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Blockchain: Research and Applications 1 (2020) 100004

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Short Communication

Blockchains for constrained edge devices

Antonyo Douglas a, Richard Holloway b, Jonathan Lohr a, Elijah Morgan b, Khaled Harfoush a, *
Department of Computer Science North Carolina State University Raleigh, NC, 27606, USA
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, 27606, USA


Keywords: Today’s networks are seeing a large influx of Internet connected devices that reside primarily on the edge of the
Blockchains network. Many of these devices, such as Internet of Things (IoT) devices, are resource constrained both by storage
Internet of Things capacity and power requirements that limit a device’s Internet availability. Several interesting architectures have
Wireless Communication
been proposed to address security, device management, configuration, and multi-party interaction concerns using
blockchain technology. These architectures require a trusted intermediary to interact with the blockchain on
behalf of the edge device. This introduces a single point of failure in trust and security. This paper proposes a
novel adaptation of blockchain technology to enable these edge devices to interact and participate with a
blockchain without requiring a trusted intermediary. The proposed architecture provides a flexible and extensible
framework that enables multi party interactions to take place at the edge of the network. The efficacy of the
proposed design is demonstrated through theoretical analysis and by an application to a network of resource
constrained IoT devices.

1. Introduction existing blockchains were designed for cryptocurrencies.

A variety of approaches were adopted to accommodate devices with
In recent years, the number of devices connected to the Internet has constrained resources in blockchain systems. One proposal is to split
exploded. It is anticipated that there will be 21 billion Internet of Things devices based on their resources into classes (miner nodes, full nodes and
(IoT) devices by 2025 [1]. IoT devices are manufactured for a variety of light nodes). The contribution of a device to the blockchain system de-
applications and with a wide variety of capabilities. For many applica- pends on its class. Miners are responsible for creating and verifying new
tions, IoT devices are constrained in their processing, memory and power blocks. Full nodes do not perform mining, but download every block,
resources. This makes it difficult to create a single network connectivity verify every transaction and maintain an accurate state database of the
model and/or a single security model applicable to all systems and leaves blockchain network. Light nodes only perform enough tasks in the
manufacturers to make up their architecture as they go. network to create and verify the validity of the transactions it cares
In the meantime, the use of blockchains for non-cryptocurrency ap- about. Participation in a blockchain network, even as a light node, re-
plications has grown in popularity in recent years [2–7]. Blockchain as a quires significant computational capability, a large amount of non-
technology provides multiple benefits, the most important of which is its volatile storage, and a constant and high-bandwidth Internet connection.
decentralized trust (any one can participate even if they are not fully A second approach to accommodate constrained devices in block-
trusted), its immutability (blocks within the chain cannot be changed chain networks is to have them rely on Trusted Interme-diaries (TI) [4,5].
without breaking the chain), its auditability (anyone can verify that the The TI interacts with the blockchain as a full or light node on behalf of the
history of the entire chain is correct), and its distributed nature (removes constrained edge devices. Edge devices must trust this intermediary,
the possibility of a single point of failure). These advantages make which creates a single point of failure and negates many of the benefits
blockchains attractive for many applications, and IoT applications are no that a blockchain provides by breaking the decentralized trust, immu-
exception. There are a plethora of IoT applications that can benefit from tability, and distributed model.
blockchain technology including supply chain logistics, device configu- Another approach that is promising more lightweight blockchain
ration, and device management. These applications struggled, because operations, which can benefit constrained devices is to rely on Proof-of-

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (A. Douglas), (R. Holloway), (J. Lohr), (E. Morgan), kaharfou@ (K. Harfoush).
Received 27 August 2020; Received in revised form 12 December 2020; Accepted 12 December 2020
2096-7209/© 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Zhejiang University Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
A. Douglas et al. Blockchain: Research and Applications 1 (2020) 100004

