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Our mission is to reach out in worship, education, fellowship and service to all.

Fountain Hills, AZ June/July 2011
From Our Pastor

PRAYING AND PLANNING Let’s start with this. . . It is Christ who is at work
The gifts he gave were that some would be here, leading his church on this hilltop into new life and
apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, equipping the saints to do the work of ministry in his name.
some pastors and teachers, to equip the If we are experiencing renewed vitality and fruitfulness, it is
saints for the work of ministry, for building from him and for him.
up the body of Christ, until all of us come to
the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of
Then there’s this. . . The fullness of life at FHPC is
the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of not – and never has been in almost 40 years – the product of
the full stature of Christ. (Eph. 4:11-13) the pastor(s), or the staff. It is all of us – bound together as
the community called and blessed by Jesus Christ – who
Over the past month or so we have held a have made this church a vision of the Kingdom. So, who are
number of staff and committee planning these “saints” who are being “equipped” to do the work of
sessions for 2011-2012 as we prepared for the summer exodus ministry? Look in the mirror. You’re one of them!
of God’s people to the northern Promised Lands. As is usual Summer vacation is a time where we should make
with this community, there was praying and planning – sprin- time – time to share ourselves with our families in play and
kled liberally with laughter and camaraderie -- and a bunch of leisure; and time to share ourselves with God in reflection
good work done. What a busy and exciting year lies before us and self-examination. I want to encourage you to spend
at FHPC! some of that time doing your own praying and planning.
As we engaged in these various discussions people Consider what part you’re going to play in the life of Foun-
were uniformly kind to me, remarking on all the positive tain Hills Presbyterian Church next year.
changes that have occurred here and offering warm thanks for Take it from me, I’ve seen the calendar and all of us
my efforts. Now, I must confess that I am not blind to what ordinary everyday saints have a lot of work to do!
has (and has not!) been accomplished during my time as your May God bless you richly as you seek him.
pastor. But, as grateful as I am for your appreciation, I must
also tell you in all honesty that a vastly disproportionate im- Grace and Peace,
port has been attached to my contributions.


Words cannot express the thanks Tami and I feel for the kindness of our FHPC family in celebrating the arrival
of baby Anabelle. We are simply overwhelmed by the words and work of your loving hearts. The daily encouragement,
the baby shower, the seemingly endless array of gifts. . . it is all so much more than we could have ever asked or antici-
pated. Honestly, we sat down together to write thank you notes and, in the rush of events that presently surround us, find
that there’s no way we could begin to respond in a timely fashion to such an amazing outpouring of generosity.
We hope that you can forgive us for using this venue to express our thanks. Please know – despite the public
nature of this “thank you note” -- how dear each of you is to us individually.
Much love,
Bill and Tami


Starting June 1st until September 3rd, the Church office will be open Monday through Thurs-
day from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM. The office will be closed on Fridays until Labor Day.
In Touch page 2

OUR CHURCH STAFF Focus on Finance

Rev. Bill Good
Pastor/Head of Staff
April Income $ 27,882 Budget $ 30,627
Rev. Stan Jones
Parish Associate April Expense $ 27,105 Budget $ 31,882
Marta Ludwig
Administrative Coordinator
Debbie Fisher Yr to date Income $ 139,688 Budget $ 123,288
Director of Music Ministry
Dorothy Parris Yr to date Expense $ 107,906 Budget $ 118,524
Difference $ 31,782
Lynn Medley
Anna Hill
Nursery The income in April fell below our budgeted amount, but our expenses also fell
below the budgeted amount, yielding a small positive
CHURCH TREASURER value of income over expenses. Year to date results
Bud Fuls remain positive for both income and expenses. For the
summer months, it is projected that our income will
CHURCH SESSION decline and the expenses remain about the same, but
Class of 2011 the current surplus should carry us through.
Norm Collins
Peggy Linkin Respectfully,
Helen Roesch Bud Fuls, Treasurer
Pat Tuttle
Class of 2012
John Brockelman
Susan Phillips
Terri Schmidt
John Wyman
Class of 2013
Charlie Eberspacher
Susan Owens
Jim Roy
Donna Yordy

