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A pleasant day to everyone. First, I’d like to thank all of you for being present in today’s
event. To be able to stand here in front of all of you is a great honor. I promise to make your time

The famous British writer Joe Abercrombie once said, “We should forgive our enemies,
but not before they are hanged.” The death penalty has been long gone from our nation as a
means of discipline to convicts. However, I am grateful that our novice senators Christopher
“Bong” Go and Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa gave a proposal for the reinstatement of death penalty
through Senate Bills 207 and 226.

Let me break down some common reasons why death penalty must be approved. First,
this will serve as a warning to citizens who will try to perpetrate heinous crimes. Knowing that
their lives will be the price to pay for their unforgiveable actions, may lead to a possibility of
deterring illegalities. They will grow fear instead of courage in doing such things.

Second, we will do the victims a favor by giving them the justice they deserve. No family
member of a murder or rape victim would like to see the person, who done them wrong, still
breathing the same air as they do. Have you heard of Christine Silawan? A 16-year-old girl who
was raped, murdered, and got her face skinned off. Who in the right mind would do such a thing?
The suspect had been apprehended and sentenced to life imprisonment. My question is, is that
enough? Let me put you in the shoes of the victim’s family. You are the parents of Christine.
You are employed; you pay the taxes right. We are aware that the fund being used in giving food
to prisoners comes from the people’s taxes. Imagine as a parent of a girl who got murdered,
basically allowing the criminal eat off of the money you contribute to the government. What a
waste. Do people like them still deserve to eat and a place to sleep? Think about it.

I’m Laurie Mae Toledo and that’s my time. Thank you and God bless.

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