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Test your knowledge: Learning about careers in

project management
Total points 4

Question 1
When you review a job listing, which section offers the most insight when deciding if the role is well-
suited for you?

1 / 1 point

Job description

Job location

Job salary

Job benefits

The job description indicates that the job matches your skill set and experience. 

Question 2
Which of the following might be part of a job description for an entry-level project manager role?

1 / 1 point

Our business group is hiring an experienced project management professional who has a broad
understanding of solutions and industry best practices.

Our company is seeking a Program Manager with experience managing a team in the Agile
Our North Coast branch needs a new Junior Project Manager who can channel drive and
enthusiasm. You’ll be front and center, hands-on, and contributing your creative energy to high-
impact projects.

Our leadership team is currently looking for a Senior Project Manager to support our clients in the
Life Sciences and Industrial sectors.

The term “Junior” typically refers to a newer role that requires less project management experience.

Question 3
Which of the following best exemplifies the progression of a project management career?

0 / 1 point

Program manager to project manager to portfolio manager

Project manager to program manager to portfolio manager

Project manager to portfolio manager to program manager

A typical progression is project manager to program manager to portfolio manager. All project
managers lead projects from start to finish and serve as guides for their team. However, program
managers are responsible for managing many projects at the same time, and portfolio managers are
responsible for portfolios of projects or programs for one client.

Question 4
What three types of information can be helpful to include in your search for project management

1 / 1 point

Training you may gain later in your project management career

Common project management-related buzzwords like “process improvement” and “risk

Using common project management buzzwords in your job search can help you find both project
management and project management-related roles, even if those roles do not include “project
manager” in the title.

Essential project management skills like coordination, organization, and leadership

Using skills that are essential for all project managers in your job search can help you find both
project management and project management-related roles, even if those roles do not include
“project manager” in the title.

Skills you’ve acquired in your current or previous position

Including skills you’ve previously acquired in your job search can help you find jobs that match your

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Grade received 72.72%
To pass 80% or higher
Retake the assignment in 9h 29m
Weekly Challenge 2
Latest Submission Grade 72.72%

Question 1
Suppose that as a project manager, you assign tasks to the team members who can best complete
them. What project management value does this represent?

0 / 1 point

Effective communication



Please review the video on the value of a project manager.

Question 2
As a project manager, you direct the activities your team needs to accomplish within a set period of
time. You also control the team’s workload to ensure the activities are getting done on time. Which
project management responsibility does this represent?

1 / 1 point

Managing the budget

Utilizing productivity tools

Removing unforeseen barriers

Managing tasks


Question 3
As a project manager, you establish “escalation paths.” These allow you to quickly communicate
task hindrances, also called roadblocks, to the right people. When escalating a roadblock, you
document it and make sure everyone that needs to know is aware of the challenge. What project
management responsibility does this represent?

0 / 1 point

Ensure that issues and risks are tracked and visible.

Help teammates adopt the right workflows and project management styles.

Collaborate with other teams at the organization.

Hold all team members accountable for their assigned tasks.

Please review the video about the responsibilities a project manager has within a team.

Question 4
What can a project manager do to recognize individuals’ efforts on a team?

0 / 1 point

Ensure team members have the correct skill sets for each project function.

Learn what makes team members feel supported and provide positive feedback.

Define key items and encourage team members to ask questions.

Set up effective tools so the team can easily work together.

Please review the reading on working with cross-functional teams.

Question 5
You’re a project manager on a team that is improving a product. How can you enable your
teammates to make decisions?

1 / 1 point

Require teammates to include stakeholders during brainstorming sessions.

Keep the task schedule vague and allow flexibility on deadlines.

Limit communication with stakeholders to avoid their input until product launch.

Provide data and feedback about how customers interact with the product.


Question 6
As a project manager, you learn that the stakeholders are changing the nature of the project and the
team’s deliverables will change as a result. You aren’t sure how this will affect the team’s tasks. How
will you handle this ambiguity and deliver the news to the team?

