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Tate co PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL Ue SU ee STUDENT BOOK PDF COMPILED BY SAAD PEARSON EDEXCEL INTERNATIONAL A LEVEL Ne Student Book sisted by Persen Edaton Limited, 0 Stand, London WEA ORL. wpoamonglbaichostacere copes of ocel spaifeation a Parson qualifisston ry be foune on the \webote Hipa/;quaifeaiora paren com “oe © PoareonEaueston Lites 2019 tad 27 Le! 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Eeriner wil ot ue ndorsed enue abs eour of eter for any sssoscmert sat by Pearson. Endorsement ef arosouree does ret aan that he foaourea rogues aniave tne Pesach uaieatin, he does ran tht 'Sthe of surate mata aval © suppod he quaeaton and any rescurce produce b) the aang Dod Shalisclude is and che operate CONTENTS: COURSE STRUCTURE ABOUT THIS BOOK vi QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW viii EXTRA ONLINE CONTENT x 1 PROOF 1 2 PARTIAL FRACTIONS 6 3 COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE (x, y) PLANE 16 4 BINOMIAL EXPANSION 30 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 46 5 DIFFERENTIATION 50 6 INTEGRATION 66 7 VECTORS 97 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 148 EXAM PRACTICE 153 GLOSSARY 155 ANSWERS 159 INDEX 179 sss CHAPTER 1 PROOF 1 CHAPTER 4 BINOMIAL 1.1 PROOF BY CONTRADICTION 2 EXPANSION 30 CHAPTER REVIEW 1 5 4.1 EXPANDING (1 + x)" 31 4.2 EXPANDING (a + bx)" 36 CHAPTER 2 PARTIAL 4.3 USING PARTIAL FRACTIONS 40 FRACTIONS g CHAPTER REVIEW 4 43 2.1 PARTIAL FRACTIONS: 7 2.2 REPEATED FACTORS 10 REVIEW EXERCISE 1 46 2.3 IMPROPER FRACTIONS 12 eens ‘4 CHAPTER 5 DIFFERENTIATION 50 5.1 PARAMETRIC DIFFERENTIATION 51 CHAPTER 3 COORDINATE 5.2 IMPLICIT DIFFERENTIATION 54 GEOMETRY IN THE (x, y) 5.3 RATES OF CHANGE 57 PLANE 16 CHAPTER REVIEW 5 61 3.1 PARAMETRIC EQUATIONS W7 3.2 USING TRIGONOMETRIC CHAPTER 6 INTEGRATION 66 IDENTITIES 21 6.1 FINDING THE AREA UNDER A CURVE 3.3 CURVE SKETCHING 25 DEFINED PARAMETRICALLY 67 CHAPTER REVIEW 3 28 6.2. VOLUMES OF REVOLUTION AROUND THE x-AXIS 68 6.3 INTEGRATION BY SUBSTITUTION = 74 6.4 INTEGRATION BY PARTS 78 6.5 PARTIAL FRACTIONS 81 6.6 SOLVING DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 84 6.7 MODELLING WITH DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS 88 CHAPTER REVIEW 6 92 CT SSG aS CHAPTER 7 VECTORS 97 REVIEW EXERCISE 2 148 7.1 VECTORS 98 7.2. REPRESENTING VECTORS 102 73 MAGNTTUDE AND DIRECTION 1o3_EXAM PRACTICE 1s 7.4 VECTORS IN 3D 109 7.5 SOLVING GEOMETRIC PROBLEMS GLOSSARY 155 IN TWo DIMENSIONS 114 7.6 SOLVING GEOMETRIC PROBLEMS ANSWERS 159 IN THREE DIMENSIONS 17 7.7 POSITION VECTORS 121 7.8 3D COORDINATES 123 INDEX 179 7.9 EQUATION OF A LINE IN THREE DIMENSIONS 125 7.40 POINTS OF INTERSECTION 431 7.11 SCALAR PRODUCT 133 CHAPTER REVIEW 7 140 PAGS ABOUT THIS BOOK ‘The following three themes have been fully integrated throughout the Pearson Edexcel International ‘Advanced Level in Mathematics series, so they can be applied along: 1. Mathematical argument, language and proof, + Rigorous and consistent approach throughout + Notation boxes explain key mathematical language and symbols fe your learning 2. Mathematical problem-solving ‘The Mathematica Problem Solving Cycle ‘+ Hundreds of problem-solving questions, fully integrated FAD specify the protien into the main exercises ‘* Problem-solving boxes provide tips and strategies interpret results iid made = Challenge questions provide extra stretch 3. Transferable skills ‘represent information + Transferable skills are embedded throughout this book, in the exercises and in some examples ‘+ These skills are signposted to show students which skills they are using and developing Finding your way around the book Each ehaptor start wth a lst of Leaming objectives “The Por knowledge check helps meke sure You are ready to start the creptor Glossary terms wit be ented by bold ‘appearance Each chapter ie mapped tothe specification certent or 22s) rierence The fel worts applications ot wernaths you ae about to lear re ighlted atthe start of te chapter AGS Briss questions aro caratly graded To inereasa in cicuty and gacuallybrng you up toexam Stand Fiansteable skibare signposted where they raturaly ooour Fitho exorcise and ‘evamples Trecses we packed swith exam-svle ‘questions to enaure you are ready forthe exam Serbrstepwerted | Eachsecionbagrs Trobim-sovrg boxes cienpesigcusonte| witanexpinaion | | gveyoractares | rouaorums tps and ey ypesctauestons | ndkeylearing ports | | fotachiosame mere | Smaps, an Naren Examvsiyle questions || yov'neodtotackle Gitiut questions | our boxes ngught i ‘res where staons ete fegeet with (6) ‘ten tose marks if Problem-solving ther exams questions areflagged — erca Summary of ey points with @ Alter every fon chapters, a Review enercise ees yeu sonsolicate your learing with LL lots of cam aye quoctone Exam practice Further Mathematics International ‘vanced Level Pure Mathematics 4 Review exercise 1 SEE emnestieto cane [tll pracice pape al the back of the bookchelps you prepare for he real ting PO Ta MO UPS Las LU QUALIFICATION AND ASSESSMENT OVERVIEW Qualification and content overview Pure Mathematics 4 (P4) is a compulsory unit in the following qualifications: International Advanced Level in Mathematics International Advanced Level in Pure Mathematics Assessment overview The following table gives an overview of the assessment for this unit. We recommend that you study this information closely to help ensure that you are fully prepared for this course and know exactly what to expect in the assessment Percentage | Mark [avaitabiiy PésPureMathematics4 165% 0fIAL [75 | 1hovr30 mine | January, june and October Paper code WNAL6/O1 Fist assessment june 2020 IAL: International Advanced A Level. Assessment objectives and weightings reer ‘Recall select and use thelr knowledge of mathematical facts concepts and techniques ina Ot | varity of contexts. a Construct rigorous mathematical arguments and proofs through use of precise statements, ‘aoz_| (Bal deduction and inference and by the manipulation of mathematical expressions, i. including the construction of extended arguments for hanaling substantial problems presented in unstructured form. Recall select and use their knowledge of standard mathematical models to represent ‘A03__| situations inthe real word recognise and understand given representations involving ihe standard models; present and interpret results from such models in terms ofthe or situation, including discussion of the assumptions made and refinement of such models. CComprehend transitions of common realistic contexts into mathematics use the results of ‘AO’ | calculations to make predictions, or comment on the context; and, where appropriate, read % aitcally and comprehend longer mathematical arguments or examples of applications. Use contemporary calculator technology and other permitted resources (such as formulae ‘405. | booklets or statistical tables) accuratoly and efficiently; understand when not to use such 5% technology, ands limitations. Give answers to appropriate accuracy. OTe RODS ss sad ix Relationship of assessment objectives to units Marks out of 75 25-20 25-30 510 510 5210 % 30 3-00 ey as es Calculators Students may use a calculator in assessments for these qualifications. Centres are responsible for making sure that calculators used by their stuclents meet the requirements given in the table below. Students are expected to have available a calculator with atleast the following keys: 4-47, x wv, [n.x, e%, x, sine, cosine and tangent and their inverses in degrees and decals Gai, and in radians; memory. Prohibitions Calculators with any of the following facilities are prohibited in all examinations: + databanks + retrieval of text or formulae + built-in symbolic algebra manipulations + symbolic differentiation and/or integration + language translators + communication with other machines or the internet mae @ Extra online content Whenever you see an Online box, it means that there is extra online content available to support you. SolutionBank SolutionBank provides worked solutions for questions in the book Download the solutions as a POF or quickly find the solution you need online Use of technology Explore topics in more detail, visualise CED Fina the point oF intersection OB problems and consolidate your understanding. _—_ graphically using technology. Use pre-made GeoGebra activities or Casio resources for a graphic calculator, GeeGebra CASIO. GeoGebra-powered interactives Graphic calculator interactives Interact with the maths you are learning Explore the maths you are learning and gain using GeoGebras easy-to-use tools confidence in using a graphic calculator Calculator tutorials Finding the value of the first derivative Our helpful video tutorials will guide you through how to use tacos the funtion press your calculator in the exams. They cover both Casio's scientific (ew) G) GH) @ t and colour graphic calculators. he Bene tees retire cealicesieilees ‘on exactly which