Business Communication April 2022 Examination

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Business Communication

April 2022 Examination

Ans 1.

A new café has emerged in your neighborhood as a result of the new coffee equipment you have
at work. Using these cutting-edge machines, you may make a variety of drinks, including
espresso, cappuccinos, lattes, and clear vegetable soup, to name a few examples. They now have
far more to look forward to at work as a result of this acquisition. However, management has
seen that employees often stop by the new café to take a little break and eat their lunches.
Workers have been hampered as a result of this. As a consequence, individuals were able to
perform their everyday duties in much less time than usual. It is referred to as an employee's
"working hours," which is the amount of time spent executing work that their employer has
instructed them to complete, either explicitly or implicitly. A broad variety of employment-
related issues are governed by the Labor Standards Act, including business hours, vacation plans,
and even shifts that begin and end late at night. So, employers need to make sure that they can
control the work schedules of their employees.

Concept and Application

Memos, which are an abbreviation for "memorandums," are used in the administrative center to
communicate with one another. A typical form of internal communication in many organizations
is the memo. A memo is an excellent tool for getting information out to a large number of people
in a short amount of time and effectively. Make changes to existing rules, remind staff of their
obligations, and make certain that everyone is up-to-date on the most recent developments.
Memos may also be used to keep everyone up to date on current events. Each and every student
at Vanderbilt is expected to arrive on time and in class each and every day. Employees may be
held accountable for ensuring that the firm has a sufficient number of employees, maintaining
high morale, and meeting the organization's productivity standards. The majority of people are
aware of this recommendation. Before making any changes to one's schedule, one must first get
consent from their immediate supervisor. This authorization extends to requests for
modifications to accruals as well as requests to come or leave early or late, depending on the
situation. Although there is no justification for labeling a particular event as an incident, it may
still be categorized as such. Managers may be able to find human resources specialists who may
aid them in identifying what went wrong. The maximum number of people who are authorized to
take a meal break after five hours of duty is thirty people per shift.

If an employee gets rewarded for a 30-minute break, it makes no difference to the situation.
During this time, people should refrain from doing any kind of labor. Employees who work for
the federal government are not obliged to keep track of the amount of time they spend eating
when calculating their weekly work schedule, daily vacation time, and weekly vacation time.
The Employment Requirements Act does not allow for the utilization of such time. Only meal
times are needed to be paid leave under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act for the
first time, according to the ERISA regulations.

Employees must stay at their workstations for a certain period of time after any kind of mishap,
even a coffee spill, in order for the hours worked to be counted toward their retirement benefits
under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Work-life balance is crucial, and taking a
day off is both normal and expected. Employees at each company are provided with paid time
off to deal with personal issues and do anything they wish. Employees are also prohibited from
taking time off without the permission of their supervisor in order to prevent losing productivity
and meeting deadlines. Calculate the number of hours spent on each project by keeping track of
the time spent on each project.

This may be accomplished via the use of timesheets or time-tracking programs on desktop PCs.
Even if employees keep track of their hours, there must be a way to verify that the records are
correct. Each employee's timesheet should be signed in order to ensure that the information is
accurate. Before the timesheet is given to payroll processing for processing, the branch
timekeeper will check it and sign it off on the information. If there is a discrepancy between the
timekeepers' records and the real time, the timekeepers must be told quickly.




The subject of this memo is "Warning Memo."

Hello, Mr. or Mrs._______.

On Thursday, January 14, at 2 p.m., we had a meeting to address your practice of taking several
coffee breaks during the day on the job. You should know that what you do has a negative effect
on the morale of your employees, so you should pay attention to that.

Taking a few short breaks during the day may be sufficient to increase your dependence.

I will do all in my power to assist you in resolving the matter. Otherwise, I will have no option
but to impose the same disciplinary or remedial actions that I have already implemented. Please
pay attention to the warning and make the required modifications.


The management of the team


A letter on timekeeping may be written by the owner or management of a company in order to

aid their employees in staying on schedule. They will talk about the consequences of being late
and how being on time helps them stay on track with their work schedules. Employees who are
not complying with business standards may get a copy of the letter as a reminder, with the hope
that they will modify their behavior. Non-exempt workers must keep accurate records of their
workdays and break times in order to avoid being terminated. Any breakup shifts or personal
time absent from work should also be mentioned so that they may be traced back to the

Ans 2.