Moderator: Ruby Pearson
Class of 2011
Ralph Berry On the Inside:
Bud Fuls From Our Pastor…. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . 1
Linda Maples Focus on Finance .. .. .. ..… … … … .. . … .. . .. … . … . 2
Chandler Roesch Mission Project .. .. .… … .. … …... …. .. … .. … 3
Class of 2012 Mission Ministry… … … … … … … … … … . … . . . 4
Ben Fast Presbyterian Women … … .. ..…. … … … … … … … 6
Ruby Pearson Welcome New Members … .. .. . . .. .. . .. . . . … .. . . . . . . 8
Bev Watters Music Ministry… … … … …. …. …. …. …. … … . .. .. 9
Chris Young Christian Education… … … … … .. . . …. .. . .. .. .. .. . ... 10
Class of 2013 Congratulations Graduates .… … … .. … . … . . .. …. . . 12
Yvonne Ellingson Library Footnotes.. … .. …. .…. …. …. …. …. …. …. .. 13
Sandy Heunisch Need Accurate Addresses .. .. … … .. .. . .. . … . .. .. . .. .. 13
John Schopbach Ways to Get Involved .. .. .. … … … .. … … … .. … . . . 14
Donna Sims June Birthdays .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . .. .. . . . .. .. .. . . . . . .. . . . 14
Necrology for 2011… .. … .. . . .. … .. … . .. … . .. . . …. 15
Rev. Glenn Atchinson July Birthdays…… …. … … …. … … .. ……….. .. .. .. 15
Pastor Emeritus Easter in our Chancel . .. … .. .. . .. .. .. … . . .. .. . . .. … .. 16
page 3 June/July 2011

Mission Project
At the McDowell Mountain Elementary School

Large zipper pencil bag

#2 pencils
Box of gallon and small size zip lock bags
Boxed Family size Kleenex tissue
Elmer’s Glue sticks – white, regular size
Elmer’s glue (small bottle)
White copy paper (by the ream)
Colored copy paper (by the ream)
Fiskar scissors (blunt point)
Fiskar 5” scissors
Crayola crayons, 8, 16, and 24 count. (regular size)
Washable Crayola Markers “Classic Colors” 8 ct.
Box of 12 colored pencils
Yellow highlighters
Large pink erasers
Pack of pencil erasers
Expo Dry Erase Markers
Plastic Ruler (12” plus Centimeter Side)
Two pocket folders (blue, red, green and yellow)
Wet Ones Pop-up Towelettes
Purell Hand Sanitizer

Please bring as many items as you’d like to the Mission Table in the Narthex on Sunday, July 17, July 24,
and July 31. The supplies will be taken to the school prior to the Opening Day of School which is August


Happiness is . . .
Experiencing a friendly atmosphere.
Now you can see it in the faces at FHPC’s Sunday services. The enthusiasm has

Seize the moment: Introduce yourself to someone you don’t know. Making new friends is fun.
In Touch page 4

Mission Ministry
Mission Ministry Committee
The Church is once again in receipt of an Honor Certifi-
cate for our response and support of the Blankets for
Church World Service. We have helped enable them to
assist people overcome by natural and human-caused
disasters. Thank you!!

This year Pentecost is on June 12th at which time we will
be collecting an offering to be used for Children at Risk
Lisa Kern Linda Maples Terry Martin with congregations utilizing new ways to minister to
such children in our community. 40% of the offering
stays here in Fountain Hills. General Assembly helps
facilitate outreach to youth through a website, facilitate
the work of the Human Trafficking issues on child sex
and labor abuse, advocate to eradicate child poverty to
name just a few.
We thank you for your participation to help work to-
wards a safer environment for out youth, our future.

Susan Titus Arlene Johnson We are pleased that we can once again work with
McDowell Mountain Elementary School here in Foun-
tain Hills to provide school sup-
plies for children who can not
afford to purchase their own.
These items are for grade K-2.
Every child wants to be just like
his or her friend and come to
school with the required school
supplies. By donating these
items we can make this possible
for each child. The list can be
Susan Owens, Elder Pat Tuttle, Elder found on page 3.
We suggest you watch for cou-
pons from office supply stores
Susan Titus
for their sales etc. Items can be
Susan Titus is a member of First United Methodist Church dur-
brought to church on July 17, 24 and 31st. We will
ing the summer months and FHPC during the winter months.
have a basket in the narthex to collect the items.
She has served on many church committees in Madison, WI.
Thank you in advance for helping.
For example: new member, church luncheon, and 3 holiday
meals for the homeless. Sue has been a Rotarian for 16 years
and Chairwoman of Hope House ( 120 day safe house for
young mothers w/ babies). Sue has been a Madison Library Things to remember to bring to the
Foundation board member as well as serving on several Madi- Mission Table on Sunday mornings.....
son Commissions: Parks, Zoo, and Planning. Box Tops for Education
Susan & Bob manage/work at the Attic Angel Nursing home
Betty Crocker Coupons
dental clinic and enjoy treating our patients ( age range 75-104)
We have worked at the clinic for 8 years. Campbell Soup Labels (UPC label only)
Small toiletries
Gently used clothing
page 5 June/July 2011