Stake (PoS) rather than Proof-of-Work (PoW). Both PoS and PoW are of IoT setups. Specifically, they propose to use sharding techniques [21]
consensus mechanisms used to validate transactions that take place on a to validate transactions in parallel, reduce the signature size, and rely on
blockchain, without the need for a third party. In PoW [8–10], one signature to commit multiple packets in the same transaction. In
transactions are validated by miners through brute-force (trial-and- Ref. [22], Katende relies on a distributed Proof-of-Authority (PoA)
error) to solve complex cryptographic puzzles. The first miner that solves consensus to validate IoT transactions. Trusted validators, distributed in
the puzzle is rewarded. Solving these complex puzzles requires high-end the network, are responsible for keeping the network decentralized and
computational resources, leads to high energy consumption and long secure. In Ref. [23], Han et al. study the performance of consortium
delays before blocks are committed to a blockchain. Furthermore, PoW blockchains such as Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) [24] and Ripple [25]
leads to a fairness problem as the miner with the most resources will using the Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) State Machine Replication
likely be the one rewarded. Also, there is a chance for one entity to (BFT-SMaRt) [26] and Ripple consensus [27] protocols and motivate the
control more than 51% of the total mining power, enabling this entity to need for a scalable variant of the classic Byzantine consensus problem in
make changes to blockchain blocks. Unlike PoW, in PoS systems [11–14], blockchains supporting IoT setups. Their results show that the perfor-
validator nodes put at stake (on hold) some number of system coins and mance of blockchains degrades significantly with the increase in the
earn a transaction fee for a validated block probabilistically in proportion number of devices, a prominent characteristic of IoT setups.
to the fraction of system coins they have at stake. The idea behind the proposed BCD architecture is orthogonal to
The more you stake the more likely you earn. The validation step is existing proposals and can complement them to further enable blockchain
not as complex as in the PoW case (no trial-and-error) and thus validation support for IoT setups without straining constrained IoT devices and
is more time-efficient and more energy-efficient. While miners with without sacrificing system security. Specifically, BCD further reduces the
higher stake are likely to earn more (the rich gets richer), the probabi- load and the on time of edge devices for consortium blockchains, which
listic PoS model is more fair that the PoW model and an entity with high are characterized by a relatively small number of validators [28,29].
stake cannot monopolize the network.1 PoS blockchain systems are thus
more suitable for constrained IoT devices than PoW systems. 3. Building blocks
In this paper, we make the following contributions: We introduce a
PoS Blockchain suitable for Constrained edge Devices (BCD). In BCD, 3.1. Byzantine Fault Tolerance
constrained devices do not rely on a TI and are able to get data from the
blockchain in a verifiable manner and the trust model rests solely on the A Byzantine fault is a condition of a system where components
blockchain. The assurance provided by the blockchain is well studied may fail and there is imperfect information on whether a compo-
[15,16] and can be proven. The BCD solution reduces the load on edge nent has failed. The term takes its name from the Byzantine Generals
devices and enables edge devices to query the blockchain at will without Problem used to describe a situation in which, in order to avoid
having to snoop on blocks for relevant transactions. This is particularly catastrophic failure of the system, the system’s actors must agree on a
important for IoT devices that are primarily constrained by power con- concerted strategy, but some of these actors are unreliable. BFT [30]
sumption related to transceiver on time. For these devices a 50% is an efficient partially synchronous consensus algorithm able to
reduction in overhead could represent months of additional operation tolerate 1/3 of the nodes behaving arbitrarily. In BFT, each node has
time. In general, BCD adds to the overhead of blockchain full nodes and the same weight.
to the blockchain storage needs in order to reduce the overhead at the
constrained edge nodes when downloading relevant transactions. Ex- 3.2. Merkle proofs
periments results reveal the potential savings for constrained devices
attained by BCD over Tendermint and Cosmos [14], state of the art Merkle proofs are used to prove the inclusion of a data element in a
blockchain solutions for IoT devices. data set without revealing either the set or the element. Merkle proofs
The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we survey make use of one-way cryptographic hashing, and arrange hashes of data
research efforts aimed at supporting IoT setups with blockchains. In elements into a Merkle tree in which a leaf node represents the hash
Section 3, we provide background information about building blocks value of an element, and an internal node represents a hash of the con-
used in the BCD proposal. In Section 4, we introduce the details of the catenation of the values of its children – Refer to Fig. 1 for an example.
proposed BCD model. In Section 5, we compare the performance of BCD Let Ti be a data element (blockchain transaction), Hi be the corresponding
to a vanilla Tendermint/Cosmos setup. In Section 6, we discuss BCD hash value, and Hij be a hash to of a concatenation of Hi and Hj. In order to
limitations and challenges. We finally conclude in Section 7. identify whether T5 is included in a data set (blockchain block) storing
the transactions T1 through T8, a device is provided, in addition to H5,
2. Related work with H6, H78, H1234, and H12345678 (Merkle root value). The device starts
by computing values for H56, then H5678, then H12345678 and matches the
Efforts aimed at supporting the IoT using Blockchains vary in their result to the given Merkle root value. If they match, then T5 is assumed
contributions. In Ref. [17], Dinh et al. compare the performance of slow included in the block. Demonstrating that a leaf node is a part of a given
PoW blockchains to more efficient blockchains based on Byzantine binary hash tree requires computing a number of hashes proportional to
consensus. In Ref. [18], Danzi et al. study the problem of efficiently the logarithm of the number of leaf nodes of the tree; this contrasts with
disseminating authenticated blockchain information from blockchain hash lists, where the number is proportional to the number of leaf nodes
nodes (servers) to IoT devices, by multicasting block headers together itself.
with the signatures of servers. Through a wireless base station (BS).
This proposal is based on the observation that if devices are connected to 3.3. Tendermint
the same blockchain network, they are likely to be interested in receiving
the same information (blocks or block headers). In Ref. [19], Niya et al. Tendermint [14] is a consensus engine together with an API used to
extend BAZO [20], a PoS based blockchain, to better meet the demands build blockchain applications. As opposed to classical BFT, in Tender-
mint, nodes have a non-negative, possibly different amount of voting
power, and nodes with positive voting power are called validators. Val-
Monopolizing the network would not make financial sense since increasing idators are identified by their public key and participate in the consensus
an entity’s stake will end up costing the entity more than it can gain from the protocol by broadcasting cryptographic signatures, votes, on block
attack. Also, once malicious behavior is detected, the malicious node will lose all headers to agree on the next block in a blockchain. The main benefit of
its stake. Tendermint over traditional BFT is that Tendermint has a simplified

