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Answer 1.

The STP method is widely used by marketing strategists. As one of the most
extensively utilized and popular marketing methods, it has a lot of advantages for
marketing professionals. The major objective of STP marketing is to boost commercial
effectiveness, which is why the company's advertising mix is focused on the most
profitable categories and the most effective techniques to reach these segments. It is
becoming easier than ever before to divide and focus efforts thanks to advances in
Martech. To ensure that they are taking full advantage of every chance to interact and
engage with customers, no matter how long they have been using STP or how recently
they have begun using it. With its help, you may prioritize your messages and deliver
them in a way that is tailored to the needs and preferences of your target audience
while creating marketing communication strategies. There are three sections to each
funnel phase. Market segmentation and concentration are only two more phases in the

Concept and Application

It is critical to begin the process of segmentation early on. Clients are identified and
categorized depending on their interests and preferences. There are those who are
worried about the price and others who are not. In comparison to the rest of society, the
rate-conscious class has less resources at their disposal. The objective of this stage is
to pick and prioritize a certain group of customers, which is called "focused on." This will
be decided by the groups based on the popularity of the section. In order to entice
customers, businesses must be big enough to serve their target market, profitable
enough to compete, and well-positioned to meet the needs of their customers. The third
step is to devise a plan for your organization to attract and persuade the target market
to do business with you. Before making a purchase, customers research the design,
distribution, and marketing of a product to assess its value to them. People on a tight
budget can find the benefit of an automobile manufacturer's focus on the vehicle's fuel
efficiency and lifespan especially enticing.
Based on their location, demographics, psychographics, and behavioral traits,
customers are typically categorized. In psychology, psychographics refers to the study
of a person's lifestyle, interests, political beliefs, and other elements of their personality.
A customer's actions may influence the frequency with which they purchase and utilize
a product. Despite their need for particular items, people's ideas of their own
significance were equally important. Establishing the kinds of activities in which their
clients participate may be a difficult but critical task for companies engaged in market
segmentation. For a corporation to predict future profits, it must know what its
consumers have previously purchased. It is because of this that firms have a higher
chance of connecting with the right customers.

Businesses may learn a lot about what their customers want from them by looking at
what they buy. Businesses may be interested in statistical data that is grouped into
categories based on relevance, frequency, or cost. You may learn a lot about a
customer's recent shopping behavior, purchasing habits, and even how much time they
spent in your business by looking at these three traits. Businesses use this data to
assess the value of their consumers and predict how long they will be clients. It is easy
to categorize customers based on "who" thanks to the abundance of public information
regarding the issue.

Individuals' salary levels may be kept hidden by a firm, as one example. We make this
assumption because we believe the two are intertwined when we engage with
companies to strengthen these skills. As an example, a four-door SUV is significantly
more popular among individuals in their 40s who have large families than a two-door
sedan. An investigation of the appeal of a wide range of customers is essential.

The next phase is for the group to devise strategies for persuading others to join them.
In order to target a certain demographic of customers, the goods and services that a
business offers are very important. As a consequence of this, the company's marketing
approach has been affected as well. The most effective areas for mass marketing are
those where product variety is at a minimum. In the decision-making process, there are
three elements to consider. The owners of a company check every part of their
business first and foremost. For example, growth and profitability are two aspects of a
certain time period. Second, consider how well the organization can serve a wide
variety of individuals and groups. If you ask me, there is nothing wrong with cramming
as much food as possible into your mouth. Profit margins may be stretched in the future
as the market expands.


The goods, price, the message, and the degree of customer care you will be providing
to your customers should all be considered while making a sales presentation. In the
end, the purpose of product strategy is to increase customer perceptions of product
value. It is possible to do this by offering a wide range of products at various price
points, as well as selling just the most costly ones up front. A charge-sensitive pricing
strategy or a charge-insensitive pricing method may be used depending on the price of
your product or service. An advertising communication strategy aims to engage with a
certain set of clients by employing simple language and media. Search engines and
social media platforms like Google and Facebook are more likely to promote products
geared toward younger customers.