The Mission committee was joined by Evelyn Hrunek,
Mary Alice and John Bivens in attending the open house
and tour of the Changing Lives Center. We were in awe of
the facility to its brightness, homey and comfortable feel-
ing for women/children in need. We were all moved by
the art work on the walls in the dining room of Christ
holding and hugging children. The Center has been built
on Faith and Prayer for the need of those who need a safe
place to be while they get their lives back together.
This is an outreach from the Phoenix Rescue Mission.
The Mission Committee will be working with Presbyterian
Women and Men's Fellowship to see how we can best
serve them and help them meet their needs.
The facility opens July 1st.

Labels for Menaul School

A gentle reminder – they can NOT use
the entire soup label as Campbell's no
longer accepts the entire label. Please,
just bring in the UPC product code
and/or coupon.
These labels can be
put in a snack zip
lock bag. Thank
Changing Lives Center Chapel

Thank You Letters:

Dear members of Fountain

As the parents and grandparent of LCPL Michael A.
O. Dallmann, we would like to express our sincere Hills Presbyterian Church,
gratitude and heartfelt appreciation for the care
packages, cards, and prayers this congregation has so I received your care package and I wanted to
graciously sent to our son/grandson. Every link they
thank all of you who contributed with goodies,
receive from home is welcomed with open arms. As a
handler for a bomb sniffing dog named Lode, Mi- thoughts, or prayers. With so many supporters
chael and Lode have taken care of each other and like you back home, Easter was a blessing for
protected their fellow marines while in Afghanistan. all of us out here. I regret that it took so long
We are extremely proud of Michael and the sacrifice
he makes to ensure our freedom. We pray every day
for me to send my gratitude.We'll continue to
for his safe return. God is good and has watched do our best to make you proud, and we look
over him during his deployment. He should be back forward to returning to US soil this summer!
on American soil soon and will be able to thank you Thanks again for your heartfelt generosity,
in person.
for remembering your Soldiers half a world
May God Bless each of you, away, and please continue to pray for us.

Paul and Denise Dallmann Gratefully,

Richard Westphal
1LT John-Paul Burca
In Touch page 6

Presbyterian Women
Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team for 2010-2011
Moderator: Ilene Berg Mission Coordinator: Mary Alice Bivens
Vice-Moderator (Program): Jan Hoff Search Committee: Donna Yordy
Secretary: Linda Warren Membership/Yearbook Coordinator: Maria Berry
Treasurer: Maria Berry Bible Study Coordinator: Evelyn Hrunek
Publicity: Letha Neely Historian: Barbara Oakeson


A BIG Thank You to all who donated clothing for the My Oh My!!!…..what a JOYOUS occasion. As one
“Clothes Silo”. Donna Yordy, Mary Ann Nichol and Mary stepped into the Fellowship Center your eyes took in the
Alice Biven each took a car load full of clothing and made center pieces, which were baby items, (to be given to
the delivery to the “Silo”. For ALL your generosity we re- ‘Mommy’ at end of Shower) surrounded with small potted
ceived a huge THANK YOU from Tamera Zivic, Executive plants. Stuffed animals were every where you looked.
Director of the WHEAT’S Clothes Silo. She informs us that
in 2010 Wheat:
• Provided 5300 faith communities, education institutions
and organizations around Arizona with dynamic speak-
ers, training workshops, and important resource materi-
• Trained, mentored and placed 144 unemployed indi-
viduals into living wage positions through our Manage-
ment Training program, supporting their efforts to self
• Provided 6,113 women in need with appropriate busi-
ness wear, completely free of charge, thanks to the gen-
erous donations of people in our community;
• Operated WHEAT’s Hand to Hand Fair Trade Store;
And all of the gifts for baby Anabelle Grace were piled high
• Worked with national, state and local elected officials
upon the stage. It took almost an hour for Tami to unwrap
and advocates to bring about change through legislation
all of the packages. One heard many “Oh’s and Ah’s” as
and appropriation on Child Nutrition ReAuthorization,
each gift was unwrapped. Those present were all smiles
the Arizona State Budget, and so much more.
through-out this FIRST EVER baby shower held by the
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Women.
EASTER BASKETS Pastor Bill was planning to attend this shower, but because
of a conflicting schedule, he was not able to share this JOY
One of the ongoing missions of FHPC is with us. However, he was not forgotten. On Sunday, May
to provide Easter baskets for underprivi- 1st., he was presented with HIS gift of an apron, (made by
leged children. For several years the Barbara Oakeson) with the words “DADDY’S DIAPER
recipient has been those attending the DUTY”.
Devereux Center in Phoenix. What a FUN
During the month of April women of the church were asked
to provide Easter baskets for this institution’s 48 children.
The response was tremendous resulting in 51 baskets.

