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IOP2601_ASS 01_S1_2022


Closing date: 30 March 2022

Total: 30 marks

Study material: Learning units 1 to 8

Unique number: 714300

This compulsory assignment consists of multiple-choice questions that should be

completed online.

Please note: Although students may work together when preparing assignments, each
student must write and submit his or her own individual assignments. It is unacceptable
for students to submit identical assignments on the basis that they worked together. That
is copying (a form of plagiarism). Students who do this may be penalised or subjected to
disciplinary proceedings by the University.


(1) Assignment 01 covers specific outcomes 1, 2 and 3. Is this statement true or false?

1. True.
2. False.

(2) Although the year mark is important, it is not enough, as students still need to
obtain an exam mark of at least 40% as a subminimum. Is this statement true or

1. True.
2. False.

(3) Which statement is correct?

1. All research involves experimentation.

2. Subjective observation cannot be accepted in research.
3. All research must be based on a specific theory.
4. All research starts with a problem.

Open Rubric
IOP2601_ASS 01_S1_2022

(4) The module IOP2601 focuses on the calculating and interpreting of basic
descriptive and inferential statistics.

1. False – the module does not cover interpretation of inferential statistics.

2. True – IOP2601 focuses more on the data analysis step of the research
3. True – the module mainly focuses on drawing conclusions from the data
4. False – IOP2601 focuses on all the five steps of the research process.

Lecturers for IOP2601 are interested to know whether there is a relationship in the
performance of students on assignments during the semester and the exams at the end
of the semester. As part of data collection, the lecturers selected 100 students out of the
547 students registered for the module. In the selection of students to be included in the
study, they made sure different levels of performance were represented [from below
average to above average].

(5) The lecturers have identified the research problem which is appropriate as the first
step of the research process. Is this statement true or false?

1. True.
2. False.

Lecturers for IOP2601 are interested to know whether there is a relationship in the
performance of students on assignments during the semester and the exams at the end
of the semester. As part of data collection, the lecturers selected 100 students out of the
547 students registered for the module. In the selection of students to be included in the
study, they made sure different levels of performance were represented [from below
average to above average].

(6) The type of research that will be conducted by the lecturers would be classified as

1. inferential.
2. experimental.
3. descriptive.
4. statistics.
IOP2601_ASS 01_S1_2022

Lecturers for IOP2601 are interested to know whether there is a relationship in the
performance of students on assignments during the semester and the exams at the end
of the semester. As part of data collection, the lecturers selected 100 students out of the
547 students registered for the module. In the selection of students to be included in the
study, they made sure different levels of performance were represented [from below
average to above average].

(7) The 547 students registered for the module IOP2601 ________.

1. are the total group that the lecturers are interested in, thus the population
2. excludes the total number of students, therefore represent the sample
3. are the subset of the population as they are the set of observed scores
4. represent the number of students from which the data will be collected

Lecturers for IOP2601 are interested to know whether there is a relationship in the
performance of students on assignments during the semester and the exams at the end
of the semester. As part of data collection, the lecturers selected 100 students out of the
547 students registered for the module. In the selection of students to be included in the
study, they made sure different levels of performance were represented [from below
average to above average].

(8) The relationship between the two variables will be determined by using the statistic
known as ________.

1. descriptive
2. inferential
3. correlation
4. regression

Lecturers for IOP2601 are interested to know whether there is a relationship in the
performance of students on assignments during the semester and the exams at the end
of the semester. As part of data collection, the lecturers selected 100 students out of the
547 students registered for the module. In the selection of students to be included in the
study, they made sure different levels of performance were represented [from below
average to above average].

(9) Based on the information provided, the lecturers made sure the different levels of
performance were represented [from below average to above average] when
selecting students. Which scale of measurement will be applicable?

1. Ordinal scale
2. Interval scale
3. Nominal scale
4. Ratio scale
IOP2601_ASS 01_S1_2022

(10) The score distribution of an easy test in statistics will be ______ when displayed

1. mesokurtic
2. platykurtic
3. skewed to the left
4. skewed to the right

(11) Classification of individuals or behaviours into different categories refers to ______


1. nominal
2. ordinal
3. interval
4. ratio

After measuring students’ perceptions, the following dataset was found:

X: 3 4 1 5 3 1 2 3 4 2

(12) The frequently occurring score of the distribution is ______.

