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Common Syllabus For GOT 88&97

Chapter 1: Preliminary
Chapter 2: Right to Free and Compulsory Education
Section 3 :Free and Compulsory Education to the Children of the age of 6-14.
Section 4 :Chance to complete Elementary Education to above 14 years who does not join in any school.
Section 5 : children to seek transfer from a Government or Government aided school to another such school in
order to complete elementary and for immediate issue of Transfer Certificate to a child seeking admission to
another school.
Chapter 3:Duties of Appropriate Government, Local Authority and Parents.
Section 6: The rationale of this provision is to provide all children access to elementary education. Universal
access requires schooling facilities within reasonable reach of all children.
Distance Norms:Availability of a School for children I –V :1 Km , VI-VIII:3 Km.
Section 7(1) – (5) :financial and other responsibilities of the Central Government and the State Governments
for carrying out the provisions of the proposed Act.
*share between the Central and State Governments in the 65:35
* In the case of North East states, the fund sharing pattern will be in the 90:10 ratio.
Section 7(6):formulation of a National Curriculum Framework.
*The National Curriculum Framework, 2005, formulated by the NCERT
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Section 8:Duties to the appropriate Government to ensure that it provides free and compulsory elementary
Section 9 :duties to the local authority to ensure that it provides free and compulsory elementary education to
every child, in a neighborhood school.
Section 10:Moral responsibility on every parent/guardian to admit their children/wards to school, and ensure
that children are not deprived of their right to elementary education.
Section 11 provides that the appropriate government may make necessary arrangements for pre-school
Chapter –IV: Responsibilities of Schools and Teachers.
Section 12 :The responsibility of schools for providing free and compulsory education to children, namely:
a). All Government schools shall provide free and compulsory education to all children.
b).Government aided Institutions, c).private unaided institutions and special category schools shall provide free
and compulsory education to at least 25% children belonging to disadvantaged groups and weaker sections
admitted to class I or pre-primary classes.
Note:The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Bill, 2008, is anchored in the belief that the
values of equality, social justice and democracy and the creation of a just and humane society can be achieved
only through provision of inclusive elementary education to all.
Section 13: provides that no school or person shall collect capitation fee.
Section 14: seeks to provide for proof of age certificate of a child and that admission cannot be denied in its
Section 15 :schools from denial of admission to a child, irrespective of the time in the academic year in which
admission is sought.
Section 16: prohibits holding back and expulsion of a child from school till the attainment of elementary
education. There have been some misgivings on the provisions relating to ‘no detention’ and ‘no expulsion’.
Section 17: prohibits any child being subjected to physical punishment or mental harassment.
There is a mistaken notion that ‘discipline’ of children comes from punishment and fear. Educationists the
world-over are clear that what matters for creating a mature citizen is the provision of a ‘learning environment’

in the formative years, which is what the school must become, and not a ‘correctional’ centre, which has the

connotations of a jail.

*Physical punishment and mental trauma are counter- productive, and may cause a child to become even more
defiant and rebellious than before.
*The concept of childhood implies a period of impressionability and vulnerability.
Section 18: stipulates that no private school should be established or can function without obtaining a
Certificate of Recognition, and that such Certificate of Recognition would be issued to schools that fulfil the
prescribed norms and standards.
Section 19 :norms and standards for schools.
Section 20: provides power to Central Government to amend the schedule on norms
and standards.
Section21:constitution and functions of a School Management Committee in certain categories of schools.
Private unaided institutions are exempted from the constitution of School Management Committees.
Section 22: provides for preparation of a School Development Plan (SDP) by the School Management
Section 23: provides for qualifications and terms and conditions of service of school teachers.
The Central Government has notified NCTE as the academic authority for teacher qualifications. .
Section 24: provides for duties of teachers.
Section 25: seeks to provide for maintenance of pupil teacher ratio, by the appropriate government and local
Section 26: provides that vacancies in schools should not exceed 10% of the teacher strength for that school.
Section 2:7 prohibits deployment of teachers for non-educational purposes, other than decennial population
census, disaster relief duties or duties relating to elections to local authority, state legislatures and parliament.
Section 28: prohibits private tuition by teachers. This provision will ensure that teachers do not use their
position for commercial gain through private tuition, which is a source of harassment to children and parents.
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Chapter-V: Curriculum and Completion of Elementary Education.
Section 29: provides for curriculum and evaluation procedure in elementary schools.
Section 30: provides that no child shall be required to pass Board examinations till completion of elementary
Chapter VI Protection of Right of Children
Section 31: provides an institutional mechanism for protection of rights of the child through the National/ State
Commissions for Protection of Child Rights.
Section 32: provides a mechanism for redressel of grievance relating to rights of the child under the proposed
Section 33: provides for constitution of a National Advisory Council to give expert advice to the Central
Government on implementation of provisions of the proposed Act.
Section 34: provides for the constitution of State Advisory Councils to advise the State Governments on the
implementation of the Act.
Chapter-VII: Miscellaneous
Section 35: provides for the Central Government to issue guidelines and directions to the appropriate
government or local authority for effective implementation of the proposed Act. .
Section 36: provides for previous sanction of an authorized officer for prosecution of offences.
Section 37: provides protection, against any legal suit or proceedings, to appropriate government, local
authority, etc for any action taken in good faith.
Section 38: provides powers to the appropriate Government to make rules, and for laying of Rules and
notifications made, before each House of Parliament.
1.Number of chapters in RTE-2009 is 7
2.Number of sections in RTE-2009 is 38
3.RTE Act enacted in the parliament of India on 4 .8. 2009.
4.The RTE Act -2009 received the assent of the president on26.8.2009.


5.RTE act come in force in India except Jammu and Kashmir From 26.8.2009
6. RTE act come in force in AP From 01.4.2010

7.Article which tells the importance of free and compulsory education for 6-14 years in India Article 45
8.NAC means National Advisory Council.
9.Number of Members in High level committee set up by MHRD for implementation of RTE -14 members
10.RTE 2009 was not applicable to -Jammu& Kashmir.
11. Duties of Appropriate Government, Local Authority and Parents were in chapter III
12.Chairman of state Advisory Council for RTE isMinister of primary Education.
13. The Teacher Pupil Ratio as per RTE-2009 is 1:30
14.As per RTE-2009 compulsory and free Education to the Age group of 6 to 14 years.
15.As per RTE syllabus of a state Education decided by SCERT
16.As per RTE-2009 ,the District level Redressel committee chairman is -District collector.
17.SMC chairman - Village Sarpunch, Vice chairman – one of the parent from SMC
18.SMC convener -Headmaster
19.To implement RTE -2009 funds will be allotted by state and Central Government.
20.The Section which prohibits deployment of teachers for non-educational purposes, other than
Population census, disaster relief or elections duties Sec 27 of chapter IV
21.As per RTE -2009 primary Education -I to VIII .
22.The Duties of Teachers were defined under ... section 24(1) of chapter IV
23.The Norms and Standards of the School defined under sec 19 & 25 of Chapter IV
24.Prohibition of physical punishment and mental harassment to children under Sec 17 of Chapter IV.
25. No capitation fee and screening procedure for admission Under Sec 13
26.As per RTE-2009 Disadvantage group means SC,ST and Educationally ,socially backward classes.
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27.Duties of Appropriate government and local authorities defined under Sec 8 & Sec9 of chapter III
28.The RTE Act-2009 Promulgated under Act 35/2009
29.The RTE Act-2009 Prohibited the Screening tests for admission and collection of capitation Fee.
30.Punishment for the deviation of RTE Act -2009 Rs 25,000 (first time)
31. Punishment for the every subsequent deviation of RTE Act -2009 Rs 50,000
32.Allotment Ratio of funds by Central and State Governments for the implementation of RTE is 65:35
33.Allotment Ratio of funds by Central and States for the implementation of RTE in case of States of North
East Region, is 90:10
34.All Govt schools shall provide free &c compulsory education to children under Sec12(a) of chapter IV.
35. Private unaided institutions shall provide free education to at least 25% children belonging to
disadvantaged groups and weaker sections admitted in Primary -Sec 12(c) of chapter IV.
36.Any School cannot be denied admission of children by the absence of Age proof Sec14 of chapter IV
37. The Section which prohibits schools from denial of admission to a child, irrespective of the time in the
academic year in which admission is sought Sec 15 of chapter IV
38. The Section which stipulates that no private school should be established or can function without
Obtaining a Certificate of Recognition Sec 18 of chapter IV
39. The Section which provides for constitution and functions of a SMC sec 21 of chapter IV.
40. As per which Section vacancies in schools should not exceed 10% of School Sec 26 of Chapter IV.
41. Protection of Right of Children Under chapter VI
42.The Section which prohibits private tuition by teachers Sec 28 of chapter IV
43.The Section provides curriculum &evaluation procedure in elementary schools Sec 29 of chapter V
44. As per sec 6 of chapter III Distance of accessibility of the school for children in classes I –V is 1 km
45. As per sec 6, chapter III Distance of accessibility of the school for children in classes VI –VIII is 3 km.

46.As per which section the children can transfer from one school to another school Sec 5 of chapter II

47. Financial &other responsibilities of the Central Govt and the States under Sec 7(1) of chapter III

48. The teachers can be deployed for decennial population census, disaster relief duties &elections
49. Chapter –IV deals with Responsibilities of Schools and Teachers.
50.National policies of educations in India were made in 1985 & 1992

1.RAA Means Rashtriya Avishkar Abhiyan
2.The Program RAA was Setup by MHRD Aims of RAA to Develop inquiry and Creativity in children.
3.RAA Program applicable to children’s of age 6-18 years.
4.RAA Program targeted main Subjects as Mathematics and Science.
5.NSCM Means National Council of Science Museums
Mid Day Meal Scheme
1.NS-NSPE means National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education
2.NSPE was launched as a Centrally Sponsored Scheme on 15th August 1995
3.NSPE was extended to all the States across Indian to Government, Local Body Aided primary Schools in 2002
4.Serving of Cooked MDM was started in AP from January 2003
5.Starting of Serving Cooked MDM in Over all India September 2004
6.MDM Scheme was Extended to VI to VIII in October 2007
7.Introduction of honorarium @ Rs.1000 per month to cook- cum-helper From 1.12.2009.
8.In Ap Serving of MDM to IX and X Classes with Funds of State Government (100%)
9.Quantity of Rice given to the Students in primary in MDM is 100gm.
10.Quantity of Rice given to the Students in UP &High schools in MDM is 150gm.
11.Quantity of Pulses given to the Students in primary in MDM is 30gm.
12.Quantity of Pulses given to the Students in primary in MDM is 30gm.
13.Quantity of Vegetables given to the Students in primary in MDM is 100gm.
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14.Quantity of Vegetables given to the Students in UP &High schools in MDM is 100gm.
15.Quantity of Oil given to the Students of primary in MDM is 5gm.
16.Quantity of Oil given to the Students of UP &High schools in MDM is 7gm.
*NRSTC Means Non-Residential Special Training Centres
*NPEGL Means National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary level.
*NPEGL was Started from July 2004.

1.NCPCR Means National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
2.As per NCPCR children in the .......Age group are comes under these Rights 0 to 18 years age
3.NCPCR has been constituted by the Government of India ,under the Commission for Protection of Child
Rights (CPCR) Act,2005
4.Main Aim of POSCO To monitor in the implementation of Protection of Children from Sexual Offences.
5.POCSO Means Protection of Children From Sexual Offences.
6.Child Rights Protection Toll free number 1098
1.KGBV Means Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya
2.KGBV' Schemes applicable from Upper primary Level.
3.KGBV Scheme will be Started in the states on the basis of Where the Female rural literacy is low
4.The scheme provides for a minimum reservation to SC,ST,OBC's 75%
1.NMMSS Means National Means Cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme .
2.NMMSS was Sponsored by Central Government
3.NMMSS was Launched from May 2008
4.The objective of the scheme is to award scholarships to meritorious students of economically weaker sections
to arrest their drop out at class VIII and encourage them to continue the study at secondary stage. 5.Amount of


Scholarship awarded to a student in NMMSS is Rs. 6000/- per annum
6.To get NMMSS, Students whose parental income from all sources is not more than Rs. 1,50,000/-

7.The students studying in………. “Kendriya Vidalayas and “Jawahar navodaya Vidlayas” are not entitled
to get scholarship under this scheme.
8.The State Government Institutions, where facilities like boarding, lodging and education are provided and
students studying in private schools are also not eligible for the scholarship under this scheme.
1.Balarang Festival is a Children’s Cultural festival.
2.which State Government conducts the Balarang Festival Madhya Pradesh.
3.Balarang Festival was conducted by Madhya pradesh School education department in collaboration with
Indira Gandhi Rahtriya Manav Sangrahalaya..
4.Amount of cash prize would be awarded to the team which achieves Top position Rs 51,000.
5.Amount of cash prize would be awarded to the team which achieves first runner up Rs 31,000.

1.The National Programme on School Standards and Evaluation (NPSSE), known as Shaala Siddhi .
2.It is is a comprehensive instrument for school evaluation leading to school improvement.
3.Shaala Siddhi Developed by the National University of Educational Planning and Administration .
4.Aim:To enable schools to evaluate their performance in a more focused and strategic manner and facilitate
them to make professional judgments for improvement.
5.Objectives:The programme’s objective is to establish and refer to an agreed set of standards and to provide
clear pathways for each school for self evaluation, by focusing on key performance domains and their core
standards for school evaluation.
6.The structure of the Framework is simple yet flexible and lends itself to both self and external evaluation.
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7.Shalla siddhi web portal was launched by Hon’ble HRM on 7.11.2015 which will enable all schools to
engage in self-evaluation in the 7 key domains under the Framework.
8.Numver of Domains Prescribed in Shalala siddhi is 7 domains.
9.Domains are sub divided into Core standards.
10.Shalla Siddhi Program is for Self and External Evaluation of the Schools.
11.Shaala Siddhi Program will be implemented Through out the India from 2016-2017

1.PINDICS means Performance Indicators.
2.On which sections of RTE Act,PINDICS were Based 24,29 of RTE Act-2009.
3.Pindics were prepared for Elementary School Teachers.
4.PINDICS were prepared by NCERT.
5.In every Academic year Teachers have to fill the PINDICS proforma Twice
6.Number of Performance Standards in Prescribed in PINDICS 7 (seven)
7.Rating Points in PINDICS 1.Not meeting the expected standard
2.Approaching the expected standard
3.Approached the expected standard
4.Beyond the expected standard
8.Method of assessment involved in PINDICS self assessment of the Teachers
9.Self Assessment of the Teachers through PINDICS was completed by Every Elementary schools teacher in
1st and 3rd Quarters of the Academic year.
10.PINDICS was introduced in AP and TS from 2014-2015.
1. CCE was introduced in Andhra Pradesh For I to V Classes from 2012-2013

2. Number of Formative Assessments in CCE 4

3. Number of Summative Assessments in CCE 3

4. Implementation of Examination Reforms (CCE) for Classes VI to IX from the Academic year 2015-16
5. Implementation of Examination Reforms (CCE) for Classes X Class from the Academic year 2016-17
6. Examination Reforms for VI to X classes (CCE) in AP are implemented through G.O.MS.No. 82 Dated:
7. As per CCE Internal marks for X class 20%.
8. As per CCE External marks for X class 80%
9. G.O.MS.No. 81: Carry forward 5% of marks of Classes VIII and IX to Class X Internal Assessment marks from the academic year
2018-19 – Cancelled.
10. G.O.MS.No. 80, Dated: 25-10-2017: Implementation of Examination Reforms for Classes VI to IX from the Academic year 2015-16 and
for class X from the
Academic Year 2016-17 in fullest extent

1.Aposs means Andhra pradesh Open School Society.

2.Motto of APOSS To reach out and To reach All.
3.Main aim of APOSS To reach out the Drop outs.
4.APOSS was established in 1991(1991-92)
5.Method of APOSS Open and distance Learning.
6.GO.RT.No:723,dt:27/09/2008 - Revamping of Open school system
7.GO.Rt.No:96,dt:18/02/2011:Recognition of SSC (APOSS)is equivalent to SSC board of secondary
Education from 2010-11 and exempting Fee from payment of Rs.500 for getting eligibility Certificate
from Board of Intermediate.
8.GO.Rt.No:372,Dt:19/5/2010:Recoginition SSC(APOSS) is equivalent to SSC board of Secondary
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9.GO.Ms.No:170,dt:4/07/2010:Starting of Open Intermediate Course in Open Schools.
10.GO.RT.No:723,dt:27/09/2008: The Government has authorized APOSS for conducting Open Basic
Education and issue pass certificate.
11.SSC (APOSS) course was started in 2008-09.
12.The minimum age required for admission of SSC Completion of 14 years.
13.Proofs required for admission of SSC (APOSS) No qualification required.
14.To pass in SSC a learner should study and pass at least 5 subjects.
15.The course fee for male candidates for SSC(APOSS) Rs.1100.
16.Fee for opting additional subjects in intermediate for male/woman candidates is Rs.200
17.Fee for changing subjects in intermediate for Male/Woman candidates Rs.150
18.As per Open Basic Education Courses to be provide at 3 levels and are equivalent to
A level- III CLASS , B level- V CLASS , C level- VII CLASS , of Formal system.
19.In Open Basic Education system A level – 4 subjects, B level – 5 subjects and C level – 6 subjects.
20.At OBE level education is offered in Telugu and Urdu media.
21.At SSC level education is offered in Telugu ,English and Urdu media.
22.No admission or examination fee was collected in OBE.
23.In respect of SSC APOSS will conduct Exams Twice a year.
24.As per the National institute of open schooling norms,the course curriculum in each subject will be planned
for 100 hours.
25.How many subjects can be choose a leaner in SSC 6 subjects.
26.The course fee for SC/ST/BC woman /Minorities/ PH candidates for SSC(APOSS) is Rs.600
27.The course fee for male candidates for SSC(APOSS) is Rs.1000
28.For additional subject / change of subject fee for Male /Female is Rs.150
29.As per APOSS SSC must complete in not greater than 9 Exams attempts (5 years).
30.(APOSS) SSC scheme is intended for Formal Education.
31.SSC(APOSS) transfer of credit is allowed up to 2 Subjects.
32.Sources of APOSS to run inter classes Self finance.