Ans 2.

The TickTock app is used in combination with other types of advertising to promote a
certain company, product, or service. "Tick tock marketing" describes this strategy.
Influencer marketing, tick-tock advertising, and the rise of inherently viral content are
just a few of the methods you may use to get your word out. Charli D'Amelio, Addison
Rae, and Zach King are examples of people that may help an agency earn a lot of
money if they are employed.. Even existing celebrities may not be necessary for future
stars and influencers in a particular sector to succeed. If you are a small cosmetics
entrepreneur in Vancouver, you can use the hashtag #Vancouvermakeup to connect
with local influencers like Sarah McNabb. It is probable that TickTock's marketing
strategy is not the most effective one. Instagram and Facebook may be a great way to
spread the word about your business. They may brush up on their TickTock knowledge
and gain new business skills while having fun at the TickTock business mastery center.

Concept and Application

Promoting goods and services is all about how a firm communicates with its target
audience, and the phrase "promotional mix" refers to this strategy. The goal of every
marketing effort is to get people to notice and respond to your message. As a result, the
fourth and final pillar is significantly more solid than the three preceding ones. A
"promotion mix," as it is known in the marketing industry, is a collection of tools used by
a company to market its products. Public family members, revenue marketing, and
direct advertising are all part of the company's advertising mix. To execute an effective
marketing campaign, marketers must have the answers to the following questions:

To be paid, an advertising sponsor provides a third party with a non-personal

presentation and advertisement for a product or service. A "pull tactic" is used by the
marketer. In a way, the consumer feels compelled to try the goods. It is possible for
customers to be given all the information they need to make a buying choice. They may
also be presented with sights that they find enticing. The identity of people who appear
in commercials for products and services cannot be ascertained. In order to promote
their products and services, marketing professionals rely on advertising. There are
several ways to reach a large number of people, including email, the internet, banner
ads on websites, and television and radio spots. One-on-one meetings between
potential customers and sales representatives are commonplace in this scenario.
Consumers' purchase choices are immediately influenced by the marketing of products
and services. Afterwards, salespeople may concentrate their efforts on the most
attentive customers and those who are most likely to buy your products. In order to
make up for this, a company must compensate its employees for the time they spend on
this kind of marketing.

Despite the fact that "private selling" has been around for a long time, it is still being
used today. They go out of their way to meet face-to-face. A business consultant's
product or service may not always be sold if they do not have face-to-face interaction
with the consumer.

Businesses exploit short-term revenue boosts via sales promotions. Trade exhibitions at
the conclusion of a season are good times to show off new advertising concepts.
Discounts, coupons, rebates, freebies, and other incentives are just some of the many
aspects that go into a successful marketing campaign. Sales efforts that target both
present and potential consumers are a short-term source of revenue. When it comes to
media relations, the CEO of a business is an excellent source of information regarding
the firm's activities.

Relationships with consumers are built by marketers in order to establish good brand
perceptions. Collaboration in public relations allows individuals and organizations from a
wide range of backgrounds to participate. The general public and customers alike may
gain from exposure if companies use it to disseminate important information. Not just
one, but all of these institutions are included when we use the term "public" in this

Through the use of technology, businesses may communicate directly with their
consumers, bypassing intermediaries and conventional media altogether. Email, SMS,
and fax are just a few of the electronic communication methods that may be used for
direct marketing campaigns. If a consumer has inquired about new products or sales
prospects, a follow-up email or text message may be sent.


Football and basketball are two examples of the kinds of games included in this short-
term approach since they encourage buyers to acquire them right now. New clients are
attracted to a firm using promotional strategies that employ time-sensitive services,
such as promotions, discounts, and coupons. Some clients may find it unpleasant, yet
many firms see it as an important part of their marketing strategy despite this. A
customer's perception of the product or service may be influenced by this kind of
marketing. Despite the company's best efforts, certain reviews and websites may paint
a negative picture of the brand. Customers are more likely to suggest a firm that
successfully solves a customer's issue than any other kind of organization.