buttons to press end what should appear on your calculator’s screen ans 4 ra Nhs Pe eased rue teas Factorise: a xt- 6x45 b xt-16 ¢ 9xt= 25 & Pure 1 Section 1.3 For any integers n and m, decide whether the following od could be eith: prime + International GCSE Mathematic and pin tra Cran ag BD Proof by contradiction ‘A contradiction is a disagreement between two statements, which means that both cannot be true. Proof by contradiction is a powerful technique. * To prove a statement by contradiction you start by assuming z itis not true, You then use logical steps to show that this CEEED scene assumption leads to something impossible (ether a SCISeereTS contradiction of the assumption, or a contradiction of a Cuidihe negion er fact you know to be true). You can conclude that your recess assumption was incorrect, and the original statement was true. CE) ED Prove by contradiction that there is no greatest odd integer. Assumption: :h integer a N42 is also an integer andn+2> n+ 2 = odd + even = odd So there exists an odd intager greater than 1. greatest oda ex) ssi Prove by contradiction that ifm? is even, then 1 must be even. that 1 is even but m is ode a greatest odd ger is n iis odd 50 write n= 2k+1 rn? = (2k +1? = 4k2 + 4k 1 = 22k? 4 2k) +1 Son? is odd, This contradicts the assumption th : Therefore, ifn \s even then n must be ever. 5 a i * Arational number can be written as F, where a and h are integers CESED Oistie P | a set ofall rational * An irrational number cannot be expressed in the form ©, where a ‘numbers and bare integers. ®, Tag aa ax Prove by contradiction that v2 is an irrational number. semi 2 cannes Shen i tee Sec Eee seek imeem Sen oe een reduced further: there are ro common factors between a and bh, form a= 2n, where mis an integer So a? = 26? becomes (2n)? = 2b? which 20? oF 2n that. must be even, 50 bis also sre both sides and make «? the sut This means that a must be even, 50 a Is also fats even, then it can be expressed in the “WepredtisreutinGample2, er ee This contradicts the statement that a and b Therefore 72 is an irrational number GEE) ED oven: Prove by contradiction that there are infinitely many prime number: Assumption: oc ta poeo— hemo = Ist all the prime numbers that exist Po Des Day oo Pa Consider the numb N= py Po % Ps Hone ® Py tt When you divide N by any of the prime rum: bers Phx Pos Pas «om Pn YOU get a remainder of 1 So none of the prime numbers Py Pos Pay so Py ia a factor of N. So N must either be prime or have a prime factor which is not in the list of all possible prime numbers. This io a contradiction. Therefore, there 's an infrite number of prime numbers. 4 CHAPTER1 iit ©®) 1 Select the statement that is the negation of “All multiples of three are even’, A. All multiples of three are odd. B Atleast one multiple of three is odd. © No multiples of three are even TEED vexscraus ® 2 Write down the negation of each statement, a All rich people are happy. b There are no prime numbers between 10 million and 11 million, ¢ If pand gare prime numbers then (pq + 1) is a prime number. All numbers of the form 2"— | are either prime numbers or multiples of 3. € Atleast one of the above four statements is true, ® 3 Statement: If 1? is odd then nis odd. a Write down the negation of this statement. b Prove the original statement by contradiction, ® 4 Prove the following statements by contradiction. a There is no greatest even integer. b If n° is even then is even, € If pq is even then at least one of p and y is even. 4 If p+ is odd then at least one of p and q is odd. 5 a Prove that if ab is an irrational number then at least one of @ and 6 is an irrational number. (GB marks) b Prove that if a + bis an irrational number then at least one of a and 4 is an irrational number. (3 marks) ¢ A student makes the following statement: If a+ bisa rational number then at least one of a and b is a rational number. ‘Show by means of a counterexample that this statement is not true. (1 mark) ©® © Use proof by contradiction to show that there exist CED tesrne the opposites rue, no integers @ and b for which la + 146= 1 sate aes highest common factor of 21 and 14. 