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Department of Education

Schools Division of Bataan

Zone VI Camaya, Mariveles, Bataan

Name: Rich Joven N. Eta Score: ________________________

Grade level /Section: 12 – STEM A Date: 04 – 23 - 21


In Physical Education and Health 12
Quarter 3 Week 2
Competencies: sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF


How to set FITT Goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF

FITT-stands for (Frequency Intensity Time and Type)

Frequency-refers to how often the exercise is done.
Intensity- refers to how hard the activity or exercise is.
Time- refers to the duration or how long the exercise will take.
Type- refers to the kind of activity or exercise to engage in
-it is prescribed that a person engages in exercise at least five times a week

Overload Principle-the overload principle relies on the premise that to improve, the muscle must
produce work at a level that is higher than its regular workload.

Progression Principles- for a program to achieve more gains, it must be progressive. This means that as
a body adapts to the initial overload, the overload must be adjusted and increased gradually.

Recovery Principle-an athlete needs rest and recuperation for the body to adjust properly. Adaptation to
physical activity occurs gradually and naturally, but time must be allowed for the body to regenerate and

Reversibility Principle-all gains due to exercise will be lost if one does not continue the exercise. The
body will not be able to maintain levels of fitness without maintaining exercise.

Specificity Principle-the specificity principles states that each form of activity would produce different
results. This means that if one has specific gains mind, one must aptly plan and execute activities that
would target those goals.

Variation Principle- adaptation can be maximized by varying physical activity. An athlete may hit
plateau with a constant, unchanging routine. sometimes, repetitive stress injuries might develop out of
the same routine performed repeatedly.

Individualization Principle- no two people are truly alike. Everyone has a certain unique set of
physical characteristics; therefore, some training or exercise programs are tailor made for certain
individuals, especially for those with specific needs, strengths, or limitations and conditions.

Maintenance Principle- exercise must be regular to stay fit and healthy. By following all the principles
above, taking into consideration the principle of FITT, one can maintain a healthy level of fitness.

How to Set FITT Goals

FITT goals vary per individual. The best way is to first know your threshold, or the limits of
what you can do per type of activity. Check for personal limits in frequency, intensity, time, and type of

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Name: Rich Joven N. Eta Score: ________________________

Grade level /Section: 12 – STEM A Date: 04 – 23 - 21


In Physical Education and Health 12
Quarter 3 Week 2

Activity 1: Performance Task

Mountain climbing is a popular outdoor recreation activity. One of the main drills involved in this
activity is the technique. Let us try this activity:

DRILL NO 1: Mountain Climber Stunt

1. In executing the mountain climber stunt begin in a pushup or plank position on your hands
and toes.
2. Bring the right knee in towards the chest, resting the foot on the floor.
3. Jump up and switch feet in the air, bringing the left foot in and the right foot back.
4. Continue alternating the feet as quickly while keeping your core nice and tight.
5. Drills run for 30 seconds.

Assess your experience of the activity by answering the questions below: your score will be
graded based on the rubric provided below.
1. What specific HRF or SRF component will be enhanced by the activity when done
Core strength refers to the strength of the torso's underlying muscles, which help assess
posture. The core muscles serve two purposes. The first purpose is to relieve pressure on
the spine and the second purpose is to pass force from the lower to the upper body and
vice versa. We can avoid injuries and perform at our best when we have a solid, healthy
2. Why is it important to do the drills in specific outdoor recreation before we take part in
physical activity?
It is important to do the drills before engaging in a physical activity because it will help
you warm-up your body and your body will not hurt too much because your body is ready
for the activity.
3. In what way is outdoor recreational activity helping you to maintain your health-related
Taking part in outdoor recreational activities can greatly improve your physical health. It
helps you improve your stamina, strength, flexibility, muscular endurance and body
composition slowly while engaging in a activity and it also means that you are living a
healthy life.

The rubric below shows how your answers will be graded.

Suggested Rubric for Essay and other Written work

Criteria Advance Approaching Developing

5 pts proficiency 1 point
3 pts
Shows full Some lack ideas and do Does not address the
Content comprehension and not discuss some of the ideas in answer
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definitions concepts.
Relevance to Ideas state correctly Show some prior The ideas are not
lesson and completely knowledge and some relevance and
information does not inappropriate in
appropriate in answer answer
Cohesion and The ideas well Some ideas are The ideas generally
Coherence organized and logical organized in a logical not organized in a
way logical way.

Writing Display no errors in Display one to three Display more errors in

Conventions spelling. punctuation, errors in spelling. spelling. punctuation,
grammar, and punctuation, grammar, grammar, and
sentence structure. and sentence structure. sentence structure.

Prepared by:

Subject teacher

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