Answer 3a.

"Product line extension" describes the practice of developing additional products for
current or potential customers who do not buy them when they are first released or
manufactured (PLE). It is possible to extend a product line by simply adding new
features to an existing product, as shown by the example of Apple.
Concept and Application

Look at your current products and see how they stack up against the offerings of your
rivals to discover new product lines. Depending on their size, more critical
competencies, or product variations, your competitors may also place a greater
emphasis on particular market segments than you do. If you cannot address a problem
with your present products and services, it may be in your best interest to include
features from your rivals. In order to increase your market share, you may want to price
your products lower than your rivals. A product line expansion plan guarantees that your
organization is able to adapt to changing customer expectations. Customers may
request packaging that is smaller or larger than what is typical.

A variety of high-performance goods may be required depending on the nature of their

operations. Because of technological advances, you may be able to develop a superior
product in the future. Consult with your sales representatives right away to determine
whether or not your current product range satisfies the demands of your consumers and
whether there are any opportunities to extend your product line. Adding new items to
your product range gives your company the opportunity to broaden its market and
attract new clients. It is up to various engineering teams to decide whether or not to
specialize in certain sectors, such as automotive or aerospace.

With the help of an effective product line growth plan, an organization may become an
established supplier in any industry. Long-term development and profitability depend on
a company's ability to retain customers. Expansion of an existing service or product line
has two advantages: it increases revenue and reduces promotional costs. If you utilize
the same packaging, logos, and marketing themes for both your current and future
items, your customers will have a better idea of what your new products will be like.


The brand extension strategy may be used by a successful brand to introduce new
products to the market that fit under the brand's umbrella of protection. Even though
experts have defined brand extensions in a variety of ways, the fundamentals that
underlie them seem to be the same regardless of the method. "Brand extension" refers
to the practice of launching new or updated items under the same brand name and
placing them in a new market segment.

Ans: 3b.


Creating new products and promoting a healthier lifestyle has taken a long time and a
lot of money for Britain. Britannia's social media and marketing activities, like in the past,
have emphasized the connection between taste and food. Celebrities have appeared in
a slew of Britannia ads throughout the years.

Concept and Application

As the name suggests, Britannia is a company that makes biscuits and dairy goods.
Biscuits and bread make up a significant portion of the British diet. Confections like
cookies and rusks are also made by the company. Everything from sugar-free, cream-
filled biscuits to jam-filled ones may be found in the wide variety of fillings available.
Britannia has a wide range of biscuits, but its tiger biscuits are the most popular. As a
result, Tiger Biscuits will be available in the near future to residents of Australia,
Malaysia, and Indonesia.

The food production industry is rife with rivals. In order to find out how much to charge
customers, Britannia studies the advertising mix. In order to keep up with the
competition, Britannia is forced to compete on price. To save shipping costs, Britannia
bundles the items in its family packs wherever possible. They are willing to pay extra for
healthier products and other advantages made attainable in part by anti-discrimination

For the most part, Britannia is distributed via a chain of brick-and-mortar shops. Due to
e-commerce businesses' assistance, an online component has been built up to make up
for lost revenue. Britannia's goods may be found in every major city in India, no matter
how small or huge they may be. However, the rural market's distribution system is less
efficient than the distribution system in a city or town.

Additionally, Britannia employs a range of different methods to entice clients to

purchase their goods, such as TV advertisements, billboards, and newspaper
advertising. Britannia has enlisted the help of some of the world's most famous faces to
promote its image. Each contract is specifically designed for a certain product. The fact
that Britannia has been in existence for more than a century has made it more likely that
people will think of British history when questioned about it. The consumer will be
pleased to hear this.


Brittania has been able to establish long-term relationships with her customers based
on mutual respect and the provision of high-quality goods and services. It is all about
the product for Brittania's marketing approach, stressing how delicious it is and how
beneficial it is to your health. Britannia's marketing strategy must evolve as the market

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