33.Intermediate course was started in APOSS in 2010-11

1.APER: Andhra Pradesh educational Rules.
2.T.P.F: Teacher Provident Fund.
3.TET: Teachers Eligibility Test.
4.SMC: School Management Committee.
5.SMDC: School management Development Committee.
6.CCE: Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation.
7.TRT: Teachers Recruitment Test.
8.CWSN: Children With Special Needs.
9.SAAP: Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh.
10.DFRC:Distrt Fee Regularly Committee.
11.SCERT :State Council for Educational Research and Training
12.NCERT: National Council for Educational Research and Training.
13.AAS: Annual Assessment Survey.
14.DCEB:Distrt Common Examination Board.
15.RMSA:Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan.
16.SSA:SarvaShiksha Abhiyan.
17.NMMS:National Means Cum Merit Scholarship.
18.RBSK:Rashtriya Bala Swasthya Karyakramam.
19.WIFS:Weekly Iron and Folical Acid Supplement.
20.JABARJawahar Bala Arogya Raksha
21.NCF:National Curriculum Frame.
22.APSCF:Andhra Pradesh State Curriculum Frame.
23.SITE:State Institute of Education Research and Training.
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24.CCRT:Centre for Cultural Research and Training.
25.ECCE:Early Child good Care and Children Education.
26.PINDICS:Performance indicators(Teachers self Evaluation).
27.Lindics:Language indicators (For Children).
28.IEDC:Integrated Education for Disabled Children.
29.NPE:National Policy on Education.
30.IASE:Institute if Advanced Studies in Education.
31.PSTE:Pre Service Teacher Education.
32.ICT:Information and Communication Technology.
33.MHRD:Minststry for Human Resources and Development.
34.NCTE:National Council for Teacher Education.
35.ASER:Annual Survey if Education Report.
36.QMT:Quality Monitoring Tools.
37.SMF:School Monitoring Format.
38.SLAS:State Level Achievement Survey.
39.CRCC:Cluster Resource Centre Coordinator.
40.BRCC:Block Resource Centre Coordinator.
41.NAC:National Advisory Council.
42:DISE: District Information System for Education.
43.UIDAI: Unique Identification Authority of India.
44.MIS: management information system.
45.DSE:Director of School Education.
47.CTET: Central Teacher Eligibility Test.
48.UGC:University Grant Commission.
49.CBSE: Central Board of Secondary Education.
50.ICSE: Indian Certificate of Secondary Education.
51.KGBV: Kasturba Gandhi Balika Vidyalaya.


52.NIOS:National Institute of Open Schooling.
53.IASE: Institutes of Advance Study in Education.

54.DIET: District Institutes of Education and Training .
55.IERT: Inclusive Education Resource Teacher.
56.CRT:Contract Resident Teachers.
57.QIP:Quality Improvement Programme.
58.CLIP:Children Language Improvement Programme.
59.LEP: Learning Enhancement Programme.
60.RJDSE: Regional joint director of School Education.
61.CLAP: Children Language Achievement programme.
62.APEP:Andhrapradesh Primary Education Programme.
63.DPEP: District Primary Education Programme.
64.CAL: Computer Aided Learning.
65.CSE:Commissioner of School Education.
66.DSE:Director of School Education.
67.RAA:Rashtriya avishkar Abhiyan
68.NPSSE: National Programme on School Standards and Evaluation.
69.NUEPA: National University of Educational Planning and Administration
70.NMMSS: National Means Cum-Merit Scholarship Scheme .
71.NCPCR:National Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
72.NRSTC:Non-Residential Special Training Centers
73.NPEGL:National Program for Education of Girls at Elementary level.
74.CALT:Chiledren Achievement Level Test
75.SIEMAT:State Institute of Education Management and Training
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1.RMSA means Rashtriya Madhyamika Siksha Abhiyan.
2. RMSA aims and objectives Admit, Access , Retain and Quality.
3. RMSA aims for retention 100% goal by 2020.
4. Number of schools sanctioned under RMSA in first phase-1656
5. RMSA budget for each school for Minor repairs Rs.25,000.
6. RMSA budget for library books, Magazines and News papers Rs.10,000.
7. RMSA budget for each school for Science Lab is Rs.25,000.
8. RMSA budget for each school for Electricity and Electricity charges –Rs. 15,000.
9. The Accounts of RMSA schools will audited by Local fund audit(authority).
10. Share of funding for RMSA scheme by Central Government is 75%.
11. Share of funding for RMSA scheme by State Government is 25%.
12. Under Necessary conditions RMSA provides Physical facilities.
13. RMSA aims to establish a secondary school with in the radius of 5Km.
14. RMSA scheme was launched on March-2009.
15. Implementation of RMSA scheme was Launched from 2009-10 Academic year.
16. RMSA covers the age group of 15-16 Years.
17. RMSA scheme was applicable to Secondary schools.
18. RMSA Aims to achieve Universal access to secondary level education by the end of 2017.

1. Medium available in AP model schools is English medium.

2. Education provided in Model schools from VI to X.
3. The Model School scheme aims to provide quality education to talented rural children.
4. Number of Model schools were sanctioned in first phase 355.
5. Model schools will be sanctioned to educationally backward districts.

6. The first model school in the state was opened in Visakhapatnam district on 22 June 2013.

7. Model schools Will be sanctioned at the rate of one school per block.

8. Government intended to start….schools in the second phase across the AP. 400.
9. Number of model schools were running at present in Residual Andhra Pradesh is 163.
10.Model schools were started from 2012-13.

1. RUSA means Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan.

2. RUSA is Sponsored by Central Government.
3. The Scheme RUSA was started in 2013.
4. RUSA scheme applicable to only Higher education.
5. Share of funds for the implementation of RUSA by Central and general State Governments is 65:35.
6. Share of funds for the implementation of RUSA by Central and Special State Governments is 90:10
7. RUSA would create new universities through up gradation of existing autonomous colleges.
8. RUSA is implemented and monitored through National Mission Authority, Project Approval Board
and the National Project Directorate at the central level.
9. RUSA is implemented at state level by State Higher Education Council and State Project Directorate.
10. RUSA Ensure reforms in the affiliation, academic and examination systems.

1. SSA means Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan.
2. SSA objective is to propagate education for all.
3. New nomenclature of SSA in Andhra Pradesh is RVM (SSA).
4. RVM (SSA) is headed by State Project Director (SPD).
5. The officer in-charge of RVM scheme in the district level is Project Officer (PO).
6. RVM (SSA) funds were audited by Local fund Audit (by charted Accounts).
7. SSA has been operational since 2000-2001.
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8. SarvaShikshaAbhiyan (SSA) is a programme for Universal Elementary Education.
9. The first Aim of SSA is To provide elementary education for all children in the 6-14 age group by 2010.
10. As per objective of SSA Universal retention by 2010.

Andhra Pradesh Education Act, 1982 Short Description

Section 1: Short title, extent, application and commencement.
Section 2:Definitions
(3) "Academic year" means a period of twelve months commencing on the first day of June of the year
(4) "Adult education (including non-formal)" means the education or further education of a person of more than
9 years of age who has not attended any educational institution at any time before.
(6) "approved school" means any school in any specified area within the jurisdiction of a local authority .
(18) "educational institution" means a recognised school
(19) "general education" means every branch of education including special education, but does not include
medical education or technical education
(22) "grant" or "grant-in-aid" means any sum of money paid as aid out of State funds to any educational
institution ;
(29) "minority educational institution" means a private educational institution of its choice established and
administered by a minority, whether based on religion or language.
(32) "panchayat samiti" means a panchayat samithi constituted or reconstituted under the Andhra Pradesh
Panchayat Samithis and Zilla Parishads Act, 1959 ;
(32a) "pre-primary education" means any education imparted prior to primary education and includes
education imparted in nursery, kindergarten, montessory, anganwadi, balwadi .
(34) "primary education" means education from Class I to Class VII ;
(37) "secondary education" means education from Class VIII to Class X
(38) "special education" means education imparted in a special institution;


Section 3:Director and other officers

Section 4:District Educational Officers and other subordinate officers and staff at the district level
Section 5:Constitution of Boards
Section 6:State Board of Technical Education and Training.
Section 7:School Education
*pre-primary education:children from 3 – 5 years.
*primary education:children completing 6 – 14 years(not completing 14 years)
*The main objective of secondary education shall be to impart such general education as maybe prescribed to
each pupil so as to make him fit either for higher academic studies or for job-oriented vocational courses, by
the time he completes his secondary education.
Section 8:Establishment, maintenance, etc., of schools by local authorities
Section 9:Schemes for primary education
Section 10:Attendance authorities and their powers and
Section 11:Responsibility of guardian to cause his child to attend
Section 12:Reasonable cause for non-attendance
Section 13:Attendance orders
Section 14:Children not to be employed so as to prevent them from attending to school: - No person shall
employ a child in a manner which shall prevent the child from attending an approved school.
Section 15:Primary education to be free
Section 16:Age of child how to be computed
*(1) The age of a child, shall be computed in terms of years completed by the child on or before the first day of
the academic year.
(2) Where the birthday of a child falls on a day not later than the first day of the September each year, the
birthday shall be deemed to fall on the first day of the academic year .
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Section 17:Examinations
Section 18:Government to provide facilities for imparting education
Section 19:Classification of educational institutions
Section 20:Permission for establishment of educational institutions
Section 20A:Prohibition of individual to establish institutions
Section 21:Grant or withdrawal of recognition of institutions imparting education
Section 21A:Prohibition of affiliation with Universities outside the State
Section 22:Special provisions in respect of existing institutions
Section 23:Duties of manager of local authority institution
Section 24:Appointment and removal of manager of private institution
Section 25:Duties of manager of private institution
Section 26:Private institution not to be closed down, etc., without sufficient notice
Section 28:Restriction on alienation of property of private institution
Section 29:Liability of manager to repay debts incurred in certain cases
Section 30:Parent-teacher association
Section 31:Inspection of educational institutions
Section 3:Registration of tutorial institutions
Section 33:Abhyudaya Pradhamika Vidya Samstha and Residential Educational Institutions Society
Section 33B:Permission for establishment of registered schools
Section 33C:Special provision in respect of existing schools
Section 33D:Cancellation of registration of the registered schools
Section 33E:Conditions of service of staff
Section 33F:Maintenance of registers and following of syllabus, etc
Section 33G:Advisory Body


Section 33H:Functions of the advisory body
Section 33I:Grants

Section 33J:Properties of registered schools
Section 33K:Transfer certificate to be counter-signed
Section 33L:Examination for the students of registered school
Section 33M:Registered schools to make arrangements for conducting of examination.
Section 33:Duties of the Management of the registered school
Section 33O:Inspection
Section 35:Education Fund of Local Authority
Section 36:Education fund where to be deposited and how to be drawn upon
*The education fund shall be deposited in Government treasury.
Section 37:Levy of taxes
Section 38:Rate of levy of taxes under Section 37
Section 39:Assessment and realisation of taxes
Section 40:Budget of Education Fund
Section 41:Audit of accounts of Education Fund
Section 42:Government to set apart sum for giving grant-in-aid to certain recognised institutions
Section 43:Authorities which may sanction grant
Section 45:Application for sanction of grant and the conditions to be fulfilled on such sanction
Section 46:Power of Government to withhold, reduce or withdraw grant
Section 47:Utilisation of funds and movable property of private institution
Section 48:Accounts
Section 49:Annual audit of accounts
Section 50:Inspection or Inquiry
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Section 53:Prohibition of transfer of lands and buildings by educational institutions without the permission
from Government in certain cases
Section 54:Consequence of breach of provisions of Section 53
Section 55:Effect of orders under Sections 53(2) and 54
Section 56:Land or building to vest in Government absolutely on possession being taken
Section 57:Recovery of sums due under this Chapter.
Section 58:Court not to attach, sell, etc., in the absence of permission of the Government
Section 60:Taking over of management of educational institutions in public interest
Section 61:Power to terminate contracts of employment
Section 62:Contracts etc., made in bad faith may be cancelled or varied
Section 63:Avoidance of voluntary transfers
Section 64:Requisitioning of an educational institution
Section 65:Summary power for taking possession of property
Section 66:Release from requisitioning and discharge of liability of the Government
Section 67:Acquisition of property
Section 68:Principles and methods of determining amount for property requisitioned or acquired
Section 69:Payment of amount for property requisitioned or acquired
Section 70:Appeal from the award of the Arbitrator under Section 68
Section 71:Arbitrator to have certain powers of Civil Court.
Section 72:Powers of entry and inspection and calling for information
Section 73:Provisions for existing staff of Educational Institutions
Section 74:Posts of employees of educational institutions vested under this Chapter to be treated as a unit for
certain purposes
Chapter XII
Section 75:Powers of Government to take over control and management of schools, belonging to local


Section 76:Transfer of control and management of schools to Zilla Parishads
Section 77:Transfer of control and management of schools to Abhyudaya Pradhamika Vidya Samstha

Section 78:Constitution of Educational Service
Section 78A:Age of superannuation of the staff in aided private educational institutions
Section 78B:Pension to the employees of aided private, Junior and Degree Colleges
Section 78C:Special representation in.appointment to the posts
Section 78D:Abatement of claims of appointments in Private Educational Institutions
Section 79:Dismissal, removal or reduction in rank or suspension, etc., of employees of private institutions
Section 80:Appeal against orders of punishment imposed on employees of private institutions
Section 81:Appeal to Government
Section 82:Special provisions regarding appeal in certain past disciplinary cases
Section 83:Retrenchment of employees
Section 84:Pay and allowances of employees of private institutions to be paid in the prescribed manner
Section 84A:Penalties for contravention of this Chapter
Section 85:Welfare of employees and their code of conduct
Section 86:Conduct rules
Chapter XVI
Section 87:Penalties for contravention
Section 88:Offence by companies
Section 89:Appeals
Section 90:Power of revision by the Government
Section 91:Review
Section 92:Powers of Government to give directions
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Section 93:Delegation of powers
Section 94:Emergency powers of Director
Section 95:Power to enter and inspect
Section 96:Penalty for obstructing officer or other person exercising powers under this Act
Section 97:Protection of acts done in good faith
Section 98:Managers, employees etc., to be public servants
Section 99:Power of Government to make rules
Section 100:Exemption
Section 101:Repeals
Section 102:Power to remove difficulties.


1.Anganvadi and Balvadi comes under -Pre primary school [sec 2(32-A) A.P.E, Act]
2.Residential Institution Means – pupils resides in the premises of the Institution. [sec 2 (36). A.P.E Act]
3.Special Institutions called - School for physically Handicapped pupil. [sec 2(39)A.P.E Act]
4.Supervision Means -Profession Assessment of a Teacher. [sec 2 (42) APE Act]
5.Panchayat Sameethi Means – Sameethi of village representatives. [sec 2 (32) APE Act]
6.Zilla praja parishaed is constituted under – A.P.Z.P.P Act 1959.[SEC 2(48) APE Act]
7.AP zilla and Mandal Praja Parishaed act was passed – In the year 1959 and Amended in 1986.
8.Controlling Authority of District School and Institutions – DEO. [sec 4 (1) APE Act]
9.Chief Controlling Authority of School Administration in the state is – DSE[sec 3 (3) a APE Act]
10.The Board of Teacher’s Education is formed for – Advise the Govt. on Service Training .[sec 5 (2)]
11.Medical Checkup of the Student is done – Once in a year.
12.Main Objective of Secondary Education – To Impart General Education to Each Pupil. (sec 7 (4) )
13.Object of Language Teaching– Standard of proficient in the Language concern. [sec 7 (4) (b) (ii)]
14.Study of Social Science Helps the Students – Pass rulers of the State and country. [sec 7 (4) (b) (iv)]

15.Language formula Adopted in our State – Three Language formulas.

16.Media of Instruction available in Govt Schools – Mother tongue and English.

17.Board of Secondary Education is constituted as Per – APE Act of. [sec 5 (1) APE Act]
18.Syllabus for X Study is prepared by – Board of school Education. [sec IV (c) ssc scheme]
19.School Level Public Examination is conducted by – Board of Secondary Education.
20.Power to with –hold, reduce or withdraw the grant is laid vide.-Chapter VIII Section 46.
21.Account of Every grant in –Aid Institution is audited by –At end of Academic year.[sec 49 APE Act]
22.Under Which Act, Chapter and section constitution of Educational Services are Defined – Act 1982
Chapter XIII and [section 78 APE Act].
23.The employee and Teacher is placed under suspension vide – Act 1982 Chapter XIV [section 79 ]
24.After suspension the employee or a Teacher is given specific time for appeal –period of one month [sec-80].
25.Appointment of a Teacher is effected with – Prior approval of the Competent Authority. [sec-83]
26.Welfare and code of conduct rules for Teachers are framed in – Act 1982 Chapter XV [sec-85]
27.Ground for withdawl of Recognition – Denies Admission for pupil on the grounds of Religion
Caste, Race, Language, etc, [se-21(2) APE Act]
28.Educational agency means – Management of maintaining private Institutions [sec-2(17) APE Act]
29.General Education means – Every Branch of Education [sec-2(19) APE Act]
30.Grant in Aid means – Part of sum paid as aid to the Institution [sec-2(22) APE Act]
31.Gram Panchayat means – Village body constituted for local Administration [sec- 2(21) APE Act]
32.Local Authority means – Having Jurisdiction over local area. [sec 2(26) APE Act]
33.Minority Institutions are established under – Clause 1 Article 30 of the Indian Constitution [sec 2(29)]
34.Minority Institutions based on – Religion and Language [sec 2 (20) APE Act]
35.Pre Primary means – Prior to Primary Education [Sec 2 (32-1) APE Act]
36.The School Management means – Educational Agency [sec 2 (27) APE Act]
37.Study of Languages helps the students –Proficiency in languages and human culture [sec 7 (4) (b) (i)]
38.Accounts of grants in aid school is audited by – Account Officer, Education Department [sec 49]
39.Which Authority is competent to retrench a teacher from service – Appointing Authority [sec 83 ]
40.Adult Education Center is for – The Adult, who could not get regular school education. [sec 2 (4) ]
41.Under which rule the schools are admitted into the grant in Aid – Rule 42 Chapter VIII Act No.20 of 1988.
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42.Under which rule the primary education in A.P is declared to be free –As per sub section (6)
43.How the age of a child is computed for admission in a school? – Age computed in year completed by
the child on or before first day of the academic year [sec 16 APE Act]
44.Which rule the classification of institutions is done –Under chapter VI of AP Edn Act of 1982 [sec 19 ]
45.Under which Act the individual is prohibited to establish a school-- [sec 20-A APE Act]
46.Under which rule, recognition of a school is withdrawn? SEC 21 APER Chapter VI of Act 1987
47.If a school denies admission to a child to a child on grounds of religion, caste or language, what action is taken by the
authority? Withdrawal of recognition - [sec 2(b) APE Act]
48.Abhyudhaya prathamika vidhya samstha means –A registered society to promote education [sec 2 (2) ]
49.Approved Schools means – Pre Primary or Primary school under management of Govt, Local body or private
body [sec 2(6) APE Act]
50.Abhyudaya samithi is constituted as per -As panchayat samithi & ZP Act of 1969 [sec 2 (32) APE Act]
51.Pre Primary Schools means – Montessory Nursery & KG Education [sec 2 (32-A) APE Act]
52.Grama Panchayat is constituted as per – AP Grama Panchayat Act 1964. [sec 2 (21_ APE Act 1982]
53.Objective of established the board of secondary education – Advise the Govt to develop the
secondary education, conduct examination, etc., [sec 5 APE Act]
54.Where the Education fund of local authority is deposited? At Govt. Treasury –section 35 of Chapter VII
55.Under which rule Govt. can withdraw or with hold the grant? – Rule 46 of chapter VIII of grant in aid
56.How the surplus funds are utilized-For the development of institution only [sec 47(3) APE Act]
57.Under which rule authorities can inspect or order for an inquiring of the Institution? -Rule 50 of chapter IX of grant
in aid [sec 50, APE Act]
58.Under which rule education agency should furnish the returns of its Institutions? – Rule 51 of chapter IX of grant in
aid [sec 51 APE Act]
59.Time limit to submit review petition – 90 days [Rule 91 of chapter XVII]
60.Under which rule emergency powers are used by the directors-Rule 94 of chapter XVII of APPR -94
61.Under which rule the collection of capitation fee is prohibited – Rule 5 of Act No. of 1983.
62.The Education agency means – The school management [sec 2 (17) APE Act]
63.Under which section of A.P Edn Act 1982 the nomination of manager of private Institutions is done?
Section 24 [sec 24 (2) APE Act]