The reader will get the impression that we are looking at an issue from their perspective if we use
the pronoun "you" in our writing. To ensure that no one's ego is injured, we strive to be kind and
appreciative to everyone who reads our works. The importance of considering what the reader
really receives, rather than what we anticipate the reader will get, cannot be overstated. This
method is referred to as the "you" strategy. The usage of the pronoun "you" should be limited in
frequency. Apart than that, it seems to be a little out of place. If you are going to write in the first
person, you must be absolutely explicit about what you are attempting to express to your
audience. You must communicate your major point in relation to the reader's primary emphasis.
By concentrating on the three rhetorical characteristics of your writing context: your goal, your
attitude toward your audience, and your audience, you can adapt your writing style for each

Concept and Application

Every marketing plan has as its major purpose the identification and satisfaction of the
requirements, preferences, and benefits of a certain audience. Compile a list of the people you
want to speak with and jot down your thoughts on what you want to say to them. When writing a
sentence, the words you pick and the order in which they appear in the sentence are both
significant variables to take into account. Obtaining a knowledge of the topics that are of interest
to the target audience Most of the time, when an order ships, it is more crucial than when it really
reaches your customers or prospects. When it comes to achieving "should be given to you," there
are a variety of approaches that can be used. In an internal email, it is allowed to express whether
or not a project was worth the time and effort. In the accompanying letter.

It is a good idea to express how much fun you had while working on the project. Even if you
work for a small firm yourself, you will find that other people are more concerned with their
problems than with yours. Be mindful of not bringing up your personal emotions in front of the
others. The idea of other people telling us how we should feel is alien to us, particularly when
their advice is clearly inaccurate. The use of impersonal language while also omitting any
allusion to human people is a strange mix to say the least. When it comes to getting things done,
active verbs are the most successful technique. Passive verbs, on the other hand, may be
appealing to the audience if they are used to describe the evil guys. People and their stories make
for the most interesting topics for debate, and this is true for both the target audience and the
general public. Rather than having to deliver bad news or acknowledge a mistake, a non-personal
portrayal in which things, rather than humans, act may be more comforting to your audience's

One's ideas have an impact on one's ability to communicate effectively in the workplace. It is
vital to establish healthy working relationships at all levels. It is essential to have a deep
comprehension of another person's thoughts and feelings in order to communicate effectively
with them. "You" mindset is no longer shown by those who use the word "you" instead of "us"
or "I." Open-ended letters are an excellent method to get your argument across in a positive and
persuasive manner.

The emotions of your target audience should be taken into consideration when you are creating
anything new. In his mind's eye, he should be able to picture the reader clearly. The author's
purpose is to envisage how his or her intended recipient will react before beginning to write. One
source of worry in corporate communication is the "you attitude," which refers to the expectation
of the recipient's reaction to a message sent. Before starting to write this letter, the author should
think about how the reader would react to the information included inside it. Writing with a "you
attitude" refers to the process of considering the reader's point of view when producing a work.

 You may get a 15% discount if you come to our shop before the end of October.
 Do not pay for your medical and cell phone bills unless you show us all of the facts and
documents by the 10th of this month.
 In the monsoon season, if you book three days and two nights at our resort, you may
extend your stay for an extra day.
 d) At D. Humphrey's stock clearance sale, you may buy one item and get three other
products for free.
 In order to make things simpler for you, we will be offering monthly payments for the
new Bosch home theater.
 If a problem arises, you can count on us to help you find a solution.
 By redesigning our online stores, we have made it simpler to find everything we sell.
 You may be able to get an online consultation from a doctor in our international network.


It is all about you when it comes to business communication, so use clear language and a focused
manner to get your point through. When you use the phrase "your viewpoint," you are letting the
reader know exactly what you are writing about. The word's analysis is focused on the audience.
If the author concentrates on the benefits the reader will get from reading the book, you, the
reader, are more likely to find the information you want. Rather than placing emphasis on the
requirements of our intended audience, we place emphasis on our own needs. Instead of
concentrating on what our audience wants, we should consider our own needs instead.