A. Douglas et al. Blockchain: Research and Applications 1 (2020) 100004

Fig. 1. Merkle tree example.

underlying structure where transactions are batched into blocks and

blocks must commit in order. The batching of transactions into blocks
allows for regular Merkle-hasing of the application state, rather than
periodic digests as with BFT's checkpointing scheme. This allows for
faster provable transaction commits for light-clients and faster inter--
blockchain communication.
A Tendermint block contains in addition to a header, the signatures of
the validators on the block header and a list of transactions – Refer to
Fig. 2. The block header contains the Merkle root for the transactions in
this block.
Voting for consensus on a block proceeds in rounds. Each round has a
round-leader or a proposer, who proposes a block. The validators then
vote, in stages, on whether to accept the proposed block or move on to
the next round. Voting for a block by a validator is basically signing the
block header which contains a Merkle root for the transactions. Ten-
dermint relies on super-majority ( > 2/3) voting for consensus; i.e.,  1/3
voting power must be byzantine to pose a security risk.
Light-nodes are required to listen for blocks in the same manner as
full-nodes. The major difference is the amount of data the light-client is Fig. 2. Tendermint block.
expected to save. A light-node device is only expected to deal with a block
when it contains a transaction of interest to the device instead of
handling every transaction in every block. When a block contains a
transaction that the light-client needs it downloads the transaction in ad-
dition to the block header, which contains the Merkle root, the signatures
of the validators on the block header, the hashes that are part of the
Merkle proof. With this information at hand, a light-node can validate the
transaction by first verifying the validators’ signatures on the block
header, then carrying the Merkle proof. If the computed Merkle root
matches the Merkle root provided in the block header then the trans-
action is considered valid.
Tendermint’s API is known as the Application BlockChain Interface
(ABCI) and allows the application to be written in the language of the
designers’ choosing, not just Go, which is the language Tendermint Core
is written with, and enables the application to determine the weight of a
validator’s vote.
Fig. 3. Cosmos network. Hasing of the application state, rather than periodic
digests as with BFT’s checkpointing scheme. This allows for faster provable
3.4. Cosmos transaction commits for light-clients and faster inter-blockchain communication.
BFT: Byzantine Fault Tolerance, BCD: Blockchain suitable for Constrained
Cosmos [14] is a network of independent parallel blockchains that are edge Devices.
each powered by consensus algorithms like Tendermint. The first
blockchain in the Cosmos network is the Cosmos hub, which connects to 4. BCD model
the other blockchains (or zones) – Refer to Fig. 3. The Cosmos hub tracks
numerous token types and keeps track of the total number of tokens in The BCD model aims at harnessing the benefits of blockchain tech-
each zone. With the help of the hub, tokens can be transferred between nology and expands its practicality to a new class of devices, mainly to
zones without the need for a liquid exchange. The Cosmos architecture constrained IoT devices. BCD leverages the Tendermint consensus, PoS
promotes scalability and interoperability. algorithm, and intersects well with Tendermint and Cosmos. As such,
BCD would be a zone of Cosmos for devices requiring its low overhead.