Wanda Collins and Linda Maples were in charge of the pro-

gram and along with their husbands, Norm and Jerry, deliv-
ered the baskets a few days before Easter.
Continued on next page...

page 7 June/July 2011

Continued from page 6….PW

Also, on May
Worship Ser-
The theme “HOW DOES YOUR GARDEN GROW” was vice, a check
enlarged with many tips from John Rolfe and Rita Applegate, for $185.00 was
from the Verde Valley Nursery. Providing us with info as to presented to
the best selections, plant wise, for the FHPC Biblical Garden. Dawn Lau by
Linda Capron
We were entertained by the GRACE NOTES…Tristin Miller for the benefit
& Deb Alexandar from the Mountain View Presbyterian of the Biblical
Church, who gave an inspiring performance of songs related to Gardens.
gardening. (My favorite was “Seeds”.)

One of the high-lights of this gathering was the PW Honorary

Life Membership Recipient, with the 2011 Reward being pre-
sented to Pat Tuttle by Donna Yordy.

HOOKED ON BOOKS……OUT N’ ABOUT Beverly Roselieb hosted an orga-

nizing meeting on May 12th, to
THANKS to all who took part and supported these 2 groups. form a CWU ecumenical group in
Have a fun and great summer. See you all in September. Fountain Hills. Lorna Bennett
lead the meeting. The group will
be hosting World Community
Baby Shower Photos…. Day on November 4th at FHPC.
Letha Neely
In Touch page 8

Welcome New Members

On Sunday, May 15th , we were delighted to welcome the taking scenic photography. Phyllis is sharing a home
newest members of our church family. with Marsha Brizzie and has even gotten busy helping
Marsha prep, decorate and set up for events here in the
Tom and Cheryl Kautz are joining our church by Letters Fellowship Center. Together, they cater and host all
of Transfer. Originally from North Dakota, they have lived types of parties and other events in the area.
in Fountain Hills for 30 years now. Many of you may al-
ready know Tom and Cheryl because they used to be mem- John and Carol Skewes are joining by Reaffirmation
bers here many years ago and they also own a business here of Faith. John’s father was a career military man and
in town called Cheryl’s! Tom and Cheryl have been mar- they moved often. In fact, John said that the first time
ried for 43 years and they have 2 sons and 3 grandchil- he spent a second year at the same school was not until
dren. Cheryl said that 43 years ago, when she got mar- 8th grade! John and Carol met while they were both
ried, she never thought that her husband would be her assis- working in a restaurant while in college and they have
tant!!! Tom said, that after 30 plus years in the corporate been happily married for 33 years now. Fours years
world, he never thought ago, and after their
he would end up selling children had moved
women’s and children’s away to college, they
apparel. both quit their long-
standing jobs and
Amy Martinson is join- moved here from
ing by Letter of Transfer. Fresno California to
She was born in North start a new chapter in
Dakota and has lived here their lives together.
in Fountain Hills for 29 By the way their
years. Amy is the mother daughter Stephanie is
of 5 children-one is an Actress in LA!!!
Cheryl Kautz and another John is a Manager of
you might know of is a Law Firm in Scotts-
Kent Martinson. Amy is dale. He enjoys golf-
a huge Phoenix Suns’ fan. ing periodically and
She knows every member watching the History
of the Suns’ players and Channel on TV.
has missed very few of Carol was a Real
their games in the last 20 Estate Appraiser for
years. Something else 30 plus years and she
you should know is that now works in the
Amy recently celebrated church office at Pin-
her 95 t h birthday!!!!! John & Carol Skewes, Phyliss Burkett, Tom & Cheryl Kautz nacle Presbyterian
Congratulations, Amy! (not pictured: Amy Martinson) Church in North Scotts-
dale. You might say
Phyliss Burkett is joining by Reaffirmation of Faith. she is their ‘Marta Ludwig’!!!!!
Phyllis is originally from Alma, Michigan but moved here Make sure you give a warm and friendly welcome to the
in December from Fort Lauderdale, FL after the death of newest members of Fountain Hills Presbyterian
her husband in September of last year. She travels and Church!!!!!!!!
camps with her dog Sitka throughout the US two months or
more a year and loves swimming, horseback riding, and

Not Yet A Member?

