Dining Sequence

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Good morning ma’am/sir! Welcome to our _____________ Restaurant!

Ma’am, do you have any reservations?

May I suggest a table for you ma’am? For how may person ma’am?

Do u prefer Smoking or non-smoking? Alright This way please……. (pull the chair)

Are you comfortable with your seat ma’am/sir?

Alright ma’am I’ll be back..

Goodmorning ma’am I am Marife your food server for this morning.

May I lay the table napkin for you?

(Unfold the napkin)

For a moment ma’am, I’ll just get some water for you (Get the pitcher)

Here’s your Ice cold water ma’am! (Pouring Water)

(Get the Menu Card)

Excuse me ma’am, May I present to you our Menu for your selection?

(Present the Menu Card)

Please take your time! I will return shortly.

Excuse me ma’am, May I take your order?

(Take order with tickler and click pen)

Yes we have! Roasted Porkloin with Mashed Potato and Corn and Carrots

Alrught maam your meals will be here shortly.

*Prepare Table Appointments*

Excuse me Ma’am/Sir, May I complete your table appointments?

(Set table appointments according to the menu order)

(go back to the bar for the beverage)

Four Seasons Please! (Serve beverage on the right side of the guest.)

Here’s your Four Seasons ma’am! (go back to the kitchen for the appetizer)
Cream Cheese Pin Wheel Please! (Serve the appetizer on the left side of the guest.)

Excuse me ma’am/sir, here’s your cream cheese pinwheel.

Excuse me ma’am/sir are you ready for your next course?

(buss out appetizer plate on the left side and get the soup)

Crab and corn soup please! (serve the soup on the right side of the guest)

Excuse me ma’am, here’s your crab and corn soup!

Excuse me ma’am, are you ready for your salad?

(buss out soup bowl with under liner on the right side and then get the salad)

Green Mixed Salad Please! (serve the salad on the left side of the guest)

Excuse me ma’am here’s your Green Mixed Salad!

Excuse me ma’am are you ready for the Main Course?

(buss out the salad plate plus the salad knife on the right side, the go to the

left side of the guest and buss out the salad fork) *excuse me ma’am*

(go back to the kitchen for the main course)

Roasted Porkloin with Mashed Potato and Corn and Carrots Please!

(serve the main course on the left side of the guest)

Excuse me ma’am! Heres your Roasted Porkloin with Mashed Potato and Corn

and Carrots.

Excuse me ma’am! Are you ready for your dessert?

(after eating: buss out the dinner plate with showplate plus dinner knife, salt

and pepper shaker on the right side of the guest, the go to the left side and buss

out the dinner fork and go back to the kitchen). *service area*

(Get the salad plate and table napkin for clearing the table)

Excuse me ma’am, may I clean your table for the preparation of your dessert?

(wipe out in a circular motion without touching the dessert spoon)

(go back to the kitchen area to put b’]ack the salad plate and table napkin and

request for dessert in the kitchen area.)

Creamy Leche Flan Please! (serve the dessert on the left side of the guest)

Excuse me ma’am, here’s your creamy Leche flan!

(that ends the food service, and just wait for the guest to ask his/her Bill)

--------------------BILL OUT ---------------------------

Here’s your bill ma’am? Your bill is (mention the total amount)

*With change*

I received 1,000 pesos, please wait for your change and your receipt.

*Exact amount*

I received 500 pesos, thank you for giving me an exact amount, please wait for your


*credit card*

I received Master Card, May I ask for an Identification Card? (verify the name of the

guest) Thank you ma’am/sir! I’ll swipe it only one, check for verification. If it’s ok,

I will let you sign here in 3 copies? – for merchant copy, bank copy and customer’s


Please wait for your credit card and your receipt.

Thank you for coming see us again! (bidding goodbye with conviction and assisting

the guest on his/her chair).

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