4462 CNCC-2: Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC) Term-End Examination December, 2019

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No. of Printed Pages : 8 CNCC-2

Term-End Examination
December, 2019
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Q. No. 1 is compulsqry. Answer any other
four questions.

1. (a) State two activities each to foster

development in each of the following areas.
The first one has been done as an example :
5x2 = 10
Area of
Development Activity
Eg. Gross Motor (a) Racing to a tree
(b) Jumping over
(i) Visual discrimination in four year old
(ii) Fine motor development two year old

104 (B-10) P. T. 0.
[2] C4CC-2

(iii) Ability to classify in five year old

(iv) Listening skills of three year old
(v) Emotional development of four year
old children.
(b) State whether you agree or disagree with
the following statements and give reasons
for your answer : 5+5
(i) Playing is useful only for gross motor
development of children.
(ii) Children begin to think after they join
2. (a) Explain at least four advantages of art
activities for young children. 8
(b) State six suggestions you will give to the
preschool teacher for effective story
narration. 6
(c) Give your views regarding the following
statement : 6
`Children below six cannot draw on their
own. They must be given a sample drawing
to copy.'

3. (a) Suggest a multi-mix for a 10 month old

infant. What are the ingredients of the
multi-mix and what are the nutrients
provided by each ingredient ? 6
(b) List six cautions to be kept in mind while
introducing supplementary foods to
infants. 6
(c) Suggest a nutritious snack for a five year
old child which she can have at 4 p.m.
State the ingredients and the nutrients
provided by each ingredient. 8
4. (a) What are the advantages of involving
parents in the activities of the ECCE
centre ? 5
(b) State five ways in which parents can
contribute to the activities of the ECCE
centre. 5
(c) What aspects will you keep in mind while ?
(i) Putting up display of teaching-
learning materials and children's work
in the centre.
(ii) Purchasing play materials for indoor

P. T. O.
[4] CNCO-2

5. (a) Explain the principles to be kept in mind

when planning a week's schedule of
activities for a group of preschool
children. 10
(b) Explain, what is meant by (i) Egocentrism
(ii) Animistic thinking with reference to a
preschool child. 5+5
6. (a) What is 'attachment' ? How does it develop ?
(b) Describe the child-rearing practices that
can help children to acquire altruism and
empathy. 10
7. (a) You have been asked to evaluate the indoor
space arrangement created by a preschool
centre for her group of four year olds. List
the criteria you will select for evaluation.
(b) Explain, what is meant by ? 5+5
(i) Anecdotal Records
(ii) Rating Scales
[51 CNCC-2

111. . *111.-2

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P. T. O.
[6] CNCC-2

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(v) qTT atilt( esvoqi f4- 11:11

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P. T. O.
[8] • CNCC-2

5. ( i ) Tirdite .uoif *RT

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6. ( i ) 'viler A'Ll1 3ft1311z1 ? Tom'

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vtlr -11 t'M I q eh LIK1 ÷:01 14 c1t1 t+! cif ~

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7. •RW TTIVITI4 fekm gift 310 -A
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(IT) '(gci aza aft-grzr ? 5+5
(i) cptc-i
11. 11 4c-t
CNCC-2 3,000

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