If you are interested in joining our church family, please see or call Susan Phillips
at 480-837-1225 or call the church office at 480-837-1763.
page 9 June/July 2011

Music Ministry
Whew! Well, we've toe, and some will just touch you with their
now come to the time where specific way and approach that will remind us
we sit down for a second, of God's everlasting love. If you have such a
evaluate, clear out the fold- gift, and you would like to share in worship,
ers and prepare to start please notify me through the office, and I'll
anew in the fall. I wish you work to incorporate
all good and relaxing times you into our worship
throughout the summer. experience.
To those of you who have I will be attending
been involved with making the Music Minis- a workshop/
try of this church so vital an activity, with conference at the
such a meaningful purpose, I extend a heart- Presbyterian Confer-
felt thanks. That comes from Dorothy, ence Center /
too! You are such wonderful people to work Zephyr Point, in
with. To the congregation, we say “Thank Reno, during the first
You” for supporting and encouraging us from week of August. I
Sunday to Sunday. We felt your love! am excited! Thank
The Celebration Singers and the Celebration you to those of you
Ringers will begin next season’s rehearsals who arranged this so that the growth of the
Thursday, September 8th. Watch for the Music Ministry of our beautiful church will
times in the bulletin. continue in its nurturing process, and con-
The youth band, "Committed" will continue tinue to develop by the wisdom and knowl-
through the summer months, as they have edge that comes from working with others
for the last two summers. We are trying a who are like-minded in their endeavor toward
new event this summer; bringing inspiring and heartfelt music forward
"The Committed Band Camp" which will be to the glory of God.
the same week as the VBS, only in the after- We are truly a blessed congregation! I ap-
noons... when they finally get out of preciate hearing from you, and I appreciate
bed. We will spend a longer, more thor- what you have done for the Music Ministry of
ough time building repertoire, and con- our church. We are truly on this journey to-
tinue to develop the sound of this awesome gether, but, now, to quote Marta,
group of Youths playing music with their it feels like we're holding
styles in mind, carrying the same message hands!
of praise and thanks to God as we all
do. They are such respectful people to work
with. I look forward to the week of June 20- Deborah Fisher
24 with excitement! Any youth interested, Director of Music Ministries
contact me through the office, or stop into
rehearsals on Wednesday's, from 5:00 to Proverbs 24.27
6:30. Prepare your work outside, get everything
We all look forward to the summer musi- ready for you in the field; and after that build
cians who define our music ministry for the your house.
next few months. The combinations of voice
and instrument we'll hear can be absolutely
divine. Some will make you want to tap your
In Touch page 10

Christian Education
youth this year. We all helped when we had our
Wednesday evening Bible studies and brought pot-
Christian Education luck. But I especially want to Thank: Beverly
We are winding down here for the Watters, Bob and Linda Lull, Bill and Ruth Martin,
summer months. Even though Richard and Dawn Lau, Marsha Brizzie, Ralph and
there seems to be plenty of wind Maria Berry, John and Jeanene Schopbach, and
for our sails, we are cutting back Frederic and Nicole Zenhausern. These people
on some of the programming. We stepped up and fed the youth on their own on those
are still busy trying to get our pro- days we did not meet as a church family. You are
jects underway and I will explain all wonderful cooks and the youth were very grate-
and report on some of them in the ful. Though I have heard through the grapevine
following paragraphs. But I want that they did enjoy the evenings when we were all
Terri Schmidt, Elder
to take this time to thank my Chris- there.
tian Education committee on all their hard work this year.
So my hat (if I was wearing one) is off to: Paula Eber-
spacher, Sandy Heunisch, Carol Hencz, Elder Charlie
Midnight Madness
The youth ended their year with a
Eberspacher, and Shawn Uphoff. These people have all
“Midnight Madness” or “Lock-
stepped up and helped me make a success of all of the
In” depending on who you were
things we tried to accomplish this year. Thank you to all
talking to. This was on Friday
of the many other volunteers who helped with our many
May 13th, from 6:00pm to 12:00
midnight. Everyone who attended,
including the adults, had a fun
Easter Egg Hunt time. We started off the evening
As I said in the last newsletter, we had an Easter with a meet and greet and dinner
Egg Hunt for the real young people who attended Church of pizza and drinks. The kids got
on Easter Sunday. The youth from our Wednesday nights into a Jousting competition right
were kind enough to help me hide 250 eggs (we were an- off the bat. We had gotten from
ticipating lots of youngsters). Unfortunately, or fortu- Arizona Bounce Company, a jousting air balloon
nately depending on who you ask, there were only about ring. Then we divided the kids into two teams:
10 youngsters who hunted eggs. We had to help them find They named their teams “Hazardous Matter” and
the eggs we hid, so as not to leave any egg unfound. We “Whoopya”. They jousted among their team to
hope there will be more youngsters next year! determine the best jouster then jousted against the
other team. While one team was in the Fellowship
You may have noticed that we have a basket of Center jousting the other was in the Youth Center
dry boards at the main doors on Sunday mornings for playing Wii and Air Hockey and Ping Pong. The
the little ones to play with in church if they don’t want
to go to the nursery. Please return these to the basket,
to be used again. This is just our way of keeping the
young ones busy while still exposing them to Church.

