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3 pilihan hidangan pembuka dari menu
Choose of 3 dishes from the menu

1 pilihan sop dari menu
Choose 1 of your favorite soup from the menu


Pilihan hidangan utama dari menu
Choose your own dishes from the menu

1 x Daging/Beef dish
1 x Ayam/Chicken dish
1 x Ikan/Fish dish
1 x Sayuran/Vegetables dish
1 x Mie/Noodles OR Nasi Goreng/Fried Rice OR Kentang/Potatoes
Steamed rice is included / Termasuk nasi putih


3 pilihan hidangan penutup dari menu
Choose of 3 dishes from the menu


T. 62-21-526-8833 F. 62-21-526-8831 E. W.
A. Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 2-3, Jakarta, 12930, Indonesia

Indonesian Menu International Menu

Makanan Pembuka Appertizer

Pecel Madiun Chicken glass noodle salad
Asinan Jakarta Chicken Balinese salad
Asinan Buah Chicken tandoori salad
Tahu dan tempe bacem Seafood salad
Rujak juhi Seafood pasta salad
Rujak buah Seafood glass noodle salad
Otak-otak Thai Beef salad
Urap bumbu Thai papaya salad
Ayam sereh limo Exotic fruit salad
Selada ayam gulung Cucumber with yoghurt salad
Selada cumi dengan saus sambal limau Carrot & raisin salad
Selada udang dengan bumbu Bali Salad bar: tomato sliced, onion, sweet corn, broccoli
Ikan bumbu acar kuning with 3 kinds of dressings
Ikan gulung pelangi German potato salad
Ikan sambal matah Potato and macaroni salad
Empek - Empek Potato salad with mayonnaise
Gado-gado Pasta penne salad with vinaigrette
Ketoprak Pasta with tomato salad
Karedok Sausages salad
Pecel Quail egg salad
Orak arik tempe Coleslaw salad
Bakwan goreng jagung / sayuran Spiced mixed bean salad
Lalapan segar

Sup Soup
Soto daging Lentils soup
Soto Kudus Tomato Soup
Soto ayam Madura Potato & vegetable soup with spiced
Soto Bandung Potato leek soup
Soto sulung Tom kha Gai
Soto ayam Cauliflower soup
Sayur lodeh Mushroom soup
Sup jagung & sosis Onion soup
Sup sayuran & sosis Chicken and corn cream soup
Sup bening sari laut Broccoli cream soup
Rawon Beef consommé with julienne vegetable
Sup Kimlo Clear vegetable soup
Tekwan Tom Yam Gong
Sup Buntut Hot and Sour Soup
Sup Bakso tahu Minestrone Soup

Daging Beef


T. 62-21-526-8833 F. 62-21-526-8831 E. W.
A. Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 2-3, Jakarta, 12930, Indonesia
Besengek daging Beef with black pepper sauce
Oseng-oseng daging sapi Seared beef with mushroom and vegetable
Semur daging sapi Beef medallion with pepper sauce
Empal goreng Beef medallion with onion sauce
Empal goreng balado Beef medallion with Cajun sauce
Semur daging dan kentang Beef stew with Cajun sauce
Daging sapi kalio Beef stroganoff
Daging Singit Minced beef with mushroom
Daging Gulung saus Jamur Grilled beef with Teriyaki sauce
Tongseng kambing Meat ball tomato sauce
Rendang daging sapi
Tumis sapi dengan saus tiram
Tumis sapi dengan jamur dan cabai
Sambal goreng kentang & ati

Ayam Chicken
Ayam goreng candi sari Roast chicken onion sauce
Opor ayam Grilled chicken with curry sauce
Ayam bakar bumbu kecap dan Jeruk Limau Grilled chicken with mushroom sauce
Ayam bakar bumbu Bali Grilled chicken with Cajun sauce
Ayam bakar saus kalio Grilled chicken with tomato spiced
Ayam bakar rica-rica Grilled chicken with Teriyaki sauce
Ayam bakar Taliwang Chicken Picatta
Ayam goreng kalasan Thai chicken curry
Ayam bakar Klaten Sliced chicken lemon sauce
Ayam goreng tepung Chicken cream stew
Ayam goreng kelapa Chicken curry sauce
Ayam masak kare Chicken with cashew nuts
Ayam goreng mentega Chicken Gordon bleu
Ayam masak cabe ijo Chicken Barbeque sauce
Chicken Sechzuan sauce
Pan fried chicken with red wine sauce
Spiced roast chicken tandoori
Oven baked chicken with onion sauce

Ikan or Seafood Fish or Seafood

Ikan saus rica-rica Grilled fish with tomato salsa
Ikan bumbu pedas Grilled fish tandoori sauce
Ikan saus kecap Pan fried snapper fillet with lemon sauce
Ikan bakar bumbu kecap Breaded fish with tartar sauce
Ikan kakap saus asam manis Steamed fish herbs butter sauce
Ikan bakar sambal matah Fried fish tempura sauce
Ikan pepes bakar Fish finger romulade sauce
Ikan bumbu kare Steamed fish orange salsa
Cumi cah cabe hijau Fried Fish with butter sauce
Udang bumbu balado Prawn mayonnaise
Ikan saus padang Squid oyster sauce
Ikan bumbu pesmol Steam fish ginger sauce

Steamed broccoli with almond flakes
Sayuran Broccoli with tofu oyster sauce
Steamed vegetable with garlic


T. 62-21-526-8833 F. 62-21-526-8831 E. W.
A. Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 2-3, Jakarta, 12930, Indonesia
Sayur Labu Zucchini and carrot vegetable
Sayur pare Sauteed green vegetable
Sayur kacang dan nangka Steamed carrot and baby corn
Sayur nangka Sauteed cauliflower and snow peas
Sambal goreng Krecek Mixed vegetable curry sauce
Orak arik sayuran Steamed vegetable with almond chips
Tumis sayur campur Baby string bean seczhuan sauce
Tumis sayur acar kuning Baby kailan with garlic sauce
Terong balado
Tumis buncis dan wortel
Tumis buncis dan jagung muda
Tumis kacang panjang dan tauge
Cah Tauge ikan asin
Cap cay
Sayur daun singkong dengan teri Rice or potato
Chicken or Vegetable Briani rice
Mushroom fried rice
Vegetable fried rice
Aneka Mie atau Nasi Onion fried rice
Mie goreng Jawa Thai seafood fried rice
Mie goreng seafood Fried rice with beef sausages
Nasi goreng Jawa Fried rice with green peas
Nasi goreng ikan asin jambal Cajun fried rice
Nasi goreng gila Mashed potatoes
Nasi goreng teri medan Roast potato with tomato or garlic spiced
Soun goreng Steamed potato with garlic
Bihun goring Fried potato wedges with herbs
Potato Lyoness
Roast potato with capsicum
Roast potato with Cajun sauce
Potato wedges with parsley
Gratinated Potato

Assorted French pastries
Makanan Penutup Cream caramel pudding
Es cendol Strawberry/Blueberry cheese cake
Es campur Chocolate/Strawberry/mango/coconut/fruit pudding
Es cincau Cream Brulee
Es kelapa muda Klappertart
Es dawet Chocolate volcano
Es buah campur Cherry claupoty
Es sarang burung Bread and butter pudding
Kue lumpur Mocha / chocolate/ pandan roll cake
Sago pudding English Truffle cake
Kue talam Chocolate / caramel / green tea / orange mouse cake
Serabi Solo
Irisan buah segar


T. 62-21-526-8833 F. 62-21-526-8831 E. W.
A. Jalan Gatot Subroto Kav. 2-3, Jakarta, 12930, Indonesia

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