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Jaipuria Institute of Management

Post Graduate Diploma in Management (PGDM)

Service Management (SM)

Batch 2021-23

A-32, opposite IBM, Sector 62, Noida, Uttar Pradesh 201309

Individual Assignment

Sales Management and Business Development

Submitted by

Prerna Bora


Submitted to

Prof. Arpan Anand

Curtain raiser session (by Mr. Achal Rangaswamy)
 Things which I understand from the curtain raiser session:
The curtain raiser session which was held on 2nd February by Mr. Achal Rangaswamy who
had a great experience in the sales domain. He taught us about the different aspects of sales
and how to sell a particular product and the different innovative ideas to sell a particular
product. Other topics which I understood during the session was about:
 Sales can be for both girls and boys
 Sales is not about selling door to door products
 Sales is not always a field job
 Sales is not unethical, and it can never be.
 Achieving targets in sales is not always a high pressure job

 Learnings from the session

The thing which I found most interesting and important during the session was about sales is
pervasive and dynamic in nature. Sales is not only meant for boys but it can also be for girls
the gender doesn’t matter in this field but there is a perception made in mind of some people
that it is not good for girls and girls are not meant to do all this sales and field work . being a
girl I liked this session very much as we live in a society where there is equality among girls
and boys but still some people are have a myth that it is not meant for girls we have to do
sales by going door to door.
Useful learning insights for the session
We learned that selling is not only about the sale of a particular product but is also about
selling the ideas. the salesperson is the one who sell the product by creating hype of that
particular product and should be ethical and a good communicator and should be influencing
enough and should talk with confidence to any customer. Sales is the only thing that
generates revenue. I also learned about cold calling which is unethical in sales there should
not be any cold calling which means forcing the customers to buy the product by being
dishonest with the customer.
Learnings for future
As we learned different concepts on the curtain raiser session in which we gained a proper
knowledge about the sales profile job and all the myths related to the sales domain job the
biggest myth was I personally having was about the targets leads to pressure and stress in the
work life as we also have heard this from people but now I think the truth is it does not lead
to pressure or tension it is just in mind of an employee as when speak confidently and starts
your day with a positive attitude and hope and a smile on your face you start to achieve your
targets and as you achieve your target you will be more attracted towards the job as it will
leads to higher level of motivation in the person and will be happier.
It is the responsibility of the salesperson to keep there customers happy and to deliver right
information I have gained this knowledge to work in an ethical way which will impact the
goodwill and the reputation od the firm and provides long term benefits to the company.

Module 1 (Fundamentals of sales and Personal selling)

 Things which I understand from Module 1
First of all we understand what actually sales and marketing is so sales as we all know means
A sale refers to a transaction in which the buyer obtains tangible or intangible products,
services, or assets in return for money from two or more parties. On the other hand marketing
refers to creating communicating delivering values to the target market for profit.

Sales is the most important thing for any company because it generates revenue for the
company. And be in numbers which is measurable. We can view the company’s performance
by the its sales and turnover. Together the sales and marketing leads to achieve the main goal
of the organisation and will leads to gain profit. Sales and marketing also helps in building up
the reputation and goodwill of the company and that will eventually impacts the revenue and
sales. They eventually helps to attract and retain the customers as well.

 Learnings from module 1

The most interesting and important thing that I heard this week through module 1 is that
Sales is a marriage between the customer and the company as because is shares a
psychological relation wherein one is psycho and the other one is logical. sales happen so that
the company can achieve its target of earning revenue we also understand the difference
between the needs want and desires

NEEDS: Needs refers to the basic necessity (E.g. food shelter clothing etc.).
WANT: want is when there is a need plus the affordability of having that thing.
DESIRE: desires are mainly our hopes and wishes we dream of.

Apart from this we also learned about what the brand actually is I realized that it is all about
the image of the particular product in the mind or the name of the product .Brand is you
speak good about the product . the customers who are loyal to one brand will never switch to
any other brand.
Part 2


We have gone through the case of Vishal Jhulka and according to me Vishal was unable to
delegate the tasks and duties assigned to him and he is overburdened by the workload and the
amount of stress he is undergoing due to inefficient handling of work this starts affecting his
health as well while handling too much work and being the middle manager of the company
he had to attend the calls , have to promote the sales , travel. He also have to do personal
selling, meeting with regional distributors for the market expansion. Through this I also
understand the importance of personal selling in life of Vishal Jhulka as well as for the the
growth and expansion of company.

Useful insights:

Through the concept of personal Selling I also came to know that face to face interaction is
very important because two way communication is taking place which also help in improving
the relations between the parties and we can also get a quick feedback about the product
which we are offering.
Through module1 I also came to know that SALES in itself means that we have to Smile ,
Asks a lot , eventually speak and this will promotes sales. Different companies uses different
techniques to increase there sales for example and as we have studied :

Bira 91 an Indian brand who manufactures wheat beer sales their beer in a very low price (Rs.
9.10)in the initial time just to create a demand and to enhance the sales. We know that every
company uses different sales technique to increase its sales the one is to lower the price at
first and this company identified a good sales technique for them
Another case was about the brand image as how HUL won over the situation of Snapdeal by
giving phone to the customer who ordered phone by snap deal and got a vim bar in it. This
news was on a hype at that time. HUL creates a good image in the mind of customers at that
time by doing good to that customer.

