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1. Milkfish fries are caught along southwestern shores of many island. Some of the fishes caught
with milkfish are ten pounder and tarpon. The former is long with:
a. Stripes near the tail c. Whitish structure behind the anus
b. Yellowish color d. Short and black head
2. Fleas attack chicken. They are dark brown in color with three pairs of legs and in flattered
conditions. Generally, they are located near:
a. Shank and toes c. Wings and wattles
b. Vent and thighs d. Eyes and comb
3. Metaldehyde is a highly selective molluscicide which will minimize problem in bangus ponds:
a. Snails b. Frogs c. Snakes d. Catfish
4. Some farmers have this practice of lifting sweet potato vines which are touching the ground in
order to:
a. Harvest the tops c. Change growing direction
b. Prune the roots d. Produce bigger tubers
5. Which of the following in some aspects of the family life affect the father image?
a. In-law relationships c. Duties and responsibilities
b. Sexual compatibility d. Patterns of authority
6. The period of development when an individual faces several developmental tasks is:
a. Puberty b. Elderly c. Adulthood d. Adolescence
7. A plan of spending family income without incurring debt or deficits is known as:
a. Budget plan c. Household operation
b. Family budget d. Operational budget
8. Ideals on what is right against what is wrong direct one’s thinking and behavior. These ideals
are known as:
a. Values b. Goals c. Purposes d. Attitudes
9. An amount of money set aside for expenditures that would bring additional income or profit for
the family is referred to:
a. Savings b. Deposit c. Advancement d. Investment
10. Form of fatigue caused by an emotional problem like boredom, frustration, conflicts and
depression called:
a. Physical fatigue c. Physiological fatigue
b. Psychological fatigue d. Pathological fatigue
11. Eggs are important protein foods comparable to meat, fish and poultry. In cooking hardboiled
egg, the water must be:
a. Warm b. High temperature c. Rapidly boiling d. Simmering

12. Success in promoting or advertising a product depends on what factors?

a. Discount sale c. marketing media
b. Personal selling d. Quality of the product
13. In the arrangement of furniture and fixtures in the house the principle of design must always be
taken into consideration. A principle which is created through the prepetition of lines, colors or
shapes is:
a. Balance b. Rhythm c. Harmony d. Emphasis
14. As onion crop matures, the amount of irrigation should be decreased gradually. Prolonged
water supply within 2-3 weeks before harvest will produce immature bulbs with;
a. Rotting leaves c. More root hairs
b. Thick neck d. Thicker bulb
15. Rhizobia convert nitrogen to nitrates contributing to soil fertility. It is present in the roots of:
a. Vine crops b. Crucifiers c. Root vegetables d. Legumes
16. Bothriocephalusgowkongensis is a tapeworm which often attacks:
a. Tilapia b. Hito c. Grass carp d. Bangus
17. In commercial eel farms, the ponds are made of concrete materials. Eels are provided with:
a. Water plants b. Filters c. Mechanical aeration d. Holes for hiding
18. Fertilizers are applied to fish ponds in order to:
a. Change the color of water c. Enhance the production of natural foods