64.Now with standing anything in any other law for the time being in force, the education fund constituted under A.P

Edn Act shall kept. Separately [sec 35(2) APE Act]

65.According to A.P Edn Act 1982 any person aggrieved by an order passed by an officer or authority other than the
director he can appeal to – Appeal to Director within 30 days.
66.The expression “Registered School” shall means – A school recognized under section 21 [ sec 33-A]
67.Gram Panchayat means a Gram Panchayat Constituted under the – AP Gram Panchayat Act, 1964 [sec 2(21)]
68.What shall be the MPDO – Chief Executive Officer of Mandal Parishad [ Sec 167 APPR Act]
69.Under A.P primary Edn Act 1961&Rules there under whose duty is to cause the child to attend to school unless there
is a reasonable cause for non-attendance o child age group 6-11 years Guardian [sec 11]
70.Under which rule recognition of a school is withdrawn? Rule 21, APER chapter VI of Act 1987 [sec 21]
71.Cancellation of the Registration of a school for not fulfilling the condition is done under – section 33-D.
72.Registered Schools are recognized under Act of 1982 with – Chapter VI A.
73. Academic year means period of 12 months (starting from June month of the year).
74. Adult education means Education or Further Education of a person of more than nine years of age and who has not
attended any Education at any time before.
75. Approved school means any recognized school.
76. Educational Institution means Recognized school or a college.
77. Primary Education means I to VII
78. Secondary Education means VIII to X
79.computation of age of a child as Age completed by the child on or before -first day of Academic Year.
80.Classification of Institutions under -chapter VI of AP Education Act 1982.
81.As per which rule Directorcanuse Emergency Powers- Rule 94ofChapterXVIIofAPER1982.
82.Permission to the Schools will be granted under- Rule 8 of Act 1 of 1982.
S.NO Category Classes Working days
1 Primary I to V 220
2 Primary with I to VII(UP) I to VII 220
3 Secondary Schools(HS) VI to X 220
4 Night primary Schools I to VII 300
5 Non-Formal education centers. -------- 180
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GOT -88 Analysis Chart Based on Previous Papers



1. Average daily attendance of pupil for sanctioning of Teaching grant45 pupil (VI to VIII).
2. Average daily attendance of pupil for sanctioning of Teaching grant60 pupil (IX to X).
3. Application for Aid to submit in Appendix-A to RJDSE.
4. Financial statement has to submit by Aided institution to RJDSE before 1 May (Appendix-E).
5. Grants must be drawn on bill preparation and with counter sign of DEO.
6. Accounts of Grant-In-Aid institutions were audited by Accounts officer ,Education department.
7. A Grant-In-Aid school prior to 1.4.1977 is permitted for additional sections as per G.O.M.S.NO:344
8. Girls schools opened after 1.4.1977,applied for grant should have minimum period of Existence 3 years.
9. Grant-In-Aid to boys schools applied for grant should have minimum period of existence 5 years.
10. Schools admitted to Grant-In-Aid under rule 42 of chapter VIII of Act no.20 of 1988.
11. Payment of Grant to private institutions as per A.P. Act no.22 of 1988.
12. Under ....rule Government can with draw or with hold the grant –46 of chapter VIII of Grant In Aid.
13. Surplus funds of institutions are utilized for Development of institution.
14. Authorities can inspect or order for an Enquiry on the institution as per Rule 50 of chapter –IX
15. The education agency should furnish the returns of its institution under the rule 51 of chapter IX of
16. Under article 7 of GIA management can be changed by Director.
17. Grant-In-Aid can be withdrawn as a pending under Article 13 of GIA.
18. Payment of grant due for the next year shall be worked out on the basis of paybill for the month of
September bill on October.
19.Rule 20 of Chapter II:A member of the staff of any Institutionreceiving Grant from the Government shall not
permitted to stand as a candidate in the election.
20.Who will relax the Rule of Average daily attendance to Sanction the grant in aid to the Institutions Regional
Dy.Director.(Rule 22 of Chapter-III)
21.An Institution shall not ordinarily eligible for the full grant if Previous working days of the school are 220
School days or 1200 hours.(Rule 23 of Chapter III).
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22.Scale of pay of Teaching and Mon teaching staff in the GIA school shall not less than the Scales prescribed
by the Government as per Rule 25 of Chapter III.
23.Application for the Grant in aid to a school for first time has to submit to Regional Dy.Director through DEO.
24.Application for the Aid to a School submit in Appendix-A before 1st July.
25.GIA schools has to submit financial statement to Regional Dy.Director through DEO.
26.GIA School has to submit financial statement in Appendix-E.
27.GIA schools have to submit financial statement every year before 1st May.
28.Grants may be drawn on a bill prepared in the prescribed form Appendix-F.
29.Application to the Aid to a school Should submit to the Director not later than 1st August.
30.Application to for Admission to to aid on behalf of Training school shall be submit in Appendix-B.
31.Hindividyalaya's should work 180 days to eligible for the Grant in Aid.
32.Hindividyalaya's should have an average daily attendance not less than 25 to receive the Grant.

1.A,B,C Registers -Rule 43

2.Academic year -Rule 19(SR 2)
3.Academic year beginning -June or July month.
4.Academic year is divided in to -2
5.Short term in a Academic year -Reopening to December.
6.Long term a Academic year-January To Closure.
7.A.E.R Rules 282 To 290:Adult Education centres.
8.Rulev371:Adult School Teachers certificate.
9.Rule 68(I),(-II):Advisory Committee.
10.Case sheet Record was maintained by Headmaster.
11.Rules 99 To 204: Case sheet Record maintenance.
12.Rule 273 & 274: certificate Course intended for experienced Trained Graduates and L.P's ,Minho's
13.DEO office can be inspected by RJDSE
14.A.E.R rule 345(I): Every person who passed B.ED and Employed in recognised School shall apply for


Collegiate Teachers certificate.
15.Corporal punishment Register was maintained by Headmaster.

16.Prohibition of corporal punishments in all schools from G.O.Ms.No:16,Dt:18.02.2002 Rule39 &122(2)
17.As per Rule 40 Place Required for Each student in elementary School 9 1/2 square meters .
18.As per Rule 77 Number of periods allowed to each teacher in High school minimum of 24 periods .
19.As per Rule 77 Headmaster of a high school must deal at least 8 periods in a week.
20.Expulsion means A form of punishment to the student because of Bad behavior.
21.Expulsion was discussed in A.E.R 122(3),337.
22.As per which imposition of Fines on schools can be implemented Rule 203.
23.HindiVidyalaya's are discussed in A.E.R 275 to 281.
24.Every full time School should work a minimum of 5 hours per day.
25.Every part time School should work a minimum of 2 hours per day.
26.A.E.R 134 to 135 related to Holidays.
27.Every school should work a minimum of 220 days per a year.
28.Long vacation 6 weeks.
29.Short vacation not exceeding 12 days.
30.Rule 291 deals Integrated Secondary Education course.
31.Integrated Secondary Education course us intended for Illiterate women whose age is between 18 years to 35 years.
32.As per Rule 89 Every school should provide a library.
33.Log book is maintained by High school Headmaster as per Rule A.E.R 123.
34.The managers of Private School managements should be Literate as per Rule 55
35.A.E.R Rule 42(d): Discussion of Night Primary schools.
36.The night Primary Schools should run 300 days in a year.
37.Duration of Night Primary Schools in a day is 2 hours.
38.Who will Recommend the Night Primary Schools to start in ... Inspecting officer Concerned.
39.A.E.R 78:The optimum strength of a class or Section of class should be 40 Pupils.
40.Maximum Number of students can admitted by Headmaster in any class:55
41.A.E.R 400 to 407: Discussion of Orphan and Boarding schools.
42.Rule 9(B): Discussion of Oriental Secondary schools.
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43.Oriental Secondary schools may contain VI to X.
44.Oriental Secondary schools were inspected by Inspecting Officer of Oriental Schools.
45.A.E.R 256 to 264:Pandits Training.
46.To complete the Pandits Training the candidates must have an attendance of 75%. Basic schools Consists of IV to X .
48.A.E.R 7& 143: Discussion of post Basic schools.
49.A.E.R 265 to 272: pre basic Teachers Training.
50.Eligibility of pre-basic Teachers Training S.S .L.C of H.S.C or Matriculation.
51.Rule: Any Teacher or Headmaster should not Work or run Private Schhols.
52.Rule 166: A recognised School shall not open a class either higher or Lower than those type they got
53.A.E.R 45 To 46(J,k): Discussion of Record sheets.
54Record sheets have to issue only by Elementary schools.
55.Fee has to collect to issue Original Record sheet is 50 paise.
56.Fee has to collect to issue Duplicate record sheet is Rs.1 (Rule-45).
57.A.E.R 132& 337: Discussion of Rustication.
58.Rustication means Debarring of a student for a particular Period.
59.EveryRecognised school must take Sanitary Certificate.
60A ll the schools must follow School Academic Calander.
61.A.E.R 42:Every Should work at least 5 hours a day.
62.Every school should run 3 1/2 Hours in shift system per a day.
63.Adult Education centres should run at least 1 1/2 hours per a day.
64.A.E.R 42(2): Special Night Schhols.
65.A.E.R 68: Staff council.
66.Staff Council was Constituted by Inspecting officer.
67.President of Staff Council is Headmaster .
68.Members of Staff Council are 5 To 11 members.
69.As per A.E.R 77 In High schools where there is heavy Strength exceeding 750,Senior Most School
70Assistant designated as Assistant Headmaster.

71.Rule 155:No Teachers will not permitted to take leave with out the permission from the Superior Officer.

72.A.E.R 232: Discussion of Teacher Training institutions.

73.A.E.R 147: Maintenance of Teachers Services Registers.
74.A.E.R 355: Technical Teachers certificate Examination.
75.A.E.R 99 to 101:Transfer Certificate.
76.Application For T.C shall be Made in writing by the parent or guardian of the Pupil.
77.A.E.R 99:The Student from a Recognized school joining another Recognised School has to produce T.C
78.A.E.R 133: Miscellaneous Holidays.
79.A.E.R 134 to 135: Vacation.
80.A.E.R 112:Issue of Duplicate T.C.
81.A.E.R 103: Charge of T.C
82.A.E.R 203:Fines imposed on Teachers.
83.A.E.R 71:A newly opened Local body Secondary school has to obtain Concurrence.
84.A.E.R 12(a): Maximum leave period sanction to Play the Pupil of Primary School on sickness is 1 month.
85.A.E.R 41: Prescribed age to Admission of Children into the School :5+ years.
86.A.E.R 21: Recognition of a school can be withdrawn.
87.A.E.R 5 of Act 5 of 1983: Collection of Capitation fee was prohibited.
88.A.E.R 17: Men Teachers can be appointed in Girls High schools whose age is 45 years.
89.A.E.R 46(F):Age required to Admit in to VI class is 10+ years.
90.Rule 1: Elementary schools Consists of I to V.
91.Special fee for VI to X classes:Rs.20.
92.Play ground Required for UP schools is 2 Acres.

1. T.P.F means Teachers provident Fund.

2. T.P.F was contributed by Both management of the school and Government (Rule-4).
3. T.P.F scheme come in to force from 01-04-1923.
4. T.P.F has to contribute at Local post office (Rule-6).
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5. Recorded evidence for T.P.F is post office savings Bank pass book.(Rule-6).
6. Minimum service required for T.P.F is 1 year (Rule-2).
7. Control on T.P.F rest with the DEO (Rlue-5).
8. Management has to maintain registers regarding T.P.F as per Rule-7.
9. Interest on deposits will be paid on T.P.F as per Rule-8.
10. With drawl of deposits can be done as per Rule – 10.
11. T.P.F with drawl permitted on Death or after Retirement. (Rule-10).
12. When a subscriber of T.P.F was died/disabled ,he shall receive all the deposits sanctioned by DEO.
13. With drawl of advances of T.P.F can be done as per Rule-11.
14. The advances sanctioned by DEO’S not exceed 3 months pay of the Employee.
15. Advances will be given in T.P.F scheme in case of Marriages, for funeral charges,ceremonies.
16. Repayment of advances has to complete in not more than 24 equal monthly investments.
17. With drawl from the fund towards marriage expenses of son’s or Daughter were not more than 6
months of his basic pay.
18. Authority to sanction to part of final with drawl from T.P.F is DEO.
19. On which grounds with drawls are permitted before retirement Marriage or Medical grounds.

1. General Education means Every branch of Education.

2. Panchayat education fund maintained by Panchayat Education committee.
3. Mandal Education fund maintained by Mandal Education Committee.
4. Controlling authority of school administration in the state DSE.
5. Constitution of SMC as per sub sec (1) 0f sec 5 of the Act-1988.
6. Constitution of Mandal Education committee as per sec 9 0f the Act 13 of 1988.
7. Constitution of District Education committee as per sec 13 0fthe Act 13 of 1988.
8. Constitution of Parent Teacher Association as per sub sec (3) 0f sec 4 of the Act-1988.

9. Registration authority for PTA is MEO.

10. Member ship in PTA is not less than Rs.1.

11. Receipt form of member ship fee in PTA is Form –IV.
12. School management means Educational agency.
13. SMDC means – School management Development committee.
14. Collected Fee in PTA from parents to deposit immediately in Scheduled bank or Post office
15. Fee for membership for members of PTA primary schools –Rs .1
16. Fee for membership for members of PTA Upper primary schools –Rs .2.
17. Fee for membership for members of PTA High schools –Rs .10
18. Fee for membership for members of PTA Colleges –Rs .10.

S.NO Committee name Chairman Vice chairman Convenor Term

1 Panchayat Education committee Sarpunch Headmaster 2 years
2 Mandal education committee MPP MPDO MEO 2 years
3 District education committee Z.P Chairman Z.P CEO DEO 2 years
4 District education board Collector DEO 2 years
5 State advisory board Minister of Primary education C&DSE 3 years
6 Parent Teacher Association parent(President) One of parent Headmaster 1 year
7 School management committee Sarpuch SMC Member Headmaster 2 years
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1. Main aim of inspection Assessment of progress of pupil.
2. Inspection Team members 5
3. School means All kinds of educational institutions up to Secondary Education.
4. Government institution means Educational institution functioning under government.
5. Supervision means professional assessment of a teacher.
6. Controlling authority of district schools and institutions is DEO.
7. Chief controlling authority on school administration in the state DSE.
8. Educational Institution means Recognized school or a college.
9. Educational agency means School management.
10. Inspecting officer means the authority who is competent to make or order inspection.
11. Appellate authority means The authority who is competent to entertain and settle the appeals.
12. Competent authority means The authority who is competent to make orders or inspection reviews.
13. Primary and upper primary schools in urban areas inspected by Dy.eo.
14.MEO office was inspected by Dy.eo and DEO office was inspected by RJDSE.
15.Compensation Casual Leaves :Art 16(Rule)-Inspection Code.
16.Maximum No of CCL's can an Employee use in a year 10 days.
17.Daily order Book:Rule 114-Ap Inspection Code.
18.Destruction of Records:Article 73-Ap inspection Code.
19.Grants were Discussed in Art 53&102 -Ap inspection Code.


20.Every School has to maintain Inspection Book Art 121-Ap inspection Code.

21.Inspection Conference means - A meeting with all the staff after the completion of Inspection :Art 109-
Ap inspection Code.
22.Leave other than Casual leave-Art 13-Ap inspection Code.
23.Office Calander:Art 61-Ap inspection Code.
24.Office Calander shall be drawn up in January each year.
25.Office Journal :Art 68& 69 Ap inspection Code.
26.Office Journal will be maintained by Inspecting officer.
27.Office Journal Contains all the movements of Inspecting Officers.
28.Office Routine:Art 66 Ap inspection Code.
29.Parents Association:Art 119 Ap inspection Code.
30.Permanent Advances:Art 80 Ap inspection Code.
31.Permanent Advances will give to a Government Servant to meet unforeseen expenditure urgently.
32.Personal Files has to maintained by Inspecting Officers:Art 21 Ap inspection Code.
33.Play Day or Play Festivals has to Conduct in Elementary Schools:Art 120 Ap inspection Code.
34.Pocket Book contains facts and figures relating to Educational Institutions has to maintain by Inspecting
Officers:Art 50 and 119 of Ap inspection Code.
35.All the Inspecting Officers has to submit the Return of Un-Answered References to the Director by 15th
day of First month of Each Quarter:Art 67 Ap inspection Code
36.School less Centrers means The place where there is no school within 1 kilometer to the age group of 6-
11:Art 69 Inspection Code.37.The Service Registers should be verified annualy in the First month of March
by Head of the office :Art 39 inspection Code.
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38.Usage of Special Casual leave :Art 17 inspection Code.
39.Surprise Visits :Art 124 inspection Code.
40.Teachers Associations ,Teachers Training Centres -Art 87 inspection Code.
41.Teachers Certificate:Art 38 inspection Code.
42.Teachers Service Registers:Art 39 inspection Code.
43.Tone of official Communications:Art 65 inspection Code.
44.Tour programme of the Inspecting Officers:Art 86 inspection Code.

