written like "T-I-G-E-R"
10. The third student has to write what the second student has spelled, then the third
student looks for pictures of the animals that have been mentioned on the table
which contains many photos of animal photos.
11. The group that answers correctly and quickly will be the winner.

3. Teaching Listening Using Storytelling

In learning English for children, an interesting technique to use is storytelling. This is
because children's learners really like stories. Then, according to Ratminingsih et al (2021),
stories are able to improve children's language skills, expand vocabulary, improve listening
skills, increase children's concentration and participation and are able to invite children to
interact. Storytelling activities in learning can use stories that are suitable for children's abilities
and according to children, such as fables or stories that tell about animals. The story used can
also be in the form of audio and video so that it will make students more interested in listening to
the story. Storytelling activities can be done in many ways such as with pictures, puppets,
puppets, finger puppets, etc.)
Teaching English by storytelling is highly recommended. By telling stories, many skills
can be achieved, one of which is listening. The following is a strategy for teaching listening
using stories.
Learning steps:
1. The teacher prepares a video of the rabbit and tortoise story and also prepares student
2. The teacher plays a video story about the rabbit and the tortoise.
3. The teacher retells the story that has been played
4. The teacher instructs students to answer the questions in writing that have been provided
on the answer sheet provided. For example :
“who is the winner of the race?”
“where is the rabbit sleeping?”
5. Students watch the video again to confirm their answers.
1. Teaching Speaking Using Song
Using song in teaching English is considered to be effective because song can provide fun
activity and stimulate young learners to enjoy class. According to Dzanic, Pejic, and Mejzini
(2016) and Millington (2011) as Ratminingsih et al. (2021), listening to the song can provide
opportunities to develop language skills in listening skill, pronunciation skill, speaking skill,
enriching vocabulary, mastering grammar, knowing the culture, increasing motivation.
In implementing teaching using songs on speaking, students can give their impressions or
experiences. They can tell and present to their friends. The example of using song is as provided
Topic: Occupation
Leaning steps:
1. The teacher can prepare several things before beginning the activity, such as the
song that converts becoming a video. The video can be taken from several
sources. For example, the song "What Do You Want to Be "(ChuChuTv,2018).
2. The teacher can demonstrate the pronunciation of several words that relate to the
occupation such as doctor, time machine, scientist, and so on.
3. Students can watch together first and observe the video.
4. The teacher can sing and do several movements, then students are instructed to
follow up or sing and move together.
5. Students can sing the song "What Do You Want to Be".
6. The teacher and students can have a discussion regarding the song. It can be the
background or reason why the character wants to be a doctor or if anyone knows
who does want to be a zoo keeper, and so on.
7. The students can be set apart into several groups consisting of a couple of
8. The couple of students can create their own conversation regarding their ideals.
For example:
A: "When you grow tall and big, what do you want to be ?"
B: "I want to be a teacher, I want to have a friend with children, how about you?"
A: "I want to be a football player, I want to be seen as the goal striker"
9. The couple of students can take the opportunity to present or perform their
conversation and the others will pay attention.

2. Teaching Speaking Using Game

According to Ratminingsih et al. (2021), children are viewed as personalities who love to
play, especially a game. Playing can have a good effect on children, they will feel happy and
develop their imagination at the same time. Playing can be one of the best choices to help
stimulate brain development and growth of children's development, rather than just sitting with a
polite position (Kessel, 2018, as cited in Ratminingsih et al., 2021).
Learning speaking using a game can be implemented in several ways, one of which can be
through role play. By doing role play, young learners can encourage their imagination to be
creative and then they will feel happy to interact with their friends. The example of using role
play is as provided below, young learners will take role play as a seller and buyer.

Topic: Fruit and Vegetable

Learning steps:
1. The teacher can prepare several things before implementing the game, such as the
material or video if it is needed to introduce students to fruit and vegetables. It
also requires numbers of cards with fruit and vegetable pictures.
2. The teacher and students can have discussion regarding language expression or
dialogues that can be used to do the role play of seller and buyer. The dialogues
can be made as well as following students' creativity.
For examples:
Seller: "What can I help you with ?"
Buyer: "I would like to have those apples please"
Seller: "How many apples?"
Buyer: "ten apples, please"
3. The teacher and students can begin to arrange seats as possible as the real
condition of the place where the seller and buyer do the transaction.
4. The teacher can have students to be set apart into 4 groups consisting based on the
numbers of students in the class.
5. The first and second groups can have performance at first, then the third and
fourth groups will try to observe and take a role as market visitors. The role can
take turns in order all students can have the experience.
6. The students who take roles as sellers can have seats and sell their products by
laying the fruit and vegetable pictures on the tables.
7. The students who take roles as sellers can have an instruction by the teacher to
buy several products based on the teacher's shopping list.
8. After all are ready, all the role plays can enter the stage following their roles. The
sellers sell their products, the buyers buy the products based on the shopping list,
and the others play as visitors and observe the activities. Students can use their
English and actively use their creativity to do dialogues based on the roles they

3. Teaching Speaking Using Storytelling

Storytelling can be a recommended technique to be implemented. Storytelling gives an
opportunity to students to have a fun activity and learn at the same time. According to
Ratminingsih et al. (2021), children are viewed as personalities who like to hear stories and read
stories. Story can provide a space to open imagination, insight, inspiration, emotional learning,
and even can improve the relationship between parents and children. Storytelling can also
stimulate language development, give positive effects towards vocabulary enrichment, their
understanding of the literature, improve listening skills, increase consecration, and improve their
interaction skill.
In the implementation of speaking using storytelling can be done as a following activity
after activities of listening, reading, vocabulary, and grammar. Students can have a role play or
can tell their experience or opinion in doing the activity. The example is as provided below:
Topic: Transportation
Leaning steps:
1. The teacher can prepare several things before implementing the technique, such as
the story from the book or others.
2. The teacher teaches English listening by using the storytelling technique. Then,
the teacher can discuss the uses of vocabulary, verbs, and grammar.
3. The teacher can instruct students to retell the story based on their understanding
or tell their experience and tell their impression.
4. Every students are given the same opportunity to present their understand or

Ratminingsih, et al. (2021). Pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk Anak Abad 21: Pegangan guru
profesional. Depok: Rajagrafindo

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