A. Douglas et al. Blockchain: Research and Applications 1 (2020) 100004

The BCD architecture is shown in Fig. 4.

At its core, BCD adds the following features compared to vanilla
Tendermint: (1) Validators sign each transaction in each block, rather
than just sign block headers. Fig. 5 provides an example of a transaction
signed by validators. (2) Edge devices can query the blockchain network
using a BCD API and a BCD addressing scheme to download the trans-
actions of interest, rather than snoop on committed blocks to identify
relevant transactions. We next describe more details about the func-
tionality of validators and edge devices in BCD.
While the additional transaction signatures make the blocks heavy, it
is not a significant problem for server-like devices with near infinite
power and bandwidth, and as we further elaborate in Section 5, this
feature reduces the size of the packets that are downloaded by edge
devices from the blockchain without incurring extra processing overhead
to the edge devices. Weight is added both in terms of the additional in-
formation being passed around the network, as well as adding additional
computational burden to sign the transactions. The full nodes are still
required to listen for and validate the pre-commit block votes, but prior
to committing the block they also have the responsibility of concate-
nating the signatures associated with each transaction – Fig. 5.
Edge devices are pre-populated with the public keys of validators, and
through the BCD API and addressing scheme, can download a transaction
together with the set of signatures of the validators on the transaction,
rather than the block header, the signatures on the header and the Merkle Fig. 5. A transaction signed by validators.
hashes in Tendermint. A downloaded transaction can be validated by
checking whether at least 2/3 of the validators have signed the trans- BCD includes a notional design for a lightweight API that constrained
action, without exercising a Merkle proof test. Furthermore, validators devices can utilize. The API is designed with the lowest end device in
can be audited. Any entity can begin requesting blocks from the block- mind, but also so that it can scale to be used for enterprise level appli-
chain from the genesis block to the current one. This entity can inde- cations. The API consists of simple GET/PUSH methods to request data at
pendently verify and audit that each transaction has been correctly a specific blockchain address and to post a transaction to a specific
verified and all rules are followed. This enables an enterprise partici- blockchain address. Towards this end, the blockchain has two types of
pating in the blockchain to verify that all validators are acting according addresses, entities and data. An entity is a public-private key pair with
to the contract they signed. If a validator is caught acting maliciously the hash of the public key acting as the address. Data is a generic type of
they can be penalized by being dropped from the list of viable validators address that could be used to store binary data or a smart contract. The
and/or pursued outside of the confines of the blockchain network – Refer entity address is used to store certain types of information, such as cur-
to Section 6. This limits the ability of an attacker to disrupt the block- rent balance, contact information, etc. The BCD code is available to
chain. As such, validators are semi-trusted parties in BCD. download from Ref. [31].
In a traditional Tendermint, an edge device is required to listen for To recap, BCD benefits edge devices by offering direct access to
every block to determine if any of the transactions it contains affects its transactions of interest and by dealing with smaller packet sizes, at the
state. In BCD, an edge device can retrieve relevant transactions (docu- cost of larger block sizes to be maintained by the blockchain and higher
ments/code) at any time without the need to keep up with every block block voting cost. We next quantify the differences between BCD and
being exchanged in the network. This enables IoT devices to sleep for vanilla Tendermint.
longer periods and reduces their on time. This method provides the
added benefit of allowing edge device managers to send signed trans- 5. Performance evaluation
actions to an edge device at regular intervals. These features combine to
give the device control over when and how to use its battery. The In this section, we compare the performance of BCD to vanilla Ten-
retrieval of relevant transactions relies on BCD’s API and addressing dermint through theoretical analysis and actual experiments. The ex-
scheme, which we discuss next. periments rely on a Go application in a Cosmos zone running on
Tendermint, and aim at measuring the overhead incurred by the BCD
network, and the performance gain and reduction in overhead for edge
devices. Edge devices have a download rate of 16 kbps, which is repre-
sentative of an LTE Cat NB1 under somewhat poor conditions or a general
low power/low bandwidth device. A device of this caliber and the micro-
controller that drives it draws 55 mA combined. The collected metric
values are averages over more than 1000 runs of the application.
Terminology. Let v be the number of validators, n be the number of
transactions per block, z be the transaction size in bytes, and s the size of a
signature in bytes. Let h is the size of the block header in bytes, and is
typically 632 bytes. Each signature by a validator is an Ed25519 and thus
s ¼ 64 bytes. Furthermore, let x be the number of bytes needed to store
the hash value of a transaction needed for a Merkle proof. Assuming
SHA256, then x ¼ 32 bytes. Note that log2 n transaction hashes are
needed to carry the Merkle proof.
Block Size. Let bT and bB be the block sizes in bytes in the case of
Fig. 4. BCD overall system view. IoT: Internet of Things, BCD: Blockchain Tendermint and BCD, respectively. bT and bB can be expressed as
suitable for Constrained edge Devices.