S.NO Category of the school Inspecting Authority Appellate Authority

1 Pre-primary , Primary , UP, Night primary and Mandal Educational Officer District Educational Officer
Night UP
2 Z.P High schools , Govt /non Govt High schools Dy.EO District Educational Officer
and pre vocational Training centers
3 Urdu medium schools Special officer (Urdu) District Educational Officer
4 Oriental schools(Primary,UP and High schools) Special officer (Oriental ) DEO or deputy director of
Oriental schools.
5 Hindi Pathasala, Pracharak, Shikshak and Hindi Hindi Educational officer District Educational Officer
6 High schools attached to colleges District Educational Officer RJDSE
7 Teacher Training centers(DIET) RJDSE JDSE
8 Colleges of Education(B.ED) RJDSE or Joint director of School Director of school Education
9 Colleges of physical education RJDSE or Joint director of School Director of school Education
10 English language Teaching centers Special officer Director of school Education
11 Govt comprehensive colleges of education RJDSE or Joint director of School Government
,Govt or non Govt colleges of educations with Education


12 Junior colleges Director of Higher education Director of Higher education

13 Degree colleges Director of Higher education Government
14 P.G colleges Not below the rank of Dy. Government
Director of higher education
15 Junior colleges under AP.R.E.I.S Not below the rank of Dy. Secretary ,AP.R.E.I.S
Director of higher education
16 Schools under AP.R.E.I.S District Educational Officer Secretary ,AP.R.E.I.S
17 Junior & Degree colleges(AP.S.W.R.E.S) Not below the rank of Dy. Chairman of ,AP.S.W.R.E.S
Director of higher education
18 Schools managed by AP.S.W.R.E.S District Educational Officer Secretary AP.S.W.R.E.S
19 Tribal Welfare schools DEO or any officer announced by Director of tribal walfare


1. The A.P.E.R-1988 were released as per …. G.O.M.S.NO:524, dt:20-12-1988
2. Educational agency means School management.
3. Form means Relevant form prescribed for specific purposes.
4. Local body means Village panchayat, Mandalparishad,Zillaparishad, Municipal council and Municipal
5. Appellate authority means The authority who is competent to entertain and settle the appeals.
6.Reviewing authority means The authority who is competent to review the inspection reports.
7.Inspecting officer means The authority who is competent to make or order inspection.
8. Pre-primary school: Nursery, Kinder Garden ,Anganwadi and Balwadi (3 to 5 years age)
9. Primary school: I to V (5 age).
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10.Upper Primary school: I to VII
11. Secondary or High schools: VI to X
12. Oriental schools(Sanskrit,Arabic,Persian):Up to X
13. Hindi Pathasala’s: Prathamika to Rastrabasha.
14. Hindi vidyala’s: Prathamika to Praveena.
15. Inspection panel was constituted by DEO/Dy.EO.
16. Inspection panel inspects theHigh schools and High schools attached to Junior colleges.
17. Main aim of Inspection panel is Academic supervision and guidance to the teachers.
18. Inspection panel consists of 5 members.
19. The members of inspection panel are with High school HM&10 years of experienced subject teachers.
20. Minimum dimensions of a class room of Primary schools –15 x 21 feet or 16 x 20 feet.
21. Minimum dimensions of a class room of upper Primary schools – 15 x 21 feet or 16 x 20 feet.
22. Minimum dimensions of a class room of High schools – 22 x 24 feet.
23. Teacher have to teach a minimum of ……. Periods for a week24
24. Higher Secondary schools – IX to Intermediate.

S.NO Category Of the school PermissionAuthority Appellate Authority

1 Pre-primary, primary DEO RJDSE
2 Upper primary(All media) RJDSE DSE
3 Oriental schools RJDSE DSE
4 Hindi Pathasala’s RJDSE DSE
5 Secondary Schools(HS) DSE Government
6 Hindi vidyala’s DSE Government

S.NO Category of the school Recognition Authority

1 Pre-primary, primary DEO
2 Upper primary(All media) DEO
3 Oriental schools DEO
4 Hindi Pathasala’s DEO


5 Secondary Schools(HS) RJDSE

6 Hindi vidyala’s RJDSE

Andhra Pradesh Educational Institutions Rules, 1993

Rule 1. Short title
Pre primary schools :Nursery, Kindergarten, Montessory Schools.Children 3 to 5 years
Primary Schools: I to V
Upper Primary Schools :I to VII;
Secondary Schools (High School):VI to X.
Oriental Schools:Equivalent to Secondary schools teach in Sanskrit, Arabic Mediums
Hindi Pathasalas:Prathamika to Rashtrabhasha examinations in Hindi language.
Sanskrit Pathasalas:Sanskrit entrance examination conducted by the Board of Secondary Education
Hindi Vidyalayas:Hindi language up to the standard equivalent to X class (Prathamika to Praveena).
Special Schools :Education to handicapped children/persons up to X level.
Rule 2. Definitions:
"Educational agency" means the Society/Trust/Association including Endowment Board/Wakf Board and
Christian Mission
"Minority Educational Institution" means any educational agency of which at least 2/3rd members belong to a
religious/linguistic minority .
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Rule 3. Competent Authorities:
Category of Schools Competent Authority
Pre-Primary, Primary and Upper Primary Schools
Oriental Schools, Hindi Pathasalas, Hindi Vidyalayas, Sanskrit Pathasalas and District Educational Officer
Special Schools.

Secondary Schools. Government

Rule 4. Criteria for Establishment of Schools:
(i) for pre-primary/primary schools, the village or an area having a population of 200 and above; and a radius of 1 km from the
proposed location.
(ii) for upper-primary school, the village or an area having a population of 200 and above; and a radius of 2 km from such
village/Habitation. In urban areas, it shall be 2 kms from the proposed location.
(iii) for High School, the village or an area having a population of 200 and above and a radius of 5 kms from such village/area. In
urban areas, it shall be 5 kms from the proposed location.]
Rule 5. Requirements for Establishing of a New School or Up-gradation of the Existing School:- Every
educational agency desirous of opening a school or upgrading the existing school shall -
(1) deposit by way of national saving certificate or Kisan Vikas Patra and pledge with the District Educational
Officer concerned towards endowment fund as follows:
(i) Pre-Primary School, Primary School, Upper Primary School, Oriental School, Hindi Pathasalas, Sanskrit
Pathasalas, Hindi Vidyalayas, Special Schools..Rs. 25,000/ (ii) Secondary Schools...Rs. 50,000/-
Note:Endowment fund may be utilized after obtaining prior permission of the competent authority for the
purpose of purchase of furniture, material and equipment required for the school.
*Approximately 6-8 Sq.ft area required per pupil.
*The Primary, Upper Primary and Secondary schools in rural and urban areas shall have minimum play ground


facility of 2000 Sq.m. and 1000 Sq.m. respectively annexed to the school.

Rule 6. Application for permission for Establishment of New Schools or Up-gradation of Existing
Schools: -
(1) The application seeking permission for establishment of a new school or up-gradation of the existing school
shall be submitted to the competent authority on or before the 31st October of the preceding academic year
S.No Date of submission of application LateFee
1 Before 30th November of preceding academic year Rs.10,000
2 Before 31st December of preceding academic year Rs.20,000
3 Before 31st January of preceding academic year Rs.30,000
4 Before 28/29th February of preceding academic year Rs.40,000
5 Before 31st March of preceding academic year Rs.50,000
6 Before 3oth April of preceding academic year Rs.60,000

Category of School Application fee

(i) Pre-Primary, primary Schools and Upper Primary Schools,
Oriental Schools (all classes in all languages), Hindi
Pathasalas (All classes), Hindi Vidyalayas (all Classes),
Sanskrit Pathasalas, Special Schools. Rs. 1,000
(ii) Secondary Schools (High Schools) Rs. 2,000
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Rule 7. Scrutiny and Grant of Permission: - (1) On receipt of an application, the competent authority shall
cause such verification of the proposal as is necessary and shall communicate the decision thereof by 1.
Substituted for "by the 31st January" by G.O.Ms. No. 99, Education (PS-2), dated 16-8-2001.[within the period
of three (3) months from the date of receipt of the application].
Rule 8. Validity of Permission:Permisiion valid only up to the end of July of every year.
Rule 9. Recognition:Application for recognition in Form III shall be submitted by the educational agency to
the competent authority before the 31st July of the year in which the permission has been granted under rule 7,
(3) On receipt of applications the competent authority shall make or cause such verification as is necessary and
shall communicate a decision within three months.
(4) Grant of recognition shall be in Form IV;
(5) Recognition shall be valid for a period of ten academic years. The educational agency shall, before expiry
of recognition, seek renewal.
(6) The renewal of recognition shall be guided by the same principles as are applicable to grant of original
recognition. The fee for the renewal shall be [Rs.5,000/-] in respect of Secondary schools and [Rs.2,500/-] in
respect of all other schools.
Rule 10. Conditions governing Permission/Recognition.
Rule 11. Withdrawal of Permission and/or Recognition: - Permission and/ or Recognition, granted under
these rules is liable for withdrawal by the competent authority for violation of these rules.
Provided that the educational agency shall be given an opportunity of making representation on the proposed
action by competent authority.
Rule 12. Appointment of Staff.
Rule 13. Staff Selection Committee.
Rule 14. Admission of children to the schools: No school shall admit child to Class I unless he/she has

completed 5 years of age on the first day of academic year as defined in Section 16 of the Act.

Rule 15. Constitution of the Governing Body:Every School, whether aided or un aided shall constitute a

Governing Body to discharge the functions laid down in rule 16.
The Governing Body shall have the following:
(i) President of the educational agency;
(ii) Secretary/Correspondent/Manager of the educational agency;
(iii) Head Master/Principal of the School;
(iv) One Representative of teaching staff to be chosen from among themselves;
(v) President of the Parent-teachers' Association constituted under the provisions of G.O.Ms.No. 246,
Education, dated the 17th February, 1987;
(vi) Vice President of Parents teachers Association]
*The quorum for the meetings shall be 4;
*The Governing Body will meet at least 3 times in an Academic Year.
*The first meeting shall be held within one week after the commencement of the academic year
*The second meeting shall be held about one or two months after the last date fixed for the admission of
students, by which time the financial position of the institution will be clear .
*The third meeting shall be held at any time before the end of February to ascertain how far the decisions taken
in the 2nd meeting have been implemented and to advise the management on the corrective measures for the
improvement in the functioning of the institution.
Rule 16. Functions of the Governing Body
Rule 17. Criteria and Procedure for fixing salary structure for the Staff:
*Approximately 50% of the total revenue collection as fee from student shall be earmarked for payment
salaries to the staff and 15% of the revenue shall be earmarked for providing various benefits like Teacher's
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Provident Fund, Group Insurance etc.
Rule 18. Criteria for fixing fee structure and allocation of revenue earned as fee:
*5% of the fees collected shall be earmarked as personal income to the management;
*15% of the fees collected shall be utilised for the maintenance of the institutions towards expenditure.
*15% of the fees collected shall be earmarked for the developmental activities of the institution .
*50% of the fees collected shall be earmarked towards payment of salaries to the staff;
*15% of the fees collected shall be earmarked as management's contribution towards staff benefits like gratuity,
teachers provident fund, Group Insurance Scheme etc..
Rule 19. Disciplinary Control: -
Rule 20. Submission of Annual Administration Report by the Educational Agency: - The educational
agency shall submit the annual administration report in the prescribed proforma to the competent authority for
every financial year by the 30th September at the latest. Such report shall be supported by the audited statement
of accounts of the school duly audited by Chartered Accountants. Separate accounts shall be maintained for
each school.
Rule 21. Powers to relax Rules: - The Government may relax any of the provisions in these rules involving
any undue hardship to any educational agency or in public interest.
Form I:Application for Grant of Permission for Establishment of New Schools/Up-gradation of Existing
Form II:Proforma for Granting of Permission for Establishment of New Schools/Up-gradation of the Existing
Schools Under Private Managements
Form III:Application for Grant of Recognition
Form IV:Proforma for Grant of Recognition of Schools Started/Upgraded

PlayGround:Required for Primary/UP/Secondary schools in Rural Areas:2000Sq.m,In Urban Areas-


School Primary schools Minimum Open Upper primary& High Schools Minimum
Enrolmet Space Required for Play Ground Open Space required for Play Ground
Upto200 500sq,mts 700sq.mts
201-300 600sq,mts 800sq.mts
301-400 800sq.mts 1000sqmts
401-500 1000sq,mts 1200sq.mts.
501-600 1200sq.mts 1400sq,mts
601-700 1400sq,mts 1600sq,mts
701-800 1600sq,mts 1800sq,mts
801-900 1800Sq.mts 2000sq.mts
901-1000 2000sq.mts 2200sq.mts
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ll Building Construction Rules




1.The Logbook is maintained by Headmaster.
2.Objective of Badi pilustondi Compulsory enroll of 6 to 14 years children.
3.The subject helps the student to know the knowledge of Heritage, Culture and Human behavior Social Studies.
4.Objective of language teaching in the School Standard proficiency in the language.
5.Language formula adopted in our State Three language formula.
6.Counter sign required on T.C (other Countries)- DEO.
7.Counter sign required on T.C (within the Countries)- Dy.Eo
8.Counter sign required on T.C (Other Districts)-HM or MEO
9.Super animation means Completion of Maximum service limited by Government .
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60 years of super annuation to the teachers was effected from 1.6.2014.
10.The Certificate which is authentic record of the Date of Birth is SSC.
11.Competent Authority to correct the Date of Birth in SSC Certificate DEO.
12.Service means Civil service of the state , Subordinate service (APPSC).
13.Uniform is meant for the removal of Un equal feelings among the students.
14.Boys of ......age should not be admitted into Girls schools above 12 years.
15.Co education means institution for both Boys and Girls.
16.Non detention System was in force from 27.11.1971 (Go.1781).
17.Minimum periods has to deal by a teacher for a week 24.
18.The Maximum period of Leave grant to a student on Sickness 1month.
19.Admission into primary Schools through Record sheet.
20.The competent Authority for forwarding pension proposals for High school teachers- Headmaster.
21.The competent Authority for forwarding pension 22.proposals for High school Headmasters Dy.Eo
23.The competent Authority for forwarding pension proposals for Primary and UP school teachers-MEO.
24.The competent Authority for forwarding pension proposals for MEO's - DEO.
25.Pension of Teachers was authorized by Accountant General.
26.Minimum Age required for the post of Vidya volunteer 18 years.
27.Catalogue of books in the School library shout be kept up to date. Annualy.
28.Age limit for Direct Recruitment (APPSC) - 39 years(G.O.336,dt:4.7.2009).
29.Zilla parishad's are constituted under A.P Z.P Act 1999.
30.AP Z.P and M.P Acts was passed on 1959.
31.Number of Government IASE's are functioning 2
33.Number of Government IET's(DIET) are functioning in AP - 23
33.Number of Government IET's(DIET) in are functioning residual AP - 13
34.Number of Government C.T.E's(B.ed) are functioning in AP - 8

35.Number of Government C.T.E's(B.ed) are functioning in Residual AP - 3

36.Men Teachers will be admitted to Girls High schools after attaining the age of. 45 (Rule 17,AP.E.R ).

37.Duplicate Record sheet will be issued on taking Rs 100 under Rule 45 of AP.E.R
38.Admission fee for joining in to the schools Rs.1
39.Special fee has to pay by each of High Schools. Rs.20
40.Competent Authority to Announce Minority status to UP schools-DSE.
41.Permission to run shift schools was given by DEO.
42.Minority Institutions were based on Language and Religion.
43.Anganwadi and Balwadi were comes under pre-primary.
44.The schools where the children resides in the premises of the Schools were called as Residential Schools.
45.The Schools for specific Religion are called Minority Institutions
46.Main objective of primary education is To provide writing and reading skills to pupil.
47.Head of the Institution Headmaster.
48.Head of the Office- DEO.
49.Head of the Department- DSE.
50.Media of Instruction available in Government schools of AP Mother tongue and English.
51.Number of subjects has to taught at Primary level 4
52. Number of subjects has to taught at Upper Primary level 5.
53. Number of subjects has to taught at High School level 6.
54.State level Examinations in AP are conducting by BSE.
55.When a school is denied a student admission on the basis of Caste or Religion then action taken by the Government is
with drawl of Recognition.
56.Minimum students required to Establish a new school- 20
57.The Governering boy of private management should meet at least 3 times in a academic year.
58.Avarage daily attendant required to sanction another section to a school is 50.
59.Pattern of AP education 10+2+3
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60.HM or MEO has to given cadre strength Certificate to Official Authorities before 1st september of every Year.
61.Fee has pay by Student for TC is Rs.1(APER -112)
62.Fee has to pay by Student for duplicate TC is Rs.1(APER-112)
63.VII Th class common Examination system was abolished from 2008 onwards.
64.Chapter VI of AP education Act 1982 says Classification of Institutions.
65.Chapter VIII of AP education Act 1982 tell us about Grant-in-Aid.
66.Recognition of a school can be with drawn as per Rule 20 of APER Act 1982.
67.Educational services are made under sec 78 of chapter XIII of Act 1982.
68.The Employee or a Teacher can be made under Suspension as per Chapter XIV sec 79 of Act 1982.
69.Collection of Capitation fee is prohibited under Sec 3 of Act 5 of 1983.
70.Grampanchayat Schools were established under Article 30 of Indian Constitution.
71.Terms in an Academic year 2
72.Short term means Reopening to December.
73.Long term means January to Long vacation (summer).
74.DFRC Means District Fee Regulatory Committee.
75.DFRC Chairman Collector
76.Member convenor of DFRC - DEO.
77.Fee structure to Recognized private Schools will decided by DFRC.
78.The fee structure decided by DFRC will valid upto 3 years.

79.The prescribed Fee for Admission in to VI class - Rs.3

80.Minimum attendance required for Primary School children -80%.

81.Minimum attendance required for Secondary schools children- 90%.
82.Headmaster can condone an attendance upto 10%
83.After HM,DEO can condone an attendance upto 5%.
84.Old name of DSE - Director of Public Institutions (DPI).
85.Chairman of DCEB - DEO.
86.Secretary of DCEB Senior - Headmaster.
87.GIS scheme for AP government Employees was implemented from 1984.
88.Service Registers of primary and UP schools Teachers were maintained by MEO.
89.Service Registers of High schools Teachers were maintained by Hugh school - Headmaster.
90.Service Register of High school Headmaster was maintained by Dy.Eo.
91.Board of Teacher Education was formed to advise the Government and to Recommend In- service Training to the Teachers.
92.Time period given to a suspended Teacher to appeal period of - 30 days.
93.The Authority is competent to retrench fom service Appointing Authority.
94.The rule , Code ofconduct rules for Teachers were formed under Sec 85 ,chapter XV of Act 1982.
95.Chairman of SSC board DSE.
96.Every school Should have a separate Library and reading.
97.Syllabus for School Education is prepared by SCERT.
98.As per which rule Primary Eduw in Andhrapradesh was declared as free Sub sec(6) of sec 9 of APER,1959.
99.under which rule the individual is prohibited to Establish a school Rule 20 of chapter VI of AP Education Act.
100.Grampanchayat means A Local body of a village.
101.Grampanchayat's are constituted under Grampanchayat Act 1964.
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102.Education fund Audited by officer appointed by Government and Local fund Authority.
103:Time limit to submit Review petition 90 days (Rule 91).
104:Collection of capitation Fee is prohibited as per Rule 5 of Act 5 of 1983.
105:A Teacher Shall not be on probation for more than 24 Months.
106.Name of the pupil shall be struck off from School Roll if pupil is absent him self with out leave more than 1 month.
107.Total working days to be calculated in a year for special Schools as per APER 300 days.
108.For TC who have to submit a letterto Headmaster behalf of student Parent of the Pupil.
109:Vacation means Holidays which Exceeds 14 days.
110.Non-Detention means The system which have no Common exams from I to X.
111.APER means Andhra Pradesh educational Rules.
112.T.P.F means Teacher Provident Fund.
113.TET means Teacher Eligibility Test.
114.PSTE is a Branch of DIET.
115.competent Authority to grant Recognition for Teacher Training Institutions NCTE.
116.The competent Authority to sanction half pay leave of a primary school Teacher :MEO.
117.As per the RTE Syllabus for the state Developed by SCERT.
118.Board of Secondary Education of Andhra Pradesh' also known as the Directorate of Government Examinations.
119.DGE was Established in 1953
120.Retirement Age of Teachers under All managements in AP state is 60 years.
121.The Age group prescribed under Akshara Sankranthi 5-14 years.
122.Financial support up to VIII class is from RVM(SSA).
123.Mid day Meal program in India was implet from 2004.
124.Number of Government Colleges of Physical Education are functioning in Andhrapradesh state 5
125.Number of Government Colleges of Physical Education are functioning in Residual Andhrapradesh 3.