7 a Prove by contradiction that if nis a multiple of 3, @IBRD consider numbers in the form nisa multiple of 3. Gmarks) “Seer aaspes b Hence prove by contradiction that (3 is an irrational number. (@ marks) © 8 Use proof by contradiction to prove the statement: @D 3 You can assume that x and “There are no integer solutions to the equation es 1) ate positive, since (-x)? = x xiao yt? faa aa 9 Prove by contradiction that \ is irrational G marks) © 10 This student has attempted to use proof by contradiction to show that there is no least positive rational number: “Assumption: There is a least positive rational number, Gee Let this least positive rational number be 1. You might have to As mis rational, n= 4 where a and b are integers. rel yec sient > working like this b Inyour exam. The question says, ‘the Since a and b are integers, “=P ip a rational number that io leso than n. | For sothere should b only be one error in n 3 3 This contradicts the statement that nis the least positive rational number. the proof. Therefore, there is no least positive rational number a Identify the error in the student’s proof. (1 mark) b Prove by contradiction that there is no least positive rational number. G marks) Cees (2) 1 Write down the negation of each statement, At least two of the above statements are false. b People in cold countries are unhappy. © One quarter of the people who entered the competition won a prize. 2 Prove that if ab is rational, then no single number a or b can be irrational. 3. Select the statement that is the negation of ‘All multiples of five are odd’. ‘A. Atleast one multiple of five is even. B_Nomuttiples of five are even. C All multiples of five are odd. 4 Prove by contradiction, that if a ~ 24 is irrational, then at least one of a and b is an irrational number. n to show that there are no 53 Use proof by contradi equation 3x+ 18y= I jegers wand y tl satisfy the 6 Prove by contradiction that if mis odd then must be odd. Tee eeLo daca 1 To prove a statement by contradiction you start by assuming itis not true. You then Use logical steps to show that this assumption leads to something impossible (either a contradiction of the assumption or a contradiction of a fact you know to be true). You can conclude that your assumption was incorrect, and the original statement was true, 2 Arational number can be written as ee where a and h are integers. ‘An irrational number cannot be expressed in the form a where a and b are integers. itl eee eee eecee eee eeeeee eeeee corse eves eeeee see e eens wees eee eenee aceon eee eeenee eeeee eer ecenee eeeee bee eeeees sevens oe eeeeee aoe ee eeeee After completing this chapter you should be able to: ane eset © Convert an expression with linear factors in the one errr) denominator into partial fractions > pages 7-8 eo eeees © Convert an expression with repeated linear factors in ® Seen the denominator into partial fractions > pages 10-11 ‘ = eee . = © Convert an improper fraction into partial fraction form § cnetnee Ppoges32-3 9 eeeeeee er ei see ee scene eae eeseseee eee eeeeeee sees . oeeeee . ey eee ereeene ee ee eee eeeee | . eeeeessese eee eeee oem eneeeee Fully factorise eee . eee neeaee a4 5x46 ees . ee eesesese b x¢~5x~14 Pure 1 Section 1.3, i " STEHT 2 Simplify You can use partial fractions to simplify expressions and break them into smaller parts. This is very useful for analysing linear differential systems, such as resonant circuits in electrical stems. Pure? Section 1.1 3 Use the factor theorem to determine the factors of: «Pure2 Section 1.3 PARTIAL FRACTIONS Cae @Q Partial fractions * A single fraction with two distinct linear factors in the denominator can be split into two separate fractions with linear denominators. This is called splitting it into partial fractions. [7 and Beare constants to be found. 5 AB GeDa-H x¢T*x—4 The expression is Partial fractions are used i eewrinen im itten asthe sum of Yor binomial expansions and ‘The denominator contains two two partial fractions. ieeagiacos linear factors: (x + 1) and (x - 4) These are two methods to find the constants A and B: by substitution and by equating coefficients. EAD) BD wore 6x into partial fractions by a substitution b equating coefficients. Split a+ D Laer 2s y= 3Yx +1) di B=) ie 6x 2nAir4 + Bi) 6x3-2= AB +1) + BG -3) tea and Ex by= 2nd ee oe1~9) ae ex-2 B= Se 0 Aix +114 Bix ~ 3) =e See Gx- 25 Abe 1) + Bix 3) A+B Cquate constant terms: -2=4-3B raise UG) = The method of partial fractions can also be used when there are more than two distinct linear factors in the denominator. nf WOW + O43) Ag Bi can be splitinto 45 + B74 ‘The constants 4, B and Ccan again be found either by substitution or by equating coefficients. For example, the expression Gx) reese a 2x4 find the values of the constants 4, Band C. aw = W2x+ 1) Ate = ex +1) + Brax +1) + Cae Let x 64+5-220+Bx1x3+0 9-38 B=3 