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Name: Phoebe Marie L.

Calo GE137-TUVW1
BS-ABE III Instructor: Bolanio Kendel

NARRATIVE REPORT LAB# 3 and 4 Map Making with QGIS

Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a free and open source Geographic Information System that works
with a wide range of geospatial vector and raster file formats as well as database formats. The
application includes conventional GIS functions such as mapping and data manipulation, as well
as a variety of mapping tools. QGIS also includes plugin support, which extends its usefulness by
adding new features such as GPS data compatibility, geo referencing, and extra mapping

The installation of the software and go to windows and click QGIS Desktop 1.14.15. Just
click the OK if the message pops up to continue. There are different parts of QGIS interface. This
is (Map Legend/Layers, Map View/Compass, Toolbar, Menu Bar, and Status Bar). These interface
is very important to familiarize in order to learn how to use this software.

Viewing and Editing Data, you can open up the file of Caraga_Municipalities.shp data and
then click Add. Just go to Add Layer>Add Vector Layer> and set the type to File. It will show the
map of whole Caraga Region.

In Data Properties and Attribute Table, just double click the filename of the data layer in
order to see the properties and you can see the Name of file, Path, Storage, Comment, Encoding,
Geometry, CRS, Extent, Unit, and Feature count. In Symbology tab, it allows you to make more
presentable and there’s a lot of option that you can see in there. In setting the Layer Symbology
to categorized, just click the drop down arrow and select the Value with ‘Mun_Name’ and set the
Color Ramp into random colors that you want then click ‘Classify’ then ‘Apply’ and ‘Okay’.

To show the names of features, go to Labels tab. Then select the ‘Single Labels’ from the
dropdown arrow, then set the Value with ‘Mun_Name’. Set the font to ‘MS Shell Dig 2’ and 5.0000
points for the text size then click ‘Apply’ then ‘Okay’. Fields contains the list of field names in the
attribute table of the shapefile. In the Layers panel window, right-click on the layer name and
select Open Attribute Table then Attribute Table will display.

Creating Map Layout, it can also allowed you to create multiple maps using map file using
the tool called Layout Manager. Project>Layout Manager then you can now create a second map.
In order to not get loss, name the file that you preferred to easily determine. After that, It will
display a clear Layout window where you can make add the map by dragging or clicking a box on
the blank page. It will display the map the you added.
In order to get some context by adding cartographic elements, lets add grid to the main map
first. Click the sign of Positive or ‘+’. Then set the CRS into ‘ESPG: 32651’ then select interval
values to ‘50000.000’ for X and Y direction. Set the frame style into ‘Zebra’

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