1 / 1 point

Tell them the vague updates from stakeholders so they know all the information that you do

Tell them there’s nothing you can do because the stakeholders fund the project

Tell them you care about the challenges they are facing and are there to support them

Tell them you’re upset with the changes and you didn’t make the decision


Question 7
Suppose that unless a teammate receives additional resources, they are going to complete an
activity past a deadline. You know that the stakeholders are reluctant to provide additional
resources. Which interpersonal skill can you use to strike a middle ground between both the
teammate’s and stakeholders’ needs?

1 / 1 point

Positive attitude

Conflict mediation

Understanding motivations


Question 8
As a project manager impacting an organization, you want to build a great team. Which of the
following would a project manager do to build a great team? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Address the team’s needs whenever it’s most convenient for the project manager’s schedule.

Take the time to understand each team member’s motivations, strengths, and weaknesses.


Understand the customer’s requirements to better shape the skills needed for the team.


Allow the team members to have input and ask questions.


Question 9
Which of the following are examples of internal customers? Select all that apply.

1 / 1 point

Team members




Organizational departments


Question 10
Which of the following are examples of how a project manager empowers their team? Select all that

1 / 1 point

Allows team members to make some decisions for the project


Asks team members to get approval before communicating directly with stakeholders

Delegates project responsibilities


Uses team members’ input in project planning and execution


Question 11
Which of the following is true of an effective project manager in an organization?

1 / 1 point

Have had a previous role in the organization sponsoring the project

Have the necessary skills, knowledge, tools, and techniques for the project
Have personally met the project’s stakeholders

Must know all of the specific details of the project


Try again once you are ready

Grade received 77.50%

To pass 80% or higher

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Weekly Challenge 3
Latest Submission Grade 77.5%

Question 1

Who is responsible for overseeing the scope, schedule, budget, and quality of a project?

1 / 1 point

Project manager

Project sponsor

Primary stakeholders

Product lead


Question 2
Who is accountable for the project, ensures that it delivers the agreed-upon value, and may also
fund the project?

1 / 1 point

The project manager

The primary stakeholders

The client

The project sponsor


Question 3

Which stakeholders benefit directly (not indirectly) from a project’s success? Select all that apply.

0.75 / 1 point

Key players


Primary stakeholders

Minor players
Secondary stakeholders

You didn’t select all the correct answers

Question 4

Who uses technical and interpersonal skills to carry out day-to-day project tasks?

0 / 1 point

Project team members

Project sponsor

Project manager

Secondary stakeholders


Try reviewing the video on identifying project roles.

Question 5

What is the purpose of a stakeholder analysis?

1 / 1 point

Meet with stakeholders to make major project decisions

Talk to stakeholders and learn about their interests

Identify stakeholders and determine their involvement in a project

Determine which stakeholders to exclude from a project


Question 6

What is the first step in a stakeholder analysis?

1 / 1 point

Determine each stakeholder’s level of influence

Assess each stakeholder’s ability to participate and find ways to involve them

Determine each stakeholder’s level of interest

List the stakeholders impacted by the project


Question 7

Which of the following statements are true of RACI charts? Select all that apply.
1 / 1 point

Record the level of risk stakeholders bring to the project

Define project roles and responsibilities to ensure efficiency


Assess each stakeholder’s ability to participate and build necessary partnerships

Determine which stakeholders are responsible for which tasks


Question 8

Which three of the following situations can lead to role confusion on a project?

1 / 1 point

When workloads are unbalanced


When team members perform overlapping work


When ownership of decisions is unclear


When only one person is designated as accountable

Question 9

As a project manager, you make considerations when building a team. You decide how many people
need to be on the team, what expertise each member will need to complete their tasks, and if they
have a personal incentive to work on the project. What else should you consider when building a

1 / 1 point

Whether the project has a strong business case

Team member availability

Team member communication preferences

Degree of stakeholder engagement


Question 10

As a project manager, you’re prioritizing stakeholders using a power grid. One stakeholder has high
power and high interest. What level of engagement should the team have with the stakeholder?

0 / 1 point
Meet their needs


Show consideration

Manage closely


Please review the reading on prioritizing stakeholders and generating their buy-in.

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