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No. of Printed Pages : 11 CFN-1.


Term-End Examination
December, 2019
Time : 8 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note :Question No. 1 is compulsory. Answer five
questions in all. All questions carry equal

(a) Fill in the blanks

(i) .... helps our body to grow and develop.
(ii) 100 gms of carbohydrates will provide
k calories .
(iii) .......... is one of the richest source of
(iv) is the stimulant present in tea.

515 (B-25) P. T. O.
[ 21 CFN-1

(v) Carrots are a rich source of

(vi) helps in blood clotting.

(vii) Cereals and pulse combination improves

}1 41 iriStir

6Eeagi Intaq eC= lead to obesity.

(ix) ProtectivW;U are rich in and


- heat method o
• 00 WOW - C! 441 1 -

0))i, 431100isiav , the Uollowing in gam' ..k-itenteiicas



(iii) Nutrition
(v) Pre-cooking methods

2- La) Lit* , the thlirel basic fiod groupas Give two

example each of the foci& inelnded in each
,of tha thre foxtd wool*. . 6
I3l CFN-1

Ab) Explain briefly, how will you use the food

groups to plan balanced meals ? Give
suitable examples. 14

3. (a) State the functions of carbohydrates,

proteins and fats in our diet. 4, 4, 4
(b) Why should we include seasonal fruits and
vegetables in our diet ? Explain giving
examples. a
4. (a) What guidelines would you keep in mind
while selecting the following ? 5, 5
(i) Cereabx

(ii) Meat and meat products

(b) Discuss briefly the dry heat methods used

in cooking. Give suitable examples. 10

5. (a) Discuss the nutrient contribution of milk-

based beverages, giving examples. 8

(b) "Nuts and oilseeds are rich sources of more

than one nutrient." Explain giving
examples. 5

P. T. O.
[4) CFN-1

(c) Classify foods on the basis of perishability.

Give appropriate example for each

category. 7

6. (a) "Custom, beliefs and practices have an

important influence on food as nsumption."
Explain this statement giving suitable

examples. 10

(b) Briefly explain the measures you would

adopt for the following : i 5 each

(i) Preventing spread of disease •

(ii) Preventing food spoilage

7. (a) Present a suitable write-up on the

advantages and disadvantages of using
convenience foods. 10
(b) What measures would you advocate to
home makers regarding ? 5 each

(i) Prevention of loss of nutrients while

cooking ,
(ii) Personal and food hygiene while
handling food
I5l CFN-1

& Write short notes on any four of the following :

5 each
(a) Functions of food
(b) Deficiency of B-Complex Vitamins

(e) Food sources of Ratinol and Carotene

(d) Functions of iron in our body
(e) Method of food preservation
[ 61 CFN-1

1. (w)ficict *fi .w1r-4R : 10

(i) Trkt( /1 ractwitf

17 / CFN-1

(ii) 100 mrt f. #—A- 31-4T-q

(iii) 317 *1

(iv) -41 4 reiwwf ts-4 met) tI

(v) 1TIWZ ZWIT 111ff

(vt) rWr * qTr4 t161414) *di it

(vii) 311M AZ VVI MICK

r► cttir wffra ti

37rivw dig( t

4 ticpcio

(ix)liverww wmt atrt

3ry Iv* -4 fi

(x) WET 'Wet 1:IWT4

f4RT ft

P. T. O.
18 CFN-1

(1q) 1 1-1 cl tic( 5c el) 2 3 aieN• 4 wiz


- io

feldiNi vl

(ii) Illglachtut


(iv) tsltiqi-t

(v) two tiwrk A Tool wl Ark auto lzfrfr4

2. (w) Ain ITT WI Vie V-1 11-44-4 WA
- tu

skch Trip. vrzgAwr 1311g1

dcmtuf ,71qt 6

( ) Tigreff aTFWR1 Aqvii Wilk 4 mg

*iv' 3141 "44 ? dciztur ttIIct

*Er au chlrAttt 14

3. (V) *it 4 milk, 311-el-4 aiT agi

6taiv(1 4, 4, 4
19 CFN-1

(1) VI altik alTUR 4-Ati441 4101 a ti 6.31q

4-1c1 Tsa Wci1 61 ? ti4MV4 tifin

WIN vlf-
A1 8

4. (V) -pi od 7749* vla alltf fT

Eli Mva ? 51 5

(i) 319Tq

(ii) 414 aiT 44161 dctIK

(n) lrwrk ak fult TITO *4 ma Thl 414 NTT

wrk POT a 4 oafwlf-ARt

dtiacict ast6cui ci 4111.1 10

5. (V) cicivtui "ka y*-173IN1F0 "Ltil 14-41tif


Os) att fat .tx-w aftrw thaw am'

•sriT ft" drotuf Tqtz

. 41-41zI 5

P. T. O.
[10] CFN-1

(Tr) Igrrtr * wuR * MAR TR wre

Tmtif wilv et) Aim .1Aw *-T

after acisiul 4ittl 7

6. (V) "PIA ft-ft-WA rr a vtult virc

a-TAIT! TR viim vem

dcistul* -ern at .114,1 10

(a) Cti-iivosid awl zciTzt 1?

144-1q 4 Auk ch : re* s

(i) tzT . "1tte1 4 14 tichit

(ii) artAcit# INKTA

(V) V4*-1TAW Virti Trcrevi vr WTI *-{4 *

WIT A 61 f 144 IR aiTAM stisa tra1 R1 10

waRT *14 *1 triz I ? 5

[11 1 CFN-1

4.4114 jq Atm wm1 i ktifff

111-4ff 'let)! Ll&tdWT 1
4:4 ctaild
8. tscf * cws VTf fdLmiutta

: maim 5

(A) A1-1117 * wIft

(T) Wife * *Off. * wr-a

(V ifs pm.* v0
(t) wmt Ifteur fetT

CFN-1 7,500

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