Youth Connection
We had our last Wednesday evening Youth Con-
nection on May 11th. I want to take this opportunity to
thank a few people. Most of all I want to give a big
THANK YOU to Sandie Guiney who has faithfully been
there to teach and lead our young people. This is Sandie’s
last year with us, as we are in the process of getting a new
CE Director and we will be trying to reformat some of our
programming. We hope she will not be a stranger around
our campus as our young people love her immensely. (As
well as some of us big kids)
Next I want to thank those of you who fed the
More photos on page 13
Continued on page 11
page 11 June/July

overall winner of the jousting was Josh Jablonsky from Christian Education Director
the “Whoopya” team, congratulations to Josh. Josh We are still interviewing for our new Christian Education
competed against Jacob Eberspacher from the Director. Our Committee has met with 2 wonderful
“Hazardous Matter” team. After this they played a women already and we are looking forward to at least 1
game called “Capture the Flag.” This game took a lot of more. We hope to have her or him in position before our
energy as it entailed lots of sneaking and running around Vacation Bible School starts. We ask for your continued
outside. We wound down the last 2 hours with popcorn, prayers that we will find the right person for this job.
cookies and a movie. The movie was called “To Save a
Life”. This was a very thought provoking and inspira- Pastor Bible Study
tional movie about Teen Suicide and how one young Pastor Bill has taken up his study of Mark again. He
person dealt with the suicide of a friend. We had 14 leads us all on our journey through the book of Mark, on
youth all night with 4 more coming at different times. Sunday mornings at 10:30 after fellowship. Although our
So we declare this a huge success. Thank you to Paula numbers have diminished some with the leaving of our
and Charlie Eberspacher for getting this all together winter members, there are still many of us who enjoy our
for the youth. Sunday morning study. Come join us and learn the sto-
ries Mark has to tell.
Vacation Bible School
Well it is official! We will have Men’s Bible Study
our Vacation Bible School June The men are continuing to meet on Thursday mornings at
20th through June 24th. It will 7:00am. They are enjoying
begin at 8:45 AM and conclude the books of Samuel. They
each day at 12:00 Noon. We will are also enjoying some
have snacks for the children, but light refreshment while
not a meal. Our curriculum is they are studying. If you
called “Shake it up Café”. It wish to join them, they
looks like great fun. Shawn meet in the Adult Center
Uphoff has graciously agreed to on Thursdays at 7:00am.
be our “Head Chef” in this en-
deavor. We still need “sou” chefs (helpers). So if you
feel you can help in some way, please call Terri Schmidt This concludes the news I have for you at this
837-7083 or Shawn Uphoff at 837-3386. Pastor Bill, time. I know you were probably wondering if I was go-
Shawn Uphoff, Carol Hencz and Terri Schmidt all met ing to stop. I am excited for the direction we are going
with Janice Fitch at Mountain View Presbyterian here at Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church and I ask that
Church, to see how they run their VBS. We came away you continue to hold us in your prayers. We need all the
from this meeting with lots of ideas and very enthusias- guidance we can get to lead our church down our new
tic. Now we can say “Bring on the Kids”. This will for path. We have wonderful people here and so many of
children from 3 years of age to 3rd grade. We will be you have been so generous and stepped up when we have
having a minimal fee, to be decided at a later date. We asked. Thank you for your service and time.
are so excited to be having this again.
Terri Schmidt
Graduation Christian Education Elder
I am hanging my head as I write this paragraph. I owe
Anna Martinson a big apology for leaving you out of ~~Laugh Loudly~~Laugh Long~~Love Wholly~~
last month’s newsletter. Anna along with Katie Myhr
and Charlie Eberspacher all graduate from Fountain
Hills High School on May 27th. Congratulations to all
the graduates. (See their photos and bios on page 12)
Remember to recycle your
Nursery News papers, ink cartridges and cell
We are still looking for someone phones!
to step up and agree to be in
charge of the nursery during
church service on Sunday morn-
ings. If you are interested, please
call Terri Schmidt at 837-7083.
In Touch page 12