letx= 040-224 «(1 K14040 22-4 2 3° xe= Mere Het c , B= 3 and ay a) EID ners 1. Express as partial fractions a or=2 » vel es G=2a+9 Or DGe® Ir=4) e S46 GED Fist ractorise the denominator s-x 2-14 =3r-4 8 eax P42x- 15 © 2 Show that >—"*=2— can be written in the form z4— + 8 — where A and Bare @ne-9 Tex* 2-5 constants to be found. @ marks) © 3 Theexpression 4 — can be written in partial fractions as A = ayn +8) Find the values of the constants 4 and B. 2x2 = 12w = 26 © 4 We Gea aee Given that h(x) can be expressed in the form 4 — "ae weve or xel x5 A, Band C. (4 marks) ©® § Given that, for x<- where D, Band F are constants. Find the values of D, Zand F, (4 marks) 6 Express as partial fractions 2x? - 12x - 26 Mx? = 8x42 « 19x — 32 (r+ DOr Dor +5) 32x-+ Gx =2) (e+ Dor+ 2-5) ©® 7 Express as partial fractions 8x49 — 8x49 CLDD Fist factorise the denominator. Tx? +3x—4 Cam Sy? - 15-8 Express SY = 15% 8 Press Pate x+6 {as a sum of fractions with linear denominators. cals r4 UG) @ Repeated factors = Asingle fraction with a repeated linear factor in the denominator can be split into two or more separate fractions. In this case, there is a special method for dealing with the repeated linear factor. Aand Band Care constants 10 be found, 2x49 2 € (She p3e X-5 5437 HP The denominator contains three Factors: (v—5), (r+ 3) and (+3). The expression is rewritten (c+ 3) isa repeated linear factor, as the sum of three partial fractions. Notice that GEA?) LD roses (e= 9) tr 3) ad 43 are the denominators. Ux? + 14x + 5 ‘ ‘ A B c tt form —— +——~ + =, where 4, B Show that Ta ry Can be itn in the form —25 + AL + 5 C where 4, Band © are constants to be found. Hence Ix? + 140 #5 let x= = 1445 = 4x04 Bx-14C0x0 e264. = gS “Bred wee * ed B SoA= 2 and C= 3 ay a) EAD couse stns ©! fh) SEAL 20,081 Given that f(x) can be expressed inthe form 4 + & + find the values of 4, Band C. * (4 marks) ® 2 aw a +1 (Gimarks) x+l © 3 Given that, for r<0. wee ats find the values of P, Q and R (marks) 5, where P, @ and Rare constants, can be written inthe form < 4-2 4 —F are constants to be found, (4 marks) © § oye re? Find the values of the constants A and B such that p(x (4 marks) 10x +17 ¢ . (2x4 Ie 3)? 7 vt 1 x3 (x3)? Find the values of the constants A, B and C. (4 marks) 39x? + 2x +59 = A B c © 7 Show that sjear — 12 2" be written in the form 3 +55 + Gee where A, B and Care constants to be found. (4 marks) ©® 8 Expressas partial fractions: axel + 10x +23 aya n raise eG a Sy @® Improper fractions = An improper fraction is one that is top heavy, where the power of the denominator is equal to or greater than the power of the numerator. An improper fraction can be split into partial fractions. . Since the top and bottom are both quadratics in this € ‘Some fractions can be given as qed case, dividing one by the other should produce a constant, so the form would be A + yet te Itis similar if the expression miko is split into partial fractions. Then, by first noting the difference in powers between numerator and denominator this can be written inthe form Ax+ Bee & =P This i because a cubic over a quadtatic produces a linear function 2x sal act Express 2 as partial Fractions : Eapress y=) as partial fractions. PARTIAL FRACTIONS Cae x + Bk = or = 2) + Cv = 2)+ Dix!) (= Ox 2) (Sx + Box ~ Hix ~ 2) + lw 2) + De - (r= nee= 2) Bx = (Bx + Bix - Diy = 2) + Cx - 2) + Dee) Bx P=Qx14 B= -2+C0-2)+D0-0 (3 XO+ BO ~ 0 ~ 2) - 30-2) + 240 2B+6-24 1 Express as partial fractions xt 4-x “yra tat © 2. Show that can be written in the form + where A, Band Care x4" (x ~2)(x + 3) constants to be found. 6 2-1 * e+) can be expressed in the form 2 + find the values of eG +1) 4. Express as partial fractions ‘g a1 2xt-2 € £-3¢ x43 x(x + 3) (Qx- e+ 1) 5 Given that Sy Jyegay cam be exprensed inthe form Av ¢ B+ B+ PB ntind the values of A, B, Cand D. 6 Express as partial fractions Lest » eae x2) cesices)) 7 Given that —2" can be expressed in the form 4 + —2- + —C_. find the values of 4, Band C. xel or (+ D 8. Express as partial fractions e+1 a StL B 14 | CHAPTE! eG a Sy 4 A 1 Given that Tey cam be writen im the form => find the values of 4 and B. 2 Express as partial fraetions 2 8B @+De+ 3 Show that —— <> can be writen in form <4 £ (+ DE-2HeF5) Fai greiving the values of A,B and C. 4. Express as partial fractions ees? xx + 1) © GFDR+DA+D 3x2 14x24 = 5. By first using the factor theorem to simpltfy the denominator, write —— partial fractions. 