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Data and 
Digital Marketing 

D​ata makes digital marketing uniquely powerful. Because we have 

access to data online, marketers can get the right ads to the right 
groups of people. In this exercise, you’ll evaluate your own experience 
with online advertising and how it relates to your online behavior.  


Unit 1​ | Build a Social Media Presence 

Take-home assignment 
Over the course of a week, capture ads you see on different media platforms. Copy 
ads you see online, or take screenshots of ads you see on your phone. Describe ads 
you see on TV and hear on the radio. Try to capture at least 10 ads on at least five 
different platforms or channels. Add a description or image for each ad in the table 
below, and reflect on the following questions: 


A. ​Why do you believe you were shown this ad? 
B. W
​ as this ad relevant to you? Was it advertising a product or service you 
may be interested in? 
C. ​What data may be behind you seeing this ad, and how do you think that 
data was captured?  

Unit 1​ | Build a Social Media Presence 

Ad description  Why were you  Was this ad relevant to  What data might have 
(screenshot or  shown this ad?   you?   caused you to see this 
description of the  ad? How was that data 
ad and brand)  collected?  











Unit 1​ | Build a Social Media Presence 

Objective  Meets expectations? (Y/N) 
Student can adequately 
represent the reasons for an ad 
being shown to them. 

Student can make a distinction 
between ads that use 
demographic, location, 
behavioral or interest targeting. 


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