1. 2
2. 3
3. 4
4. 1

After measuring students’ perceptions, the following dataset was found:

X: 3 4 1 5 3 1 2 3 4 2

(13) The median for the X- scores is:

1. 3,5
2. 2,5
3. 5,5
4. 3,0

After measuring students’ perceptions, the following dataset was found:

X: 3 4 1 5 3 1 2 3 4 2

(14) The mean for the X-scores is:

1. 2,8
2. 3,5
3. 3,4
4. 4,5
IOP2601_ASS 01_S1_2022

After measuring students’ perceptions, the following dataset was found:

X: 3 4 1 5 3 1 2 3 4 2

(15) The standard deviation of the X-scores is:

1. 2,50
2. 3,50
3. 1,73
4. 1,32

(16) The measure that will be affected most by one very extreme score in a distribution
of scores will be the ______.

1. median
2. variance
3. mean
4. range

A training officer would like to determine whether there is a relationship between the
amount of job resources that employees have and their amount of burnout that they
experience. He suspects that employees who have fewer job resources will have higher
burnout. Using a questionnaire which measured these two variables, namely job
resources (X) and burnout (Y), he obtained scores from 10 employees. These data are
presented below.

X 2 6 4 3 2 4 3 6 2 5
Y 6 5 8 7 8 7 6 7 8 8

(17) The mode for the job resources scores is ______.

1. 2
2. 3
3. 6
4. 4

A training officer would like to determine whether there is a relationship between the
amount of job resources that employees have and their amount of burnout that they
experience. He suspects that employees who have fewer job resources will have higher
burnout. Using a questionnaire which measured these two variables, namely job
resources (X) and burnout (Y), he obtained scores from 10 employees. These data are
presented below.

X 2 6 4 3 2 4 3 6 2 5
Y 6 5 8 7 8 7 6 7 8 8
IOP2601_ASS 01_S1_2022

(18) The median for the job resources scores is ______.

1. 5,5
2. 3,5
3. 3
4. 3 and 4

A training officer would like to determine whether there is a relationship between the
amount of job resources that employees have and their amount of burnout that they
experience. He suspects that employees who have fewer job resources will have higher
burnout. Using a questionnaire which measured these two variables, namely job
resources (X) and burnout (Y), he obtained scores from 10 employees. These data are
presented below.

X 2 6 4 3 2 4 3 6 2 5
Y 6 5 8 7 8 7 6 7 8 8

(19) The mean for the job resources scores is ______.

1. 3,7
2. 10
3. 37
4. 3

A training officer would like to determine whether there is a relationship between the
amount of job resources that employees have and their amount of burnout that they
experience. He suspects that employees who have fewer job resources will have higher
burnout. Using a questionnaire which measured these two variables, namely job
resources (X) and burnout (Y), he obtained scores from 10 employees. These data are
presented below.

X 2 6 4 3 2 4 3 6 2 5
Y 6 5 8 7 8 7 6 7 8 8

(20) The range for the burnout scores is 3. Is this statement true or false?

1. True.
2. False.
IOP2601_ASS 01_S1_2022

A training officer would like to determine whether there is a relationship between the
amount of job resources that employees have and their amount of burnout that they
experience. He suspects that employees who have fewer job resources will have higher
burnout. Using a questionnaire which measured these two variables, namely job
resources (X) and burnout (Y), he obtained scores from 10 employees. These data are
presented below.

X 2 6 4 3 2 4 3 6 2 5
Y 6 5 8 7 8 7 6 7 8 8

(21) If the slope is -0,18; what is the value of the intercept?

1. 26,57
2. 6,34
3. 7,67
4. The slope cannot be a negative value.

(22) If the calculated correlation coefficient is -2,7; this means there is a negative and
weak relationship between the variables. Is this statement true or false?

1. True.
2. False.

(23) What is the percentage of common variance between variables if the correlation
coefficient is -0,7?

1. 70%
2. 4,9%
3. -49%
4. 49%

(24) The median location for the scores 17; 18; 5; 7; 21; 11 and 22 is ______.

1. 17
2. 5
3. 7
4. 4

(25) The Y intercept formula entails the calculation of the mean for both X and Y. Is this
statement true or false?

1. True.
2. False.
IOP2601_ASS 01_S1_2022

(26) If you obtain a negative value for a variance, which of the following is correct.

1. A negative value for a variance is incorrect.

2. The distribution is very negatively skewed.
3. The distribution is positively skewed.
4. All observations were at the mean.

(27) A correlation of 0,75 ______.

1. shows a calculation error has been made

2. is stronger than a correlation of 1,05
3. is a moderate positive correlation
4. is a strong positive correlation

(28) In order to calculate the variance and standard deviation of scores, the mean must
first be calculated. Is this statement true or false?

1. True.
2. False.

(29) The Y intercept formula entails the calculation of the mean for both X and Y. Is this
statement true or false?

1. True.
2. False.

(30) The Y intercept is the point where the line intersects the X-axis. Is this statement
true or false?

1. True.
2. False.

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