b. Neutralize acidity d. Promote fast growth of stocked fish
19. In the patrilineal family, the family traces its family from the paternal side. Which type of family
traces forms both the maternal and paternal side?
a. Matulineal b. Bilineal c. Equalitarian d. Neological
20. Some loosely knitted garments stretch if hung on hangers. This can be prevented if the
following EXCEPT one:
a. Use padded hanger
b. Hand the knitted while dripping wet
c. Pad wire hanger into foam or old towel
d. When the shoulders are placed properly on the pad
21. A needlework of interlocking loops of stitches formed through a single thread using hooked
needle is:
a. Tatting b. smocking c. crocheting d. embroidering
22. The quality which enables one to face problems calmly and intelligently and makes wise
decisions is:
a. physical interest c. philosophical changes
b. psychological changes d. intellectual changes
23. The practice of adding soda when cooking vegetables for the purpose of retaining the green
color and the crispness should be avoided primarily because:
a. They become less palatable
b. They become hard to digest
c. Vitamin C is destroyed in the presence of alkali
d. The flavor of vegetables is modified
24. A large family needs a large income. This is referred to as:
a. Expanding stage c. Empty nest stage
b. Contracting stage d. Beginning stage
25. To reduce time and energy expenditures, which of the following is the LEAST to be
a. Equipment and supplies should be grouped according to use.
b. All things stored should be placed only in one row.
c. Frequently used materials should be placed at the lowest shelves.
d. Stove, utensils, dines and food supplies should be within easy reach.
26. Mike’s trubenized shirt is considered as well made based on this criterion.
a. Executive collar has equal side ends. c. Sleeve cap is well-shaped.
b. Machine stitches are even. d. Sleeve placket is well and neatly sewed.
27. Household’s pests do not thrive in a clean place. Which of the following practices is LEAST
effective in eradicating household’s pests?
a. Elimination of accumulations of organic refuse.
b. Daily use of insect repellants.
c. Elimination of stagnant water or proper treatment of these
d. Adequately designed and supervised local sewage disposal plants.
28. Expenses that are unexpected are _______.
a. Flexible b. Miscellaneous c. allowance d. fixed
29. The process of breaking down complex food substance into unstable form is ______.
a. Respiration b. Digestion c. reproduction d. circulation
30. Vegetarians are usually deficient in one of the following vitamins:
a. Cobalamin b. Iron c. C d. centrum
31. This refers to the monthly income required to satisfy the nutritional requirement of a family with
six members.
a. Food budget b. Food threshold c. Food intake d. Food
32. Accessories enhance or add beauty to give a given space. Listed below are the decorative
objects EXCEPT one.
a. Table lamps b. Graphic arts c. wood crafts d. metal works
33. A finished opening in garment designed to give ease in wearing dresses is called
a. Dout b. Pleat c. placket d. gusse
34. What is the best training ground to develop skills in decision-making?
a. Home b. School c. Church d. Society
35. Which technique is best used when measuring shortening?


a. Scoop cup in shortening, then level with spatula
b. Tap cup with spoon, while filling, then level with spatula
c. Fill cup loosely with shortening, then level with spatula
d. Press shortening with cup, then level with spatula
36. Which emphasizes prevention rather than correction of delays?
a. Controlling b. Directing c. Evaluating d. Planning
37. What is the scheme of undertaking two activities at the same time?
a. Dovetailing b. Detailing c. Sensitizing d. Simulating
38. Which of the following contains minimum acceptable human qualities necessary to perform a
a. Job description b. Job analysis c. Job classification d. Job specification
39. Which of the following according to Robert W. White is the mainspring of action on human
a. Fringe benefits c. Money motive
b. Job status d. Desire for competence
40. Which ratio is used to access the company’s ability to meet short-term obligation?
a. Profitability b. Liquidity c. Level d. Coverage
41. Which interview is highly structured?
a. Planned b. Stress c. Ambush d. Patterned
42. Employees are separated involuntarily due to _______.
a. Low pay c. poor working condition
b. Declining sales d. lure of high paying jobs
43. To be a good listener one must ________.
a. Take note of accompanying nonverbal cues c. Argue
b. Engage in other activities d. Interrupt when necessary
44. Good public relation presupposes good internal _________.
a. Reaction b. Communication c. attitude d. response
45. Which of the filing steps is placing the papers in appropriate containers?
a. Coding b. Indexing c. Cross-referencing d. Storing
46. What is meant by P.O?
a. Purchase Option c. Production Office
b. Product Order d. Purchase Order
47. Which is the 30-ton room-sized computer with over 18,000 vacuum tubes build by John
Mauchly and Eckert?
a. MITS Altair 800 b. UNIVAC c. ENIAC d. Colossus
48. Who introduced the concept of providing ALU in the computer system?
a. Joseph Marie Jacquard c. John Von Newman
b. Charles Babbage d. Herman Hollerith
49. Which as the raw material to be processed by the computer?
a. Information b. Data c. Graphics d. Objects
50. What is meant to put information into the computer?
a. Launch b. File c. Install d. Input


1. c
2. c
3. a
4. d
5. d
6. d
7. a
8. a
9. d
10. d
11. d
12. c
13. a


14. c
15. a
16. d
17. a
18. d
19. d
20. b
21. a
22. d
23. b
24. a
25. d
26. d
27. b
28. a
29. a
30. a
31. a
32. c
33. b
34. b
35. a
36. b
37. d
38. d
39. d
40. c
41. a
42. b
43. d
44. c
45. b
46. b
47. c
48. c
49. b
50. d


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