GOT -97 Analysis Chart Based on Previous Papers

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AP Panchayat Raj Act 1994
1. Sarpanch Section 25
2. Grama panchayat Section 46
3. Emergency Power of Sarpanch Section 33
4. Mandal Parishad Section 161
5. President and Vice-president of Mandal parishad Section 165
6. Mandal Parishad development officer Section 167
7. C.E.O of Zilla Parishad Section 186
8. Zilla parishad Section 192
9. Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Zilla Parishad Section 193
10. Andhra Pradesh Election Commissioner for Local Bodies Section 201
11. Powers and functions of Gram Panchayats and Mandal Parishads Section 242-I
12. Emergency powers District Collector were discussed under Section 59
13. Executive Authority of Gramapanchayat Section 31
14. Powers of inspecting and superintending Officers and of the Government Section 44
15. Power and Functions of Finance commission Section 241


1. Gramapanchayat Section 4
2. Functional committies Section 40(2)
3. Mandal parishads Section 148(1)
4. Zilla parishads Section 177
5. AP Election commission for Local bodies Section 200
6. Finance commission Section 235



1.C.E.O means Chief Executive Officer
2.Budget of Z.P.P was submitted by C.E.O through chairperson (sec 199,A.P.P.R Act-1994)
3.Appoiniting authority of C.E.O of Z.P.P is Government of A.P.
4.Every CEO is liable to be transferred by Government under Sec 186(2).
5.Cheif Executive authority of Z.P.P is C.E.O of Z.P.P(sec 186).
6.Head of the office of Z.P is CEO.
7.C.E.O of Mandal Praja Parishad is M.P.D.O
8.As per APPR 1994 chief means Chief Executive Authority (Officer)
9.Appointment of (chief executive Authority) and his powers and function defined in Sec 186 of APPR-1994.
10.Authority for Transfers of MPP /,ZPP Teachers CEO.

Sarpanch and Upa-Sarpanch

1.Power and function of Sarpanch were discussed under Section 25

2.Emergency powers of Sarpanch were discussed under Section 33
3.Who has a power acess to all the records of Gram Panchayat Sarpanch
4.Under which section of APPR 1994 preocedure of resignation of sarpanch and upa-sarpanch was mentioned
under Section 23(1).
5. When the office of Sarpanch is vacant who shall exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Sarpanch Upa-
Sarpanch {Section 26(1)}
6.As per Sec 26(2) of APPR 1994, If the Sarpanch has been continuously absent from jurisdiction for more than fifteen
days , who shall exercise the powers and perform the functions of the Sarpanch Upa-Sarpanch
7. Surpunch and UpaSurpunch were removed from Mandal Praja Parishad by The District Collector (sec250)
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8.Ex-officio member of Grama Panchayat is Surpanch
9.Procedure of Election of Upasurpunch Elected among the elected members of Grama panchayat
10.Motion of no confidence On UpaSurpanch, President/Chairperson Specified in Sec-245 of APPPR Act 1994
11.Age Required to contest as Surpunch 21 years as per Sec 14(1).
12.Emergency powers of Surpunch were discussed in Sec33.
13.No sarpunchUpa Sarpunch or members receive remuneration as per Sec 29.
14.Cessation of Upa-Sarpunch as per APPR 1994 Under Sec 24.
15.Electing procedure of sarpanch was discussed in Section 14
16.Who shall be an ex-officio member of the Gram Panchayat Sarpanch (section 14(7)).
17. Disqualification of Sarpanch or Upa-Sarpanch for failure to close audit of the accounts under Sec 20-B
18.Appointment of temporary Sarpanch under Section 26(3).

Mandal Praja Parishad

1.The authority maintains & expands the basic schools in Rural areas Mandala praja Parishad
2.The authority establish youth organizations and Mahilamandals in Rural areas is Mandala Praja Parishad
3.The child welfare is looked off by Women and child welfare wing.
4.PrajaParishads can be dissolved by Government of the state on the report of District Collector.
5.The authority to conduct transfers in the Mandal level schools D.E.O.
6.Powers and functions of Mandal PrajaParishads were in Sec 161 APPR 1994
7.M.P.D.O functions comes under sec167.
8.Mandal parishad Fund was discussed in Sec 32.
9.Composition of Mandal parishad was discussed in Sec 211.
10.Composition of MandalParishad Consists of members specified under section 149 of APPR Act 1994.
11.Discussion of Income and Expenditure of Mandal Parishad under Sec172.
12. Constitution and incorporation of Mandal Parishads were as per - Section 148.

13.Under which section Mandals are divided in to constituencies – Section 150.

14.Section 151 dIscussing about - Election of members from territorial constituencies.

15. Reservation of seats of Members of Mandal Parishad Discussed in - Section 152.
16.As per Section 154,Term of office of member of Mandal Parishad is 5 years.
17. Resignation of President, Vice-President or member comes under - Section 157.
18.As per Section 158,Permanent invitees to the meetings of the Mandal Parishad are Collector and
19.In which section Rules for the conduct of the business at a meeting of a Mandal Parishad were mentioned
Section 160.
20. Maintenance of common water works and other institutions were in - Section 161.
21. Powers and functions of the President and Vice-President comes under - Section 165.

Election Commission
1.Powers and functions of the Andhra Pradesh Election Commissioner for local bodies specified in Section 201
2.Authority for preparation of Electoral rolls of Z.P.P Elections State Election Commission(sec 200,APPR-94)
3. Punishment for corrupt practice as per - section 212
4.Procedure to follow fresh poll in case of destruction etc a ballot boxes specified 225-C of APPR Act 1994.
5.Liquor not be sold or distributed on poling day as per section of APPR Act 1994 is 225-A
6.Corrupt practices specified under section 210 of APPR Act 1994.
7.Penalty for illegal hiring or procuring convenience at elections specified under Section 212 of APPR 1994.
8.As per which section Fresh polls can be Conducted in case of Destruction of Ballot boxes or Ballet papers Sec 225-C.
9.Procedure of rejectieon of Ballot papers Rule 34.
10.Procedure of closing Ballot papers and sealing of Ballot boxes were discussed in Rule 30 of APPR 1994.
11.Procedure of voting Specified in Rule 15.
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12.Promotion of Enemity between classes ,in concern in Elections shall be punished with Imprisonment up to
3 years,30,000 penalty sec213.
13.Penalty for Illegal hiring or provoking of Conveyance in Elections is punishable up to 3 years (Sec 212)
14.Procedure of issue of Ballot papers as per Rule 21.
15.Specification of Voter ID is discussed in
16.Corrupt practises were discussed in Act 13.
17.Elections Expenses borned by Government.As per Sec 76.
18.Administration of Panchayats was supervised by Concerned Commissioner.
19.Withdrawl procedure of Cancellation in Elections was discussed in Rule 10.
20.Rules relating to conduction of elections to members and Sarpunches of Gram Panchayats issued in
21.Injunction not to be granted in Election proceedings - Section 204.
22.Constitution of Election commission as per - section 200.
23.Usage of Voting machines at elections as per - Section 201-A
24.Symbols for elections For local bodies were given by Election commission – Section 202
25.Prohibition of public meetings on the day preceding the pre-election day and on the election day as per - Section 214
26.Disturbance at election meetings mentioned in -section 215
27.Restrictions on the printing of pamphlets, posters etc discussed under - section 216.
28.Maintenance of secrecy of voting mentioned under - Section 217.
29.Officers etc, at elections not to act for candidates or to influence voting as per - section 218
30.Prohibition of canvassing in or near polling stations as per - section 219
31.Penalty for misconduct at the polling station as per - section 221
32.Penalty for Government servants etc., for acting as election agent, polling agent/counting agent under - section 223
33.Offence of booth capturing as per - Section 224.

Grama Panchayat

1.Villages and GramaPanchayats are established as per Panchayat Raj Act 1994 (sec 2(17))

2.Panchayat Raj schools were inspected by Mandal Educational Officer.

3.Gramapanchayat’s can promote School education under subsection iii of rule-46 of Act 13 0f 1994.
4.Function of Gram Sabha Specified in section – 242-C specified provision to panchayat
5.Existence of Grama Sabha Section 6
6.As per Section 6(3),The Gram Sabha shall meet at least twice in every year
7.Powers exercisable by GP in respect of private markets Sec74.
8.Gram panchayat shall constitute a fund called the Gram Panchayat fund Quote the rule – Section 74
9.Powers exercisable by gram panchayat in respect of private markets specified under Sec 108 of APPR-94.
10.Taxes leviable by the Gram Panchayat under section Section 60 of APPR 1994.
11.Discussion of misappropriation of Panchayats Funds Sec 18(3)..
12.Appointment of Panchayat Secreatry was discussed in Section 30.
13.Power and Functions of the Grama Sabha are in Section 46
14. Who is the permanent invitee to the meetings of Gram Panchayt MPTC
15.The electoral roll for Gram Panchayat shall be prepared by the person authorised by the Andhra Pradesh Election
Commissioner for Local Bodies (Section 11).
16.The term of office of members elected at ordinary elections of Gram Panchayts shall be five years (Section 13).
17. No person shall be qualified for election as a member of a Gram Panchayat unless his name appears on its electoral
roll and he is not less than twenty-one years of age(Section 17).
18.Under which section Appointment of Executive Authoritys for Gram Panchayats can be constituted Section 30
19.As per which Section the minutes of every meeting of a Gram Panchayat shall be recorded Section 38
20.Taxes liable by Government Section 60.
21.Under section 8 of APPR 94 All members of the Gram Panchayat shall be elected by the registered voters in
the ward by the method of secret ballot.
22.As per which Grama panchayt committiees were formed Section 41.
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23.Under which section, The promotion and development of pre-primary education, elementary education, social and
health education, cottage industries and trade done by Grama panchayat - Section 46(iii)
24.The establishment and maintenance of libraries and reading rooms done by Grama panchayats under- Section 46(vii).
25.Under which Section ,The Executive authority will prepare budget for Grama panchayat – Section 77
26. Registration of burial and burning grounds comes under - Section 85
27.Under which Section the Grama panchayat had Power to destroy stray pigs or dogs - Section 92
28. The Government may nominate persons belonging to such Scheduled Tribes who have no representation in Mandal
Parishads – Section 242 E

Zilla Parishad
1.Main sources of income of Z.P.P is Central & state funds.(sec 198,A.P.P.R Act-1994)
2.The Authority assigns duty as EX-officio at Z.P.P meeting The District Collector.
3.Budget of Z.P.P was submitted by C.E.O through chairperson (sec 199,A.P.P.R Act-1994)
4.Status of chairperson of Z.P.P was as per sec 146,Act 2 0f 1964 is Deemed to a Public servant.
5.Powers and functions of Z.P.P assigned as per Z.P.P Act 41 of 2006.
6.Power and functions of Z.P.P Chairperson are assigned under Sec 193 of A.P.P.R Act 1994
7.Procedure of no-confidence motion on chairperson Voting Procedure.(sec 245,A.P.P.R Act-1994).
8.If A Chairperson resigns then Z.P.P meeting will be presided by The vice-chairperson (sec 193(3))
9.Ex-Officio of Z.P.P meeting is The District collector (sec 43(3)(vi))
10.Z.P.P’s are constituted under sec 177 of A.P.P.R Act 1994.
11.Term of office of a member of a ZillaParishad Term of Office of member of ZillaParishad – 5 years
12.For every ZillParishad there shall be One chairperson. [sec-181]
13.Term of a member of ZillaParishad as per Section 182 APPR Act 1994 is 5 years Sec-182.
14.Election process of ZP Chairperson is in Sec 187.
15.Allowances for attending meeting of a Z.P or a Standing Committee specified in Sec 196 of APPR 1994.

16.Chief Executive Authority for every ZillaParishad shall be appointed and transferred by as per APPR Act

1994. Government Sec 186(1) and Sec 186 (2).

17.The number of permanent invitees to the meetings of ZillaParishad is discussed under - sec 188]
18.Allowances for attending meeting of a ZillaParishad or a Standing Committee specified in Sec 196
19.Permanent invitee for Z.P.P Meeting District collector .
20.Constitution and Classification of standing Committee of Zilla Parishad Sec 187.
21.Quorum for election of chairperson ,vice Chairperson as per Rule 20.
22.Frame and place before the prescribed date of budget showing the probable receipt and Expenditure during
the following year of Z.P is under Sec199.
23. Reservation of seats of members of Zilla Parishad mentioned under - Section 180
24.Election procedure of Chaiperson and vice chairperson was Mentioned under - Section 181
25. Resignation of Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson or member mentioned under – section 185.
26. Appointment of Chief Executive Officer and his powers and functions mentioned under – Section 186
27. Every Chief Executive Officer shall be liable to be transferred by the Government under – Section 186(2).
Finance Commission
1.Who constitutes finance Commission under A.P.P.R 94 – Governor on the recommendation of govt (section 235)
2.State the section under which Governor Constitutes finance Commission under - sec 235
3.The Finance Commission shall consist of a Chairman and four other members of whom one shall be the Member
Secretary – Section 235(2).
4.Functions of Finance commission - Section 241
1.M.B.C. Means Mandal Block Committee.
2.RV means Registered voter.
3.PS means panchayat Secretary.
4.CC means Civil court.
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5.RC means Resource Committee.
6.W.S.A.D means Water shed and Development Scheme.
7.DPO means District panchayat Officer.Sec 44(2).
8.GPF means Gram panchayat Fund sec 74.
9.District collector means officer in charge of a revenue District.
10.Government' means the State Government
11.Year means financial year
1.Resignation of Chairperson and Vice-chairperson was in under Act 22 of 2002 &Se 50 of Act 31 of 1986.
2.Chief Executive officer of M.P.P was Development officer of M.P.P(M.P.D.O) As per Act 41 of 2006.
3.President of M.P.P will have the administrative control as per Act 41 of 2006,dt:26-9-2006.
4.No confidence motion on Chairperson of Z.P.P by sec 51 0f Act 2 of 1964.
5.Z.P.P chairperson status assigned with the rule sec 146 of Act 2 of 1964.
6.Rules relating to Educational institutions under A.P Panchayat Samithi’s and Zilla parishad Act 1959 issued in
G.O.M.S. NO.1109,dt:26-10-1965.
7.Collection of receipts shall be signed stamps as per AP Panchayatsamithi’s and Z.P act 1959 Principle or
8.School fee shall be collected fee by means of printed bill as per G.O.MS.NO 1109,Dt:26-10-1965.
9.Who will prepare every secondary or sessional vocational industrial salary , Travelling allowances and contingentbills
As per Z.P Act 1959 Headmaster of the school.
10.Under the A.P M.P.P and Z.P Teachers (Regulation of transfers Rule 1995 the Inter District Transfers shall be done
by Government in consultation with the ___ concerned. CEO [ rule 3]
11.The Head Master shall maintain account in the local Post Office Saving Banks Rule 18.
12.Government Finance commission was constituted by Governor(sec 235,A.P.P.R Act-94).
13.The headmaster shall maintain an account in the Local bank under the designation of The Headmaster.

14.The AP Panchayat Raj (Election of UpaSurpanch) of a Gram panchayat came into existence in 2006.

15.Powers and functions of president of M.P.P were in Act 41 of 2006 ,sec 165.

16.Under which rule Z.P /M.P's have to maintain records Rule 13.
17.No confidence motion on vice president of MANDAL Parishad as per Rule 78.
18.Content of Grama panchayats /MANDAL Parishad/Zilla Parishads discussed in Act 13 of APPR 1994.
19.G.O.Ms.No.220,Dt:25.5.2006: Reservation of seats and offices of G.P/M.P/Z.P.
20.APPR rules come in to force from. 1995.
21.Who is competent to collect games fees in secondary school under PS and ZP educational institutional rules of 1995 –
Head Master of the School, Rule 16.
22.Right to voter under Rule 16.

1.New SSC schemes issued in GO.M.S.No:63,dt:16-01-1969

2.Every student of SSC has study 6 Subjects as per Rule VI ,SSC schemes.
3.SSC age limit discussed under Subsidiary Rule 5.
4.Age limit required for to appear SSC examinations Completion of 14 years by 31st August.
5.Permission Granting authority for SSC to age exemption is DEO.
6.SSC age limit for private girl candidates is completion of 15 years on or before first month of public
7.Girls without school study should submit their application for SSC exam through Recognised schools.
8.SSC attendance Rules were discussed in Subsiiary rule 15,GO.MS.N.o.794,dt:3-08-1977.
9.Attendance Required FOR Regular SSC students is 75% in number of school working days.
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10.Exemption for attendance(condonation) will be given by DEO-up to 5%(70%).
11.Exemption for attendance(condonation) will be given by DSE-up to 5%(65%).
12.A case which requires condonation beyond 10% ,they shall be refer to Government.
13.The HM will calculate the attendance of the student While preparing the Nominal rolls.
14.At the time of preparing Nominal rolls attendance can be calculated by assuming pupil will attend up to
15th march.
15.If the student does not reach 75% at the time of preparation of Nominal rolls their names will not included in
Nominal rolls.
16. If the student does not reach 75% at the time of preparation of Nominal rolls, then the student will be
condoned by DEO or DSE.
17.For SSC number of working days calculated as from reopening date to upto march15.
18.SSC board functions discussed in Chapter IV , SSC schemes.
19.Number of SSC board members are 26.
20.The nominated members of SSC board are 14 (Rule –IV).
21.To get get SSC duplicate copy, candidate has to apply to Secretary, board of secondary education.
22.SSC duplicate copy rules mentioned in Subsidiary rule 8 under SSC schemes.
23.SSC examination fee(regulars) for all subjects is Rs.125 (from march 2006)
24.SSC examination fee(regulars) up to 3 subjects is Rs.110
25.Examination fee for private candidates, without school study is Rs.650
26.Special Fee for other state /country candidates for SSC is Rs.500.
27.Fee for age exemption for regular/private candidates for SSC is Rs.300
28.SSC vocational fee is Rs.50.
29.SSC late fee for 1st week is Rs.10

30.SSC late fee for 2nd week is Rs.40

31.SSC late fee for 3rd ,4th ,5th weeks is Rs.100.