Congratulations Graduates
Charlie Eberspacher Katie Myhr
Charlie Eberspacher’s par- Katherine Grace Myhr’s parents are Bill and Sandy Myhr.
ents are Paula and Chuck Katie has lived in Fountain Hills for 4 years. She has been
Eberspacher. They have attending Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church for around 3
lived in Fountain Hills for years.
5 years and have been at- Katie is involved in several
activities. She played bas-
tending Fountain Hills
ketball for her first two
Presbyterian Church for 4 years at school and played
of those 5years. In school Varsity softball all four
Charlie has been involved years. She was a cheer-
with the music program leader during football sea-
through choir and guitar, as son this year. Katie has
well as the robotics club, also been involved in Key
Club and Falcon Leader-
Mayor’s Youth Council,
and Teen Court. Outside, Charlie has been heavily involved in
She plans to attend ASU in
Boy Scouts in Troop 343. After graduation Charlie plans on the fall. She doesn’t know
attending college at ASU Polytechnic this fall. In 4 years, he where she sees herself four
hopes to be closing in on obtaining a degree in 3D Game Art years from now. A lot de-
and Design and getting a job with a game company helping to pends on what she discov-
design characters, environments, or anything else within the ers during her four years in
game world. college. One thing she does
see is that she should be graduating from college four
years from now.
Anna Martinson
Baptized and con-
firmed at Fountain
Hills Presbyterian
Church, Anna has
lived in Fountain
Hills her entire 18
High school brought
3 years of varsity
volleyball as team
A word for graduates
Congratulations to the young members of our con-
setter and 2 year cap- gregation who are graduating! No doubt they look
tain. She holds the school record for most assists in a season forward to the next phase of their lives with excite-
and most blocks in a career. Anna was awarded 1st Team All ment, anticipation and perhaps a little apprehen-
sion. We hope these words, adapted from Phillips
State senior year and will participate in the All-Star game this Brooks, will serve graduates well as they embark
June. She is a member of the National Honor Society and on their journeys:
served as treasurer her senior year. She was also an active
member of Falcon Leadership and Key Club. “Do not pray for an easy life; pray to be a
Future plans are to attend Arizona State University this fall. stronger person. Do not pray for tasks equal to
your powers but for powers equal to your tasks.
She has been awarded the ASU President Award Scholarship.
Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle,
Her major is undecided. but you will be the miracle. Every day you shall
Parents, Mary and Kent along with her brother Tyler know wonder at yourself and the richness
what a blessing they were given in this happy, fun and friendly of life which has come to you by the grace of God.”
young woman.
page 13 June/July 2011

Library Footnotes
How exciting to hear the news that a Va-
cation Bible School is being planned at Besides books, there are CD’s with children’s songs and
our church this month! For any of you that videotapes about many Bible heroes.
are helping or participating in any way,
assistance is available in our church Li- And if you won’t be helping with VBS, keep these re-
brary Resource Center. All of the chil- sources in mind when you have young visitors at your
dren’s books are shelved separately from house. Besides providing free entertainment, they are a
the adult books. They are divided into chance to expose unchurched children
two categories – the ones with the EZ stickers on the book to Christian beliefs.
spine are geared toward preschool and early elementary
age children. The books with the Juvenile stickers on the Barbara Oakeson
book spine are appropriate for older elementary children
and some middle school. We have a good selection of
Bible stories as well as some nice devotional and prayer
books. Also on hand are books for the leaders such as
song books and Bible skits that can be acted out.

Midnight madness with the Youth

Important information about addresses!

We are now mailing out the monthly newsletter to all members, affiliate mem-
bers, friends and prospective members. It is very important that we have a cor-
rect address for you. It is especially important for those of us who have two ad-
dresses. Our computer program can maintain two addresses and if we know
your months of residency here, the program knows which address to use for mailings. We mail out the newsletter in bulk
mail. But if we have the wrong address, it gets returned to us and we are responsible for full postage for it and you miss
out on the newsletter. Can you please help us and insure that we have the correct dates for your alternate address? Please
call or email the church office with your information. 480-837-1763 or Thank you for your time
and caring.
In Touch page 14