According to me all the topics which were covered in the module1 is very much useful and
important for the future career aspects as one should know the difference between selling and
marketing there is huge difference between both of them in many interviews also the
interviewer asks the question to tell the difference between selling and marketing and as a
marketing student it helped me a lot to gain the knowledge related to the field I’ll be choosing
for my future job. Different skills which should be there in a good sales person are like
communication skills , managing skills and technical skills, influencing skills . all these skills
should be there if you want to go for a marketing and a sales profile. It helped me a lot in
understanding which career path I should go for according to the skills I have.

Module 2 (business development plan and process)

Things which we understand from module2
First, we came to know about what actually business development means it means the ideas
activities or initiatives that helps the business to be in a better position. We also came to
know what all things business do in order to plan for a new product and to achieve its
success. There are different tools and ingredients which a marketer mix in order to interact in
a particular market which is known as marketing mix. The 4 Ps of marketing mix concept
was given by E. Jerome McCarthy i.e., product, price place, promotion. On the other hand the
concept of additional 3 Ps was given by boom and bitters i.e. product, price, place,
promotion, people, process and physical evidence mainly for services.
Learnings from module 2
we learned about business development has a 2 different aspects the one is Business growth
and the other one is the business expansion in business growth the business will grow with
the use of existing resources the firm have with any extra spendings done by the firm and on
the other hand there is business expansion in which it involves more and additional spending
by the firms for example starting a subsidiary company , taking over a company. By
increasing the spendings. The major difference between both of them is amount of resources
which is fixed in business growth.
Useful insights:
we also learned about what persuasion is it means that engaging and interacting with the
audience in such a way so that the customer get influenced to buy a particular product. We
also understand that what omnichannel is. It is a retail multichannel sales strategy that
focuses on providing a consistent customer experience whether the customer is shopping
online, on a laptop, or in a physical store. During the covid19 time this channel worked a lot
as the people prefer to buy things through online mode so it was helpful for the customer for
the convince and also it promotes the sales of the company, customers have more options as
to buy from the physical stores or not to go outside and order it online through online
I personally found module very much useful for future because it made us understand the
different business development strategies in which the company can grow and achieve its
targets. If we want we can also go for the business through the omnichannel and to giving
customers more option for how they want to shop by travelling or by online platform and for
that we have to identify the need of the product and the target market

Physical visit
I visited to lord’s garment which is in Sarojini market new Delhi to understand there
marketing strategies and also to understand how they are selling their products the various
techniques they used. They sale hosiery items, jackets, shirts, t-shirts jeans and many other
different clothing of good quality at an affordable price.
Things which I understand from the physical visit
The retailers uses different type of innovative things just to attract the customers and to
increase the sales as we know that the ultimate goal is to increase its sales and generate
revenue. One thing which I liked was the off-season sale in which the items which lord
garments were selling was at a very affordable and less price. By visiting to there store I also
came to know that the pricing was done according to the quality of material they were
providing to there customers there were 3 salesperson who were managing the store and the
stock as well. There was a yellow coloured board in which “SALE 200” was written which
according to me is helping the store so that more of people can come to see what they are
offering in such a good price
Learnings from the physical visit:
The one thing that I found most interesting during the store visit was the way one salesperson
is communicating outside the store he was trying to communicate about the products they
were offering the voice of that guy was full of confidence and was powerful and energetic
everyone passing from there stopped once and have their eyes inside the shop and I found it
very interesting I came to know that if you want to attract more and more customers you have
to communicate to deliver the value. There should be use of different and unique techniques
from promoting their products to telling their customer how better they are from their
competitors regarding the quality of product they offer or the differentiated pricing strategies.
They are very much experienced in selling a product.
Useful insights:
The physical visit was useful as I leaned a lot many things regarding sales, I’ve seen that they
were offering wide variety of clothes and in different sizes as giving many options to the
customers. They were doing sales promotion which means the short-term incentives just to
enhance the sales like discounts buy one get one free and etc. and they were also providing
trendy clothes so we can say that in the changing world we always have to upgrade and adjust
ourselves to the new trend as customers taste and preferences changes according to the
changing time. we get an idea of pitching of a product as when I entered the shop the
salesperson is trying to influence me to buy the product by telling the good quality of that
product and by saying the price again and again “just for 200” and was talking in a very calm
and polite manner
I learned many innovative techniques for future as for being a good sales person one should
be empathetic enough to feel what there customers are feeling and what they actually want
and on the other hand they should be full of confidence and energetic. The person should not
be hopeless but should be motivated enough and always keep a smile on their face this will
leads to positivity and willingness to work. One thing which I learned and will apply it in
future is to always be a problem solver to any customer by being there helping hand
customers like to be assisted or helped out.

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