32.SSC late fee for Tatkal is Rs,500.
33.SSC recounting fee per subject is Rs.150
34.Fee for memo/age/migration is Rs.60.
35.Fee for issue of Duplicate SSC is Rs.250
36.Fee for verification certificate is Rs.75.
37.SSC due date for receipt of applications for march session exams without penal fee:15th October.
38.SSC due date for receipt of applications for march session exams with penal fee:11th November.
39.SSC certificate will be issued by Board of Secondary Education.
40.As per SSC schemes the academic year is divided in to 2 terms.
41.SSC compartment system came into force w.e.f to November 1973.42.Nominal rolls of the students sent by
the school is the base record of the students with the board of secondary education.
43.An authentic certified record of date of birth of a student is SSC certificate.
44.Second language paper in SSC is Hindi.
45.SSC original certificate contains Commissioner of SSC board facsimile signature.
46.Punishment period for malpractice (Debar) is 3 years or not allowed to next supplementary exams or
debar for that exams.
47.SSC board members term is 3 years.
48.Representatives from junior colleges in SSC board are 6 (Rule-V).
49.The SSC board may constitute a separate committee on forming syllabus ,duration of the question papers.
50.The SSC board members will meet at least once in a year.
51.The candidate who appearing for SSC as a private study must belongs to A.P.
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52.SSC private study candidates must pass VII class.
53.SSC fraud cases such as tempering ,erasing should be promptly reported to commissioner of Government
of examinations.
54.SSLC means Secondary School Leaving Certificate.
55.To change date of birth in SSC certificate candidate should proceede through the HM and Director of
public instruction to Government.
56.To change the date of birth in SSC certificate ,requirements are An extract from Birth register or
municipality, Declaration of father/mother/guardian, original SSC certificate and admission register
copy of the school.
57.Marks required to pass Hindi subject in SSC is 20 marks.
58.As per subsidiary rule 10,SSC schemes if the candidate was not claimed SSC for a period of 2 years shall
be forwarded to DEO.
59.We can get SSC duplicate when Accidental loss or destruction of original.
60.SSC (certificate) is prepared under rule VII of the SSC scheme.
61.Present Assessment of students performance system in SSC is Grading system.
62.Grading system in SSC is implementing from March 2010( GO.RT.No:419, dt: 17-06-2011.)
63.Mother’s name was including in SSC certificate from March 2011.
64.Condone of shortage of attendance of the pupil reason like sickness by HM-10%
65.Condone of shortage of attendance of the pupil reason like sickness by DEO -5%,
66. Condone of shortage of attendance of the pupil reason like sickness by Government-15% above.
67.M.R.O will gives date of birth certificate to private candidate for SSC.
68.The director of school education will corrects and alternation of Date of Birth In SSC.
69.To get fee exemption from fee,The regular candidates belongs to SC/ST/BC’S parents income must be


70.To get fee exemption from fee,The regular candidates belongs to SC/ST/BC’S parents income must be

71.Competent Authorities for condonation of shortage of age for SSC appearing people DEO- 1 ½ years
72. Competent Authorities for condonation of shortage of age for SSC appearing people Commissioner for
Government exams-1 ½ years to 2 years
73.Competent Authorities for condo nation of shortage of age for SSC appearing people Government-above 2 years
74.OSSC means Open schools Secondary Certificate.
75.SSC fee Head of accounts Major Head-0202,
76.SSC fee Head of accounts Minor Head-01
77.SSC fee Head of accounts Sub head-102.
78.SSC public Examinations condonation of marks - Abolition of system orders issued in
79.10th class public Examination rules ,Eligibility rules issued in Government orders
80.The integrated scheme of class VIII came into force from during the academic year 1966-67.
81.Hindi subject marks are excluded in the aggregate marks as per Government orders issued in
82.Using the word Harijan is SSC certificate restrained during the year 1982.
83.physically handicapped candidates exempted from the payment of SSC Examination fee from 1980.
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G.O.Ms.No.436 , Dated: 15th October 1996
Rule 1.Short Title
Rule 2.Definitions
Rule 3.Conditions of Service, Application of Rules
Rule 4.Recruitment - Appointment
Rule 5.Selection posts and Non-Selection Posts
Rule 6.Method of preparation of panels
Rule 7.Appointing Authority
Rule 8.Eligibility for promotion or appointment by transfer
Rule 9.Appointment by Contract or Agreement
Rule 10.Temporary Appointment
Rule 11.The time limit for joining either on first selection or on promotion or on appointment by transfer
Rule 12.Qualifications and disqualifications for direct recruitment
Rule 13.Language Test in Telugu
Rule 14.Language Tests in Telugu and other linguistic qualifications-Exemptions
Rule 15.Time to pass newly prescribed Tests
Rule 16.Commencement of probation for direct recruits and penal provisions for failure to pass the tests.
Rule 17.Suspension, termination or extension of probation.
Rule 18.Declaration of probation
Rule 19.Rights of probationer and approved probationer for re-appointment
Rule 20.Exercise of certain powers of appointing authority in respect of probationers

Rule 21.Confirmation

Rule 22.Special Representation (Reservation)

Rule 23.Women Reservation in Appointments
Rule 24.Appeal, Revision and Review of orders of appointment to higher posts.
Rule 25.Revision of lists of approved candidates
Rule 26.Review
Rule 27.Appeal against seniority or other conditions of service
Rule 28.Appointment of All India Service Officers and Andhra Pradesh Administrative Service Officers to
Posts in the State
Rule 29.Relinquishment of Right by members
Rule 30.Re-employment of members of service on account of suffering from TB etc.
Rule 31.Resignation
Rule 32.Relaxation of Rules by Governor
Rule 33.Relaxation of Rules by the Head of the Department
Rule 34.Seniority
Rule 35.Preparation of integrated or common seniority list of persons belonging to different units of
Rule 36.Fixation of seniority in the case of transfers on request or on administrative 3grounds
Rule 37.Inter-se-seniority where dates of commencement of probation is same
Rule 38.Seniority of directly recruited candidates reallotted in consultation with APPSC.
Rule 39.Postings and Transfers
Rule 40.Savings
Rules in Detailed
(a) These Rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules 1996.
(b) The gazetted and non-gazetted posts under the State Government shall be constituted into various State
and Subordinate Services .
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(3) Approved candidate:- “Approved candidate” means a candidate whose name appears in an authoritative
list of candidates approved for appointment to any service, class or category.
Approved probationer:- “Approved probationer” in a service, class or category means a member of that
service, class or category who has satisfactorily completed his probation in such service, class or category.
(5)Appointment or Recruitment by transfer:
(b) in case at the time of his first appointment thereto he is the holder of a post which has been included in
another service but for which no probation has been prescribed, if he has put in that post, satisfactory service
for a total period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three years
(6) “Armed Forces of the Union” means the Army, Naval or Air Force of the Union.
(7) Backward Classes:- “Backward Classes” mean the communities mentioned in Part-C of Schedu-I.
(8) Cadre:- “Cadre” means the posts in various classes, categories and grades in a service.
(9) Commission:- “Commission” means the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission.
(10) Confirmed Member:- “Confirmed Member” means a member of a service who has been confirmed in a
service under the State Government in accordance with rule 21.
(11) Date of Regular Appointment:- “Date of Regular Appointment” means the date of commencement of
probation, i.e., the date from which the service rendered by a person after appointment to a service, class or
category counts for probation..
(12) Departmental Promotion Committee:-
(12-A) Screening Committee:-
(13) Discharge of a probationer:-
(14) Duty:-
(15) Direct Recruitment:- A candidate is said to be recruited direct to a post, class or category in a service, in
case his first appointment thereto is made otherwise than by the following methods:-
(16) Ex-servicemen:-“Ex-Servicemen” means a person who has served in any rank (whether as a combatant or
as a non-combatant) in the Regular Army, Navy and Air Force of the Indian Union
(17) General Rules:- “General Rules” means the Andhra Pradesh State and Subordinate Service Rules.

(18) Member of a Service:- “Member of a Service” means a person who has been appointed to that service and

who has not retired or resigned, or who has not been removed or dismissed, or substantively transferred.

(19) Meritorious Sportsman:-:
(20)Officiating Appointment:- A person is said to be officiating in a post, if his appointment has been made
after his inclusion in the relevant panel, but whose appointment has not been regularised.
(21) Panel:- “Panel” means the authoritative list of candidates approved for regular appointment
(22) Physically handicapped person: “Physically handicapped person” means a person who is blind, deaf or
orthopaedically handicapped.
(i) blind, if he is suffering from total absence of sight or visual acquity not exceeding 3-60 or 10/200 (snellen)
in the better eye with correcting lenses;
(ii) deaf, if his sense of hearing is fully non-functional for the ordinary purposes of life;
(iii) orthodpaedically handicapped, if he has a physical defect or deformity which causes so much interference
as to significantly impede normal functioning of the bones, muscles and joints.
(23) Presidential Order: “Presidential Order” wherever it occurs in these rules shall mean the Andhra Pradesh
Public Employment (Organization of Local Cadres and Regulation of Direct Recruitment) Order, 1975 issued
by the President of India under Article 371-D of the Constitution of India.
(24) Probation: “Probation” means the period during which a fresh entrant to a service or a person appointed
to a higher post for the first time either by promotion within the service or by transfer from any other service, is
put on test for determining his fitness to hold the post in a service, class or category.
(25) Probationer: “Probationer” means a member in a service class or category who has not completed his
(26) Service:- “Service” means a post or a group of posts or categories of posts classified by the State
Government as State or Subordinate Service
(b) Direct Recruitment :-
(iii) The percentage earmarked for direct recruitment should not fall short of 33 1/3% in respect of posts in State
Service and 30% in respect of posts in Subordinate Service. (G.O.Ms.No.142, G.A.(Ser-D) Dept., dt: 13.3.2008)
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(c) Re-allotment of candidates selected by the Public Service Commission.
(b) Non-selection posts :- No non-gazetted post should be treated as selection post. Promotion and
appointment by transfer to higher posts other than those mentioned in sub-rule (a) shall be made in accordance
with seniority-cum-fitness.
(a)Appointing authority or any other authority empowered in this behalf, in consultation with, the Departmental
Promotion Committee
(b)promotion in respect of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe candidates only, the zone of consideration in
the ratio of 1:3, shall not be applicable in respect of posts whose total cadre strength is more than
five.(Amended in G.O. Ms. No. 123, G.A. (Ser-D) Dept., dt: 19.4.2003)
(e) A panel of candidates shall also be prepared taking into account the vacancies not exceeding 10% of the
total estimate of vacancies, ignoring fraction of less than half or 0.5 and rounding of fraction of ½ or more i.e.
0.5 and above to the next nearest number as reserve to fill up the vacancies likely to last for more than 2 months
on account of :-(i) deputation;(ii) training; (iii) long leave; or
(h) Persons included in more than one panel:- (i) Non Selection Posts:-
*“State Service:The regional officer shall be the appointing authority in respect of the initial categories of
Gazetted posts in a State service.
*The Head of the Department shall be the appointing authority for the second level gazetted posts in a State


Rulev 9(i) Temporary posts requiring special qualifications

Direct recruitment :- A candidate selected for appointment by direct recruitment either through the Andhra
Pradesh Public Service Commission or through any other agency, shall be required by the appointing authority
to join in the post for which he has been selected within a period of 30 days taking the date of despatch
If he does not join the post within the stipulated period of 30 days, the offer of appointment shall be treated as
automatically cancelled and the name of the candidate shall be deemed to have been omitted from the list of
approved candidates.
(Amended in G.O. Ms. No. 340, G.A. (Ser-D) Dept., dt: 23.7.1999).
Time to join a post on appointment / temporary appointment ,appointments by transfer or by promotion
otherwise than by direct recruitment:-
A person on appointment / temporary appointment on adhoc basis, appointment by transfer or by promotion
otherwise than by direct recruitment, shall be allowed a joining time of fifteen (15) days to join the post from
the date of receipt of the order of appointment sent to the candidates by Registered Post .
[Amended in G.O.Ms.No.145, G.A.(Ser. D) Dept., dt: 15-06-2004]
Rule 12(1 (v)):No person shall be eligible for direct recruitment if he is less than 18 years of age.
and if he is more than 34 years of age as on the 1st day of July of the year in which the notification .
[Amended in G.O.Ms.No.759, G.A.(Ser. D) Dept., dt: 6-10-2007 ]
(b) The maximum age limit prescribed in the Special Rules for direct recruitment to a post shall be raised:-
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(i) Uniformity by 5 years in the case of candidates belonging to the S.Cs or S.Ts or B.Cs. specified in Schedule-I
of these rules:Provided that in the case of S.Cs and S.Ts., the maximum age limit prescribed for other
communities in the Special rules shall be raised uniformly by 10 years for the purpose of limited direct
(ii) Uniformly by 10 years in the case of Physically handicapped persons:
(3) (a) A candidate should possess the academic qualifications and experience including practical experience
prescribed, if any for the post on the date of the notification for direct recruitment.
Rule 12(4) Disqualification for appointment:- .
Rule 13. LANGUAGE TEST IN TELUGU:- (a) Every person appointed to a service, shall, within the
period of probation, pass the Language test in Telugu, failing which his probation shall be extended and
increments in the time scale of pay shall be postponed without cumulative effect till he passes the test.
* Provided further that a person who is exempted from passing the language test in telugu on reaching the age
of 45 years
(a) A person who has passed the SSC or its equivalent examination or any other higher examination with
Telugu as the medium of instructions and examination or with Telugu as one of the subjects, shall be exempted
from passing the 2nd class language test in Telugu.
(b) A person who has passed the 7th or 8th Class examination with Telugu as a subject or medium of
instruction shall be exempted from passing the 3rd class Telugu Language Test.
(c) A person who has crossed the age of 45 years.
(d) Other Linguistic qualification :-
(b) Concessions regarding passing of Tests and Examinations on grounds of age:-

A person appointed in accordance with the rules, otherwise than under rule 10, by direct recruitment shall

commence his probation from the date of his joining the duty or from such other date as may be specified by

the appointing authority:
(b) Minimum service for commencement of probation:probation in such service, class or category from the
date from which he has been continuously on duty in such service, class or category for a period of not less
than 60 days from the date of joining duty
(c) Period of Probation:-
(i) Every person appointed by direct recruitment to any post shall, from the date on which he commences his
probation be on probation for a period of two years on duty within a continuous period of three years.
(e) Tests to passed during probation: .
(g) Exemption from special qualifications to be acquired or special tests to be passed during probation:-.
(h) Change of date of commencement of probation:-
(b) In the case of any probationer failing to pass the tests or acquire the prescribed qualifications, the
appointing authority may extend his probation to enable him to pass the prescribed tests or acquire special
qualifications, as the case may be.
(d) Penalty on a member on the maximum of his pay Scale for failure to pass prescribed tests:
(e) Appeal against discharge of a probationer:-
(a) A vacancy in a service, class or category shall not be filled by appointment of a person who has not yet
commenced his probation in such service, class or category when an approved probationer or probationer is
available for such appointmen
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Appointments under this rule shall be made in the order of rotation specified below in a unit of
hundred vacancies (100 Point Roster)
1.Open Competition(Women) 51.Open Competition
2.Scheduled Castes 52.Scheduled Castes
3.Open Competition(Women) 53.Open Competition
4.Backward Class (Group-A)(Women) 54.Backward Class (Group-A)
5.Open Competition 55.Open Competition(Women)
6.Visually Handicapped(Women)Amended in 56.Orthopaedically Handicapped (Open) Amended in
G.O.Ms.No.252,dt: 28.8.2004, w.e.f.27.11.2003 G.O.Ms.No.252,dt:28.8.2004 w.e.f.27.11.2003
7.Scheduled Castes 57.Open Competition
8.Scheduled Tribes(Women) 58.Scheduled Tribes(Women)
9.Open Competition 59.Open Competition (Women)
10.Backward Class (Group-B)(Women) 60.Backward Class (Group-B)
11.Open Competition 61.Open Competition
12.Open Competition(Women) 62.Scheduled Castes
13.Open Competition 63.Open Competition
14.BC (Group-C)(Women) In every 3rd cycle of 64.Backward Class (Group-D)(Women)
100 point roster (vide GO.Ms.No.476,dt: 15.11.97) 65.Open Competition(Women)
15.Open Competition 66.Scheduled Castes(Women)
16.Scheduled Castes 67.Open Competition
17.Open Competition(Women) 68.Backward Class (Group-D)
18.Backward Class (Group-D)(Women) 69.Open Competition
19.Open Competition 70.Backward Class (Group-A)
20.Backward Class (Group-A) 71.Open Competition(Women)
21.Open Competition 72.Scheduled Castes
22.Scheduled Castes(Women) 73.Open Competition
23.Open Competition(Women) 74.Backward Class (Group-B)
24.Backward Class (Group-B) 75.Scheduled Tribes
25.Scheduled Tribes 76.Open Competition

26.Open Competition 77.Scheduled Castes

27.Scheduled Castes 78.Open Competition (Women)

28.Open Competition 79.Backward Class (Group-A)
29.Backward Class (Group-A) 80.Open Competition
30.Open Competition(Women) 81.Backward Class (Group-B) (Women)
31.Hearing Handicapped (Open) Amended in 82.Open Competition
G.O.Ms.No.252,dt: 28.8.2004 w.e.f.27.11.2003 83.Scheduled Tribes
32.Open Competition 84.Open Competition (Women)
33.Scheduled Tribes 85.Backward Class (Group-B)
34.Open Competition(Women) 86.Open Competition
35.Backward Class (Group-B) 87.Scheduled Castes (Women)
36.Open Competition 88.Open Competition
37.Open Competition 89.Backward Class (Group-D)
38.Open Competition(Women) 90.Open Competition (Women)
39.Backward Class (Group-D) 91.Scheduled Castes
40.Open Competition 92.Open Competition
41.Scheduled Castes 93.Backward Class (Group-D)
42.Open Competition 94.Open Competition
43.Backward Class (Group-D) 95.Backward Class (Group-B)
44.Open Competition(Women) 96.Open Competition (Women)
45.Backward Class (Group-A)(Women) 97.Scheduled Castes
46.Open Competition 98.Open Competition
47.Scheduled Castes(Women) 99.Backward Class (Group-B)(Women)
48.Open Competition 100.Open Competition
49.Backward Class (Group-B)(Women)
50.Open Competition(Women)
Note: Posting of this Material in any websites other than is fully prohibited.
In second cycle of 100 roster points the following points shall be reserved as follows:-
106. (Visually Handicapped) (Open) ,
131- (Hearing Handicapped) (Women)
156. (Orthopaedically Handicapped) (Open)”
*In the third cycle of 100 roster points the following points shall be reserved as follows:-
206-(Visually Handicapped) (Open)
231-(Hearing Handicapped) (Open)
256-(Orthopaedically Handicapped) (Women)”
*Reservations in Direct Recruitment
15%-Scheduled Castes
6% -Scheduled Tribes
7%-Backward Classes (Group-A)
10%-Backward Classes (Group-B)
1%-Backward Classes (Group-C)
7%-Backward Classes (Group-D)
(1) In the matter of direct recruitment to posts for which women are better suited than men, preference shall be
given to women:
(2) In the matter of direct recruitment to posts for which women and men are equally suited, there shall be
reservation to women to an extent of 33 1/3% of the posts in each category of Open Competition.