A. Douglas et al. Blockchain: Research and Applications 1 (2020) 100004

bT ¼ h þ nz þ υs (1) vote on (verify transactions and sign) a block header. The time to verify a
transaction is negligible and it takes a validator on average 72 μs to sign a
bB ¼ h þ nz þ υs þ nυs (2) block on a PC (Intel Core i3-4130/3.40 GHz CPU). BCD adds overhead to
voting and instead of having a validator sign just the block header, the
The extra nvs term in b compared to b represents the extra overhead validator will also sign each transaction in the block.
in the size of each block in the BCD case where each validator also signs Packet Size. Let pT and pB be the size of the packets in bytes down-
each transaction, and contributes to the overall blockchain size with the loaded by edge devices in Tendermint and BCD, respectively. In the
overhead growing as the numbers of blocks in the blockchain grows. Tendermint case, a packet consists of (1) a block header which includes
Fig. 6(a) plots bB/bT for different number of (power of two) validators, v, the Merkle root, (2) the signatures of the validators on this header, (3) a
and for different values of the transaction sizes, z, when n ¼ 1024 transaction of interest, and (4) the transaction hashes need for the Merkle
transactions per block. The trend from the figure is clear: BCD contributes proof. In the BCD case, a packet only consists of (1) a transaction of in-
to larger block sizes on the blockchain network, and this overhead in- terest and (2) the signatures of the validators on this transaction. pT and
creases as v increases. The relative overhead in block size is more pro- pB can be expressed as
nounced for smaller transaction size, z.
Block Voting Time. Let tT and tB be the time in secs for the validators pT ¼ h þ z þ υs þ xlog 2 n (5)
to verify the transactions in a block and vote for (sign) the block in
Tendermint and BCD, respectively. In the Tendermint case, each vali- pB ¼ z þ υs (6)
dator only signs the block header; while in the BCD case, it also signs each
transaction in the block. tT and tB are thus proportional to the number of Fig. 6(b) plots pB/pT for different numbers of validators, v, and for
signatures that need to be computed and can be expressed as follows different values of the transaction sizes, z, when n ¼ 1024 transactions
per block. BCD leads to much smaller packet sizes than Tendermint, a
tT / υ (3) reduction of 50% in packet size relative to Tendermint can be seen when
n ¼ 1024 and z ¼ 512. The reduction in packet size becomes evident for
t B / ðυ þ nυÞ (4) small transaction size (an expected feature of IoT devices). As the number
of validators increases, the gain from BCD fades. However, there is a clear
We conducted experiments to measure the time it takes a validator to space where BCD can excel. The reduction in packet size benefits con-
strained IoT devices and allows them to conserve their energy by sleeping
for longer periods of time.
Packet Processing Time. Let T T and T B be the time it takes edge
devices to (1) download a packet, (2) parse the packet to extract the
signatures, and (3) verify the signatures for Tendermint and BCD,
respectively. The download time depends on the size of the packet and
the download rate. The parsing time depends on the hardware used, the
parser selected and the size of the objects being parsed. The time to verify
signatures depends on the hardware being used. Still, T T and T B are
proportional to the number of signatures that need to be validated and
can be expressed as follows