6 Express as partial fractions 2 3x41 8 pomeoxe2 « ° Beaee 7. Express as partial fractions 3 (37+) » 3640 8 Given that cetermine the values of 4 and B. 2x 4 Gea gp CaN be written inthe form 5 + TE 4 9 Express —3—5 0s partial fractions. 10 Express as partial fractions Bx-1 PHY x+4 ® x+2 42 i Cy Uy Show that 235 canbe writen in the form A + 25 + GCap tiving the values oF A, Band C. 12. Express as partial fractions (e+ Fe é D Ge egy anbewnitenas Ax + B+ =i 13 Given that find the values of 4,B,C and D. PARTIAL FRACTIONS Cae Tune culo a cduied 1. Asingle fraction with two distinct linear factors in the denominator can be split into two separate fractions with linear denominators. This is called splitting it into partial fractions: 5 A B @+NG-4° &+)” &-4 2. The method of partial fractions can also be used when there are more than two distinct linear factors in the denominator: Hi A B c C=O OWI = 2) 48)” O43) 3. Asingle fraction with a repeated linear factor in the denominator can be split into two or more separate fractions: B ie +3)” +3? ‘4 An improper algebraic fraction is one whose numerator has a degree equal to or larger than the denominator. An improper fraction must be converted to a mixed fraction before you can exoress it in partial fractions. To convert an improper fraction into a mixed fraction you can use: + algebraic division + or the relationship F(x) = Q(x) x divisor + remainder RIGO: " GEOMETRY IN THE (x, y) PLANE Pe ead 34 er completing this chapter you should be able to: Convert parametric equations into Cartesian form by substitution rt parametric equations into Cartesian form using trigonometric Understand and use parametric equations of curves and sketch parametric curves > pages 25-25 Solve coordinate geometry problems involving parametric equations + pages 17-26 Write in terms of powers of cos x a443sintx — b sin2x Parametric equations are an al = Pures Sections 2.4, 4.2 € Pure 2 Section 6.1 € Pure 3 Section 44 complicat Cartesian equation in A circle has centre (0, 4) and radius 5. Find the coordinates of the points of intersection of the circle and the line with equation 2y~ x -10=0 4 Pure 2 Section 2.3, CAA GABLE aa) @Q Parametric equations You can write the x-and y-coordinates of each point on a curve as functions of a third variable, This variable is called a parameter and is often represented by the letter. ™ A curve can be defined using parametric equations x = p(#) and y = q(t). Each value of the parameter, f, defines a point on the curve with coordinates (p(¢), q(f)). v=2120 These are the parametric equations of the curve. The domain of the parameter tells you the values of r you would need to substitute to find the coordinates of the points on the curve. Ext When 1 = 2, # 2Sandy=22=4 2 This corresponds to the point (2.5, 4) . 5241 When 1=05,.x= 9°22 = 25 and "generally not equal to either the x- or the This corresponds to the point (2.5, 1) _p-coordinate, and more than one “the curve can have the same x-coordinate. * You can convert between parametric CLD a cestesen equation in ve equations and Cartesian equations by using gimensions involves the variables vand yonly substitution to eliminate the parameter. You can use the domain and range of the parametric functions to find the dom: resulting Cartesian function. * For parametric equations x = p(t) and y = q(t) wit # the domain of f(x) is the range of p(t) # the range of f(x) is the range of q(0) GM) >» A curve has parametric equations » =P, a Find a Cartesian equation of the curve in the form y= fx) b State the domain and range of fx) in the given domain for ¢ 2x0: and range of the Cartesian equation y = f(x): -3<1<3 © Sketch the curve tsor=X yer @ ‘Suestitute (1) into (2) "7 aed 3<1<3 2, So the domain of fin) is -6 -2 a Find a Cartesian equation of the curve of the form. b wi je down the range of f(x). axsing+3) e438 Soct-3ar 15 In(t + 3) increases, so the range of the parametric function for ¥ is x20 The Cartesian equation Is m5 As r increases y decreases, but Is always positive, so the rarge of the parametric function for yin O A where kis @ constant to be found. @ EDD stctes tis parametric ‘curve using technology. es the Inverse function of In x Rearrange the equation for x into the form =. then substitute into the equation for y. To find the domain for f(9), consider the range of values.» can take for values of > -2 You need to consider what value x takes when 1=~2and what happens when s increases. ‘The range of Fis the range of values pcan take within the given range of the parameter. Cae ay centling te doa = and) decreste se xiesien ay <} 3 © Pure 1 Section2.3 CAA GABLE aa) 1 Find a Cartesian equation for each of these parametric equations, giving your answer in the form 1x). In each case find the domain and range of f(x). pePtl -4ere4 b , tER EEE the domain of rs given as 20, tis implies that r can take any value in Rother than 0. 