Ans 3a.

Corporate communication has seen a dramatic shift in recent years. People's methods of
communication have changed. When it comes to how we engage with one another and in the
workplace, new technologies have changed everything. Automating tasks and improving
company operations are possible when a huge number of technical equipment is swiftly
constructed. Specialists no longer have to stay inside a traditional office building because of new

Concept and Application

The most recent advancements in mobile technology have helped several businesses advance
significantly. Due to increased mobile phone use by customers and other stakeholders,
companies have re-imagined how they communicate with these groups. There are a number of
ways you may benefit from mobile phone technology: When venture management systems were
developed, workers were allowed to voice their thoughts without needing to be in the same area
as their colleagues. While working in the office or from home, a single app may be used by you
and your team to create and manage checklists, assign tasks, and define goals.

Using challenge management software may save time and money since it improves
organizational efficiency. Because of the growing importance of mobile devices, businesses are
always looking for new ways to enhance the customer experience. Businesses may now reach
customers all over the world with the use of mobile apps. Smartphones have made customer
service more difficult. Customers appreciate how responsive the company is to their needs. App
developers are building web interfaces based on what they imagine their customers would do in
order to make their apps more enjoyable. Since the mobile generation, companies have finally
allowed their employees to communicate via the internet and open up to the rest of the world.
Businesses may cooperate from anywhere in the world because mobile devices enable them to do
so. With today's smart phones, remote workers may virtually sit next to one another during
videoconferences and online meetings. The use of mobile devices in the administrative center
resulted in increased productivity and accuracy. Emails, bills, and money are just a few of the
many considerations. If you have a smartphone, you can do just about everything while on the


It seems as if everyone is in the same room when it comes to team communication now that we
have this new technology at hand. Mobile phones allow employees to work together more
effectively and efficiently. If you want to remain competitive in today's industry, you need to
take advantage of the most recent technologies.

One of Annie's techniques for advertising her business and increasing client relations is to create
a website. Keeping in mind what she needs to do is essential to creating a successful website for
Bennet and Bennet.

Ans: 3b.

It is now more important than ever to establish a presence on the internet. A website is needed
for every company, whether this is a web store or a brick-and-mortar store. The ability to enter a
competitive market has suddenly become a trade-off for accessing the website. There has been
an increase in complexity and purpose in the design as time has gone on.

Concept and Application

There is no denying that creating a website is a difficult endeavor to take on. As far as a decent
website is concerned, it might be more than just a well-designed one. Utility is no longer the
most important criterion to consider, since usability is more important in today's market. In
addition to enhancing customer loyalty and satisfaction, great web design has a direct impact on
the bottom line of a business. You may have to spend a lot of money to make sure that our
websites are set up so that they work well for our customers in an online interactive environment.
Having an easy-to-use interface and quick navigation are essential components of the game's
overall pleasure. When you begin building your website, keep these tips in mind, and do not lose
sight of the importance of the objectives you set for yourself at the outset.

The design of your images, text, and button components on a web page is influenced by several
aspects, including the following: Not only does a well-designed website seem good, but the
material it contains is organized logically, making it simpler for visitors to explore and use. In
order to be successful, a website must be accessible on smartphones and tablets. Over two-thirds
of all internet purchases in the United States are made using a mobile phone, and the average
American uses their phone for more than five hours a day. According to experts, people that visit
your company's website through their mobile phones should be able to do so with a good

If your website is difficult to read or navigate on a mobile device, users may decide to go to a
competitor's site instead. Without a good mobile user experience, your website's search engine
rankings will suffer. As a result, potential customers will have a harder time finding your website
via a Google search as a result. Domain names should ideally be an abbreviation of your
business name or something that accurately describes what you do.

One transaction may take place regardless of whether or not there are several domains involved.
Search engine optimization (SEO) best practices include keyword research, content creation and
promotion, as well as paid advertising. If people can easily locate your phone number or email
address, they are more likely to get in touch with you or your income-leveled staff.

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