Ways to Get Involved

Ways to get involved: Ways to get involved: There is an insert in the
• Serve on Unit • Maintenance Projects
• Assist with Spec. Projects • Landscaping
• Special Offering Speaker • Decorating
Yellow Pages of
• Write Newsletter Articles • Wood Working Caring and Sharing
• Deliver Items to Food Bank • Electrical Work
• Mission trips • Plumbing Please share with us on the
• FC Kitchen
insert areas where you
WORSHIP & MUSIC • Biblical Gardens
• Choir, Celebration Singers would be willing to give of
COMMUNITY & PUBLIC your time and talents. You
• Play Instrument
• Presby Ringers may drop the insert in the
• Photography
• Art/Drama offering plate or bring/mail
• Writing Ads
• Usher/Greeter it into the church office.
• Media Relations
• Sound Booth
• Create Brochures Thank you!
• Celebration Ringers
• Public Relations
• Pearwood Recorders
• Community Outreach
• Liturgist
• Social Concerns Events
• Computer skills, typing
• Rummage Sale
• Telephone support
• Special Events
• General Office Help
(folding & Stuffing envelopes)


06/02 Sally Atchinson 06/13 Sandra Heunisch 06/25 Mary Morris
06/03 Richard Lau 06/15 Megan Bracher 06/27 Kyanne Bracher
06/07 Bob Bracher 06/18 Heather Vawter 06/27 Sandy Myhr
06/09 Jerry Cain 06/19 John Brockelman 06/27 Bob Sanderson
06/11 Leanne Reynolds 06/20 Sandra Henningson 06/28 Suellen Monahan
06/12 Terry Martin 06/21 Ken Root, Jr. 06/29 Ruby Pearson
06/12 Walter Robinson 06/23 Howard Olsen 06/30 Wilbur Nelson
page 15 June/July 2011

Hospitalized? Call the church!

If you are sick, hospitalized or home recovering from ill-
ness, we want you to call the church and let us know! In a con-
gregation like ours where people leave in droves for extended
summer months, it is easy for the staff, elders and deacons to
assume, when we don’t see someone, that they are simply
With deepest sympathy we list “vacationing away”. The truth is that some of you are sick and
those members who have we are not aware of it.
passed away in 2011 You can help us by simply letting one of the staff know of
your situation. We have an excellent support system in place
due to the diligent efforts of our deacons. Help us serve you
Jack Hrunek
by communicating your situation.
Dick Patterson
Ruth Sherick
Molly Pitcher
Ron Behrends
Thelma Blake
Eric Blake
Jim Rudack Last month we failed to mention
Kurt Augustine’s birthday on May
Paul Brisbane 13 and Phyliss Burkett’s on May
Maida Navis 30. Our sincerest apologies for our
Walter Breidenbach oversight.
Bob Hutchinson
Dick Dresser
“Well done, Thou good and faithful servant…. And PHYLLIS!
Enter thou into the joy Of thy Lord.”
Matthew 25:21


07/01 Harry Grider 07/09 Ann Neal 07/21 Tami Good
07/02 Susan Phillips 07/10 Roger Essenburg 07/23 Don Tepfer
07/03 Bill Covault 07/11 John Youngquist 07/27 Jean Linzer
07/03 Jean Ipema 07/13 Arlene Olsen 07/28 Ramona Moore
07/04 Caryl Bates 07/14 Evelyn Hrunek 07/29 Christopher Carillo
07/04 Chandler Roesch 07/14 Dawn Lau 07/29 Deborah Fisher
07/05 Dorraine Aggen 07/16 Janie Miller 07/29 Don Miller
07/05 Elizabeth Brown 07/16 Violet Wieder 07/29 Dorothy Parris
07/05 Donald Young 07/17 John Schopbach 07/30 Susan Owens
07/07 Janice McGuire 07/19 Nancy Saine
Non Profit Organ.
Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church
13001 N. Fountain Hills Boulevard
Permit NO. 299
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Scottsdale, AZ


If anyone is not getting our newsletter or Presb-E-News and

would like to, please let the church office know at 480-837-1763.

In Touch is published monthly; deadline for each issue is the 15th of the month before publication.
News and information should be submitted to the church office in hard copy, or email to fhpresbyte- Editor, Marta Ludwig; Assistant Editor, Carol Hencz; Proof Reader, Helen
Roesch; Staff Photographer: Gary Oakeson; Production and Circulation: Mary Wernecke, Bobbie Dan-
gremond, Ruby Pearson, Arlene Olsen, Marilyn Humes, Barb Hegwood, Vivian Virden and Joyce Stott.
Travel to Bulk Mail Post Office: Mary Martinson.

EASTER 2011 Photo courtesy of Gary Oakeson

Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church

13001 Fountain Hills Blvd. - Fountain Hills, AZ 85268
Phone - (480) 837-1763 Fax - (480) 837-1729 OfficeE-Mail Address:
Summer Office Hours: Monday – Thursday : 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Pastor/Head of Staff Rev Bill Good email: cell phone: 480-329-8090

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