Permanent on their own motion, at any time, or on an application made by the aggrieved person, within a

period of six months from the date of order of appointment or promotion of a person junior to the aggrieved
Rule 25. REVIEW: Provided that no order of review under this rule shall be passed unless the person affected
or likely to be affected thereby is given an opportunity of making his representation against the proposed
(c) The appellate authority, if it is not the Head of the Department or the Government, shall dispose of such
appeal within a maximum period of one year.
(d) No appeal for restoration of seniority or assignment of notional seniority on par with his junior shall be
entertained by the appellate authority after a period of 90 days from the date on which junior was promoted.
(e) A member of service may submit a revision petition against the order of the Appellate Authority, within
three months of the orders passed by the Appellate Authority, to the Government.
[Amended in G.O.Ms.No.76, G.A.(Ser. D) Dept., dt: 11-03-2003.]
Rule 28. RELINQUISHMENT OF RIGHTS BY MEMBERS :- Provided that no conditional relinquishment
or relinquishment of right for a temporary period shall be permitted.
(a) A member of the State or Subordinate Service discharged on account of his suffering from T.B. or such
other diseases as may be specified by the Government from time to time, shall be eligible for re-appointment to
the post
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(d) The provisions of this rule shall have effect notwithstanding anything contained in these rules or the special
rules applicable to the concerned members of a service.
Rule Rule 30. RESIGNATION:- (a) A member of a service may resign his appointment and the acceptance of
his resignation by the appointing authority shall take effect:-
(i) in case he is on duty, from the date on which he is relieved of his duties in pursuance of such acceptance.
(b) If the resignation of a member of service has been accepted, but has not taken effect and he withdraws his
resignation before it has taken effect, he should be deemed to be continuing in service. (c) A member of
service, shall, if he resigns his appointment, forfeit not only the service rendered by him in the particular post
held by him at the time of resignation but all his previous service under the Government,
(d) The reappointment of a person, who has resigned from Government service and who is re-appointed to any
service, shall be treated in the same way as a first appointment to such service by direct recruitment and all
rules governing such appointment shall apply;
Rule 33. SENIORITY: - (a) The seniority of a person in a service, class, category or grade shall, unless he
has been reduced to a lower rank as a punishment, be determined by the date of his first appointment to such
service, class, category or grade.
(b) The appointing authority may, at the time of passing an order appointing two or more persons
simultaneously to a service.
(d) The transfer of a person from one class or category of a service to another class or category of the same
service, carrying the same pay of scale of pay shall not be treated as first appointment to the latter class or
(e) Where a number of a service, class or category is reduced for a specific period, to a lower service, class or
category or grade:-


(f) Seniority of a retrenched and reappointed person:The seniority of a member of a service, who is re-
appointed after having been retrenched, owing to reduction of staff as a measure of economy, shall be

determined in
(ii) in any other case, in accordance with the total length of service, in the same equivalent or higher service,
class or category put in by such member prior to retrenchment.


(a) The seniority of a member of a service, class or category transferred from one unit of appointment to
another unit of appointment, on administrative grounds, shall be, determined with reference to the date of
seniority of such member in the former unit.
(b) The seniority of a member of a service, class or category, who is transferred on his own request from one
unit of appointment to another unit of appointment shall be fixed with reference to the date of his joining duty
in the latter unit of appointment.
Rule 38. POSTINGS AND TRANSFERS:- (a) A member of a State Service or class of a State Service may
be posted to any post borne on the cadre of such service or class of service anywhere in the State..
(d) A member of a State or Subordinate Service or a class of such service may be required by the appointing
authority or any other authority superior to such appointing authority, to serve in any post borne on the cadre of
any body wholly or substantially owned or controlled by the Government.
Rule 39. SAVINGS :-
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1.Rule 17(d): Penalty on a member on the maximum of his pay scale for failure to prescribed Test.
2.Rule 16(G): Exemption from special qualifications to be acquired or Special Tests to be passed
during probation.
3.Rule 19(U):Right of Reappointment/promotion /appointed by transfer of an approved probation.
4.Rule 28: Relinquishment of Right or privilege.
5.Rule 30: A member of service may resign his appointment.
6.Rule 31:Power to release or special rules in favour of any person or class of person west with
7.Rule 2:High grade Teacher:Class E of category -4.
8.Rule 33(f): Seniority of a retrenched and Reappointment person in Ap state.
9.Rule 33:The Seniority of a person in a service,class,Category ,Grade shall unless had been
reduced to lower Rank as a punishment.
10.Rule 4: Definition of state and subordinate services.
11.Rule 12:DPC means Departmental promotion Committee.
12.Rule 11(b): Joining time allowed to a permanent/Temporary Employees maximum of 15 days.
13.Rule 21: Confirmation of a Member of services.
14.Rule 16(b): Minimum service for commencement of probation continuously on duty,Not less than
60 days from 15.the date of joining.
16.Rule 15(b): Concession regarding passing of Departmental Tests.
17.Rule 16(h): Change of Date , Commencement of Probation.
18Rule 9: Appointment by Agreement or Contract.
19.Rule 11:The Time limit for Joining either on first selection or on promotion or on appointment by


Rule 16(a): Commencement of Probation of Direct Recruitment.

17.Rule 21(E):In the Second cycle of 100 Roster point for Visual Handicaped.
18.Rule 27:All India service officers and APAS officers to post in the state services.
19.Rule 36:Inter Seniority where the Date Commencement of Probation.
20.Rule 37: Seniority of Directly Recruited candidates reallowted Consultation with APPSC.
21.Rule 1:Issue of State and Subordinate Service Rules in 1996.
22.Rule 2(6): Definition of AFU with reference to APSSR.
23.Rule 2(10): Definition of CM with reference to APSSR.
24.Rule 2(13): Definition of DP with reference to APSSR.
25.Rule 2(19): Definition of MS means meritorious Sportsman.
Rule 6:AP state service rules comes under G.O.Ms.No:1376,dt:28.11.1963.
26.Rule 5:Ap subordinate service rules comes under,Dt:16.12.1991.
27.Rule 13(9):Every person appointed to a service shall within the period of Probation pass the
Language Tests in Telugu.
28.Rule 29.30%:State Subordinate Services.
29.Rule 30.ST Caste comes under GADABUS.
30.Rule 31Nagavasam comes under BC-D.
31.Minimum service required for Promotion 3 years.
32.Probation means A fresh entrant to a service
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Andhra Pradesh Civil Services(CCA) Rules-1991
*AP CCA Rules -1991 were issued by G.O.Ms.No.487, Dt:14-9-1992.
*CCA Rules means Classification, Control and Appeal Rules.
Rule 2(a): Appointing authority in relation to a Government servant means.
Rule 2(b):Commission' means the Andhra Pradesh Public Service Commission.
Rule 2(c):'Disciplinary Authority' means the authority competent under these Rules to impose on a
Government Servant any of the penalties.
Rule 2(d):'Government' means the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
Rule3 :CCA rules applicable to every government servant and Expections
Rule 3(a):CCA Rules not applicable to persons in casual employment.
Rule 3(d): CCA Rules not applicable to members of All Indian Services.
Rule 5: Classification of Services.
Rule 5(1):Classification of Civil Services of AP State:The State Services; and the Subordinate Services.
Rule 6: Constitution of State Services.
Rule 7: Constitution of Subordinate Services.
Rule 8(1):Member of a Service may be placed under suspension from service.
Rule 8(1)(a):where disciplinary proceeding against him is contemplated or is pending, or where in the opinion
of the authority competent to place the Government servant under suspension, he has engaged himself in
activities prejudicial to the interest of the security of the State
Rule 8(1)(d):Government Servant may be placed under suspension from Serviceeven if the offence for which
he was charged does nothave bearing on the discharge of his official duties.(G. O. Ms. No. 27, Dt. 24-1-2002.)
Rule 8(2)(c):the order of suspension cease to be operative as soon as the criminal proceedings, on the basis of
which the Government Servant was arrested and released on bail, are terminated.

Rule 8(5)(a):An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under this rule shall continue to

remain in force until it is modified or revoked by the authority which made or is deemed to have made the

order or by an authority to which that authority is subordinate.
Rule 9:Minor and Major penalities.
Rule 9(b):Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay for a period not exceeding three years, without
cumulative effect and not adversely affecting his pension;(G.O. Ms. No. 373, G.A. (Ser.C) Dept., dt:6.12.2003
Rule 9(i) : Censure;
Rule 9 (ii): Withholding of promotion;
Rule 9 (iii):Deletedvide G.O.Ms.No. 335,dt: 4.8.2005.
Rule 9 (iv): withholding of increments of pay without cumulative effect (G. O. Ms. No. 205, dt. 5-6-98);
Rule 9 (v) (a): suspension Period as a Punishment.
Rule 9 (v) (b): Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of pay(G.O. Ms. No. 373,dt: 6.12.2003).
Rule 9(vi) to (x):Major penalities
Rule 9 (vi): withholding of increments of pay with cumulative effect(G.O.Ms.No. 205,dt. 5-6-98);
Rule 9(vii):Reduction to lower grade (G.O. Ms. No. 373, dt: 6.12.2003).
Rule 9(vii)(b):Reduction to lower time-scale of pay, grade, post or service which shall ordinarily be a bar to
the promotion of the Got servant to the time-scale of pay, grade, post or service from which he was reduced,
Rule 9(viii): compulsory retirement;
Rule 9(ix):Removal from service.
Rule 9(x):Dismissal from service .
Rule 10:Other penalties.
Rule 10 (i):fine, on a member of the Andhra Pradesh Last Grade Service.
Rule 10(ii):suspension for a period not exceeding fifteen days.
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Rule 11:Disciplinary Authorities in respect of State Services.
Rule 11(1):The High Court of Andhra Pradesh may impose on members of the AP State Judicial Service
Rule 11 (ii): The District Collector may impose Penalties on MRO’s.
Rule 11(4): Director of Treasuries& Accounts may impose on the Accounts Officers.
Rule 12:Government's power to impose penalties on members of State Services.
Rule 13:Authorities competent to suspend members of State Service.
Rule 14: Authorities competent to suspend, in respect of Subordinate Services.
Rule(15):The inquiring authority may, after the completion of the production of evidence, hear the presenting
officer, if any appointed, and the Government servant, or permit them to file written briefs of their respective
cases, if they so desire.
Rule 16(b):The disciplinary authority to which the records are so forwarded may act on the evidence on the
record or may if it is of the opinion that further examination of any of the witnesses is necessary in the interests
of justice.
Rule 17:Special Provision in respect of Police Officials employed in Anti-Corruption Bureau, Vigilance and
Enforcement Department and Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta.
Rule 18:Lower authority not to reopen case: higher authority can exercisepower.
Rule 19:Authority to Institute proceedings.
Rule 20:Procedure for imposing major penalties(Earlier position).
Rule 21:Earlier Position
Rule 22:Procedure for imposing minor penalties.
Rule 23:Communication of Orders/Report of Disciplinary officer orders.
Rule 24:Common Proceedings/Common enquiry(joint) on 2 or more employees.
Rule 25:Special procedure in certain cases.

Rule 26:Waiver of Procedure in certain cases.

Rule 27:Action on report of Lokayukta and Upa-Lokayukta.

Rule 28:Rules not to affect provisions relating to Andhra Pradesh Survey and Land Records Subordinate
Rule 29:Rules not to affect provisions in Andhra Pradesh Stationery manual.
Rule 30:Provisions regarding officers lent to Government of India.
Rule 31:Provisions regarding officers borrowed from Government of India.
Rule 32 to 41:Appeals and Review petitions.
Rule 32:Appeals and Reviews to Superior officers.
Rule 33:Appeals against Lower authorities.
Rule 34:Appeal for justice to the Governor.
Rule 35:Period of limitation for appeals.(Appeal within the period of 3 months.)
Rule 36(1):Every person preferring an appeal shall do so separately & in his own name.
Rule 37:Consideration of appeal(Appeal and clearance).
Rule 38(a): Government shall pass such order as they think proper in respect of any petition for review that has
been admitted under this rule.
Rule 39:The authority which made the order appealed against shall give effect to the orders passed by the
appellate authority.
Rule 40(1):in the case of a Government servant serving in a department or office under the control of a head of
department such head of the department directly under the Government; or any appellate authority.
Rule 41:Provided further that the Government shall exercise the power of review within a period of three years
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1.Re appeal can be submitted under,Dt,:28.11.1963.
2.Period of limit for appeal within 3 months Rule 35
3.Review petition is filed under Rule 41.
4.The employees does not effected with the rule of penalty A casual Employee Rule 3
5.Four types of suspensions Rule 8(1),CCA 1991.
6.Government Servant can be placed under suspension Rule 8 of 1963,CCA.
7.Authorities which can impose penalities of Government Servant Displinary Rule 2(1).
8.The Authority can make officiating Appointment or Temporary Appointment Appointing Authority
9.Definition of a Government Servant to state Civil services of the state Rule 2(I).
10.The period is fixed to Conduct an enquiry against suspended Government Servant Rule 9(2).
11.From which date suspension can be affective. The date on which it receipt to Employee.
12.Period of suspension can be extended up 6,dt:27.9.1991.
13.No officer can be suspended beyond six months Rule 18(C)(1).
14.Censure on Government Servant:G.o.M.s.No:335,dt:4.08.2005 Rule 9(I).
15.Substitence Allowances of suspended Servant can not be with hold as per G.O.M.s.No:205,Dt:17.3.1990.
16.Review of orders of suspension continue beyond six months G.O.M.s.No:578,dt:31.12.1999.
17.Suspension imposed on officers involved in Trap cases Memo No:554,dt:26.12.1994.
18.Storage of increment of pay with cumulative effect imposed on Government
19.Punishment in the form of reduction of Rank,dt:19.6.1963.
20.Grounds for imposing punishment on Government Servant misbehaving with the officer.Rule20(2).

21.Misappropriation cases consolidate instructions issued in,dt:3.02.2004.

22.Reduction of Rank sub divided in to 2 Rule 9(viii)(a).

23.Penalty on a member for failure of passing prescribed tests.Rule17(d).
24.Penalty not covered under CCA rules WORNING.


Rule 1(2):APCS applicability and not applicability.
Rule 1(V):Family members.
Rule 3(a):No relation with Antisocial elements.
Rule 3(b):Behaviour of a Government Employee.
Rule 3(c):Sexual Harashment on Government women employee.
Rule 4:Ban on participation in strikes.
Rule 5:Ban on demonstration against with the Government.
Rule 6:Taking Gifts.
Rule 7:Ban on collection of contributions.
Rule 8: Lend and barrows.
Rule 9: Movable and immovable returns(Properties).
Rule 10:Private trade,Business,Investment and insurance agent and commission agent.
Rule 11: Grown of banks and Registered company.
Rule 12:Private employement to Government employee prevented.
Rule 13: Prior permission from Government to publish books.
Rule 14:Leaks of documents and official matters.
Rule 15:Prevention from editing agent in news papers.
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Rule 16:Ban on essays to periodicals.
Rule17:prevention of criticism on policies of state and central Governments.
Rule 18:servant is allowed to give witness before Government committees ,Teams.
Rule 19: Employees are banned to associate with political parties.
Rule 20: Proceed to court with Government permission or report to superior officers on injustice him.
Rule 21:Report to higher officials above his close relatives working in his office as subordinates.
Rule 22:prior permission to work at private offices by his family members.
Rule 23:Don't take self enquiry on petitions against him.
Rule 24:Don't use pressure on authorities concern to get promotion or transfers.
Rule 25: Prevention of second marriage if spouse is alive.
Rule 25(A):Government employees are prevented to give or take dowry.
Rule 26:Ban on intoxicating drinks and drugs.
1.The Andhra Pradesh Civil service(CCA) rules 1963 are issued in G.O.Ms.No:1376,GAD,dt:28.11.63
2.The AP Civil service rules 1963 are classified into Two categories
3.Service means A civil service of the state.
4.Rules of penalties does not apply to A casual employee
5.On which ground a government employee is placed under suspension when disciplinary proceedings are
pending against him.
5.Types of suspensions are 4 types
6.The Authority which can impose penalties on the Government servant is Disciplinary Authority.
7.Date of Effect of suspension effect from the date on which it receipt to employee.
8.Grounds for imposing punishment on the Government Servant Violation of Duty and Rules.


9.Joint director of School Education is competent Authority to suspend MEO and HM (Rule 15 of CCA).
10.DEO is the competent Authority to suspend Sgt’s and School Assistants.

11.Penalties will be imposed after the completion enquiry by the Authority as per Rule 20,21 of CCA.
12.Time period for enquiry officer to submit his enquiry report for simple cases within 3 months .
13.Time period for enquiry officer to submit his enquiry report for complicated cases within 6 months
14.The time period limit for appeal within a period of 3 months.
15.Period of time is allowed to file a review petition within a period of 1 year.
16.Two party statement to submitted by every Government servant Once in a year.
17.Suspended servant is eligible for Any kind of Leave.
18.Appointing authority will also act as suspending Authority.
19.An employee is kept in police custody up to 48 hours suspended from duty.
The Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby makes the following special rules for the Andhra Pradesh
Educational Service.
Rule 1 Short Title
These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Educational Service Rules.
Rule 2 Constitution
The service shall consist of the following classes and categories of posts. CLASS-I
Rule 3 Method of appointment and appointing authority
Rule 4 Rule of Reservation
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(1) The rule of special representation (General Rule 22 of A.P. State and Subordinate Services) shall apply to
appointment by direct recruitment to the posts in all categories.
(2) In the matter of direct recruitment to any Category, 33 1/3% of posts in each category of OC, BC-A, BC-B,
BC-C, BC-D, SC and ST shall be reserved for women.
(3) Government orders issued from time to time in this connection, shall be made applicable.
Rule 5 Qualifications and Experience.
(2) Wherever a post graduate degree or degree is prescribed, it shall mean that it should have been obtained
from one of the universities in Andhra Pradesh or recognised and equivalent to the degrees awarded by the
universities in Andhra Pradesh.
4(i) The officers in Categories 1, 2, 5 and 8 of Class III may be posted as Lecturer: IASE/CTE or Senior
Lecturer, DIET for one year for becoming eligible for promotion to Categories 2, 3, 4 and 6 of Class II.
(ii) The officers in Categories 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11 and 12 of Class III may be posted as Deputy Educational
Officers for one year for becoming eligible for promotion to Category 1 of Class II..
(iii) The officers in Category 9 of Class III may be posted as Inspector of Physical Education/Inspectress of
Physical Education for one year for becoming eligible for promotion to Category 5 of Class II.
Rule 6 Age
No person shall be eligible for appointment by direct recruitment to any post in the service if he/she has
completed 30 years of age as on the 1st day of July of the year in which the notification for recruitment is
made. Concessions extended by the Government from time to time to BC, SC and ST in respect of age
applicable to the direct recruits.