1 yap t>0 e 2 For each of these parametric curves i find a Cartesian equation for the curve is defined ii find the range of fx). ive in the form f(x) giving the domain on which the b x=In +3), 1-2 a ms ©® 3 Acurve Cis defined by the parametric equations x= v7, a Find a Cartesian equation of the curve in the form y range of f(x) b Sketch C showing clearly the coordinates of any turning Sateee 1y=19~ )isaquadraticwitha negative term and roots ints, endpoints and int ‘tions A points endpoints and intersections, 27a wala ts maxim ve hen f= 45 (I~, O<10 bxed-1, yel-It+2), -4 k where A isa constant to be found b Write down the range of f(x). 8 A diagram shows a curve C with parametric equations x=, pePu2, 05182 a Find a Cartesian equation of the curve in the form y= f(a), and state the domain of fx) marks) &y b Show that $= O when = 3 3 marks) Hence determine the range of f(x) marks) 9 A curve C has parametric equations ys4-P, teR a Show that the Cartesian equation of C can be written in the form x= (a-yb- 7 where a and h are int rs to be determined. b Write down the maximum value of the y-coordinate for any point on this curve G marks) Q marks) UU ae aU Nad You can use trigonometric identities to convert trigonometric parametric equations into Cartesian form. In this chapter you will always consider angles measured in radians, GEE) BED ovrcwonne A curve has parametric equations x =sint+2, y=cost-3, 1€R. a Show that a Cartesian equation of the curve is (x- 2)? + (y +3)? = 1 b Hence sketch the curve. a x=sine2 Cee So sint -2 om Ifyou can write expressions for sin rand cos in ys cos!-3 tetms of x and y then you can use the identity weteyes: e@ sin? + cos? = 1 to eliminate the parameter, + Pure2 Section 63 Suiostitute () and (2) into sin? 1 + costr=1 (= 2P 943% = 1 ——_____ bos o $ Tae eT Aa ae EE) ED om A curve is defined by the parametric equations int, yesin2, -Fs0st a Find a Cartesian equation of the curve in the form yet), -kKSask stating the value of the constant k. b Write down the range of f(x). a psin2r 2sinteost = 2xcost o sin? + cos? = 1 cost The Cartesian equation io y A a Find a Cartesian equation of C. b Sketch the curve Con the appropriate domain, A curve has parametric equations =3sin?2r, O< 1S y= 3 sin? 2, sf ion of the curve in the form y= f(x) x= 3cot?2r, Find a Cartesian equ State the domain on which fix) is defined. A curve C has parametric equations retsin, yssin3s, O<1<% 3 a Show that the Cartesian equation of the curve is given by y=ax(1 - bx’) where @ and b are integers to be found. b State the domain and range of y = fix) in the given domain of 1. ‘Show that the curve with parametric equations =2e0s1, y=sin(s can be written in the form A curve has parametric equations x=tantr45, x Ssint, Oe red z a Find the Cartesian equation of the curv 0), b Determine the possible values of x and y in the given domain of the form y CRA SGA Le artesian equation of the curves given by the following parametric equations, 2e S 2 Fheost, y= 2eos(r42), Oct ELD visite sitio ormuise (4 marks) GB marks) (6 marks) (S marks) 2 marks) (6 marks) (4 marks) Q marks) COORDINATE GEOMETRY IN THE (x, y) PLANE Nad GP M1 Acurve C has parametric equations xetant, y=3sin(¢-2), O a Find a Cartesian equation of this curve in the form y = fla), x. > A where & is a constant to be found in exact form. b Write down the range of (x), leaving your answer in exact form, 4 Acurve has parametric equations Find a Cartesian equation of the curve in the form = f(x), and state the domain and range of f(x). 5. A circle has parametric equations x = 4 sin ¢~ 3, a Find a Cartesian equation of the cirele. b Draw a sketch of the cir © Find the exact coordinates of the points of intersection of the circle with the »-axis. The curve C has parametric equations 2-3 Te 342 Tei x pags d fractional pages 40-41 «Pure > Find ollatine USDEDEr a! approximations for expressions frections involving fractional and negative indices. Medical 1x47 p 24x=1 G+ an) (+ 2ye physicists use these 2hx? + 48x +24 approximations to analyse magnetic fields in an MRI (+x) —39) «Pure 4 Sections 2.1, 2.2 scanner EN Tatty ©) Expanding (1 +4)" fn is anatural number you can find the binomial expansion for (a + bx)" using the formula: EDD theesren st (a+b =a's (f)a tbs (Z)a tee... (Mario's. +b, en) ‘terms, 30 this formula produces a finite ifn a fraction or a negative number you need to use a different eas version of the ‘omial expansion, = This form of the binomial expansion can be applied to negative or fractional values of m to obtain an infinite series. n(n 1) a Da?) + (tent (4a deat Ei = The expansion is valid when |x| <1.n € R When » is not a natural number, none of the factors in the expression n(— 1) ... (=r 1) are equal to zero, This means that this version of the binomial expansion produces an infinite number of terms. GE) BaD ees Find the frst four terms inthe binomial expansion of 5+ 1 yt X—2)x2 2 4p ME 2Ie3e 1+ eos + nt he = tet + sextet " 1 is valid for [bx] < 1, oF |x| <2 tox| lx] 6) = The expansion of (1 + bx)", where n is negative or a frac Praises Find the binomial expansions of ad b (+ 4xy up to and including the term in x°, State the range of values of x for which cach expansion is valid, a (t=) =t+ x. Sis si-by-de-3e+ Expansion fs valid ao long ao [=x] <1 a iANSION GED oD a Find the expansion of T= 2x up to and including the term in x*, ).01, find a decimal approximation to 2. b_ By substituting in x a (i=2¥ 20-293 Expansion is vais if |~Bx] <1 she b exo! ~1- oor - 22 _008 2 (096 ~~ 001 ~ 000005 00020008 V2 = 1414213871 erm ise ca TT US) GMD ED em = tx = Ts a Find the x? term in the series expansion of f(x). b State the range of values of + for which the expansion is valid testers (Hoo QE) x) + *+~) Qipinreneeanas 75 the coefficients of the binomial expansion. & x term is 2x2 Een term is SP i There are two ways to make an x? term. Ether ator x ‘Add these together to find the term in x2 +1x-Ze le b The exgansion is val f |Sx| <1 1 =hlt 2 Find the binomial expansion of h(x) in ascending powers of x up to Replace x with and including the x? term, simplifying each term, z 3/10 fb Show that, when =9, the exact value of h(x) is 15> € Use the expansion in part ato find an approximate value of /10. Write your answer to 2 decimal places. @) Expanding (a + bx)* The binomial expansion of (1 + x)" can be used to expand (a + bx)" for any constants wand b. You need to take a factor of a" out of the expression: " 7 eee tor boreldtebs)) al 3 The expansion of a + hy", where m is negative ora fraction, isvalid for |2x| <1 or [x| < 4 4 Ifanexoressionis ofthe form “where gis) can be splitinto linear factors, then spit gi) e into partial fractions before expanding each part of the new expression. 45 can Review exercise Prove by contradiction that there are infinitely many prime numbers. 4 + Pure4 Section 1.4 Prove that the equation x? - 2= 0 has no rational solutions. ‘You may assume that if »? is an even integer then zis also an even integer. (4) + Pure Section 1.1 Prove by contradiction, that ifm is odd, then 31° + 2 is odd. + Pure 4 Section 1.1 Prove by contradiction that V5 is irrational. + Pure 4 Section 1.1 ax=1 x= DQx=3) Show that can be written in the form 3 Where 4 and Bare constants to be found. 8) + Pure 4 Section 2.1 Given that 3x+7 po OR GHD MAES NFL NHI HS where P, O and R are constants, find the values of P, Qand R. 3) @u «Pures section23 @®) 13 Find the values of 4, 8 and Csueh that Bc T+x* eae @ + Pure 4 Section 2.2 fo = 545 Ly? + 13x +2 G+DOx+ -4A, 8 G Stl Beet *QxeDe Find the values of the constants 4, B and C. © Pure 6 Section 2.2 3x746e-2 _ ext f Given thar >S8* = dG find the values of d, ¢ and f. @ € Pure 4 Section 2.3, 9—3v- 12x? PO) = 9+ 2s) Show that p(x) can be written in the form B Tas At where A, B and C are @ + Pure4 Sections 2.1,2.3 T+2x constants to be found. «4x1 Split SS yea ey ime Partial factions. + Pure 4 Section 2.1, Siven thy r Given that 5p ga be writen as A+ the values of A, B, Cand D. ‘& Puro Sections 2.1, 2.3 S5x+3 ‘ Be = Hex ry Partial fractions. b Hence find the exact value of rf Sx+3, 2 (2x — 3\(x +2) answer as a single logarithm. a Express @ dy, giving your @ € Pure 4 Section 2.2 alata © 14 Acurve C has parametric equations y=P-uelreR 40 im a Determine the ranges of and y in the given domain of ¢. @) b Show that the Cartesian equation of C can be written in the form axtthere pa SOAOESE where a, band ¢ are Pe = xP integers to be found 8 + Pure 4 Section 3.4 @© 15 A curve has paramettic equations a Find a Cartesian equation of this vve in the form y= f(x), x > k, where cian exact constant to be found.) b Write down the range of fix) in the forma

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