TT / υ (7)

TB / υ (8)
Note that signature verification time in T is consumed in validating
the v signatures on the block header and in the Merkle proof to validate
the transaction enclosed in the packet, while T B is consumed in verifying
the v signatures on the transaction of interest as BCD does not perform
the Merkle proof at edge devices.
In order to understand how packet parsing and signature verification
contribute to the overall packet processing time and to identify whether
these operations are viable to run on a constrained micro-controller, we
ran experiments to capture baseline values for the parsing time and the
signature verification time. A lightweight parser, JSMN (pronounced
“jasmine”), was selected [32]. JSMN is written in C and is intended to be
minimalistic which is ideal for many micro-controllers. A JSMN imple-
mentation was used to parse JSON objects with different numbers of
transaction/signature pairs, where the transactions size is z ¼ 1000 bytes
and the signature size is s ¼ 64 bytes. The parsing function was enclosed
in a loop and executed 10,000 times and the average time to parse 16
signatures were found to be 13.15 μs. In our experiments, a signature
verification takes on average slightly less than 1 s and as much as 3 s in
some cases, depending on the specific micro-controller, what algorithm is
used, and whether hardware acceleration is utilized. Similar results were
found in Ref. [33] although with some outliers on the order of 6 s. The
Fig. 6. Comparison between BCD (Blockchain suitable for Constrained edge experiments in Ref. [33] we carried on Cortex-M ARM processors which
Devices) and Tendermint block (a) and packet sizes (b), for different number of offer limited CPU and memory capabilities. For a base comparison, we
(power of two) validators, v, and different transaction sizes, z, with n ¼ 1024 use 1 s as the average time to verify one signature. Furthermore, In order
transactions per block. to assess the computational burden of a Merkle proof in Tendermint, we

A. Douglas et al. Blockchain: Research and Applications 1 (2020) 100004

downloaded a reference implementation and a five-level (height is 4) Theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that BCD
Merkle tree was specified. The code to build the Merkle tree was put into outperforms vanilla Tendermint’s solutions in accommodating the needs
a loop that executed 100,000 times. The average time to execute the of constrained devices, reducing their on time and extending their life-
Merkle proof was approximately 8 μs. time. This comes at the cost of more storage and computational overhead
These results highlight the fact that packet download time and the for the powerful blockchain full nodes. Creating and testing full-blown
signature verification time are the dominant factors in packet processing IoT applications on the Tendermint/Cosmos architecture will be part of
time, and that the cost of parsing and executing the Merkle proof is our future endeavors.
relatively small. This leads to almost matching signature parsing and
verification times for both Tendermint and BCD. However, the packet
download time in BCD is significantly smaller than in Tendermint, which Declaration of competing interest
is critical for many low-power IoT devices.
Many micro-controllers require on the order of 5 milliamps in full The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
operational mode. A small RF receiver could easily require 50 milliamps. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
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