Rule 7 Minimum Service

No person shall be made eligible for promotion or for recruitment by transfer to any post in the service unless

he has put in not less than three years of service in the category/class from which promotion or recruitment by
transfer is to be made.
Rule 8 Probation
Every person appointed to any category, by direct recruitment shall be on probation for a total period of two
years on duty within a continuous period of 3 years and every person appointed to any category either by
promotion or recruitment by transfer shall be on probation for a total period of one year duty within a
continuous period of 2 years from the date on which he/she commences probation.
Rule 9Training and Appointment
(1) Every person who has been selected for appointment by direct recruitment to the service in Category 1 of
Class III shall be appointed subject to fulfillment of the following conditions.
(i) The prescribed course of teachers training in a College for Teacher Education Institute of Advanced Studies
in Education and obtain a degree in teaching of University in the State if he/she does not possess the Bachelor s
Degree in Education at the time of selection.
(ii) A course of Administrative Training for a period not exceeding six months in such manner as may be
prescribed by the Director of School Education.
(2) Every person who is selected for appointment by direct recruitment in Category 1 of Class III and who
possess at the time of selection a degree in teaching of a university in the State shall be given the
Administrative training prescribed.
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(3) Every person selected for appointment by Direct Recruitment to Category 1 of Class III but who does not
possess a degree in teaching of university in the State or an equivalent qualification shall be deputed to College
for Teacher Education/Institute of Advanced Studies in Education to undergo B.Ed., course. He/She shall
acquire such degree within three years from the date of his deputation for teachers training, provided that the
Government may for special reasons extend the said period preferably by one year. If he fails to acquire the
said degree within two years or within the said period of extension as the case may be, he shall be discharged
from service, shall forfeit his right to appointment to the service, and shall refund to the Government the entire
amount paid to him as pay and other allowances.
(4) A person who does not possess the said degree in teaching at the time of selection shall, on completion of
both teachers training shall be given administrative training for a period of (6) months as prescribed by the
Director of School Education. The administrative training shall commence immediately after the last day of the
examination. If the place or administrative training involves change of Head quarters he will be allowed actual
journey time as per rules to report at the place of Administrative training.
(5) A person who has appeared for the examination and failed to obtain the said degree may be appointed to the
service temporarily under Rule 10(a) of the State and Subordinate Services Rules after completion of his
Administrative training.
(6) While undergoing course of B.Ed., and Administrative training they shall be paid the initial pay of the post
for which he is a trainee, with usual allowance admissible at the respective places of training.
(7) The period of training shall be allowed to count as duty for all purposes like probation, pension, leave,
increment etc., subject to the restriction that unless he completes the training or passes the prescribed tests
during or after the training, he shall not be eligible for the first increment.
(8) Every person who has been selected for appointment by direct recruitment to the service in Category 1 of

Class III and who is required to undergo training as laid down in Rule 10(1) shall before commencing the

training execute an agreement in the proper form, with two sureties binding himself/herself.

(i) To undergo successfully the training in full and to obtain the degree in teaching mentioned in that Rule at
the end of the prescribed course of teachers training in a training college.
(ii) To serve in the Education Department for a period not less than 3 years; and
(iii) To refund to the State Government the entire amount drawn by him/her as pay and other allowances, if he
fails to fulfil either of the conditions in clauses (i) and (ii) above. Provided that a person who is required to
undergo only the administrative training need not execute the agreement aforesaid.
Rule 10 Tests
The tests prescribed for the members of the service are set forth in the following table.
Explanation 1:Where a test is prescribed of a language of higher standard a person shall be exempted from
passing the test if he/she passed the language as a subject in Intermediate examination or its equivalent or
higher degree. Where a test is prescribed of a language of Lower Standard a person shall be exempted from
passing the test if he/she has passed the language as a subject in SSC Examination or its equivalent or higher
Explanation 2:All persons who have crossed 45 years of age shall be exempted from passing departmental tests
for promotion to the next higher category above the one held of her/him. This benefit is extended to ensure that
every employee gets atleast one promotion during his entire service.
Explanation 3:All persons who have completed age of 50 years on the date of appointment to any post shall be
exempted from passing the tests referred to in column 3.
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Rule 11 Unit of Appointment
For the purpose of recruitment, appointment, seniority, discharge for want of vacancy, promotion, transfer and
re-appointment the Unit of appointment .
Class Category Designation
1 Deputy Educational Officer/Gazetted Headmaster Grade I
2 Assistant Director

Lecturer, State Council of Educational Research and Training(scert)

Lecturer Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE) /College of Teacter Education (CTE)

5 Seniour Lecturer of DIET

I 6 Special Officer (English / Hindi/ Urdu / Oriental Studies)
7 Statistical Officer
Lecturer in Physical Education, Government College of Physical
Education (G.C.P.E.)/ Institute of Advanced Studies in Education
8 (I.A.S.E.)/College of Teacher Education (C.T.E)/ Inspector of Physical
Education (G.C.P.E.)/ Institute of Advanced Studies in Education
College of Physical Education.

Lecturer in Library Science, Institute of Advanced Studies in Education (IASE)/CTE



Gazetted Headmaster Grade II/Gazetted Headmistress Grade-II and Mandal Educational
II 2 Lecturer, District Institute of Education and Training (D.I.E.T.)

3 Regional Inspector of Physical Education; Lecturer in Art Education, District Institute of

Education and Training (DIET)

UNIT OF APPOINTMENT G.O.Ms.No:96, Dated: . 25-07- 2005

Class Category Unit of appointment
1 2 3
Class-1 1 to 17,22 Revenue Districts concerned/City of Hyderabad.
Class-1 18 Zone-I Srikakulam, Vizianagaram and Visakhapatnam Districts.
Zone-II East Godavari, West Godavari and Krishna Districts.
Zone-III Guntur, Prakasam and Nellore Districts
Zone-IV Chittor, Cuddapah, Ananthapur and Kurnool Districts
Zone-V Adilabad, Karimnagar, Warangal and Khammam Districts
Zone-VI Nizamabad Mahabubnagar, Medak, Nalgonda and Rangareddy
City of Hyderabad.
Class-II 2 Revenue Districts concerned/City of Hyderabad.
Class-III 1 to 25 Revenue Districts concerned/ City of Hyderabad.
Class-IV 1&2 Revenue Districts concerned/ City of Hyderabad.
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Cate Appointing
Class Designation Method of Appointment
gory Authority
I 1 Deputy Educational Officer/ Gazetted Head i) By Direct Recruitment
Master Grade I/Gazetted Head Mistress ii) By Promotion from Category 1 of Class II DSE
Grade I
2 Assistant Director By recruitment by transfer from
Superintendent/ Auditor category of Andhra DSE
Pradesh Ministerial Services.
3 Lecturer, State Council of Educational By Transfer on tenure basis from category 4 of
Research and Training (SCERT) Class I
Lecturer, Institute of Advanced Studies in i) By Direct Recruitment
4 Education (IASE)/College of Teacher ii) By Promotion from categories 1 and 2 of class II DSE
Education (CTE)
Senior Lecturer, District Institute of i) By Direct Recruitment
Education and Training (DIET) ii) By Promotion from categories 1 and 2 of class II
6 Special Officer (English, Hindi, Urdu, By Transfer from categories 1,3,4 and 5 of Class I
Oriental studies)
7 Statistical Officer By transfer from Categories 1,2,3,4 and 5 of Class
Lecturer in Physical Education Government
College of Physical Education
(GCPE)/Institute of Advanced Studies in

Education (IASE)/College of Teacher

8 By Promotion from category 3 of class II DSE
Education (CTE)/ and Inspector of Physical

Education and Lecturer in Games and
Sports in Government College of Physical
9 Lecturer in Library Science Institute (i) Recruitment by transfer from Librarians in
of Advanced Studies in Education, SCERT
(IASE)/ (ii) If not available by direct recruitment
College of Teacher Education (CTE)
II 1 Gazetted Head Master Grade II/Gazetted Recruitment by transfer from Class I of Andhra
Head Mistress Grade II / Mandal Pradesh School Educational Subordinate Services RJDSE
Educational Officer
2 Lecturer District Institute of Education and i) By Direct Recruitment
Training ii) By recruitment by transfer from Class I of
(DIET) Andhra Pradesh School Educational Subordinate
Lecturer in Physical Education in District Recruitment by transfer from Category I of
Institute of Education and Training Andhra Pradesh School Educational Subordinate
(DIET) and Regional Inspector of Physical Services
Lecturer in Art Education (i) By Direct Recruitment
4 (ii) Recruitment by transfer from class I of Andhra RJDSE
Pradesh School Educational Subordinate Services
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Classification of Eucational services as per G.O.Ms.No:96, Dated: . 25-07- 2005

Class Category Designation

I 1 School Assistant (Mathematics)
2 School Assistant (Physical Sciences)
3 School Assistant (Biological Sciences)
4 School Assistant (Social Studies)
5 School Assistant (English)
6 School Assistant (Telugu)
7 School Assistant (Hindi)
8 School Assistant (Urdu)
9 School Assistant (Kannada)
10 School Assistant (Oriya)
11 School Assistant (Marathi)
12 School Assistant (Gujarathi)
13 School Assistant (Tamil)
14 School Assistant (Bengali)
15 School Assistant (Sanskrit)
16 School Assistant (Arabic)
17 School Assistant (Physical Education)
18 School Assistant (English) in English language Training Center
19 School Assistant (Physical Science) in State Council of
Educational Research and Training
20 School Assistant (Biological Science) in State Council of
Educational Research and Training
21 School Assistant (Social Studies) in State Council of
Educational Research and Training
22 Head Master of Primary School
II 1 Assistant Statistical Officer in office of the Director of School Education
2 Assistant Statistical Officer in office of the District Educational Officer
3 Librarian in State Council of Educational Research and Training

4 Artist in State Council of Educational Research and Training

III 1 Secondary Grade Teacher

2 Elementary Grade Teacher/Higher Grade Teacher
3 Language Pandit (Telugu)
4 Language Pandit (Hindi)
5 Language Pandit (Urdu)
6 Language Pandit (Kannada)
7 Language Pandit (Oriya)
8 Language Pandit (Marathi)
9 Language Pandit (Gujarati)
10 Language Pandit (Tamil)
11 Language Pandit (Bengali)
12 Language Pandit (Sanskrit)
13 Language Pandit (Arabic)
14 Physical Education Teacher
15 Art Teacher
16 Drawing Teacher
17 Music Teacher
18 Weaving Teacher
19 Dance Teacher
20 Carpentry Teacher
21 Textile, Printing, Tailoring Teacher
22 Sewing Teacher
23 Sewing, Tailoring and Needle work Teacher
24 Drawing and Sewing Teacher
25 Agriculture Teacher
IV 1 Statistical Assistant, office of the District Institute of Educational Training
2 Librarian in High Schools / District Institute of Educational Training
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Method of Appointment: G.O.Ms.No:96, Dated: . 25-07- 2005
Class Category Designation Method of appointment Appointing authority
1 2 3 4 5
1 School Assistant (Mathematics) District Educational Officer
2 School Assistant (Physical Science) District Educational Officer
3 School Assistant (Biological Science) District Educational Officer

4 School Assistant (Social Studies) District Educational Officer

5 School Assistant (English) District Educational Officer
6 School Assistant (Telugu) District Educational Officer
7 School Assistant (Hindi) District Educational Officer
8 School Assistant (Urdu) District Educational Officer
9 School Assistant (Kanada) i) By Direct Recruitment District Educational Officer
10 School Assistant (Oriya) District Educational Officer
11 School Assistant (Marathi) District Educational Officer
12 School Assistant(Gujrathi) District Educational Officer
13 School Assistant (Tamil) District Educational Officer
14 School Assistant (Bengali) District Educational Officer
15 School Assistant (Sanskrit) District Educational Officer
16 School Assistant (Arabic) District Educational Officer
17 School Assistant (Physical Education) District Educational Officer
18 School Assistant (English) in ELTC By transfer from category 5 of Regional Joint Director of
class I school education
19 School Assistant (Physical Science) in Joint Director of School
State Council of Educational Research By transfer from category 2 of Education (Services)


and Training class I

20 School Assistant (Biological Science) in Joint Director of School
State Council of Educational Research By transfer from category 3 of Education (Services)
and Training class I
21 School Assistant (Social Studies) in Joint Director of School
State Council of Educational Research By promotion from category 4 Education (Services)
and Training of class I
22 Head Master of Primary School By promotion from category 1 District Educational Officer
of class III
II 1 Assistant Statistical Officer in office of By transfer from category of Joint Director of School
the Director of School Education Assistant Statistical Education (Services)
Officer under the control of
Directorate of planning and
2 Assistant Statistical Officer in office of By transfer from School District Educational Officer
the District Educational Officer Assistant (Maths)
3 Librarian in State Council of By promotion from category 2 Joint Director of School
Educational Research and Training of class IV Education (Services)
4 Artist in State Council of Educational No future recruitment Joint Director of School
Research and Training Education (Services)
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Class Cate-gory Appointing
Designation Method of appointment
1 2 3 4 5
III 1 Secondary Grade Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO
2 Elementary Grade No future Recruitment DEO
Teacher/Higher Grade Teacher
3 Language Pandit (Telugu) By Direct Recruitment DEO
4 Language Pandit (Hindi) By Direct Recruitment DEO
5 Language Pandit (Urdu) By Direct Recruitment DEO
6 Language Pandit (Kannada) By Direct Recruitment DEO
7 Language Pandit (Oriya) By Direct Recruitment DEO
8 Language Pandit (Marathi) By Direct Recruitment DEO
9 Language Pandit (Gujarati) By Direct Recruitment DEO
10 Language Pandit (Tamil) By Direct Recruitment DEO
11 Language Pandit (Bengali) By Direct Recruitment DEO
12 Language Pandit (Sanskrit) By Direct Recruitment DEO
13 Language Pandit (Arabic) By Direct Recruitment DEO
14 Physical Education Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO
15 Art Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO
16 Drawing Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO
17 Music Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO
18 Weaving Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO
19 Dance Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO
20 Carpentry Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO


21 Textile, Printing, Tailoring By Direct Recruitment DEO

22 Sewing Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO
23 Sewing, Tailoring & Needle work By Direct Recruitment DEO
24 Drawing and Sewing Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO
25 Agriculture Teacher By Direct Recruitment DEO
IV 1 Statistical Assistant office of the By transfer from Junior DEO
District Institute of Educational Assistants and equivalent
Training cadres of Andhra Pradesh
Ministerial Service

2 Librarian in High Schools / By Direct Recruitment DEO

District Institute of Educational


1.Exemption from passing Departmental tests for First promotion who crossed. 45 years.
2. Exemption from passing Departmental tests for second promotion who crossed 50 years.
3.The competent authority for appointment of DEO is Government.
4.The competent authority for appointment of High school HM or MEO is RJDE.
5. 3.The competent authority for appointment of School Assistants,SGTis DEO.
6.The minimum period of Appointment by transfer to the post of Headmaster 3 years.
7.Joining time allowed for Direct Recruitment as per,DT:26-01-2009 is 30 days.
8.Joining time allowed for Direct promotion as per,DT:26-01-2009 is 15 days.
9.Reservation percentage for women in Direct recruitment is 33 1/3 %
10.APSSR means Andhra pradesh State Service Rules.
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11.APSSSR means Andhra prasesh state subordinate Service Rules.
12.APSESSR means Andhra pradesh School Education subordinate service Rules.
13.Unit of Appointment for DSE,RJDE,DEO is State
14. Unit of Appointment for DYEO is zonal.
15. Unit of Appointment for High school HM or MEO is District.
16. Unit of Appointment for Government High school HM is zonal.
17. Unit of Appointment for All school Assistants ,Sgt's ,LP and PET is District.
18.Inspecting Authority for Manda lparishad schools is MEO.
19.MEO has to work under the supervision of MPDO
20.Mandalparishad school teachers transfers from one school to another done by DEO
21.Inspecting Authority of Adult Education centres at Mandal level is MEO.
22.A school teacher has to maintain. Notes of lessons and Teacher diary.
23.Designation of Language Teachers is Language pandits.
24.Preparation of Time table at school level done by HM with consent of Teachers.
25.DSC notification issuing Authority is Secretary to the Government Education Department.
26.Time scale means a scale of pay which contains minimum and maximum scale of pay.
27.who will has Time scale The candidate who got post in direct recruitment.
28.Reservation of Recruitment for Local candidates is 80%
29.Reservation for recruitment for Non local candidates is 20%.
30.33 1/3% reservations for women candidates in recruitment was given as per,DT:8-3-1996
31.Ap service rules are divided in to 2 types.
32.Ap service rules are divided in two Ap state service rules and Ap state subordinate service rules.
33.All Non- Gaztted posts comes under Ap subordinate service Rules.
34.AllGazetted posts comes under Ap state service rules.
35.The posts in various classes,Categories and grades in a service is called as Cadre.

36.The appointment which has not been regularised is called Officiating Appointment.

37.Probation means A fresh entrance to a service.

38.The percentage of earmarked for direct recruitment is State services is 33 1/3%, Subordinate services-
39.Compassionate Appointment to the spouse of deceased employee the upper age limit shall be 45 years.
40.Minimum service required for promotion is 3 years.
41.Minimum age for direct recruitment is 18 years.
42.Ap state service rules are classified as per Rule 6 of 1963 GO.MS.No:1376,dt:28.11.1963
43.Apstate subordinate service rules are classified under Rule 7 of 1963,GO.MS.No:516,DT:16-12-1999.
44.Ap Educational services classified in to Gazetted and Non-Gazetted officers.
45.Ap Educational services belongs to Gazetted officers.
46.Ap Educational services rule are framed through GO.MS.NO:505,DT:16.11.1998
47.All categories of Class-I,Class-II are appointed by the Government.
48.All categories of Class-III are appointed by DSE.
49.All categories of Class-IV are appointed by RJDE.
50.Languagepandit Grade -I 's new designation is School Assistant.
51.Language teachers are categorised as Language pandit.
52.Physical director grade II new designation is School Assistant.
53.APSESS rules for Teachers in MPP and ZPP schools as per GO.MS.No: 12,DT:23.1.2009.
54. School teachers weekly work load fixed as 30 classes.
55.Procedure for Teachers Recruitment is Through the District selection committee.
56.Language Teachers comes under Language pandits category.
56.At secondary school ,games and sports dealed by PET.
57.Minimum Teaching experience required to become Headmaster secondary school is 7 years.
58.Students drop outs prevented by monitoring regular study progress of the student.
59.The remedy to avoid corporal punishment is counselling the students for their future.
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60.percentage of reservation made for back ward classes in Teachers recruitment 25%.
61.Mode of selection of teachers through District selection committee By conducting competitive examination.
62.Teachers recruitment notification will issued by Director of school Education.
63.Universalization of secondary Education program announced by prime minister on 18.08.2010
64.No of model schools started in India by Go.MS .No.254,DT:3.12.2011
65.No.of model schools started in AP as per GO.Ms.No:254,DT:3.12.2011 is 355.
66.SERP means Society for elimination of Rural poverty.
67.Powers to release or special rules in favour if any person or class of person vest with Governor.
68.Higher grade teachers comes under Class E of category IV .
69.Number of model schools running in the Residual Andhra Pradesh state 163.
70. The first model school in the state was opened at Thegada in Kasimkotamandal in Visakhapatnam on 22
June 2013..
71.The Right to Information Act 2005 extended to whole India Except Jammu and Kashmir.
72.Define S.C's with reference to State and subordinate service Rules Screening committee.
73.Define A.P with reference to State and subordinate service rules Approved Probation.
74. D.P.C means Departmental promotion committee.
76.In the Third cycle of 100 point Roster number of points shall be reserved for women belonging to BC-C
category Roster point is 14.
77.APVC Means Andhra Pradesh Vigilance commission.
78.Minimum service for commencement of probation continuously on duty Not less than 60 days from the
date of joining.
79.The post of principal,IASAE in Education comes under Category 3 of Class I
80.The post of Principal of DIET comes under category III of class II.
81.Qualification of the teacher who teaches 1to 5th As per NCTE norms is Inter with U.G.D.P.Ed.
82.Duties of Inspecting officers in relation to the scheme for the award of secondary school learning certificate

issued under chapter XVII of the A.P Education code.

83.Number of Registers has to maintained by inspecting officers 57(chapter XII of AP Education code)

84.duties of inspecting officers in relation to Scheme for award of Secondary School Learning certificate under
Chapter XVII.

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